This dissertation describes a web application that is proposed to make things easier at which much information about restaurant in the United Kingdom can be advertised to customer (visitors, students etc.) and restaurant owners currently there are few web site that provides search or lookup postcode for restaurants and additional details. This becomes a very spirited and busy process. The idea of this application is to let customers and restaurant owners manage their information as in writing and printing reports respectively. This application will enhance functionality required from a restaurant web site, but the main focus for this dissertation will be applying Human Computer Interaction (HCI) theories to the design.
There is other existing website which provides similar services to what this dissertation proposes so why develop another one? Most of the these service exist in the United States of America where visitors can browse through and achieve the purpose intended, that is, view the restaurant nearest to them and view the comment and review written about a restaurant easily. The motivation for this project is to develop a web application that has the core functionalities that a site of this type should have, as well as extensive application of HCI principles to guide its interface design and application behavior.
This document starts first by providing a technological review which concentrates on the languages and tools which are likely to be required for this application.
The following chapters discuses the behavior of users, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) theories and finishes with an assessment of hand web sites. The requirements document is divided into the requirement analysis and requirement specification are as follows;
The proceeding three chapters' discuses more the HCI theories and the actual implementation. Testing chapter which is linked with HCI is a mainly significant section for this type of project consisting of user test, analysis and re-evaluation of the system design. It also sees the assessment of this application using the criteria used in chapter three
Finally, there is the critical evaluation, conclusion and appendix which contains items such as the sample code, use cases and database design.
2. Technologies
14.1. Introduction
This application will require several programming languages in order to produce the described application. The developer has modest HTML skills and some MySQL skills, but in previous work has not shared any other technologies with HTML to produce a web site. The dialogue of technologies that will follow is new information to the developer. This application will require some form of database language and scripting language and others that fall between the analyses. To decide languages to implement, which tools or resources allowed and installed in the schools where the site will be hosted.
The section will examine the potential languages and the second part will study and then decide on the most appropriate. There will be an afterward chapter that will look into the technologies which will be used in the final design and the details of these languages.
2.2. Technologies
2.2.1. Mark Up Language
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is accepted as the language for the web. Up until several years ago, the entire internet was written using HTML which produced static web pages. The use of HTML has changed today, as web page developer prefer to create more dynamic pages. Presently HTML or XHTML is being used in conjunction with PHP, JSP or other scripting languages to produce dynamic interactive pages. The application will use XHTML as precise by World Wide Web Consortium, for the web page designs. XHTML is elementarily the same as HTML but it is syntactically correct, tags are always opened and closed in the correct order, and tags are in lower case.
XHTML creates cleaner and more specialized implementation, allowing for quicker debugging and smother changeover with the use of XML. Additionally, some browsers claim to compile XHTML pages at a faster rate than HTML due to the fact they are syntactically correct, and can thus be processed faster. The World Wide Web Consortium provides a free validation service which ensures that the pages conform to their rules.
2.2.2. Data Storage
The data needed for this application will be recorded and stored in a database. The data will need to be easily manipulated and searchable. It is clear that four will be three different types of data within this application Customer data, postcode data, restaurant data and restaurant-owner data. As these will be stored disjointedly it may be essential to apply diverse storage medium for each. There are a number of prospective database technologies around with related capabilities such as MySQL, Microsoft Access Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Firebird and Oracle. Reasonably, the choice would be confined to one that are free or open source database systems such as MySQL or Firebird, in which others are fee driven in terms of usage.
HTML is the parent technology in which Extensible Markup Language XML is based on, it was introduced by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1998. Some set of rules are designed with more semantic tags that break the document into parts and categorize them. It is designed such that to handle the task of identifying structures in a document, its specification defines the standard method to add mark-up to documents.
XML is actually a subset of standardized general markup language (SGML). SGML is an international accepted standard for describing most types of information, but it was decided that it was too complex for the web and subsequently the W3C created a modified version of SGML specifically for the web and named it XML. Vaswani (2002) considers the following selection to be some of the many advantages of XML.
Rapid adoption by industry: Netscape, Sun Microsoft, IBM and many others have announced their support for XML
Can embed multiple data types: XML documents can have any likely data type, from multimedia data (video, sound and image) to active components (ActiveX and Java Applets).
Contains machine readable context information: Attribute, tags and element structure provide context information that can be used to read the meaning of context, unlocking new possibilities for exceedingly well-organized search engines, intelligent data mining and agent.
Another benefit for using XML is that "XML is rapidly becoming the de facto standard for exchanging and retrieving data" (Funderbunk Malaika, Reinwald, 2002). It would be interesting and challenging to produce an application that is implementing the cutting edge in data management technology and is growing in its use daily. One demerit is that older browsers do not allow XML data to work perfectly thereby preventing full usability of the web site.
Therefore, there are methods in working around it, such methods as to use XML to manage information then use XSLT to convert the XML documents into HTML for viewing on a browser. This means that the site will benefit from XML's power at the same time as utilizing HTML universality advantage.
XSL (The Extensible Style-sheet language)
XSL is another technology that can be used in coincidence with XML, and in fact are required to make it more serviceable and flexible. "The Extensible Style-sheet language (XSL) is a language intended to handle the presentation of XML encoded data" the language has three components: XML Path Language (XPath) which provides construct to address specific parts of an XML document; XSL Transformation (XSLT), which is accountable for reformatting XML data; and XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) which is accountable for the formatting and presentation of the new and different result.
Merits of XSL are:
More well-organized information exchange: the ease and versatility of the web and the intrinsic power of XSL make a powerful combination, one which enables a new age for web application
Improved breakdown of data: XSLT makes it achievable to generate diverse views of the same XML data, simplifying the task of understanding the action in multipart business information.
More well-organized content management: On condition that document authors find it convenient to describe data, XML creates a way more organized management of content and publishing solutions.
Further analysis is required for a data storage medium but Vaswani notes that the merit of XML and XSL are" just the tips of the iceberg. XML and its related technologies are still coming to full fruition and applications for this family of powerful technologies appears all the time" (Vaswani 2002)
From the MySQL official website it is sited that it is the most popular open source database, known for its reliability and speed, its architecture is extremely customarily easy and fast in time. It has an advance security and permission system, even includes SSL transport layer encryption.
Merit of MySQL:
Support cross-platform: more than twenty different platform are available including Microsoft Windows, major Linux distribution, UNIX and Mac OS X.
Easy Deployment and Usability: its architecture makes customization easy and fast, its unique multi-storage architecture allows flexibility require with a database management system matchless in compactness, speed, ease of deployment and stability.
2.2.3. Scripting Languages
Every web application requires a scripting language as HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) alone produces a very static web pages, without any properties of dynamic behavior. There are three scripting options that will be mention here.
These are Common Gateway Interface (CGI), Java Server Pages (JSP), and Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
The Common Gateway Interface: this is a specification for extracting interfaces from external applications with servers, such as HTTP or web servers. The web daemon will retrieve a plain HTML document which will be static, i.e. constant state text file which do not change. It is executed in real time on the other hand, so that it can output dynamic information, it has the properties in agreement to HTTP server implementers about how to integrate such gateways script and programs. This Common Gateway Interface is commonly used in HTML forms to extract data from database applications.
Java Server Pages: JSP technology is built to enable static HTML pages to interact with dynamically generated HTML. Mostly static are web pages built with CGI programs which make limited or few small locations dynamic part. So there JSP enables CGI variations to be generating the entire pages.
There are some advantages of JSP over other scripting languages
i. JSP versus JavaScript: Though JavaScript can generate HTML dynamically on the client side but only handles situations where the dynamics is based on the client's environment. It therefore do not have access to server-side resources application example Database, pricing information, catalogues and RSS and the likes.
ii. JSP versus Static HTML: no dynamic information can be contained in HTML, it accepts small amount of data,
Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP is multi-purposed in that when HTML is combined could produce exiting page on the web, it can track the users session on every pages of the web application, it can manipulate by interacting with the emails, database, and perform all that is HTML handicapped.
Its portability is applied on every platform as in UNIX, Macintosh and window. Its performance is reliable, fast than any scripting language.
Finally with MySQL in-built support and also support varieties of other databases as in Oracle, dBase, IBM, DB2 and ODBC.
Drawback: PHP is not object oriented as compared to JSP in with its advantage elapse that code generally easier to debug and cleaner, maintain and improve. PHP was created in mind for dynamic page generation.
2.2.4. Additional Technologies
Prior to this section the primary technologies have been discussed for the implementation for this web site. In which the next section will discuss the technologies that would be used to optimize the web's usability.
Adobe Flash
Cascaded Style Sheet
Adobe Dreamweaver
2.3. Analysis of Technologies
The potential technologies to be used for the implementation of this dissertation
have been discussed above, with different advantages disadvantage or merit
and demerits as the case may be. In conclusion allowing the decision make for
which language to be used.
2.3.1. Mark up Language
The most likely mark up language choice to be implemented is XHTML is important, if Extensible Markup Language (XML) was chosen as medium to data storage space. It would be more professionally conform to World Wide Web Consortium standards if to be validated.
2.3.2. Data Storage
As mention previously there are three types to data: user which stands for customer (visitors, students etc.) and restaurant owners, restaurant data and postcode data. The specification on how data will be stored between XML and MySQL is ultimately the designer's choice.
In other for the application to be useful XML and MySQL are designed to impose suitable structure of raw data. In which the developer has some knowledge of MySQL and so to apply storage facility on MySQL.
However, it appears that the implementation for both MySQL and XML would be suitable.
2.3.3. Scripting Language
The proposed choice of scripting language is between JSP, CGI and PHP for this application, in which PHP is the most appropriate; the choice for its usage was capped from quite a few reasons being firstly because it provides précised functionality the developer is looking for such as session, it can be used well in concurrence with XML and MySQL; secondly from suggestion received from colleagues discussions in the meeting with Dr. Wei Haung; thirdly it could be practically tricky because it is an untried language to the developer.
2.3.4. Additional Information
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a sensible style of separating the content of the web site easily and faster in making changes on the page like font size, text color and background style.
JavaScript will be implemented to control the forms values and validate its fields accordingly, so to produce client side error messages to guide the user properly.
3. Web Site
3.1. Introduction
Prior to this chapter it is mentioned and analyzed the most appropriate technologies to implement this application. This chapter will confer the problems related with internet browsers, appraise and assess four restaurant store-finder web sites. Its intention is to form a lay down of requirements in the following chapter and implement a system that expectantly will keep away from the weakness of the existing web sites, but integrate the positive properties
The chapter will also discuss how to highly achieve web site usability which focuses on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and application usability. HCI alone is vast and is not always well thought-out in the designs of the systems. This application will focus on its users, and their needs.
3.2. Internet Browsers
The internet has revolutionized with vast collection of inter-connected networks, computer and communication world like nothing before. It is a client based programs that connect users to the required web pages once the address of the pages is given. A wide range of browsers are now in use example Firefox Mozilla, Google chrome, Netscape navigator, internet explorer, opera and safari. Information is been stored on web pages which are linked to another and referred to as address forming a web site [4].
3.2.1. The World Wide Web
The web is the most attractive part of the internet, was created by a physicist by name Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 is a network of address that can be searched and retrieved by a protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). In the last sixteen years the internet has become a virtually important part of our lives. In which practically all businesses are expected to have a web site as its key infrastructure and is an intrinsic part of daily lives routine. Berners-Lee states that "The web is an imaginary space of information. On the Net, you find computers - on the web, you find document and information"
3.2.2. Internet Explorer vs. Netscape Navigator vs. Firefox Mozilla
Availability of several web browsers depends upon user' preference and its operating system being used example Internet Explorer (IE), Netscape Navigator (NN), Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox Mozilla and Safari. The first fences on WWW was put up by "Netscape" in 1994 in order to attract more users in which it back fired a set of extensions on HTML which only Netscape can handle inventing a browser war, then Microsoft the invented a non extensions to HTML to try and attract users in which only functioned in internet explorer [1] .presently Mozilla Firefox is better support for web designers to design better pages without having to resort or undocumented functionality [2].
3.2.3. Analysis
It is said that one has to be really careful and alert while programming for both browsers, a major limitation of Netscape as compared to Internet Explorer is that not all properties of a page can be changed at any time. This is because when the web page is once written to the screen, only position, visibility and clipping can be manipulated dynamically [1]. Different internet browsers will have to be considered in the design of this web site to ensure users are not prevented from using the site because of the browser. Pages should be viewed and tested in all browsers.
3.3. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Web Site
There are a lot of recommended resources on HCI that state the theories how to apply to web site development. This part will talk about how they will be integrated and evaluate some of the theories in this application. Here will focus mostly on the users and their behavior, and then talk about in afterward chapters more precise rule to follow when designing web site.
A poorly designed web site could cause discomfort and lost of concentration to the user. According to (Sommerville 2001) [9] states the four attributes for web pages
These are dependability, usability, efficiency and maintainability. [6] States that "users spend a very short period of time at most pages... Pages should be designed to load quickly, and to clearly present their links to the user", color can improve user interface knowledge by helping users understand and manage difficulty.
Though it is easy to misuse color and to create user interface that are visually unattractive and error-prone (Sommerville 2001) [9]. A user of a web site will be satisfied when they are successful in locating the information they are looking for without taking too many wrong turns and also within a reasonable amount of time. Note that confusion and frustration may be avoided by making sure that system reactions to users' actions are logical response [7].
3.3.1. HCI Considerations
The following areas ought to be well thought-out while designing web site [8].
Attention of users:
a. Make information salient when it needs attending to at a given stage of task.
b. Avoid cluttering the interface with too much information
c. Interfaces that are plain are much easier to use.
Memory of users:
There are two types of memory, which is between recognition-based scanning and recalling-directed memory.
a. Design interfaces that provide recognition rather than recall by using icons menus, and consistently placed objects.
b. Do not overload user's memory with complicated procedures for carrying out a task
a. Allow users to repeat an action
b. Useful feedback in response to user inputs
c. Easy to understand and intuitive ways of interacting with the system
d. Design interfaces that encourage learning
e. Clear and easy-to-follow instruction.
Emotion and Affect
Emotion and effect can be a mainly significant deliberation when designing interfaces. Stress will increase the complexity of problem solving, whereas aesthetically pleasing and rewarding interfaces will increase the positive effect.
An important aspect of web site designing for everybody in particular, is the aspect of not neglecting people with disabilities. Majority of so called corporate site lack this characteristic. Most times when the principles of designing accessible web content are neglected, the individuals with disabilities seem it difficult to access the content at all. They also make content available to a variety of web enabled driven usage devices, such as kiosks, phones, network appliances. The overall usage of this content are made public or accessible to diversity of devices, which is in reverse the content will be accessible to different people in a different situations.
There are several different types of accessibility issues such as motor, visual, cognitive and hearing. There are standards of ISO that addresses these issues of accessibility.
When developing and designing Hyper-Text Markup Language pages, error messages on forms and general content of this application, users attention, memory, learning and emotion must be considered. An adequate provision should be made that promote positive effect to users on the interface side of design, but by not providing too much, there is a fine line between this which is to determine if your website is usable is subject to user testing which will be detail as we progress.
Regrettably, due to time and cost limitation for this application the web site will not be designed to ensure it is fully complaint with the ISO accessibility standards. Though it is very necessary to point out this fact and discus however, and one that is engaged on a daily practice.
3.4. Evaluation
3.4.1. Introduction
With the amount of literature available it is overwhelming; however there are several evaluation techniques available with concise documented subjects. There are so many guidelines, advice and criteria to go after which results in choosing the most relevant for this application.
To overcome this the developer will follow the guidelines from Shneiderman and Nielsen whose work confirm to be HCI experts, their importance and validity by extensive user testing after the implementation.
3.4.2. Evaluation
There are several types of techniques for testing and evaluation for this application as follows;
i. Expert testing
ii. Heuristic evaluation
iii. Cognitive walkthrough
iv. Usability studies etc.
For these application user testing will be followed which stands as an important way for error fixing and solving problems both technical and usability issues.
In evaluating the existing restaurant search website, a set of criteria will be decided upon and each web site compared to it. As a result incorporating the features into final design, it is important to evaluate the existing interfaces so as to not repeat poor design, but to avoid what is perceived as more interactive and usable sites.
3.5. Existing Restaurants search websites
There many aspects that could be assessed when looking at existing implementations. These criteria, although decided upon by the developer and not formal guidelines, have evolved from the extensive research into producing a highly usable web site following the guidelines from experts. There are deemed by the developer as an essential part for a web site of this type. These criteria will be used later to access the web site developed for this project. This seems only fair, and also promotes continuity in the evaluation.
For this dissertation focusing on the following:
1. Ease of search and presentation of information about the restaurant displayed.
The search is maybe the most important feature on the page combined with the presentation of the records which matches the search result. The user needs to easily understand how to combine the search so they can use the website straight away. The result must be easy and also provide all necessary information.
2. Sign up method or contact method
The way in which a user can arrange a viewing, or discover more relevant information about a specific restaurant is also important, if a user is searching the website for a specific restaurant, then they will more likely to lookup by postcode and name, with distance calculation.
3. Use of color, font and images
Regarding the general presentation of the web site, and the image portrays to the user. It will answer question such as: are the colors used correctly, is it easy to read? Etc. this is also related to the information about the restaurants.
4. Usefulness of errors messages.
The existing restaurant search website were researched with the similarity of this project been developed, indeed I found that all of them are owned outside the United Kingdom (UK) with different styles and concepts below;
¨ Chicago BYOB restaurant:
¨ Canada restaurant locator:
¨ Chinese food map (
¨ Australia Dinning out search:
3.5.1. Chicago BYOB restaurant
There is no search feature for this website; there are just location markings displayed on the Google map, the information provided varies and it tends to focus on map display alone rather than distance calculation.
Sign up method or contact method
The website do offer sign up as in providing contact details for users
Use of color, font and images
The color is less concentrated and the navigation is poorly implemented
Usefulness of errors messages, if any
There are no search fields making it less user involved or interactive.
3.5.2. USA dining guide
There is a search feature but limited with information to be searched for during
display it provides services to search for restaurant information. They also have
several unique friendly information and the results are well displayed
Sign up method or contact method
Users can not sign up and customize the service.
Use of color, font and images
The colors and font used are adequate and used properly. However the web pages
have a slightly unfinished feel to them.
Usefulness of errors messages, if any
This is simply a source of information, and it would appear only part of the
information they actually have than an interactive site allowing the user to exploy
their avalable resources.
3.5.3. Canada restaurant locator
Ease of search and presentation of information about the restaurant
There is no search feature on this website, if the user wishes to locate restaurants'
Information through the color pane of blue and grey according to the countries
Sign up method or contact method
There is no form and it displays it information with limited results.
Use of color, font and images
The color and font are poorly implemented which makes it small and difficult to
Usefulness of errors messages, if any
It is rather confusing website. The navigation menu changes in style and layout throughout the pages, and it seems easy to get confused.
3.5.4. Australia dinning out search
Ease of search and presentation of information about the restaurant displayed.
It provides services to search for restaurant information. They also have several unique friendly information and the results are well displayed
Sign up method or contact method
The user can sign up to receive a more customized service, by completing a relatively detailed form. Once satisfied with the result the user can signed up for table reservation.
Use of color, font and images
The page is well displayed, but has more that necessary color combination.
Usefulness of errors messages, if any
The error messages are poor as in not well defined for the user.
3.6. Conclusion
The behavior of users has been discussed; the way they navigate through web sites, how long they spend searching for, and usability issues. Also this chapter has simply skimmed the surface of human computer interaction. This will become a very important topic throughout the rest of the dissertation to ensure a highly usable application, and so more theories will be discussed throughout the text.
The process for evaluation has revealed that there are existing website such as this that tends to provide some of it functionality as this dissertation intends to create. But also there are some potential more to be implemented to the existing functionalities such as a distance calculator and direction and user authentication and adding friends by users which stands as an additional features for this dissertation.
The evaluation of this web application has revealed an important consideration: the importance of a well designed navigation menu. If it is not consistent and well organized, it is easy for the user to lose their place in the website.
In summary, at the application completion will lead to extensive usability tests, this will ensure that all ranges of users can utilize the service. Therefore the usability tests will reveal the strength and weaknesses of the site, and allow the implementation to be developed further to contest any potential weak point that may or are discovered.
4. Requirement Analysis
4.1. Introduction
The requirements for this application are based on an initial idea, subsequent user analysis from questionnaire. This application has developed constantly over the requirements phase. A questionnaire analysis was conducted and then a prototype was developed initially using XHTML. This demonstrated the interface to the users, and realize their needs and requirements thus allowing the developer and potential users to gain a clearer image of their needs and requirement.
4.2. Questionnaire Development
The instrument used to carry out this research as primary survey is questionnaire, these was completed with a follow up strategy to provide clarification for some questions. A questionnaire containing 17 question were sent out to each participant, the questionnaire was structured into three sections (general, overall interest in restaurant and interest in online design pattern). Closed - ended questions were adopted in the questionnaire and unanticipated response. Section one covered some details about each participant, section two was structured to cover a set of eleven statement or questions classified into six dimensions in customer's quality, accessibility, and service quality as an added functionality for web application search engine website (see Appendix 1 for the questionnaire). Generally a four - to five point scale will adequately present all the possibly that the typical participant will require (Likert, 1932) [X]. The participants were asked to indicate on five point Likert scales the extent to which they agree or disagree with the different. Question or statement relating to the different attributes, with 1 denoting 'no interest' to the relevant proposition and 5 denoting 'A great deal of interest' as total agreement of the of the statement which a neutral scale of 3 denotes some interest.
3.1.1. Pre - Testing of Questionnaire.
A pre-test of the questionnaire was conducted to access the validity of content for measurement scales, validity of content can be carried out by a group of 3 judges. The reviews were done individually by two local professionals and one non professional after some part of the questionnaire were restructured, added and deleted.
3.1.2. Access
To ensure the free conscience of the participants, a covering letter explaining the rationale for the survey was forwarded along with each questionnaire. To provide further comfort to the participants, a statement of consent was written that responses will be treated with total confidentiality as all of the questionnaires are anonymous.
4.3. Use Case Analysis
Use case establishes the requirements of the functionality of the system. Each use case is a description of how actors that is groups of users interact with the application.
4.4. Summary
A). Questionnaire Analysis: this can be located in the Appendix B. A total of eighty questionnaires were printed out and sent out, but only thirty seven were received back. The questionnaire was designed and analyzed by three sections.
Section 1: Demographic details
Section 2: Overall Interest in Restaurant
Section 3: Interest in online design pattern.
B). The Use Cases can be located in the Appendix C. there are several use cases detailing how the actors would interact with the application.
1. Use Case UC1: Accessing the System
2. Use Case UC2: Registering a new account
3. Use Case UC3: Searching for restaurants
4. Use case UC4: Log out
5. Use Case UC5: Adding a new Restaurant
6. Use Case UC6: Activating a new account
5. Requirements Specification
5.1. Introduction
A software requirements specification (SRS) should be a concise statement of a software system's intended behavior (Heimdahl and Leveson, 1996). Its general purpose is to provide a medium for capturing and communicating to all it stakeholders, what is required for the project. Requirement specification can always be incomplete, and ambiguous, and errors introduced during the requirements stage are more difficult and expensive to correct than errors introduced later in the life cycle. Therefore a well-formed requirements document is an important part of the system development, so it is essential to provide methods and techniques to eliminate requirements related errors as early as possible. Some desirable features of a requirement specification are: correctness, consistency, unambiguous and completeness.
5.2. Identification of Users
It is essential to identify the users of the system to ensure that as the requirements and design develops the author has the correct end user in mind. There are four types of users here that can be placed under the following headings:
¨ Visiting User
¨ Registered User - Reviewers
¨ Registered User - Restaurant owners
¨ Administrators
5.2.1. Visiting Users
This set of users varies in persona, age and category, for example there are different persons that surf the web in a daily basis with different needs categorized into as tourist, students, employed/unemployed Etc. Opting to find quick and/or reliable answers.
5.2.2. Registered Users - Reviewers
This set of users varies in persona, age and category, for example there are different persons that surf the web in a daily basis with different orientation. Opting to share experiences that will turn out to be useful for any visiting users Registered User - Restaurant owner
These sets of users are based on assumptions from research and so are not set in stone and there is most likely users who fall into different categories. Therefore, it is important to bear in mind that there is the potential for different type of users with varying computing ability, and so the design must reflect this factor
5.2.3. Administrator
These sets of users are responsible for the function ability of the entire system in that monitoring the accessibility and usability of the system for the prospective users.
5.3. Purpose of the system
The software requirements specification provides a comprehensive list of requirements
i. A multi users system that provides services for both visiting and registered users (reviewers or restaurant owners).
ii. Searchable database that will store the restaurant information.
iii. Session would run so that users receive customized service.
iv. A map displaying restaurant location
v. Postcode lookup
Additional ideas (to be implemented depending on time constraint)
i. Review and rating of the each of the restaurant
ii. Adequate postcode lookup search by criteria.
iii. Printed/printing reports by the restaurant owners.
Also there are several non functional requirements to be considered:
The prospective application should be viewable on different browsers namely; Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera and Firefox Mozilla
The technologies deem useful would be WAMP SERVER consisting of Window Apache, MySQL and PHP Server, Dreamweaver dynamic site developer.
5.4. Scope of the system
This application will provide a highly usable service incorporating existing designs as well as additional features that are not provided from existing services. There are website that advertise other restaurant information and also provide RSS feeds so this application should be able to preview news relating to current events or article concerning United Kingdom restaurant industry.
5.5. Overall Description
5.5.1. Product functions
The application will provide services to four different users the Visitors, Reviewer, Restaurant owners and Administrator with a method of storing and promoting restaurant industry available and also provide a well documented reviews as a result simplifying method for searching, arranging findings with additional features.
5.5.2. User Characteristics
The primary users are visitors and registered users in which will both require to being computer literate (that is acquire moderate computer skills). In other to provide the task required.
5.5.3. Operating Environment
The application could be accessible on any web browsers including internet Explorer, Firefox Mozilla, Opera, Google Chrome and Netscape Navigation. Therefore due to the differences between browsers, the appearance on each would differ causing poor functionality of some features. This will be considered on the design phase.
5.5.4. Design and Implementation Constraints
The primary constraint is the time limit imposed on this project. This application must be implemented and documented by 21th April 2010 which is the final deadline. This project must be also completed in conjunction with other final year courses and responsibilities. Therefore all possible functionality may not be implemented due to time, but this can always be developed further after the deadline.
5.5.5. User Documentation
The application will incorporate of use error message feedback when a mistake is made by the user, and each section will contain plain and easy to follow instructions incorporated within the pages.
The development of this application is dependent upon local system server (WAMP) and university of Bedfordshire Server. Because of the local system server coding can still be advanced.
5.6. Specific requirements
This contains the low requirement level for this application including:
i. Functional Requirements
ii. Non-Functional Requirements
iii. User interface Requirements
iv. System Requirements
5.6.1. Functional Requirements
This bit will be measure with priority level rating of low, medium and high, a requirement that is tagged as high preference a core functionality of the application and so must be implemented in order for the to be usable. Also the medium and low will be implemented as above mentioned.
User accounts - Registration and Login
The description and priority:
Every potential user must be account enabled with the application. as such edit their settings. - High Priority
Functional Requirements
i. A user shall access to internet connection and have access to the web page in order to register.
ii. The user shall provide the necessary data to register
iii. The user name, email and password shall be required to access the system
iv. The user shall click on 'sign-in' and enter user name, email and password
v. The user shall be enabled to reset password if it is forgotten.
Adding Restaurant
The description and priority
The user shall be able to add as many reports as possible. - High Priority
Functional Requirements
i. The user should be able to add restaurant and attach review to the database.
ii. The user should add restaurant by inputting the following details
i. Restaurant Name
ii. Address
iii. Town
iv. County
v. Postcode
vi. Phone number
vii. Type of business
viii. Contact Title
ix. Contact Initials
x. Contacts Surname
xi. Website Address
Editing a Restaurant
Description and priority
The user (administrator) shall be able to edit a restaurants detail if required which might result that the current or available information is not up to date. - High Priority
Function Requirements
i. The system shall make available adequate notification display to avoid deleting a record.
ii. The user shall be able to select which record to edit and then click edit.