Workplace Injuries And Fatalities In The Uk Industry Construction Essay

Published: November 17, 2015 Words: 2419

Risk is an important factor which must consider before starting any kind of work either it is in any organisation, home or related to any construction, consideration of risk is an important part of work, In this report all the parts are covered regarding risks consideration, analysis of risk and then how to safe our work place from these accidents, injuries and fatalities. There are different level of risks some are low level risk, which are less dangerous than other, but we also start consideration from very low level risk to high level risk, from these consideration we are able to safe our entire work place with quiet efficient way.

This reports covers statistical trends of last five years for injuries and fatalities, prosecutions for failures to risk assessments, it also covers the benefits of risk assessment either it is effective or not. It describes the linkage between the risk assessment and safety improvements. After completion of this report we are able to implement proper and accurate risk assessment in organisation, which help us to reduce the risk and improve the overall efficiency of the industry.

Injuries and fatalities are recorded daily in every sector of work. In the business and corporate sector health and safety precaution are implement for prevention of accidents in the industries, however at some certain situation they are fail to safe the employers which are working. These guidelines put under tremendous strain to the employers. Such as enforcement of law, management of fire, construction, utilities, mining, Injuries related in transportation job, retail and food service are not minimized.

There are number of injuries which may be happen during work, such as cut, fracture, sprain, amputation or other injury that results an accident in work or exposure in the work environment, according to the council of national safety.

Injuries at workplace should be reported according to the procedure of employer's health and safety to record the accident and to assure there is no delay in the first aid or medication attention. If there is fail to do so may result compensations issue provide to employers.

Statistics and Trends in UK Workplace Injuries and Fatalities

These statistics cover which are related to work fatalities that are reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR), and are updated on a quarterly basis. A consequence of providing detail that is updated as possible, there are many of cases are still in the investigation. Therefore on the basis of provisional these statistics are available but it may be need of revision for more accurate information releases.

In these statistics as they are reported under the some legislation, but some deaths are not included in this legislation. Some deaths are excluded from these statistics as they are reportable under other legislation. The main exclusions are as follows:

Accidents involved during the travelling of workers on highways. Such as a road accident, accidents which are occurred during the worker travelling by air or ships in sea, are not covered by this legislation, these incidents are the responsibility of ACI branch and MAI branch, and deal according to their rules. Fatal injuries at work due to 'natural causes', usually heart attacks or strokes, unless brought on by trauma due to the accident.

Main industry


Extractive &utility supply




All Industries








Self employed














Members of the public







Total fatalities







2.2.1. Numbers of fatal injuries

Table 1: fatal injuries Numbers by Sector for 2009/10

This table show the information on the fatal injuries for last year 01 April 2009 to 31 March 2010.

2.2.2. Regional breakdown

This table contain the information of breakdown of the fatal injuries to worker regional wise.

Government Office Region (GOR)

All Industries

South West


South East






East Midlands


West Midlands




North West


North East






Not known




Table 2 - Numbers of fatal injuries to workers broken down by Government Office Region 2009/10

2.2.3. Injuries and Fatalities related to work in manufacturing industries

There are number of accidents occurred in the manufacturing industries, due to lake of staff and avoiding of safety rules which used in industries for the safety of workers, In Britain workforce, there are 9% of manufacturing accounts but injuries reported 16%, fatalities reported 21%, major 15%, 16% is the average of over three day inquires). According to the survey of LFS, 13% injuries occurred are non fatal injuries in manufacturing industries in 2008-2009. This is average of last three years.

There are also reported injuries that involved contact with the machinery is about 160 cases in last year, 24% in the manufacturing industries involving explosions, 21%, hit by moving items, falling stuff, or fire and 19% injured with the harmful things. Within Manufacturing, the sub group recycling has a rate of reported major injury over five times the rate for Manufacturing as a whole, while Wood & Wood Products has almost twice the rate; each accounts for about 4-5% of reported major injuries in manufacturing. In the food Products, beverages and Fabricated Metal Products have major incidents rates of 1.5 times that for all Manufacturing, but together account for 39% of reported major injuries. The rate of fatal injuries has fallen since 1981 by over 57 % and by 15% since 2000-2001, but this still means that 400 workers suffer injuries between 2000 and 20009-2010- 2096 since 1981.

There have been similar reductions in major and over three day rates of 16% and 37% respectively, since 2000/01 and 49% in the LFS rates of injury from 2000/01 to 2008/09.The estimated prevalence rate of self-reported work-related ill health in 2009/10 was between 3 000 per 100 000 people (3.0%) working in the last 12 months, according to the Labour Force Survey (LFS). The incidence rate of reportable non-fatal injury was 970 per 100 000 workers (0.97%) in 2008/09 (three-year average), based on the LFS. In 2009/10, the LFS showed that 2.4 million working days (full-day equivalent) were lost in this industry due to workplace injury and work-related ill health.

3.0. Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is a process which is a part of risk management, it assign relative things which must be consider in planning and implantation of processes.

3.1. Background and overview:

In modern era, everywhere increases the use of modern equipments, technologies and developed information, and every one reliance on these digital stuff. It can support in our educational, research and development, administration and industrial environment, although these technologies and reliable and on other hand it increase the level of responsibility to protect the assets of information from any kind of damage or accidents.

Risk management is the continuous process from which we can identify or noticed these kind of risk and plan which can be implementing to address them. It is very important to understand and manage properly, it gives us information that where to apply these resources which are available. It helps us to mitigate risk is control, effective and efficient way, it also help us to reduce the cost and make it profitable

There are following points which are important to consider.

It should be thought of as an continuous process, not as a one time process, steps are defined before the implementation, it may be repeated, however it usually not repeated start up process.

It must be collaboration between the cross functional units, university conducting a wide information risk assessment is a process which require relationship and strong commitment from higher administration to local staff. The connection is more important in the assessment.

An effective university information risk assessment needs to become a part of the culture of the university community, involving not only IT-staff but also all staff, administrators, faculty, and students. Education and awareness efforts should be aimed at all of these constituencies

Steps involved in Risk Assessment

1. Assess the potential impact of threats to critical assets (qualitative and/or quantitative)

2. Evaluate the likelihood of occurrence of the threats (high, medium, low)

3. Create a consolidated analysis of risks, based on the impact value to critical assets and the likelihood of occurrence

Risk Assessment in the Mining Industry

In mining industry there are various kind of risks are involved, to avoid those risks, we must implement the risk assessment process, for the assessment there are five steps are involved to identify the risks which help to protect workers and increase the efficiency of industry, there are five steps are involved to asses, such as identify the hazards, than decide which one is harmed and how, evaluate the risk and find precautions of that risk, record your finding and implement them and finally you must review your assessment if update is require or not.

Risks and hazards come in many formats at a mine site: confined spaces, electrical, legal compliance, audit, mechanical, chemical, regulatory compliance, pressure (air, water, and gases), site security, noise, thermal, radiation, body mechanics, biological and the ever-present force of gravity. All of these must be understood and managed on a proactive basis to ensure zero harm and sustainable development. Whether you're the site GM or a functional superintendent, understanding and managing risks across your business drives production, ensures the safety of your workforce and lowers your costs. Ensuring your business standardizes the ways it identifies and analyses risks is a core component of effective risk management. Additionally, being able to drive responsibility and accountability for risks across the site ensure all risks are appropriately management and mitigated.

4.0. Risk Assessment and Safety Improvements

To improve the health safety system in any industry is a responsibility of management that it must plan and implement a proper system of risk assessment and safety measures, These safety measures are help to face any accident which occur in the industry and prevent workers and machinery which is installed, For better risk assessment need proper planning. There are number of steps are involved to prevent or overcome the risks which may be produce during the process. It should cover all operations which are in the industries, such as cleaning and maintenance activities, it may be reflect. The following diagram show the steps of risk assessment.

The diagram indicates where risk assessment fits within an organisation and the various inputs and outputs that surround this process. It should be clear that risk assessment is not an end in itself, but merely part of a process to help ensure a safe and healthy workplace.

Safety is one of the very important part of any organization, without safety none of any business met the challenges of the market, for the better processing or production the management must implement the precaution measure for the employer safety, it increase the efficiency of the organization and make profit. Environment become safe and healthy and employers work freely without taken any stress on mind regarding accidents incidents.

Fig: Risk Assessment in Organisation

5.0. Reviews of Assessment

The outcome of assessment of risk should be addressed according to the organisation's risk management policy and procedures. The implementation team should review the recommendations from the assessment of planning and discussions, and agree whether to implement these assessments of risk as they stand or to modify these assessments. The team will also need to agree how they should be implemented. The identified hazards and the agreed actions need to be placed either on the organisation's, or practices, local risk register.

After detail reviews the team decided to implement risk assessment in any organisation to avoid accidents and hazards which are produced during the processes. The team responsible for conduct all precautions which are necessary for the safety of employers which are working in these industries. They prepare a report for the all impacts and review in detail than discuss with the management after that they are finally go for the implementation of risk assessment in the firm.

6.0. Document Control in Risk Assessment

The aim of document control policy in the Risk Assessment is to ensure all risks are

Identified and assessed properly and take precautions to reduce the effects of risks and safe the environment in organisations,

A assessment of risk is depend on the different kind of forms which should be completed with information which is recorded in organisation as much as possible. These forms will be used to risk enter the register and after its completion the register should forwarded to department of risk. There are many parts of the form organisation should clearly specified in the form.

Name of persons contributing to the assessment of risk. Manager of the department is included in this exercise.

A description of the risk and the risk rating or risk score, using the likelihood and severity charts.

A record of what is already in place to control the risk, or has been put in place immediately.

Actions which are necessary to further reduce the risk. These actions need to be realistic and achievable.

Date when risk and action plan will be reviewed, on the basis that the recommended action is implemented.

Conclusion And Recommendation

To sum up all the aspects of risk assessment, I conclude that nowadays there are different approaches can take for the analysis of risk. It can be quantitative i.e. it can assign number of numeric values of probabilities and consequences, qualitative or combination of two. A decision made against the analysis of risk is very difficult task but by the implementation of risk assessment tools is very easy to identify and assesses the risk in the industry. From the value of risks predicted, helps us to implement risk assessment tool in the organisation. The import thing is distinction when it comes to applying analysis of finance to decisions and their priorities. Analysis of Quantitative risk is very expensive, costing up to ten times as much as qualitative analysis.

Wide use of risk analysis tools in industries are increasingly, there are number of analysis which are presently increase rapidly are fault tree analysis or failure modes and effect analysis, to cut costs and to improve reliability and safety.

This report covers all the impacts and their assessments in industries, it also cover the last five year trends for injuries and fatalities. This report helps us to how to implement the proper and exact risk assessment analysis in the industry.