For wired LANS Ethernet cable and network adapters are used to connect between two computers using an Ethernet crossover cables. In centre of these switches and routers are manually connected. In connection with the different computers, the computer hosting the modem must run internet connection sharing. Broad band routers allow easier sharing of cable of cable modem and DSL internet connection and include built-in firewall support.
For the possible approach the normal wired LAN network is designed. In this wired network, there are three layers like core layer, distribution layer and access layer. In core level the local area network is connected to internet or private network. In this core level the LAN based routers and servers are placed. Layer 2 and layer 3 switches are interconnected to routers and servers in core layer. In distribution layer the LAN based core switches are used. The distribution layer is interface between the access layer .layer 2 and layer 3 switches are also used. At last access layer consists of LAN switches which will connect to the printers and computers...Etc. her also layer 2 and layer 3 switches are used.
As the proposal given that the building consists of four stored building,100 double bed rooms and 20-25 work shops or small business shops. For the total building the IP network is designed.
Core layer is designed in part of the building in downstairs. In that internet, routers and servers are connected manually. To connect the components layer 2 and layer 3 switches are used. The internet is connected to routers so that it will connect to one device to more devices. In this core layer the server is connected to core switches which are in the distribution layer. Here the server means it is it is combination of hardware and software. So the server provides services to clients. It can also used alone to the computers but it works on server operating system. So it is commonly used for any software or hardware for capable of providing services. But, there are thousands of services. In these servers some of them are inter servers like World Wide Web, domain name system, e-mail, ftp file manager, chat and instant messaging, voice communications, streaming audio and video and online gaming. For an ordinary internet user requires one or more interactive with one or more servers.
In distribution layer the core switches are designed in two ways. There are two core switches like core switch A and core switch B which is designed for security purpose. Here core switch A is connected to switches which are placed in all four floors. The another core switch B is also connected to switches in access layer, but the core switch A is for connecting all home need components like computers, laptops, printers, media extenders, gaming consoles and VoIP phones. The core switch B is connected to network cameras because of the security purpose. So, that no one can interfere with this channel. From the core switch B the total network security is being connected with components like IPTV, building security and monitoring. These all are connected with layer2 and layer 3 switches. As usual from core switches A & B is connected to four different floors to their switches. The no of switches is placed according to their requirements need.
In this network the redundancy method is used. We use two routers and two core switches for back-up the whole network. Here, the process of the redundancy is when the router A in the core layer fails to connect with core switches in the distribution layer, and then router B will give support the both core switches at time. So there is no data loss in this redundancy method. For the core switches also the same process is done. The process is done as shown in below figure.
At the access layer the components are connected to their requirements. The interconnection with the switches and components are connected with the layer 2 and layer3 switches. The process as shown in figure..................
To make a network a proper architecture must be taking to form reliability and efficient network. As the server /client model is designed for to communicate the different computers from that server. The server supports the following functionality like DNS, SQL, FTP, HTTP...etc. for this process there is more flexibility, scalability and low cost.
For connecting the components in the access layer cat 5 Ethernet cables is used throughout the building for a maximum bandwidth of 1000Mbps.for minimum bandwidth is 100Mbps is taken. We can get at maximum bandwidth by connecting compatible switches and network interface cards. For communication between the computers and to server like voice (telephony) or data the maximum bandwidth is required. At sometimes cat 5 Ethernet cables are used as a backbone. However the maximum length is 100 meters the cables are available. It is very useful for connecting workstations and horizontal cable are being connecting because of low cost, high bandwidth, relative ease of installation and ease of termination with RJ-45 connectors. The wires like STP and UTP are also used. So in order to implement the VoIP solution, the layer 2 switches is very useful. In order to connect the ip telephony the layer2 switches will provide better quality of service and it can control all over network.
So, we can estimate the users/clients for given approach is 350 clients. Here, we are dealing with large network for 350 clients. For a best approach we use d-lint connectors through P0E (power over Ethernet) in layer 2 switches. So, that the 350 clients can't use the network at a same time, but when there is a chance to use the network at same time then the collision will occur in network. We can eliminate this problem by placing the routers or layer3 switches. As we know the routers have a intelligence power so it can control the traffic network.
As VoIP installation must be done in the present network because of using VoIP phones or VoIP telephony. So there is some standard hardware equipment to support the VoIP telephony. For a better voice communication to which we offer to clients. This VoIP telephony is two types like hard phones and soft phones. These hard phones are connected to BCM/DTI by using POE (power over Ethernet) to design a different ip address. However the soft phones are installed in computers such it acts like a general VoIP phone.
BCM is central device which separates the VoIP module. It is suitable for voice and data communication and there is some functionality like VoIP gateways.
Here the BCM acts as a gate keeper in the VoIP network. For a better voice communication we use G.711 codec the G.711 is well suited for high-bandwidth connection, like Ethernet LANS. When compare to other codec's the G.711 is the resilient of packet loss and there is more delay-tolerant and it has the least processing delay. As per the voice data the packet size of 20 ms requires a 96 kbps. If all the users are using phone service at a time then it would be at 33.6 mbps for entire bandwidth. So here is some more bandwidth is required for transmitting video and data communication. As we transmit the voice from source to destination the VoIP signalling protocol SIP (Session layer protocol) is used. Generally sip allows connecting one end point to another end point. Means sip is just like a request-receiver model.sip will locate the user whether user in LANS or WANS and that can be stationary or mobile.
When we make a call from ip phone to another ip phone then SIP will send a ring to end ip phones, if user accept the call or lift the call then their established a session. There is a chance to take encryption and authentication for VoIP call that the end points use the codec's. The main advantage is SIP allows a third person to make a conference call. So SIP has two different types of implementations like sip proxy register any SIP proxy server. In our network the two register and server can use in the same server machine. Here there is another protocol called h.323 we can implement with h.323, but the QoS is lower than SIP. Thus sip is scalable, flexible, and extendable.
Here we can provide an IPTV by using cables and different wiring techniques. However to implement the IPTV the video codec are used. To operate the IPTV there is a certain bandwidth for MPEG-2.the bandwidth will be around 3 mbps. The set up box is fixed and hardware installation is being held. So, that the ip format is assigned to remote control can understand the ip commands.
As per the security level the CCTV cameras are fixed for each floor. According to the designing of the floor the CCTV cameras can be taken. At certain room the monitoring is fixed separately from there CCTV cameras can work with IP network which is being constructed. To view the video of cameras we can use some codec's for compression. So, that the bandwidth is separately taken up to 3 mbps per camera. So, that there is no loss in packet, no jitter and no packet delay.
For the network there are lot of threats that will collapse the network. So the firewall is build top of the internet as shown in the above figure.......so that every packet can be checked and also install antivirus software the computers so the spams will not allow into your personal devices. But there is a chance to use your devices strangers. Here, we build an authentication means the technique here we use is EAP (Extensible Authentication Protection Protocol). In this type every pc's or laptops or other devices are locked with some user name and password. So, there is only chance to get over it. By entering your personal id and password the servers will allow you to work on those components.
A layer 2 switch passes the information from port-to-port by using Mac address where as the layer switches uses the ip address to pass the information from port-to-port. Almost the switches operate at the layer 2(data layer) of the OSI reference model. The layer 3(network layer) can operate when the router didn't certain features. However, the layer 3 switches will act as a router. When the packet is transmitted to router the router will search at the layer 3 source and destination address to conform the path where the packet should take .generally a standard switch depends on the Mac address to conform the source and destination of a packet, which is presented in layer 2 (data layer) networking.
Actually the difference between the router and layer 3 switches is that layer 3 switch have an suitable hardware to transmit data as fast as layer 2 switches. Just like router the layer 3 will take decisions on how to transmit traffic, while in the LAN environment, the layer 3 switches is faster than a router because, the layer 3 switch is built with a switching hardware. In Cisco's the switching hardware is customised with some chips inside box. So that the layer 3 switches operate must faster than routers. However, layer 3 switching as an ability to reprogram the hardware dynamically with the current layer 3 routing information. So, this is what the layer 3 switches perform faster packet processing.
When there is interconnection with the layer 2 and layer3 switches and routers. The router will simply sit in the gate between private and a public NAT, but router can perform (just imagine when the switch had a topology entries for the entire internet) but, one private network a layer 2 switch is connected to all the server and clients to the internet is at the top. In the layer networks which provide broad cast and VoIP traffic a multi-network approach using VLANS will be appropriate. Layer 3 switches are most suitable when VLANS are to be incorporate in the network. If there is a proper VLAN traffic, the router can work and there is a complicated routing decision for every packet which it receives at end points.