What Should Be Seo Top 10 Checklist English Language Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1221

SEO is not limited to just post the content on different websites and wait for more visits. It is related with legerdemain and knack that is required to understand and verify the visibility of your website on all search engines. To achieve above the fold on all search engines SEO Checklist is essential. Search engine identifies and authenticates the 10 most important elements that make the grade of your website. It's not a faintest idea; it's a real magical wand that can excel your all business needs. Here is the TOP10 SEO checklist that can improve your website search engine visibility.

Accurate Title tag

All-Inclusive description tag

Categorize the Target keywords tag

Use the target keyword in the page name/URL

Unique Meta description

Correct heading Tags

Use of target keyword in Page content

use of cross linking to target your keywords

Use alt-text and descriptive file names for your images

Proper Navigation

Correct sitemaps

Duplicate content page

1: Accurate Title Tag:

Title tag should be very unique; SEO skills are hidden in conscripting a title tag. A well- crafted title tag consists of 50 to 60 characters. Title tags are descriptive and should contain at least one keyword.

2: All-inclusive description tag:

Description tag enfolds the detail of web-page, which made the reader to clink on the link that directs to your website to read more. Description Meta tag contains maximum 35 words, that comprise one or two keywords, as you know it's all about keyword optimization.

3: Categorize the target keywords tag:

Don't be reluctant in doing a little research for keyword phrases. Because if you don't know about the keyword people are looking for, then you cannot optimize your website through the right content and keyword. The chances of visibility of your website may be fading away. For keyword optimization, use only one keyword phrase for each page. Each keyword should target only one page; it is the best SEO tactic for keyword optimization. As each page will help you rank higher for that phrase. The content should be written in such a way that it supports to the keyword that is being optimized. Keyword phrase should be hypnotic that will help to drive traffic to your website.

4: Use the target keyword in the page name/URL

The URL of any page of your website should be structured with the primary keywords. The URL works as a green signal for search engines to see contents. From SEO perspective including target keywords in the URL is an ideal tactic for optimization of the page.

For instance, if primary keyword phrase is quality software testing, then an ideal URL can be http://www.qualitytesting.com

5: Unique Meta description

Meta description is the key of the whole content and this should be exceptional and appealing. Why? Because, it is Meta description that is used by search engines to show your content on the search engine's result page. Meta description is written with the marketing objective and it highlights all the key points of web content that is being searched. Meta description should consist of focused keywords, so that it could be highlighted in search results.

6: Use a single <H1> style tag for your page headline:

Heading tags makes your content more visible, as search engine takes these tags from info perspective. The information about the content is categorized by using these tags that determines which part of the content is more useful and supportive against a query that is being searched. <H1>tag is given highest preference and is used once on each page. <H2>and <H3> Tags is used multiple times as sub heads and also used for as captions. <H1> tag contains target keyword, and is given due weightage, similarly H2 tag is given secondary preference and contains keyword and information.

7: Use of target keyword in Page content

Web content written with the intent for SEO must have the targeted keywords. To generate content by using target keyword is quite tricky from SEO standpoint. Use primary keywords in the first paragraph of your content. Your keywords should be magnified in the entire content, so the use of keyword in the beginning is a unique approach to attract the readers.

In body copy keywords should be used two to three times. The body copy arrangement should be done in such a way that it directly wires URL, title tag and <H1> headlines. An ideal SEO based content should have 400 to 500 words, as search engine quickly index such contents.

Third technique for writing content is to make bold one of your key phrase and then underline the secondary key phrase. Certainly this technique will work out for you and drive more traffic to your website.

8: Use of cross linking to target your keywords:

The best tactic that a visitor can visit more pages of your website is cross linking of pages. It makes navigation from one page to another easier. Cross linking has multiple objectives,

Visitor can skim through other web contents

Search engine visibility improved

At least one internal link with each web content improve navigation

Internal linking increase user engagement

User can spend more time at your website because of internal linking

Search engines always prefer anchor text, as it indicates that the content is receiving link of another page. Anchor text consists of words that determine the page ranking by search engines. Crux of the matter is that cross linking informs search engines as well as users that there are other relevant content against a specific keyword.

The point is that you should be using cross-linking to help tell the search engines which pages are important for which keywords. It would be an added advantage to use some keywords and a solid statement for as anchor text, instead using "Learn more".

9: Use alt-text and descriptive file names for your images

Search engine bots cannot read the text built into an image, but they can read the alt-text associated with the image and the file name of the image. Both of these can add target keyword content to the page and give you an opportunity to be found in the image search databases of engines. Google Image Search is the fifth largest search engine so ensuring your images are information rich is a solid strategy. For file names of your images, select a system for naming them that fits your development platform AND contains good keywords. It might take some planning up front, but can pay off with big search numbers from the image databases.

10: Organized Crawling

For controlled crawling, a robot.txt file is kept on your site that indicates which pages should be visited and which pages should be ignored by search robots. This gimmick is essential for WordPress site. Robots.txt file keeps hackers away from your website. It's a kind of check over indexing unnecessary pages.

We're sure that all of you are planning to subject Top 10 SEO checklist to such extreme level, but you can still take heart knowing that it will likely hold up well to whatever unexpected results may be waiting for it in the future. It's a full fledge SEO technique used by professionals for optimization of their websites. Are you an early adopter of latest SEO trends then take it as an opportunity that can expand your professional expertise