First of all I am very grateful to Almighty Allah for enabling me to completethis project successfully. I also express my heartiest gratitude to my instructor, Sir Sufyan khan, who spent a lot of time with me and also gave me his personal time out of his busy schedule whenever I needed. His valuable knowledge and suggestions really helped me a lot in completing this project on time and without whom this project would not have been possible for me to complete on time.
Moreover my special thanks to all those friends and relatives whoconstantly motivated and helped me in the project. At the last but not the least it is also my duty to thank to my parents for their moral and financial support.
The research reported in this thesis was on "Effect of empowerment and goal-setting on employee's motivation". The main purpose behind the research was to find out the variables by which we can actually overcome the problem of employee motivation effectively in the manufacturing organizations of the world particularly in EMCO. For the research both the secondary and primary data was gathered. The primary data was gathered through distributing questionnaires and conducting interviews of employees. The secondary data was collected from many different sources like internet, journal articles, libraries, magazines and news papers etc. SPSS software was used to run frequency analysis and cross tabulation on the gathered data, which was then interpreted and in the light of the results all the proposed hypothesis have been accepted. Therefore, it is being proved that empowerment and goal-setting do have a positive effect on the level of employee's motivation.
Employees are considered as one of the most important part of every organization and we can also say that they play a major role in the success or failure of every organization. Among employees, motivation is the most important factor on which the performance of the employees will be dependent as when they will be motivated in an organization then they will work whole heartedly which will ultimately help in increasing the performance of the particular organization and vice versa. Many organizations have a separate HR-Department so that they could recruit the right person for the right job because they have a fair idea about the fact that if they choose or recruit the wrong person for the job then it can harm the organization in many ways like, the productivity of the organization can be effected in a negative way and quality of the product or services can also go down which can ultimately harm the organizations image. Apart from that HR-department also handle many other important issues like appraisal system and giving incentives and bonuses to employees in order to keep them motivated. Therefore it becomes very important for every organization to keep their employees motivated if they want to achieve their goals and objectives effectively.
BackgroundAs we know that the environment in which we are living is changing continuously and also it is becoming more and more competitive as the time passes by, so in order to have an edge or competitive advantage over competitors, organizations need to have a motivated force. Achieving or maintaining the motivation of employees is not a very easy task and it has been one of a major problem for the organizations since decades. Probably every organization has to deal with this problem and there could be many reasons for the de- motivation of employees like low salary, no incentive or bonuses for the employees, uncomfortable environment in which employees have to work, less safety precautions, organizational culture and leadership style etc. Another important reason behind the de motivation of employees is the biased behavior of their supervisors in which supervisors mistreat those employees to whom they do not like. Apart from that we have also been noticed in the past that if any organization has a very hardworking employee who's performance was very good in the particular organization then what the competitors did is they tried to attract the particular employee towards them by offering him a little higher wages or incentives so that he could join their organization and in this case if the employee will not be happy and motivated in the organization then he will must leave the older organization and join the new one from where he got the better offer and still these type of incidents are happening in the world. So from this practice we can also have a fair idea that a good employee is like an asset for every organization but in spite of this fact even in present days many organizations do not treat their employees with respect and also they were not given their proper rights which they deserved. Hence, the focus of this paper will be mainly on the motivation of employees in theorganizations.
This research will try to investigate or examine the motivational aspects of employees in the manufacturing organizations, the main problem being the de motivation of employees due to which the performance of the organizations suffer.
Importance of study for world
This paper has a great importance for all the manufacturing organizations in the whole world especially for those organizations which are currently facing a problem of employee de motivation as it will throw a light on the different motivational aspects of employees and also it will further highlight the fact that how an organization can actually achieve or motivate those employees who were de motivated earlier. So this research is very beneficial and also it might act as a guider for those organizations which have no idea at all about how they could solve this problem in an efficient way. Apart form that we have also seen in many organizations that employees stopped working in the organizations by announcing a strike in a protest against the mistreatment or they were not given their proper rights by the organizations like, wages were not given on time and also bonuses were not given to them which they deserved etc. So as a whole through this paper the organizations in the whole world will be able to abstain from those acts or steps which may cause de motivation among employees and also they all will get to know about how they can keep their employees motivated all the time.
Importance of study for organization
This paper will examine the motivational level of employees in the Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (EMCO).started its operation in May 1993 as public limited company and also it is registered on all three stock exchanges in Pakistan. It is basically a company of Onion Group, which is specialized in the provision of high quality glass containers. The principal office of the group is located in London with sub offices in Nigeria and Tanzania.
BGL has set the highest standards for itself and its quality management is ISO 9001: 2000 certified. BGL'S products are very famous and also they are readily accepted in the worlds markets. It has its clients all over the world and it exports its products to different markets in the world like, Sri Lanka, Iran and UAE etc. It has three plants and all are equipped with the latest machinery. It has the capacity of producing 100,000 high quality glass containers.
BGL is currently facing a problem of de motivation of employees, which is affecting its performance. There are many reasons behind it like, lack of recognition of employees, not providing them a chance to show their skills at their maximum and not effective goal-setting system etc. This research contains the idea to improve the motivational level of employees through empowerment and goal-setting if employed optimally. So this paper or research will serve as a solution to the problem of de-motivation of employees for the organization, so that the organizational performance could be improved which is necessary for the company in order to compete effectively in the competitive market.
Research Question
How can we increase the motivational level of employees in the Baluchistan Glass Limited (BGL)?
The literature review will set the context for and inform the study by examining previous research on this topic. The aim of the literature review is to appraise the existing literature on the effect of goal setting and empowerment on the motivation level of employees in the organizations.
Hammuda and Dulaimi (1997) conducted a research on three different industries i.e. manufacturing, construction and services with respect to the empowerment of employees. The main reason behind this research was to know about the effect of empowerment and also how this concept is being applied to organizations in three different industries mentioned above. In order to collect the data researcher used the qualitative method. The information was collected by taking semi-structured in-depth interviews of eight different companies which come under the category of manufacturing, service and construction industries. There were four construction, three service and one manufacturing companies. Researcher took the help of two different types of questionnaires in order to collect the data out of which one questionnaire was for both manufacturing and service companies and the other one was specifically for constructions companies. The result of the study came up with the conclusion that giving the power to employees not only beneficial for the organizations but also it has proved to be very beneficial on individual level as well. As after getting some authority employees get the feeling of some achievement or fulfillment internally and also they get the chance to show their skills at their maximum as well. They look more enthusiastic, more motivated, loyal and satisfied from their job as well. Which is good for organizations as it will help in increasing their productivity.
Wall and Cordery (2002) conducted a research on empowerment, Performance and operational certainty. The purpose behind the study was to find out that whether the effectiveness of empowerment is dependent on the degree of operational certainty that prevails or not? For the purpose of this study the researcher analyzes different theories and areas of inquiry like, organizational theory, work design, total quality management, human factors and human resource management to answer the hypothesis generated in the research. The result of the study came up with the conclusion that the effect of empowerment will vary according to the prevailing level of operational certainty. The empowerment will produce more favorable results under the condition where uncertainty will be prevailing. By empowerment, employees get some authority and also a little more responsibility come on their head, which ultimately help in increasing their motivation level as they get the chance to show their capabilities. Whereas, the condition in which uncertainty is low then there will be little or no performance improvement from the empowerment of employees.
Mahfud, S. et al (2011) conducted a research on goal-setting participation and goal commitment. The objective behind this research was to investigate the relation between goal-setting and goal commitment in the presence of moderating variables i.e. trust and fairness. For the purpose of this study correlation and structural equation modeling with PLS was used to test and answer the generated hypothesis in the research. A sample of 54 managers was selected. Questionnaires and interviews were used as research instrument. The data collected was analyzed by using correlation and structural equation modeling with PLS. The result came out from this study showed that there is a positive relation between goal-setting and goal commitment, which will ultimately help in improving the performance of the organization.
Minambres (2010) conducted a research on motivation through goal setting. The objective behind the study was to find out the effect of goal setting on the motivation and performance of the agent (employee). For the purpose of this study the principal agent model was used where two factors were considered important on which the agent's performance or motivation to work was dependent i.e. extrinsic incentives (wage) and intrinsic motive to work. The result of the study came up with the conclusion that the goal setting played an important in worker's motivation. Most importantly the result stated that when employees are enthusiastic about achieving the goal so at that point of time, tough but attainable goals help in increasing their performance regardless of the wage. So its been proved that the more challenging the goal will be the more will be the motivation of employees in achieving it, and also they will be more satisfied with their job in case of attaining it, which will ultimately help in increasing their performance as well.
Brskey (2007) conducted a research on ethical cost of organizational goal setting. The purpose behind the research was to investigate how goal-setting link to unethical behavior. For the purpose of this study the researcher developed a theoretical model which highlighted those aspects of goals and goal setting practices which may result in the motivation of adopting both ethical and unethical behaviors. Apart from this the researcher also discussed two moderating variables i.e. goal commitment and conscientiousness. The result of the study came up with the conclusion that although employees are being motivated to do their work whole heartedly by goal-setting but on the other hand it also caused employees to adopt some unethical means or behaviors just for the sake of a completion of a goal within a allocated time. Apart from that it is also mentioned that just because it may also result in some unethical behavior or practices one should not stop using it in the organizations as it is considered to be a very important motivational tool.
Claassen (2010) conducted a research on the organizations need to enhance their employees personal development. The main purpose or aim behind this research was to investigate about the employees thinking and their point of view about the attitude of their superiors regarding the empowering coaching behavior. For the purpose of this study multiple regressions were used to test and answer the hypothesis generated in the research. A sample of 269 employees and 41 superiors from eight different organizations in the Netherlands was selected and at that time they all were actively doing their job. Two different types of questionnaires were use as a research instrument. The response rate was 45.8%. The data collected was analyzed by using correlation and multiple regression analysis. The study highlighted different results. The correlation regarding the attitude of superiors of giving power to employees was found to be very low between perception of superiors and employees, so it shows that the point of views of both superiors and employees regarding giving power to employees did not match. Another result showed that the motivational empowerment has a positive effect on work commitment and also on the other hand a positive effect was found on the behavior as a citizen of a Work engagement and motivational empowerment.
Dr, M. et al (2011) conducted a research on employee's empowerment. The purpose of this study was to examine the empowerment functions and its effects on education organizations which were located in Tehran. For this study in order to gather the data researcher's choose descriptive research method. Questionnaires were used as a research instrument. A sample 230 employees was selected from the education organizations of Tehran based on random sampling. In order to analyze the gather data chi- square was used. The result which came out as a result of this study showed that there is a good or positive relation among employee's empowerment and their output or performance. It helps in boosting up their morale, motivation, loyalty and sincerity with the work, so as a result of which they work whole heartedly and ultimately their productivity increases.
Chiang and Hsieh (2011) conducted a research on the impacts of perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment on job performance. The researcher used four variables i.e. perceive organizational support, psychological empowerment, organizational citizenship behavior and job performance and the main purpose behind this to study was to examine the relation among these variables and also how employees actually take them. For this study a sample of 513 employees was selected from the different hotels of Taiwan. Questionnaires were used as a research instrument. The response rate was 80.5%. The data which was gathered through questionnaires was analyzed by using different means like, SPSS 12.0 was used for descriptive statistics analysis and reliability analysis and Amos 7.0 was used for confirmatory factor analysis and the structural equation modeling. There were three results came out from this study. First, a positive relation was found out between psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior. Second a negative relation proved among perceived organizational support and job performance and third, there is a positive influence of psychological empowerment and organizational behavior on the job performance. So overall the organizational support and psychological empowerment help in increasing the job performance of employees as these variables play an important role in increasing their motivation and satisfaction with the job as well.
Hancer and George (2003) conducted a research on the psychological empowerment of non-supervisory employees who were working in full service restaurants. The aim behind the research was to investigate the perception of non-supervisory employees about the concept of psychological empowerment. For the research a sample of over 5050 employees was selected from three different restaurants which were located in the Midwestern portion of United States. Questionnaires were used as a research instrument and around 2000 questionnaires were distributed in 66 different restaurants. The response rate was 46.2%. The collected data was analyzed with the help of SPSS and statistical models. Apart from that the researcher also proposed different tests like MANOVA and t-tests. The result came up with the conclusion that by the psychological empowerment employees get the feeling that they have potential in their self and also they have the required ability or skills in order to carry out their job in an efficient way. It also helps in increasing their motivation and after getting some authority they look more satisfied with their job as well.
Eric, F. et al (2004) conducted a research on forecasting the relation between sales control system and job performance using goal characteristics as moderating variable. The main purpose of this research was to find out how goal characteristics shape up the relation between sales control system and job performance. There were two studies whichwere carried out for this research in United States and China. For the purpose of this study a survey was conducted to test and answer the hypothesis generated in the research. A sample of 1257 salespeople was selected from different sales organizations. Questionnaires were used as a research instrument. The response rate was about 23% from the sample. The data which was gathered through questionnaires was analyzed by using CFA, EQS and Chi-square. The result which came out from this study showed that when the goal will be difficult then there will be a positive effect of sale control outcome on the performance, it is because due to goal difficulty the sale people (worker) will work hard in order to increase their sales volume so ultimately the performance of the organizationswill be improved. The result also stated that the effect of goal difficulty might be completely different in two different countries according to their respective cultures.
Linjuin (2011) conducted a research on employee empowerment and organization-employee relation. The aim behind this research was to examine that how employees empowerment effect the relationship between employees and organization. For the purpose of this study data was collected through online survey. A sample of 223 employees was selected from 18 different companies in china. The data collected was analyzed by using regression analysis. The result came out from this study showed that there was a positive relation between organization and employees as a result of empowerment because due to the empowerment, employees got the feeling of competency and control as well, which also resulted in their better performance.
Adam, M. et al (2006) conducted a research on empowerment, knowledge and role of experience. The purpose behind this research was to examine the effect of employee'sempowerment and knowledge on their behavior behind working harder and smarter. For the purpose of this study questionnaires were distributed through direct mail, and e-mail etc. Telephone was also used in order to get the answers of the questions. A sample of 238 employees was selected from different companies. The data collected was analyzed by using SRMR, CFI index, SEM and CFA model. The results came out with the conclusion that the employees with high knowledge will work hard and smart as they will be able to perform their duties more effectively. The positive relation was found between empowerment and working smarter. Hence, empowerment proved to be beneficial as it helped in increasing the performance of the employees.
Kimmy (2011) conducted a research on the empowerment of employees, their motivation and on the workload mechanism as well. The basic aim behind this research or study was to examine the fact that either empowerment motivate the employees or increase the burden on them due to extra responsibilities? For the purpose of this research there were two studies carried out and regression and mediation test procedure were used to test and answer the generated hypothesis in the research. In study1employees were given real tasks to perform like solving a particular problem etc. A sample of 68 employees was selected from a university of Hong Kong. In study 2 the questionnaires were used as a research instrument. A sample of 220 pair of service employees and supervisors was selected from multinational banks in Honk Kong. The data collected was analyzed by using regression, CFI, IFI, mediation test procedures and root mean square of approximation. The result came out form this study showed that empowerment enhances the performance of the employees as when they get some authority they feel good and become more internally motivated and on the other hand it can also hamper the performance of the employees as well if the delegation of power related to a particular task not aligned with their interest.
Garry (2004) conducted a research on motivation and the benefits of goal-setting. The purpose behind the study was to examine that how goal-setting actually benefits in term of the motivation of employees. The result which came out of this study showed that goal-setting helps in improving the performance and motivation of employees, especially when the tough or hard goal was set for them because they took it as a challenge and in a response they put more effort in order to achieve it and when they successfully achieved it they become more satisfied with their jobs hence, motivated. On the other hand the result also showed that employees will not be much motivated in achieving those goals which are relatively easy as it do-not require much effort. Hence, challenging or tough goals result in motivation and better performance of employees.
Geared, G. et al (2004) conducted a research on goal-setting and goal orientation. The purpose behind this was to examine the relation between goal-setting, goal orientation and the performance of the employees. For the purpose of this study cellular industry base game (in which different type of goals were assigned) was used to test and answer the generated hypothesis in the research. A sample of 170 business school students was selected. The data collected was analyzed by using correlation and ANOVA. The result which came out of this research showed that in goal-setting if the goal will be difficult or challenging then employees will put more effort in order to achieve it and also they will be more motivated. On the other hand in goal orientation learning goal results in better performance than a performance goal because in learning goal they get to learn new skills and knowledge which became them more competent hence, their performance improved.
Research type
The research type is both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The main purpose behind the qualitative research is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the research problem by conducting informal interviews with the employees, so that a realistic solution could be find out in order to solve the problem under the research. On the other hand relationship will be determined between identified dependent and independent variables through quantitative research and for this purpose a questionnaire survey will be conducted in the particular manufacturing organization i.e. BGL.
Data type and research period
The data used for the research will be both primary and secondary data. In order to collect the primary data, survey through questionnaires and informal interviews with the employeeswill be conducted. For the collection of secondary data help from different sources like, journal articles, book and internet etc will be taken. The research will be conducted for six month starting from November 2011 and ending in April 2012.
Source of data In order to collect the needed data, help from different sources like, internet, journal articles, research papers, newspapers and magazines etc were taken and apart from that various research engines such as jstor, science direct, scirus and Google were also used.
Population, Working population and planned sample
The population consists of total number of employees and managers who are currently working in different plants of BGL. The working population would be all employees and managers working in the plant located on Sheikhupura road. A sample of 50 employees will be selected for the survey and few employees will also be interviewed informally, so that their point of view regarding the research problem could be taken.
Research hypothesis
Ho: There is significance relationship between empowerment and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between empowerment and employee motivation.
Ho: There is significance relationship between goal-setting and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between goal-setting and employee motivation.
Ho: There is significance relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation.
Ho: There is significance relationship between competence and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between competence and employee motivation.
Ho: There is significance relationship between operational certainty and employee motivation
H1: There is no significant relationship between operational certainty and employee motivation.
Ho: There is significance relationship between psychological empowerment and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between psychological empowerment and employee motivation.
Ho: There is significance relationship between goal-characteristics and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between goal-characteristics and employee motivation.
Ho: There is significance relationship between extrinsic incentives and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between extrinsic incentives and employee motivation.
Ho: There is significance relationship between intrinsic motive and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between intrinsic motive and employee motivation.
Ho: There is significance relationship between trust & fairness and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between trust & fairness and employee motivation.
After gathering the data both the frequency analysis and cross tabulation will be run. The data on the sample size will be analyzed after finding that to what extend the variable is significant with the independent variable.
Data analysis
For the purpose of data analysis, data collected through survey and interviews will be analyzed with the help of statistical software i.e. SPSS. Cross tabulation and frequency analysis will be used in order to identify the relationships between dependent and independent variables.
Data interpretation
The results generated from the statistical software will be interpreted and compiled.
Research Limitation
Although there are three plants of the organization, but the research will be limited to asingle plant which is located on Sheikhupura road.
Organizational culture
Operational certainty
Employee motivation
Psychological empowerment
Goal -characteristics
Extrinsic incentives
Trust & fairness
Intrinsic motive
Psychological empowerment
Employee's psychological empowerment is their perceived power in the workplace.
Chiang, F.C., Hsieh, S.T. (2011).The impacts of perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment on job performance:The mediating effects of organizational citizenship behavior. Hospitality management,31, 180-190.
It refers to the belief that one is able to perform the task activities skillfully when he or she tries, in essence self-efficacy.
Hancer, M., & George, T.R.( 2003). Psychological empowerment of non-supervisory
employees working in full-service restaurants. Hospitality management, 22, 3-16.
The self-generated exercising of judgment and giving authority to make everyday decisions.
Hancer, M., & George, T.R.( 2003). Psychological empowerment of non-supervisory
employees working in full-service restaurants. Hospitality management, 22, 3-16.
Instrinsic motivation
It refers to doing something because it is inherently interesting and enjoyable.
Classeen, S. (2011).Coaching driven by empowerment:The mediating influence of Engagement in MotivationalEmpowerment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
Goal chracteristics
Goal characteristics, such as goal difficulty, goal specificity, and goal participation.
Fang, E., Evans, R.K., &Zou, S. (2005). The moderating effect of goal-setting characteristics on the sales control systems-job performance relationship. Business research, 58, 1214-1222.
Goal-setting process helps clarify the task to be performed by salespeople and provides sales people explicit knowledge of where to direct their efforts which enhances the effectiveness of activity control and capability control.
Fang, E., Evans, R.K., &Zou, S. (2005). The moderating effect of goal-setting characteristics on the sales control systems-job performance relationship. Business research, 58, 1214-1222.
Procedural fairness
Procedural fairness refers to the fairness of all aspects of the organisation's procedures that are used by the superior to evaluate the subordinate's performance, to communicate performance feedback and to determine the subordinate's rewards such as promotion and pay increases.
Sholihin, M., Pike, R., Mangena, M., & Li, J. (2011). Goal-setting participation and goal commitment: Examining the mediating roles of procedural fairness and interpersonal trust in a UK financial services organization. British accounting review, 43, 135-146.
A concept of trust as the subordinate's confidence in the superior's intentions regarding matters relevant to the subordinate's career and status in the organization.
Sholihin, M., Pike, R., Mangena, M., & Li, J. (2011). Goal-setting participation and goal commitment: Examining the mediating roles of procedural fairness and interpersonal trust in a UK financial services organization. British accounting review, 43, 135-146.
Extrinsic incentives
Reward system, where explicit personal and team objectives are aligned with incentives and rewards(bonus, and high wages etc) based on target attainment.
Sholihin, M., Pike, R., Mangena, M., & Li, J. (2011). Goal-setting participation and goal commitment: Examining the mediating roles of procedural fairness and interpersonal trust in a UK financial services organization. British accounting review, 43, 135-146.
Organizational culture
A system of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations. This is a set of characteristics that the organization values.
Operational certainty
The quality, state, or condition, of being certain.
Table 1: cross tab of empowerment impact on employee motivation.
Do you think empowerment of employee's effect their motivation level in a positive way? *Do you think empowerment of employees is dependent on their competencies?
Strongly Agree
Employee motivation
Strongly Agree
Ho: There is significance relationship between empowerment and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between empowerment and employee motivation.
This cross tabulation shows that the empowerment effect's the motivational level of employees in a positive way. 11 respondents agreed from the fact that empowerment effect's the motivational level of employees and the same number of respondents agreed from the fact that empowerment depend on the competency of employees. 22 respondents strongly agreed that empowerment effect's the motivational level of employees in a positive way and 5 strongly agreed that empowerment depend on the competency of the employees. In total 31 strongly agreed and 17 agreed that empowerment effect's the motivational level of employees in a positive way and on the other hand 35 agreed and 11 strongly agreed that empowerment of employees depend on their competencies, so majority is towards agreed side.
Therefore, null hypothesis is accepted that there is significant relationship between empowerment and motivational level of employees.
Table 2: cross tab of goal-setting process impact on employee motivation.
Do you think goal-setting process effect's the motivational level of employees in a positive manner? *Do extrinsic incentives play an important role in the success of a goal-setting process?
Strongly Agree
Employee motivation
Strongly Agree
Ho: There is significance relationship between goal-setting and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between goal-setting and employee motivation.
This cross tabulation shows that goal-setting process effect's the motivational level of employees in a positive manner. 16 agreed to the statement that goal-setting process effect's the motivational level of employees in a positive way and the same number of respondents agreed to the statement that empowerment depend on the competency of the employees. 22 people strongly agreed to the fact that goal-setting process effect's the motivational level of employees in a positive way and the same number of people strongly agreed that empowerment depend on the competency of employees. In total 20 agreed and 30 strongly agreed to the statement that goal-setting process effects the motivational level of employees in a positive way and on the other hand 24 agreed and 26 strongly agreed that extrinsic incentives do play an important role in the success of goal-setting process.
Therefore, null hypothesis is accepted that there is a significant relationship between empowerment and motivational level of employees.
Table 3: Frequency analysis of goal-characteristics impact on employee motivation.
Do goal-characteristics affect the motivational level of employees?
Valid percent
Cumulative percent
Valid Neutral
Agree Strongly Agree
Ho: There is significance relationship between goal-characteristics and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between goal-characteristics and employee motivation.
The frequency analysis shows that the Goal-characteristics do affect the motivational level of employees. As 2 percent respondents are neutral, 68 percent agreed and 35 percent are strongly agreed to the statement that goal-characteristics do affect the motivational level of employees. Hence, majority people agreed from the fact that goal-characteristics do affect the motivational level of employees and the valid percentage is also 68.
Therefore, null hypothesis is accepted that there is a significant relationship between goal-characteristics and motivational level of employees.
Table 4: Frequency analysis of organizational culture impact on employee motivation.
Does organizational culture affects the motivational level of employees?
Valid percent
Cumulative percent
Valid Neutral
Strongly Agree
Ho: There is significance relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation.
The frequency analysis shows that the organizational culture does affect the motivational level of employees. 4 percent people are neutral about it, 64 percent people agreed that organizational culture does effect the motivational level of employees and 32 percent strongly agreed about it. Hence, majority people agreed from the fact that organizational culture does affect the motivational level of employees.
Therefore, null hypothesis is accepted that there is a strong relationship between organizational culture and motivational level of employees.
Table 5: Frequency analysis of psychological empowerment impact on employee motivation.
Does psychological empowerment affect the motivational level of employees in a positive way?
Valid percent
Cumulative percent
Valid Neutral
Strongly Agree
Ho: There is significance relationship between psychological empowerment and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between psychological empowerment and employee motivation
The frequency analysis shows that psychological empowerment does affect the motivational level of employees in a positive way. As 3 percent respondents are neutral about it, 56 percent respondents agreed that psychological empowerment does affect the motivational level of employees in a positive way and 42 percent strongly agreed from it. Hence, most of the respondents agreed that psychological empowerment does affect the motivational level of employees.
Therefore, null hypothesis is accepted that there is a significant relationship between psychological empowerment and employee level of motivation.
Table 6: Cross tab of extrinsic incentives impact on employee motivation.
Do extrinsic incentives help in increasing the motivation of employees?* Do monetary incentives help in increasing the motivation of employees?
Extrinsic incentives
Strongly Agree
Employee motivation
Strongly Agree
Ho: There is significance relationship between extrinsic incentives and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between extrinsic incentives and employee motivation.
This cross tabulation shows the people responses towards extrinsic incentives and employees motivation, whether it effect the employees motivation or not. 18 respondents agreed to the statement that extrinsic incentives help in increasing the motivation of employees and 19 strongly agreed to the statement that monetary incentives help in increasing the motivation level of employees. 5 people strongly agreed to the fact that extrinsic incentives helps in increasing the motivation level of employees and 18 agreed to the fact that monetary incentives help in increasing the motivation of employees. In total 25 agreed and 24 strongly agreed to the statement that extrinsic incentives help in increasing the motivation of employees and on the other hand 23 agreed and 25 strongly agreed that monetary incentives help in increasing the motivation of employees.
Therefore, null hypothesis is accepted that there is a significant relationship between extrinsic incentives and employees motivation
Table 7: Frequency analysis of intrinsic motive impact on employee motivation.
Does intrinsic motivation helps in increasing the motivation level of employees?
Valid percent
Cumulative percent
Valid Neutral
Strongly Agree
Ho: There is significance relationship between intrinsic motive and employee motivation.
H1: There is no significant relationship between intrinsic motive and employee motivation.
The frequency analysis shows that intrinsic motive does help in increasing the motivation level of employees. There are 4 percent respondents who are neutral about it, 66 percent agreed from it and 30 percent are strongly agreed to the statement that intrinsic motive does help in increasing the motivation level of employees. Hence, majority of respondents agreed that intrinsic motive does help in increasing the motivational level of employees.Therefore, null hypothesis in accepted that there is a significant relationship between intrinsic motive and employee motivation.
The aim of this study was to identify the main variables by which we can actually overcome the problem of de motivation of employees particularly in BGL by increasing their motivation level to a certain extent and the research question of this study was "How can we increase the motivational level of employees in the Baluchistan Glass Limited (BGL)?
For the purpose of this study both primary and secondary data was gathered from different sources and then cross-tabulation and frequency analysis were used in order to analyze the data.
According to the result all our proposed hypothesis have been accepted and also each of the identified variables did effect the motivation level of employees in a positive way as indicated by the result which we got after doing cross tabulation and frequency analysis of the data. The variables which have the most impact on the motivation of employees are empowerment, goal-setting process and extrinsic incentives. Since, most of the respondents have strongly agreed in the questionnaire survey that above indicated variables do have a strong effect on the motivation of employees.
Apart from that the employees (managers) to whom i interviewed were also of the view that these variables can help in increasing the motivation of employees. The empowerment makes the employees feel that they have some importance and also they feel privileged so ultimately it motivated them. As far as goal-setting is concern when employees were given hard tasks then they put more effort and try to achieve it because in case of achieving the goal they have a sense of accomplishment and last but not the least in extrinsic incentives especially the monetary incentives (high wages and bonuses) motivated the employees well.
So in the light of the above research organizations especially manufacturing one's like BGL, which are currently facing the problem in the form of employee de motivation could overcome from this problem easily and they must pursue above discussed all variables effectively and efficiently in their organizations.
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Respected Respondents:
The purpose of this research is to identify that from empowerment and Goal-setting motivational level of employees can be increased. Your precious time and valuable participation will be a great contribution towards the noble cause of knowledge creation. I ensure you that any information obtained in connection with this study, will remain highly confidential. In any written report or publication, no one will be identified and only aggregate data will be presented
Name of the Organization: Balochistan Glass Limited
Answer the following queation by encircling the option
Demoghapics Questions
Q#1) What is your gender?
Q#2) In which income bracket do you fall?
Less than 20,000
Above 50,000
Q#3) How long have you worked at the company?
Less than one year
6months - 1year
1 - 2 years
3 - 5 years
More than 5 years
Q#4) Do you think empowerment of employees effect their motivational level in a positive way?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#5) Do you think empowerment of employees is dependent on their competencies?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#6) Do you think empowerment of employees is dependent on the leadership style of their managers?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#7) Does organizational culture affect's empowerment?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#8) Does giving power to employees depend upon the operational-certainty prevailing in the organization?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Variable 2: GOAL-SETTING
Q#9) Do you think goal-setting process effect the motivational level of employees in a positive manner?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#10) Do characteristics of employees effect the goal-setting process?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#11) Do extrinsic incentives (high wages and rewards etc) play an important in the success of a goal-setting process?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#12) Do trust & fairness play an important in the success of a goal-setting process?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#13) Does intrinsic motivation effect's the goal-setting process?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#14) Do goal-characteristics (easy, difficult, and medium) effect the motivational level of employees?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#15) Does organizational culture effect's the motivational level of employees?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#16) Does psychological empowerment effect's the motivational level of employees in a positive way?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#17) Do extrinsic incentives help in increasing the motivation of employees?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#18) Do monetary incentives help in increasing the motivation of employees?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#19) Do non-monetary incentives help in increasing the motivation of employees?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Q#20)Does intrinsic motivation helps in increasing the motivation level of employees?
Strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree
Table 1: cross tab of empowerment impact on employee motivation.
Strongly Agree
Employee motivationDisagree
Strongly Agree
Table 2: cross tab of goal-setting process impact on employee motivation.
Strongly Agree
Employee motivation
Strongly Agree
Table 3: Frequency analysis of goal-characteristics impact on employee motivation.
Valid percent
Cumulative percent
Valid Neutral
Agree Strongly Agree
Table 4: Frequency analysis of organizational culture impact on employee motivation.
Valid percent
Cumulative percent
Valid Neutral
Strongly Agree
Table 5: Frequency analysis of psychological empowerment impact on employee motivation.
Valid percent
Cumulative percent
Valid Neutral
Strongly Agree
Table 6: Cross tab of extrinsic incentives impact on employee motivation.
Extrinsic incentives
Strongly Agree
Employee motivation
Strongly Agree
Table 7: Frequency analysis of intrinsic motive impact on employee motivation.
Valid percent
Cumulative percent
Valid Neutral
Strongly Agree
Fig 1: Frequency analysis of goal-characteristics impact on employee motivation.
Fig 2: Frequency analysis of organizational culture impact on employee motivation.
Fig 3: Frequency analysis of psychological empowerment impact on employee motivation.
Fig 4: Frequency analysis of intrinsic motive impact on employee motivation.