This research about virtual reality because since it was created from several years ago and the world knows about it in 1991 - 1992. After that people are still waiting for this new technology to use at their home and in their daily lives, but unfortunately this technology still not available for a lot of people in hand also a lot of people still don't have any idea about virtual reality specifications. Other ways the most surprising is that the giant and huge companies are still not yet using a virtual reality in the field working to increase profit.
This technology is based on the mix between fantasy and reality through the creation of industrial environments live virtual capable to represent the real situation and create an individual on the fatalist interact with them. This technique used in various fields such as medicine, engineering and architecture and military training, judiciary and education. It plays the third dimension or a key role in modeling, virtual reality, where transmitting the output of the models which are similar to reality and make it fully integrated with the clients as if they were dipped in an environment that actually itself. In this technique, involving the human senses to experience going through comparable degree of reality large, but it is not true, which is delivery of some accessories computer enables the individual to see the program, stereoscopic three-dimensional, and which the individual wearing gloves and a blanket. The head is being able to touch and a sense of vision and hearing, and the program going to interact with the experience posed and control, like the reality.
“This NASA technology will enable surgeons to plan complex surgical procedures and to visualize the potential results of reconstructive surgery in a three-dimensional virtual environment simulator.” (Dr. Muriel Ross, 1993, VIRTUAL VIEWER USED TO SEE 3-D IMAGES OF INNER EAR BALANCE CELLS)
The NASA wear certainly will be able to provide technical Anthony Robbins will enable doctors to examine patients remotely. It will also enable doctors to offer them the results of surgical operations on patients prior to do.
“One hardware device closely associated with VR is the Head Mounted Device (HMD).
These use some sort of helmet or goggles to place small video displays in front of each eye, with special optics to focus and stretch the perceived field of view. Most HMDs use two displays and can provide stereoscopic imaging. Others use a single larger display to provide higher resolution, but without the stereoscopic vision.” (Jerry Isdale, Version 4 - Draft 1, September, 1998, What Is Virtual Reality?)
With these technicians will be able to visit places they never have been expected had in their lives, like walking on Mars, or walking on the seabed. It will able the managers of companies around the world to hold their meetings in a virtual meeting room while each one of them did not leave his office which will prevent them with the costs of travel and the failure of accomplishing some important work. This technique will enable families and friends to visit each other and walk in their homes.
Additionally, as an example of areas where form of a virtual reality plays great importance:
Military sector
“The first fully-fledged application of head-mounted displays was in "Darth Vader" helmets developed in the early 1980s by the US Air Force.” (Chris Chesher, Colonizing Virtual Reality, Construction of the Discourse of Virtual Reality, 1984-1992)
In the early eighties of the last century with the start of the so-called 3-D Palmdale some of the scientific institutions of America started making devices placed on the head to give you a real sense amid the 3-D virtual world. This was the use of these sophisticated scientific instruments, which were considered in the mid-eighties from American military secrets in institutions of military and aircraft manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin and the U.S. in the so-called cross-training of pilots with flight representative or flight simulator (Simulation).
“Immersive projection display that allows student to experience and experiment with a 3D, full-scale virtual prototype of a construction project. This advanced visual communication can significantly improve the ability of students to comprehend, learn, and gain experience with reviewing designs for constructability and planning the construction of complex building and infrastructure projects.”(John Messner, Virtual Construction Simulator: Improving Design and Construction Engineering Education with Virtual Reality)
With this new technology students will be enable to learn engineering construction in the virtual reality in an easier and faster and learn the types of risks in construction, in order to avoid it in the field of action on the ground. As well as Aerospace Engineering students will be able to gain experience in the maintenance of aircraft engines and build prototypes of the planes that were commercial or military aircraft.
Also in the future it will allow the students from all around the world to take their lessons through a virtual room and follow-up explanation of the teacher.
Medical students in the future will be able to practice surgery on the body of a human imaginary and develop their skills, their vision and their perception in the future.
For reach this research to main goals will be use different ways to get information like books magazine television and for example internet is one of the best ways and quickest to find information about the virtual reality to see how many companies use it in UK. Moreover, to collect more details it will be easy by visiting the company to get information about how much profit they are making by this technology and with which fields they are using it. By surveying people it will help to find a lot of information about how they know about virtual reality and for what it's used. Finding if there is any hospital using this technology will help this research to get information through visit them.
Research steps:
1. Find out how many companies they are using a virtual reality.
By searching through the Internet will increase the opportunity to identify the number of companies are utilized in a virtual reality its business.
2. Visit companies that they used this technology in UK.
Visit these companies and try to obtain information about the usefulness of this technology and whether suitable for use in the different business areas in the Middle East as a United Arab Emirates.
3. Find out how the companies get profit by using virtual reality.
Through this research and know the impact of virtual reality device to increase the profit of companies using it, will contribute significantly in bringing this research to its objectives.
4. Make searching to know what kind of business a virtual reality using for.
Searching internet for different kind of companies which are using virtual reality and how and for what.
5. Will be search for a virtual reality if it was used in the medical field at the present time.
Search uses a virtual reality in the medical field at the present time, especially in the United Kingdom, will contribute in writing the details of its uses in this research.
6. Make survey to find out how the people know about this technology and how they are thinking about it.
By this step will be confirmed after the information is collected and analyzed to see if people know the virtual reality and if they want to use in their regular, and also to medical examinations by him.
7. Find out which companies manufacture a virtual reality.
Through an Internet search will be recognized as the number of companies manufacturer of the virtual reality, and know the manufacturer of the device and communicate with them will help to get more information about this revolutionary device.
8. Visit manufacture to find how much the price for each one.
Through this step will be to make sure whether people are able to buy the device by reach of .
9. Find out what science has benefited from this technology.
In this research will be to gather information about areas of science where a user virtual reality to help them learn the usefulness of human beings in our present and future example of this: To know the service of this device in the medical field and assist in discovering the disease early. As well as space science.
10. Search on whether companies take advantage of this technology to communicate with each other.
Will be tried to look for companies are utilized virtual reality as a means of communication among them and will be writing advantages and Disadvantages of it.
11. Make presentation
Through the presentation will be displayed in front of the audience research and will be a detailed explanation on the technology of virtual reality, and its importance in medical, military and scientific fields. , And also to the effect of increasing profit for the industrial and commercial companies.