Although waste disposal does not grab a headline as frequency as many other environmental issues do, it does not mean that it is less serious. As a matter of fact, the treatment of garbage continues to be a problem worldwide. Despite its sizable influence, many cities have not yet realized the seriousness of this issue. It is the goal of this article to outline the potential causes of this problem and suggest possible solutions.
Defining landfill
Landfill, also as known as a dump or rubbish dump (and historically as a midden), is a station of waste disposal. Historically, landfill has been held the most common method to deal with litters.
Landfills may include internal waste disposal sites (where a waste producer to the production sites in their own waste disposal) as well as many manufacturers use the Web site. Many landfills also used as temporary storage, consolidation and transfer, or waste processing (sorting, treatment, or recovery) and other waste management purposes.
Landfill sites may also refer to the ground with soil and waste, instead of rock fill, so it can be for specific purposes, such as building a house. Unless they are stable, these areas may experience severe shaking or liquefaction during a major earthquake on the ground.
Discuss problems of waste disposal-landfill
In the UK, every year producing over 400 million tones of litters, most of which is disposed of to landfill. Landfill is a very popular way to deal with wastes, however, recent years with the growing of garbage, landfill dealing with the waste bring some problems, not only for environment but also it's bad for people's health. For example, some garbage included heavy metals and chemical poisons which come into the ground, thereby contaminating the groundwater. At the same time these harmful ingredients would pollute the atmosphere, causing serious pollution of soil and water. Not only damage to the environment, but also seriously endanger human health. In addition, a long-term landfill of waste will produce methane fermentation of flammable gas, easy to cause an explosion. Thirdly, landfill uses a lot of land resources, according to statistics, in 1998 the national total of 75 million mu of refuse storage area in China.
Identify ways of reducing waste
Reducing waste has lots of ways. On one hand, the best approach to address waste issues is simply to minimize its generation. It is primarily because the more waste people produce the more waste they have to cope with. For example, alternative materials, people should save the natural resource during daily life. So when people buy something in the supermarket they should think whether it is necessary. And people should use less plastic products which are bad for the environment. By doing so, people can reduce the waste which are unnecessary. Secondly, reuse could be another good approach to dispose waste. It means that people could use something more than once and make the best of the things. For one thing, people could use paper both side probably as they can. In my viewpoint, using rechargeable batteries is a good way. The reason of this is people reduce the waste when they protect the environment. It also saves the resource. Waste recycling offers another means, although it requires the spontaneous commitment of both business and citizens. It means that turning waste material into raw material. People should know very well about the waste of industry. To make sure some of it can be used in another ways especially in coal industry. By doing this we not only reduce the waste but also save the resource which is narrow in the world.
On the other hand, as a government we should enact measures to reduce garbage. Such as strengthening publicity and education regard to aspects of waste management and environmental protection. Providing the awareness of the opportunities to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. In addition, laws should be set out to regulate corporation behavior and make their operation environmentally friendly. All of the ways are able to achieve. However it needs the help of everyone.
Evaluate difference ways of dealing with litter
Pollution of human activities on the high seas has become a serious problem. Ocean dumping is the dumping or marine material in designated areas on the continental shelf in the regular. A wide range of material involved, including garbage, construction and demolition debris, sewage sludge, dredged material and disposal of chemicals. In some cases, management and control of ocean dump, and some accidental dumping of vessels and oil tankers at sea or in coastal waters of Africa and France. Burning of organic waste in the sea, and then dumping was allowed as a viable process, the United States and Europe. Ocean dumping is convenient, inexpensive and Source of nutrients, shelter and breeding However, this way lead to ocean overburdened, killing of plankton and Desalination
Incineration is a waste treatment technology involving combustion of organic materials or material and other high-temperature incineration of waste disposal systems have been described as “heat.” This way requires minimum land, produces stable odor-free residue and it can be operated in any weather. But this way have high energy requirement, requiring skilled personnel and continuous maintenance, moreover when burning come unsightly - smell, waste, vermin.
Recycling, including processing of new materials for products used to prevent the waste of potentially useful materials, reducing the fresh, raw material consumption to reduce energy use, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from landfills) by reducing the “traditional ”waste disposal needs and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions than virgin production. Recycling is an important component of modern waste management and is the third part of “reduce, reuse, recycle” waste management structure.
It is clear that the problem of waste disposal exists due to people's ever-growing demand for manufactured goods and slow response to the impact of this problem on the environment. Tacking this problem depends not only on individual's effort to keep the waste to a minimum but also on businesses' attempt to optimize their manufacture and reduce the imputs.