This assignment was a great opportunity for me, which helped me to develop my knowledge and skills on the subject WEB DESIGN. I appreciate the greatness of NCC and thank NCC for giving me such an opportunity. I also thank NCC for providing this kind of global IT education facility for which we are able to get better education.
The research I conducted for the assignment was very pleasurable for me in ways more than one. I learned new things and it has educated me to work with both the components of the computer, hardware and software.
I would like to thank our course coordinator, Mohammad Touhidur Rahman for his extensive support to complete my assignment. Without his helps it was quit impossible for me to complete the assignment. He gave me the proper direction and showed me the right way to complete the assignment.
Rope skipping is a simple sport that many people have played in the school playground. It involves swinging a rope so that it goes over the head and under the feet. As the rope passes under the feet the player jumps. There are many different rope skipping techniques. Some involve three people, two turn the rope and the third jumps. However, many techniques can be accomplished by a single participant who both turns and jumps the rope. In addition to being a fun pastime for children, rope skipping is also a useful form of exercise. It provides a good cardiovascular workout, it tones muscles, develops hand-eye co-ordination and there is even some research to suggest it can help prevent osteoporosis. In comparison to many sports, skipping can be appealing to reluctant exercisers. It doesn't require expensive equipment, it is easy to learn the basic techniques, and it can be done indoors or outdoors.
A skipping rope manufacturer has approached you to develop a website that will promote the sport of rope skipping. They specifically want to encourage adults that aren't usually interested in sport and exercise to take up skipping. As a consequence it is important that the website emphasises the health benefits of skipping and the fun nature of the sport.
Problem Statement:
There are many web sites with information about rope skipping. You should do some research using these websites. When conducting your research bear in mind the purpose and aim of your website, to introduce rope skipping as an accessible and enjoyable way to get fit. You should make notes and record the addresses of useful web sites that you find. Discuss these notes and ideas for your website with your tutor before proceeding.
Problem Decomposition:
There are many web sites with information about rope skipping. As per requirements of my assignment I found different sites about rope skipping. I got a clear idea about rope skipping, different skipping technique, health benefit and types of skipping. I got details about correct rope length, Basic Safety Information etc. Above research phase I have find out the answer of some question. They are:
What is the reason of creating this site?
What kind of site it is?
What features will it have?
What is the most important message of this site?
What will be the content of the site?
Does the site have logos, images and media?
Answering the above question at last I have found some important issues to complete the site. There is some websites list bellow from where I have taken conceptual help for my site.
Website Name :
Conceptual Help : Main Structure.
Website Name :
Conceptual Help : Skipping techniques,skipping videos& skipping tricks.
Website Name :
Conceptual Help : What is Rope Skipping? & Different jumping rope techniques.
Website Name :
Conceptual Help : How to meager Jump Rope Length & correct rope length.
Website Name :
Conceptual Help : Different content and image searches.
Website Name :
Conceptual Help : Health benefit.
Website Name :
Conceptual Help : Practice Technique.
Problem Statement:
Produce a project plan for the way you intend to complete the rest of this assignment. For planning, use the timescale you have been allocated for these assignments i.e. from the date you start to the date you submit your assignment. Submit a copy of your plan to your tutor before you proceed further with the assignment.
Problem Decomposition:
After determining the subject of my assignment and research; this is very important to preparing a project plan. This step will help me to complete my assignment step by step.
Problem Statement:
Using appropriate techniques, you are required to specify the structure and navigation of the proposed site. The specification should be neat, use appropriate techniques and be easy to understand. Imagine the specification is being used to explain your proposed website to someone with no prior knowledge. There should be enough detail, presented in such a way, that the viewer can quickly understand what will be developed.
Problem Decomposition:
Purpose of Site:
Due to develop a site of Skipping Rope manufacturer we will emphasises the content of the site. We are going to encourage adult about Rope skipping and also introduce rope skipping as an accessible and enjoyable way to get fit. A person can get fitted and lost his weight easily by Rope Skipping; this will be the main theme of the site. We also describe skipping technique, health benefit and types of skipping, correct rope length, Basic Safety Information etc.
Titles of Pages in Site:
There are 9 pages in the website. They are:
The first thing of site design is information design. What type of information will be representing in which page. The interface of a website includes the methods for doing things on a site; buttons, links, navigation devices, etc, as well as the functional organization of the page. The pages have approx. 400 or more words of text. A simple form will be available to register for newsletter. There will be JPEG, GIF, and FLV, etc. media file. Also have Logo and a banner in each page. The banner will be designed with the company name, product image and company theme. The pages also have internal and external link. This site is developed by using XHTML and there is no CSS used.
Problem Statement:
The web site must be developed using XHTML 1.0 (Transitional or Strict) and consist of between four and six inter-linked pages. The website will need to provide the following features:
Problem Decomposition:
Due to develop a site of Skipping Rope manufacturer we will emphasises the content of the site. As per my assignment my website name is ROPE SKIPPING. A person can get fitted and lost his weight easily by Rope Skipping; this will be the main theme of the site. We also describe skipping technique, health benefit and types of skipping, correct rope length, Basic Safety Information etc. There are 9 pages in the website. The description of my site is following: