Air compressors are equipments, which reduce the volume of gas while increasing pressure and heat. By compressing gas, there is always an increase in temperature. Reciprocating compressors, rotary screw compressors, centrifugal compressors, axial-flow compressor, diagonal or mixed-flow compressor and scroll compressor are a few types of air compressors. Air compressors are used in pressurized aircrafts, jet liners and medicines. They can help maintain a stipulated flow of air and therefore, are used in military equipments.
Air compressors in the military are used basically for transporting materials over debris in difficult terrains. The advantage of using air compressors is that it can be separated into the compressor section and the motor section rather easily, using minimum tools. The portable types can be conveniently transported from one place to another, which is essential for military use.
Another reason for using air compressors in the military is that it is adaptable to environmental temperatures and weather. The portable type military compressors are useful as they have two stages of compressions alternating with cooling. The synchronization of engine speed and intake air valve response results in a wide output. Fuel saved due to usage of pressured air is also a key advantage. Air compressors are also used in life saving equipments in the military.
Air compressors are lighter and smaller than electrically powered air tools, making them easier to handle. They also have a longer life than electrically powered tools, which makes them ideal for military usage. The moving parts on air tools are few and therefore, the wear and tear is minimum. When used for military warfare, air compressors need a smaller tank for easy maneuverability. This gives an uninterrupted flow of power in terrains where electric supply may not be available. It also has an advantage of being breathable which is an important parameter where military is considered.
Air compressor mufflers
Air compressor mufflers are used to reduce the sound levels of air tools. They are also used to filter dust and other contaminants present in exhaust air tools. Air mufflers help deal with problems such as occupational hearing loss. The key factor is not only the sound volume, which is of course troublesome, but also the kind of noise. The kind of sound that air tools produce differs from one type to another.
Reciprocating air compressors emit a low frequency sound and mufflers help reduce sound in the octave band to a considerable level. A gas air motor creates an excessive sound and the muffler used for it reduces the sound levels. There are mufflers that absorb sounds and hence reduce it. However, this has a disadvantage as it has the tendency of snagging and plugging.
To determine the best muffler for a particular air tool, it is necessary to find the source from which the sound originates. It is also important to differentiate the noise of the compressor from that in the background. The next step is to locate the path through which the sound travels which could be air or floor. The muffler is made effective by finding these parameters.
There are air barriers used when there is no chance of temperature increase in the air compressor. The sound is then mediated at the right stage. Sometimes, the noise is generated at the inlet. In such cases, if a muffler is inserted at the inlet, the problem can be tackled at this level itself. If the sound is of low frequency, a glass pack filter can be used.
By using the appropriate air compressor muffler, the persisting sound levels can be reduced to appropriate levels. Air mufflers help prevent problems like hearing loss, difficult work place communication, fatigue and annoyance. The intruding noise of an air compressor can affect conference rooms, offices and laboratory spaces. The usage of mufflers can temper noise levels down to audible levels.
Rotary Air Compressors
A rotary air compressor is a type of air compressors where the technology of compression of air volume is used to increase pressure. It uses either pistons or screws to force up air in high pressures. Both types use two stages of air compression to get increased air pressure.
To decide which is the most appropriate one for usage, it is necessary to know if the usage is going to be a continuous process or if it would be used intermittently. A rotary compressor is used when the usage is for a longer period of time. This is because it has a capacity of cooling down at a faster rate. The duty cycle of rotary compressors is 100%. They have fewer moving parts and therefore, the cooling process is faster.
Rotary air compressors were more expensive than the reciprocating models but in recent times, their prices have become competitive. They are apt for industrial usage, as they are available both in lubricating and oil free lubricated configaration. They are highly preferred due to their simple design and installation process. They have a low maintenance cost and a long operating life. Rotary air compressors are also known to produce high quality compressed air. All these factors make it a better bargain than the other types of air compressors available in the market.
Rotary air compressors can be attached to sound silencers to reduce the sound impact. They have oil flowing through it, which helps in the automatic heating of the system. It also minimizes the slip of air through the rotors. Usually, synthetic lubricants are used in rotary air compressors for better efficiency.
Oil free rotary compressors are used in industries such as medicine, food and beverages. This mainly is used to retain the quality of the end product. They are very reliable in this industry as they reduce cost of lubrication and damage to the end product. In these cases water issued as the cooling agent.
Discount Air Compressors
Air compressors are available in the market in plenty. They are priced depending on the requirement and the conditions of usage for which each type is suitable. Air compressors are used in varied fields such as medicine, military, food and beverage industry. The selection of the right type of compressor at an affordable price is mandatory when investing in one.
Suppliers offer a variety of discounts on the purchase of air compressors. It is essential to approach the right source to acquire a compressor at the best rate. It is necessary to read the fine line while evaluating the offers of different dealers. All the hidden costs have to be carefully taken into consideration. To suit a budget, the quality of air compressors should not be compromised with. The opinion of an expert technician is recommended while buying an air compressor after considering the discount being offered.
Feedback about the reliability of a dealer can be taken from past buyers of air compressors from the same source. It is essential to approach a company with good reputation in the market. The best deals are usually offered to buyers using credit cards to pay for the purchase. Many dealer also offer online ordering systems and buyers purchasing online usually get high discounts.
It is essential to research about the various companies selling compressors and the discounts being offered by them. The quality of after sales service, after sales service network and the number of years the manufacturing company has been in the business of making air compressors are some of the factors to be considered. Discounts being offered have to be evaluated in the context of the final net price including costs of transportation, spare parts and installation. Only after ensuring that these factors in all the available air compressors are at par, buyers should enter into a price negotiation with the vendors and talk about discounts.