Deforestation on Amazon Deforestation is a longer-term alteration of the forest to several other kinds of ecosystems, for example agricultural or residential land. Sometimes, on the other hand, the name is used as an indication to some situations in which forests are concerned, for instance by clear-cut harvest, even if another forest consequently regenerates in its place. A variety of human activities results in net losses of forest area and consequently contributes to deforestation. The mos...
Introduction: The presence of land contamination is an inevitable legacy of the past. Since the Industrial revolution of the late 18th century, an increasing range of new compounds have been manufactured and added to the list of contaminants, and the affected area of land has increased dramatically. England has a substantial legacy of chemical contaminants in soil. Sometimes the contaminants may be present naturally, and often they result from human industrial and domestic pollution. In most ...
The Price of Oil and Gas What is the real price of gas? Is it the price that we pay at the pump? Is it the price that we pay when we have to change our life styles or cut back on the essentials? Are there any alternative fuels that might alleviate the pain at the gasoline stations? Even though everyone agrees that the price of oil and gas is at an all time high, there are alternative fuels that we can use. Research must be conducted to see what can be done to stop these price increases, becau...
Value-action Gap The value-action gap is a term used to describe the gap that can occur when the values or attitudes of an individual do not correlate to their actions. More generally, it is the difference between what people say and what people do. This discrepancy is most associated within environmental geography, as usually attitudes affect behavior; however the opposite often seems to be the case with regard to environmental attitudes and behaviors (Blake 1999; Barr 2004). The outcome is ...
The caring for and management of global waste is a global concern for the Earth as the population of Earth grows, and places where waste is deposited becomes a problem. Waste of various kinds is a danger to human health, wildlife preservation, and the environment in a broad range of aspects including how waste affects water supplies, soil contamination, and hazardous environments that remain or become uninhabitable. As the human population grows, so does consumption, and with that consumption...
As part of our ornithology course we had a trip to Parambikulam tiger reserve on march 27 & 28 th we were accompanied by Mr Sreeni Sir and Mr Ashique Ali Sir . the trip was really informative and we had a great experience . Parambikulam area is situated in the hotspot Western Ghats . Recently it was declared as tiger reserve earlier it was known as wildlife sanctuary it is included in palaghat district .   Reserve is in the Sungam range hills of annamalai hills & nelliyampathy hills . We ...
The effects of human exploitation of the natural resources are not limited to deforestation and pollution; it has also affected the diverse animal species of all the earth's ecosystems. In recent years scientists have explored the possibility of breeding endangered species in captivity and releasing them into the wild to ensure the species survival in the wild. However, these sorts of programs are not easy to fund or carry out. Several implications ranging from operational problems, to inbree...
River Pollution in the Rio Grande River Environmental Pollution in the Rio Grande River The Rio Grande River is known as the river that provides a natural boundary between the United States and Mexico. This river is over 2,000 miles long reaching from the southern Rocky Mountains to the end of Texas. Many people depend on this river as a source of drinking water for them. In the Lower Rio Grande Valley this river receives a lot of agriculture due to all the farmlands and is also used by many ...
Although waste disposal does not grab a headline as frequency as many other environmental issues do, it does not mean that it is less serious. As a matter of fact, the treatment of garbage continues to be a problem worldwide. Despite its sizable influence, many cities have not yet realized the seriousness of this issue. It is the goal of this article to outline the potential causes of this problem and suggest possible solutions. Defining landfill Landfill, also as known as a dump or rubbish d...
According to inforesearchlab (2009), a research center, each year around half a million Americans die of tobacco related diseases, fifty thousand of them die from secondhand smoke. It is alleged that tobacco consumption has a negative effect on people's cardiovascular system and it increases stress levels, to say nothing of the fact that smoking causes a bad smell. With virtually unlimited resources (or at least being perceived as such), it is both easy and common to portray tobacco companies...