Latest accident data records, findings the fatal of road accident in Malaysia. The accident increase cause road death of it increase, it makes the tourist & outsider afraid to drive and indirectly cause the negative effect in economy.
The problem of deaths and injury as a result of road accidents is now acknowledged to be a global phenomenon with authorities in virtually all countries of the world concerned about the growth in the number of people killed and seriously injured on their roads. In recent years, the government of Malaysia has been one of the most fatal road accidents among the world.
The main sources of data used for this study were United Nation Status Paper on Road Safety 2009, Malaysia and blog spot of Malaysia driving school. We study the fatal rate of road accident in Malaysia and national statistics published through online and other sources. We identify the research question in order to solve our management dilemma. That is “What are the causes of fatal road accident in Malaysia?”
Road safety considered as one of the social responsibilities of the Malaysian Government. In the sight of this responsibilities, various bodies concern about the road safety have been created within the government departments, voluntary organization and private agencies.
Road death statistics in our country are at a very critical level. The number of road fatalities in our country has reached an “alarming” level, said Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros) [director-general Prof Dr Ahmad FarhanSadullah] He was commenting on a report by the Paris-based International Transport Forum (ITF) which ranked Malaysia among 33 countries which had the highest road deaths at 23.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants last year.The accident increase cause road death of it increase, it makes the tourist & outsider afraid to drive and indirectly cause the negative effect in economy.
Habit such as failing to give the correct signals when turning, speaking on mobile phone when driving & smoking are some of the reason.” by transport ministry parliamentary secretary Donald Lim Siang Chai
Expertise on relevant research
ESCAP's mandate was broadened in 1977 by the General Assembly. The regional commissions have since then been the main UN economic and social development centre's within the five different regions.
The research comes with UN Status Paper on Road Safety 2009, Malaysia.
TheUnited Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is the regional development arm of the United Nations for the Asia-Pacific region. With a membership of 62 Governments, 58 of which are in the region, and a geographical scope that stretches from Turkey in the west to the Pacific island nation of Kiribati in the east, and from the Russian Federation in the north to New Zealand in the south, ESCAP is the most comprehensive of the United Nations five regional commissions. It is also the largest United Nations body serving the Asia-Pacific region with over 600 staff.
Established in 1947 with its headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, ESCAP seeks to overcome some of the region's greatest challenges. It carries out work in the following areas:
Research Problem/Dilemma
The accident increase cause road death of it increase, it makes the tourist & outsider afraid to drive and indirectly cause the negative effect in economy.
From the data recorded road death per 100000 inhabitant Malaysia get 23.8 people of death rate compare to KOREA 12.0, US 11.1 & UK 3.8.Road death statistic in our country is at very criteria level.
Malaysia is one of the highest death rates on road accident among the world.
Research Objective
The objectives of this report overview the fatal road accident in Malaysia. As we know that the accidents rate in Malaysia are rising, in order to solve the problem, we had identify the factor had cause the road accident. Road accident can be cause by driver behavior, equipment failure, roadway design, and poor roadway maintenance.
Road accident can be cause by driver behavior, equipment failure, roadway design, and poor roadway maintenance.
The major common reason of causing road accident in Malaysia is the driver behavior. Example, drinking alcohol is one of the main cause's road deaths in Malaysia. Driving alcohol affects the driving skills and the driver may become fuzzy after drinking so that they will not able to concentrate when they are driving. Speed kill is also a serious case probably will cause by the young generation because most of them are immature. For example, when a car cut into their road land or provoke them, they will try to against it.
Poor road maintenance can be a problem causing the road accidents and is the responsibility of the local highway departments because when there was a faded road sign at crossroads, turning point or others, it may confuse the driver go into the wrong way. Uneven surface of the road will also be the problem causes accident.
Car equipment failure will also cause the road accident. Some of the cars does not maintain or repair especially tires. The pattern of the tires is use to resistance sliding. If the tires is old or spoil, this easily make the car lost control. Therefore, engine and break system is also an important part for the car. By not taking care of engine will cause car explore and break down of breaking system.
Road designs will cause accident when there is a big flow of car and cause many places traffic jam during holidays. Therefore, the driver which has cannot slowly to wait for it. They are trying to turn left and right to cross the car and it cause accident and made heavier jam for the road.
Search and verify the information throughout literature review
Death Rate per 10,000 vehicles and per 100,000 people (2005-2009)
Pedestrian Death Rate per 10,000 vehicles and per 100,000 peoples (2005 - 2009)
Collect data to verify the existing dilemma
The data of death rate per 10,000 vehicles and per 100,000 peoples was collected from 2005 to 2009. The death rate per 10,000 vehicles was decrease from 4.18 to 3.55. And the death rate per 100,000 peoples was decrease from 23.73 to 23.83.
Our group prepare power point slide to show that why there are a lot of accident causes in Malaysia, the reason is the driver, road, car and traffic problems. We analyze the cause of road accident show why driver, road, car and traffic problems causes accident. We also search and verify the information throughout literature review to prove the true to shows that accident causes a lot of life death in accident. We also collect data to verify the existing dilemma to shows how many people death in road accident.
Literature Review
Causes of accident in Malaysia
1.) Driver
Driver is most causes of the accident, it because some driver who are tired, sleepy and feeling emotional should in fact not be driving at all. It's call Driver attitude. , drinking alcohol is one of the main cause's road deaths in Malaysia. Driving alcohol affects the driving skills and the driver may become fuzzy after drinking so that they will not able to concentrate when they are driving. Speed kill is also a serious case probably will cause by the young generation because most of them are immature. Especially the person who drinking alcohol or taking drugs after, should not driving the car. Because when after drinking the alcohol or taking the drugs will feel unconscious, so in the way driving is very dangerous.
Some of the driver turning a corner without giving the correct signal to mention the turning way, this may confused other driver suspicion is turning left or right. In this way, when other side car coming and does not know you want to turn, will causes the accident happen.
The action when driver driving the car and pick up the call to speak and smoking is a big causes of accident. It is because when talking the phone or smoking, the driving concentration will switch to other action driver doing, so when not concentration driving may make mistake at the blind spot, the accident may happen easily.
2.) Road
Not only the driver causes the accident, some of the accident is making by the road. It is because in Malaysia when you driving to anywhere sure can meet up some hold on the road, because the road long time using by the bigger lorry carrying with the heaver thing like container. So at the long time pass by on the road, the road will sink and become a hold. The government does not care about it the problem and when raining the water rush the soil under the road make the hold become bigger.
When the night time, if the road got hold and does not put the signboard mention in front got a hold, driver did not know in front got a hold and may become high percent getting the accident.
3.) Car
Condition of the car self also is a way cause of accident. When the car using a long period time, the part of the brakes, lights, signals lights, horn and other does not working well will make lose control.
4.) Traffic
When come to the Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Deepavali, Christmas or some specially public holiday, we can see the traffic jam at anyway. This time all family want rush back to hometown meet up with their family and sharing the happiness, but at the same time driver starting cannot waiting for the long time in the traffic jam and try to left and right continually cutting the car, so easily get accident too.
Research Design
Research schedule
At the April 18 our group leader starting distributes the part to every group mates. After giving the part to everyone, all go back home and find all the information about the research. In the April 22 leader collection all the information and data to check the information are correct or not or suitable for using in this assignment or not. At May 2 added all the information into the assignment, we start to meeting with doing survey and analyses the data. After done the assignment leader send a soft copy to all group mates and inform us doing self part of the power point to present. In the end of the last stage, at May 4 combined all the power point together and do a normal simple design on the every slide.