Uses of mainframe desktop in client server

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 669

Mainframe desktop:

Mainframe computer is used by huge organizations for difficult application.

In 1960's most mainframe desktop accepted the paper tapes, punch card and customer billing.

In 1970's many mainframe worked as a time sharing computer, supporting user with batch processing. Historically mainframe produce their name in part because of their large size and requirements for an airconditioning, ventilation, specialized heating and electrical power. But these requirement ended in 1990.

Client server.

The client computer is requesting the query to another server computer.

The client is one of the application . it is working on one computer and its perate on another computer application. These relation are called client server.


Hures meet are client / server problems are similar to them, the client / server computer model sharing the information from one server computer to another client computer.

These client server architecture used for reffered to a personal computer. It's specified to increased flexible and quality assimilate to a mainframe desktop. So the company provided client server architecture and it's needed to upgrad and update the server. Nowdays the technologies are booing, so it is very difficult to find out.

Client server is a logical consideration. This model brings a major changes and we can make many activites things to built good client server.

Set of activities construct a client server system for company

Some of activities can occure:-

1. Select a type

2. Selct requirements

3. Analysis

4. Design

5. Server and client selection

6. Network and middle ware

7. Performance modeling


Base on the client server architecture the company needs to extern the network size and need to add new servers for support to the speed.

And the company need to use same operating system on client and server, so easily the server provide the data and information to the client.

Client server application are define three layers, these layers includes the data layer, user interface layer and processing layer.

Data layer:-

The data layer support the Microsoft SQL oracle, CSV file or XML

Processing layer:

This layer develop the application business logic, validation.

Interface layer:

This layer support to user to access the application.

Interanet web technology:-

Intranet is the private network. Its using internet protocol and its also include lan, websites, desktops computer and email systems.

Advantage of intranet:

Intranet having main major advantages such as speed easy, low-cost to implement based on open standards, connectivity with other systems, many tools available. These are all implementation benefits.

Role and responsibilities:

Reduce the paper work. Intranet used a information very faster and it responsible for relevant application with web browser interface.

Intranet provide data held in any data base at any time.


It reducing paper work

It is distribute the information employees is needed and employees can make into relevant data.


Intranet have a powerful tools for communications.

Low cost: web browser provide information and data rather than maintaining physical documentation it is save money on duplication documents and printings the user don't need to access administer network version for different software products.


The company don't have new versions operating system means TCP/IP protocol cannot work.


Intranet gives information over loaded that means it can provide so much information to users.

Management cannot know who access the intranet when providing the material.

The company want morethan 100 of users work in intranet and want to use full advantages of an intranet means company need to add additional personal to mangage the infrastrucature

The company to implement the intranet to get best organiszations. But the company want to realize that implemantion cannot solve all broblems.

Intranet technology has limited tools for linking the intranet server to data base.

The intranet software gives advantages to the traditional server system . because the network security is most important for the company.

Web allow easy access and corporate knowledge through out the company using the intranet technology and hypermedia.

How ever it is but the most of the companies running successfully the intranet technology.