Global warming can possibly drive socio-economic growth

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 1476

Global warming


This document si premised on the thesis that, there are positive effects that can be derived from global warming and the effects can possibly drive socio-economic growth. These benefits are based on all sectors of the economy such as agriculture, environment as well as health. Global warming refers to the concept of observed as well as projected increases in the earths and oceans temperatures (Houghton, 1997). Increase in temperature levels is due to the perceived increase concentrations on greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, ozone, nitrous oxide, hydro fluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride and methane as well as water vapor. The green house gases contribute to the greenhouse effect which plays a major role in increasing global warming. Burning of fossil fuels contributes to emission of carbon dioxide which ultimately causes global warming.

A lot of emphasis is put by Governments in a bid to stop and prevent the negative effects of global warming. For example, the Kyoto protocol an international agreement on climate change is quite controversial in the issues addressed regarding the emission of green gases. In the agreement, nations like China and India which have ratified the protocol do not limit their carbon emissions yet they are among the world's largest greenhouse gases emitters. Increase in temperature levels and rise in the sea levels persist as key effects of global warming. It is estimated that the future of this fiscal year will see the world temperatures rise by an average of 4 degrees whereas the sea level will have risen by more than 25 meters. The rise in global temperatures has its adverse effects. For example, thermal expansion of the oceans and seas as well as melting the land ice increases the sea level.

Another development which has resulted due to exhibited changes in the patterns of weather and precipitation is the increased occurrence of extreme weather conditions namely floods, tornadoes, droughts as well as heat waves. In areas where agricultural productivity was high, drastic reduction in the yields has been exhibited. Other negative effects of global warming include increased glacier retreat, extinction of species as well as reduction in the flow of summer streams. Tropical diseases such as Malaria have been exhibited even in areas where earlier eradication had been successful. Such areas have been resurfaced whereas in African countries the fight to eradicate Malaria is still an elusive task (Lomborg, 2001).

Positive effects of Global warming

Better Economy

When there are reduced winter days, the productivity among the people will generally increase. The occupational wages of citizens are pegged on the nature of the prevailing climate. A rise in the temperatures, ultimately translate into increased wages by the workforce thus the economy of the nations is developed (Lomborg 2001). The energy costs will also be saved there will be no heating bills. If the projected increase in temperature levels due to global warming will exist, then the heating and cooling expenses will drastically reduce.

Beneficial Warm weather conditions

Research has shown that warm weather is beneficial to the fauna and flora (Lomborg 2001). The ice periods exhibited with extreme cold levels provide high survival problem to the people and most vegetation dies during this period. When the temperature levels increase due to global warming, it is estimated that the death tolls due to extreme temperatures will drastically reduce. It is estimated that in Britain, about 30,000 deaths occur during the winter season due to cold related complications. These death tolls would reduce when the temperatures are high and the winter season is not as severe as it is currently. The medical costs will also no doubt reduce since the cold season complications will have drastically reduced. It is increasingly easy to drive when the roads are devoid of snow and ice, thus the accident levels during the winter season will drastically reduce. Weather related delays in the transportation sector especially during winter will be minimal since the season will be quite mild.

More agricultural land

Global warming is associated with receding water levels when the ice is pushed back to the poles. This makes available vast portions of land which can be utilized for agricultural and farming purposes. A case in mind is the inhospitable northern regions of the globe which can be transformed into fertile farming lands the moment global warming is factored. Temperate weather conditions will no doubt be exhibited in areas which are currently inhabitable. In areas where land is not fit for agricultural purposes like Canada, then through global warming become agricultural boon zones (Lomborg, 2001). Due to increased temperatures, the environment will no doubt look greener.

Due to the increased concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the total food production will no doubt increase. Scientific studies indicate that high level of carbon dioxide have positive effects on plant growth and as result the length of the growing seasons is remarkably increased. Greater output from agricultural produce is exhibited and in the long run the ever increasing world population will be well fed. Irrigation can be employed to further increase the total output. The forestry land will also increase thereby increasing the recreation as well as the tourism sector. Research has shown that when temperatures increase, then extracting natural resources is simplified (Houghton, 1997). This ultimately boosts the economy of a nation thereby increasing the worlds Gross Domestic Product.

Animal life will be significantly increased as the death tolls of animals witnessed during the cold season is significantly reduced. There are some animal species which thrive better in warmer conditions. For example, increased temperatures are credited for the perceived increase in amounts of salmon fish.

Reduced Hurricanes

Hurricanes are popular disasters in coastal lands. According to recent research, global warming has positive effects in the occurrence of hurricanes is concerned. A climatic phenomenon known as “wind shear” is developed and it results into the inhibition of the Atlantic hurricanes. Due to increased temperatures, the wind shear will no doubt increase especially at the tropical Atlantic thereby eradicating the tropical cyclones. When the tropical cyclones are removed, the “nascent clones” do not develop and ultimately the hurricane storms which are massive and have damaging results both to human beings as well as the environment do not necessary result (Houghton, 1997).

Reduced winter

Due to global warming, the spring season will start earlier than it's the current trend. This credit is given to the rising global temperatures. The duration of the winter period has also reduced unlike thirty years ago. This will result into less time being spent indoors thus people will no doubt become productive. Less money will be spent to purchase cold wear and attire, as well.

Increased Transport channels

Due to global warming, shipping lanes will no doubt be opened up to thus increasing contact and exposure between Asia, North America as well as Europe (Hunt, 2004). A sea route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans has come to be due to global warming. This will no doubt open up the economies of these two countries. Due to the shrinking of the Arctic sea, the Northwest Passage has been opened for navigation thus reducing considerably the time taken by ships being navigated from Europe to Asia.

Increased Energy Sources

Due to global warming, seas levels will increase thus ultimately make the energy tides to increase. The tidal energy can be harnessed and harvested and perhaps act as a popular source of clean-energy. Tidal energy is renewable and it will come in handy in saving the energy costs of nations (Hunt, 2004).


Due to human activity, global warming has been happening and it will continue producing positive as well as negative effects. But credit need to be given to positive effects associated with global warming. Global warming has a positive side which is beneficial to the plants, animals as well as human beings. Some ecosystems especially marine systems have massively benefited from the effects of global warming with increased animal life as well as plant life due to increased levels of carbon dioxide. Food production and output is also on the increase due to global warming. Since warmer air translates to moister air, global warming will ultimately result into disappearance of deserts as more forest cover will result. While emphasis is laid on the negative side of Global warming the positivity of climate change cannot be ignored as well.


Houghton J, (1997). Global warming: the complete briefing. New York, U.S.A: Cambridge University Press.

Hunt C, (2004) Thirsty planet: strategies for sustainable water management. London, UK: Zed books.

Lomborg B, (2001).The skeptical environmentalist: measuring the real state of the world. New York U.S.A: Cambridge University Press.

Maslin M (2007).Global Warming: Causes, Effects, and the Future. New York, U.S.A: Voyageur press.

Houghton J, (1997). Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, Volume 1. Washington, DC :Sage.

Weart S, (2004).The discovery of global warming. Harvard University Press.