DEFINATION OF LEAN MANUFACTURING: Lean manufacturing is a systematic phenomena to determine and eliminate the transportation waste, waste of time, waste of human resource and other waste. In Lean manufacturing small lots are prepared and dispatch at the same time. It aims at providing best/ optimum quality through formation of the technique where in each subpart is examined before putting step further.
MAJOR OBJECTIVES:The major objectives of lean manufacturing are discussed belowin detail:
1: QUALITY: Improvement in quality means elimination of number of errors. The main objective of lean manufacturing is to attain optimum level in quality without any or low fluctuation in operating cost.
2: PRODUCTIVITY: Productivity is the result of lean manufacturing because same amount of resources which were used earlier now produces better result leading to increase productivity.
3: WASTE: The other main objective of lean manufacturing is to reduce waste i.e. waste of time, waste of efforts, waste of resources etc. Thus aiming at higher productivity and higher profit level.
ADVANTAGES OF LEAN MANUFACTURING:Lean manufacturing have large number of advantages but some most important are discussed below:
1: HELP TO KEEP IN ORDER:Lean manufacturing help to keep everything in order. Thus leading to no problem in finding right tool at immediate situation, clean and tidy work place, economic of scale and leading to fast functioning of operations.
2: STANDARDIZED: Adopting Lean manufacturing result in standardized of resources i.e. place for everything and everything in its right place. This makes performance of operationsmooth and steady.
3: OPTIMUM UTILIZATION OF RESOURCES:Lean manufacturing aims at optimum or full utilization of resources (time, money, efforts, humans, machinesetc.) full utilization in accordance to set standards of organization are always beneficial to organization.
4: THOROUGH CHEKING: Lean manufacturing involves in depth examination of the process as soon as the task is over. As a result short comings are sought out at the very first step before moving to next stage and efficiency is maintained at every stage.
1.3 CUT DOWN OF WASTE: One of the most important aspects of lean manufacturing is cut down of waste or scrap as a result unnecessary flow of raw material, time, money and efforts are save thus manufacturing cost decreases and net profit increases thus it is very important for the organization.
As lean manufacturing work on the mechanism of “work for everyone and every one on the right work†if organization follows these phenomena it could be reduction of waste could be easily achieved.
1.4 HISTORY OF LEAN MANUFACTURING: The foundation of lean manufacturing was formed late back from 1910 i.e. when assembly line technique of ford was formed, later on a Japanese company name Toyota motors use assembly line technique of ford and many other technique which were combined together and formed Toyota production system or just in time but it was later termed as lean manufacturing which was originated in Toyota manufacturing plant.
1.5 APPLICATION: Lean manufacturing is mainly followed in manufacturing systems as the concept is made in accordance to manufacturing concerns. Though many other business are trying to apply this phenomena but the majority of result was in negative as each organization have there own process, technique, variability, objectives etc.
But while considering the competitive market business other than manufacturing are also going for lean manufacturing.
1.6 FUTURE OF LEAN MANUFACTURING: The future of lean manufacturing is very titanic (big, bright). The main reason for this is the non stop rising of inflation rate. As we know lean aims at cutting the cost of waste so in this competitive world the organization that can cut down the waste cost will be the most feasible among all so its importance will definitely goanna rise in the future and organizations, business would be running after it.
2.1 CULTURAL CHANGE: Cultural change is the process of bringing the change in the beliefs which are deep rooted, assumptions, perception, values and shared feelings etc which influence the decision process of the organization. In short we can say that application of changes in the prevailing/ existing culture leads to cultural change. Lean manufacturing bring the cultural change through the application of 5S, SIX SIGMA, KAZINE etc which change the route of the organization and lead organization to achieve optimum level goals.
2.2 EXPENSIVE: lean manufacturing is a expensive process as implementation of lean strategies in the organization involve huge expenditure example applying kazine, just in time, 5s, six sigma in organization involve stopping up of daily routine, new mindset are needed, new philosophy and so on. Moreover lean aims at reducing WASTES this process of reducing waste is also very expensive and many small industries may not opt for lean.
2.3 MISSING OUT SOME OF THE TOOLS: Lean cannot be implemented successfully if their applications are missing because every different application have different set of goals and objectives which cannot be achieved by other applications i.e. six sigma cannot substitute cell manufacturing and so on.
Thus we can say that foundation for the successes of lean are lay down by the proper implementation and understanding of all its applications.
2.4 NORMAL PRODUTION: Lean manufacturing do disturb the normal production as applying lean involve setting up of entirely new procedures and application. As a result the normal production process is disturbed for some period. It may consider as a barrier because applying lean would require some time for effective performance. Till the time lean produces effective result it is considered as a barrier.
2.5 ROLE OF PERSONAL SKILLS: Lean manufacturing aims at bringing change and this change would work efficiently only when human resource involved in lean manufacturing are having some widely common personal skills. Personal skills like working in a team, working along with team, communication, problem handling etc are utmost important for people in lean manufacturing. If people of any organization lack in such personal skills than in such a condition these skill would act as a barrier for lean manufacturing.
2.6 EFFECTIVE MANGEMENT LEADERSHIP: Effective management leadership is very crucial for the organization as in the absence of the leadership the employee will do what they wish like moreover they may refused to achieve the goals set by lean manufacturing .lack of leadership control in organization would led to delay in results, Delay in task operation, delay in achievement of goals. Thus an effective management control is necessary for organization.
The prime challenges faced by BAJAJ MOTRS were its product named Bajaj pulsar 200. This particular product was refused by market due to following reasons:
1: Poor handling.
2: Start up problem
3: looks
4: uncomfortable while riding
5: Problem with gear pattern
6: Low average
All the above mentioned problems were in accordance to manufacturing process. The impact of failure of Bajaj 200 was so powerful that the entire image of Bajaj was getting down in customer mind as a result Bajaj pulsar 200 was totally banned by Baja motors in India and new product named Bajaj pulsar 220 was added to the list.
3.2 APPROACH FOR THE REMEDIES: The best approach for the quality improvement is ISO 9000. If Bajaj would have followed this certification there would have been no reason to shutdown pulsar 200. As this certification would have sort all the manufacturing problem through quality standardization and as a result product problem would have been sort out and customer friendly product would have been made.
3.3 PERMANENT STRATEGY: In accordance to my knowledge and views Bajaj motors should permanently adopt ISO9000 because at present products of Bajaj motors like pulsar 220, pulsar 150, pulsar 180, pulsar dtsi faces the same common problem of handling and repair which were in pulsar 200. Application of ISO 9000 would help the Bajaj motors to overcome the quality defects at manufacturing stage and moreover the standard would be set below which nothing would be acceptable by the organization thus problem would be sort out within the organization.
4: KAIZEN: Kaizen is a Japanese concept of management. The meaning of kaizen is in it word only kai (which means change) and Zen (which means good or better) i.e. bringing in the change which is good for the organization ( fruit full) kaizen is a continuous process of bringing in small small change that accounts for very big and positive results. And it is based on the phenomena that every single phase of our life need little but constant changes.
4.1MAJOR OBJECTIVE OF KAIZEN: the major objectives of kaizen are discussed below:
1: Aims at providing world class manufacturing process
2: Aims at improving quality.
3: Aims to provide job environment safe and secure.
4: Aims at making the job easy.
5: Aims at eliminating waste
4.3: JUST IN TIME: Just in time technique was developed by Toyota motors and this technique was copied at almost all manufacturing plant. JIT is a technique where in superior management is needed and large work force. Just in time technique is a phenomena of making the raw material and finished products at the time they are needed i.e. eliminating the time lag. And it generates no substantial risk to the organization.
1: Maintain the proper stock level.
2: Maintain proper or true position of inventory.
3: Defining re order period.
4: Maintaining proper standard for goods.
5: Proper disbursement of finished goods.
4.5: TOTAL QUALITY MANGEMENT: Total quality management is a management phenomena that seek to full fill the need of the customer without compromising in quality. i.e. providing customer quality they want or better than what they want. It could be achieved with integration of quality related functions