Shareholder of Company: Harihar stores shareholder is the owner of company. Shareholder involvement in managing change is primary obsession. In the first there should be need to involve convince the shareholder to do the managing change of the company. For that there should be aware the shareholder about the company actual present situation, market demand, market policy, scope of market, customer interest, the position of company compotator etc. After then only the shareholder are ready to change. When the shareholders are ready to change then only they prepared to increase their capital to change the managing of company. Without additional funds we cannot change Harihar store management so we need to involve the shareholder to collect necessary capital. As well as to change company coming mission, vision object and marketing strategy and to increase the market scope there should be need to shareholder's support.
Employees: Employees are key person of managing change implementation; so it is important to involvement of employees in the management change process. Actual information we can collect by the employees about the company. That information is so important of managing change of company. We need to aware the employees why we do change in company. After the aware of employees about the new change we need to give the training about their new role. In this way there should be need to involve to the employee in the company managing change.
Customers: We can take many kinds of feedback from the customer so when we are going to managing change of company we need to involve to the customer to know about their interest. We need to priority of the customer interest about the new change. What thing we improve in the company that is so important thing of customer because the customer is so important part of the business. Without loyal customer never increase the business. Customers have low power but high interest in the company so we need to know the customer's interest about of our company.
Suppliers: company's suppliers have low power and high interest in the company. We need to inform the suppliers about the change of company and collect their view what kinds of help they can do to the company. After the change what kinds of their supply system aspect the company that need to know the company? In this way we may to involve the supply in the change.
Government: without acceptant of company register office we cannot change and implement the change about something as well so we need to involve the government to amendment of company purpose, working scope etc. So there should be need to involve government in the managing change of the organisation.
Competitors: we should need to know the competitors activity in business. When we know the competitors business strategy after then only we can develop of our strategy so in the managing change process competitors' involvement is so important.
Finance Institution: without capital we cannot do anything. When we are going to managing change we need additional money. To fulfill the capital problem we need to involve the financial institution.
4. Important to involve stakeholder during change Management Process
Company's each work is moving in around the stakeholder. We can divide company stakeholder of their power and interest. Some stakeholders have high power and high interest and some have low power and low interest . Who have high power and high interest they are so important company's stakeholder and who have low they are low important stakeholder of company. Therefore which stakeholder is so important and which is less important we can divide of their power and interest on the company.
According to our above discussion we can trace the important to involve stakeholder during change management process of Harihar Store Pvt.Ltd
Among the company stakeholder, shareholder is the owner of the company so any types of change in the company there should be need the support of shareholder. Share holder only can change the company scope, purpose, strategy, structure etc.
There should be need capital to change the company it is no possible without its shareholder involvement
There should be must important role of company employee to implement of new change.
We should be needed to know the interest of customer. Without customer support of new change there is no success of its change. So there is so important of customer interest of address the new change.
There is government role also so important to change. Without support of government the company cannot increase its business scope. So there is so important of government acceptant to change the company
When we are going to change we need money so the financial institution role also important of management changes process.
5. Appropriate Models for Change Introduction in Organisation
There are many kinds of models for change organisation. In the context of Harihar Store pvt.Ltd. The appropriate model for change organisation is re-engineering.
simply the process of review all the altered levels of an organisation's way of doing business and making an allowance for how to improve things is Reengineering an organization. Reengineering include increased company income, improved competitive advantage in the marketplace and improved public image. Reengineering requires an organisation to look closely at its strengths and weaknesses, ask hard questions where needed and make changes for the improved of the organisation.
Reengineering an organisation offers a number of benefits for general productivity. The reengineering process identifies elements of an organisation that are creating expenses with little benefits and makes necessary adjustments. In some cases, these adjustments need layoffs; in other cases, these adjustments are changes to the type a department does business.
Even though it's recognized benefits, there is come disadvantage of reengineering. Reengineering has resulted in large-scale layoffs within a number of orgnisation, leaving companies in better figure but excited workers with little options. As well, reengineering centre of attention on the lower-level departments of an organisation but often leaves the higher management together, failing to take into account the problems that might be originating with higher management.
Advantage and disadvantage away, reengineering has produced verifiable results for a number of big companies. Since the 1990s Dell Computer Company has used elements of reengineering, and it attribute much of its long-term success to its identification of the need for partial reengineering. As well, Procter and Gamble and American Airlines have both applied reengineering model after periods of severe financial problems and have seen improvements in fighting back debt and regaining profits [1] . Harihar Store have many kinds of problem in the business so to remove that all problem and improve its business we should be need to apply the reengineering model for change management.
6. Implementation of Change and its Outcomes in Terms of Change Management Process
Organisation change management is the management of realigning an organisation to meet the changing demands of its business environment, includes the management of change to the organisational cultural, business processes , physical environment job design/ responsibilities, staff skills/knowledge and policies/ procedures [2] . Here is a figure of system approach to project change management; by this picture we can understand about the management change process.
There is many kinds of problem in the Harihar store so there should be need to change total system in Harihar store. There will be come various problem in implement of Harihar Store's management change process. For example legal problem, financial problem, workers problem are main problem. If we follow up the management change rule in systematically we can minimise the problem. First we need to use the stakeholder if we can take the fully help of stakeholder side it in not more hard. Certainly we can get success in our work. After the implement of management change of Harihar store we can get following outcome:
Harihar Store can return it previous business stators.
It can increase it business quality and quantity in large scale in Nepali Market.
Decrease the company unproductive expenditure and increase the productive expenditure
The stakeholders are so interested with the company.
Company can increase effectively its business in main city of Nepal.
Company can computation with its compotators.
7. Conclusion
After doing the research and careful analysis of various types of organizational changes that can affect Harihar store pvt.Ltd., the matrix change is concluded as the appropriate one. But it is not that much easy to apply the change or bring into practice overnight or as soon as possible. For that, each and every employee of the company should contribute a lot from their side. Harihar store should work accordingly by utilizing its strengths and gradually improving its weaknesses. It should also focus on the opportunities, threats and other external factors that can affect the business of it.
We should need to involve stakeholder in the organisation change process of Harihar store. Shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, governments, compotators, and financial institute role is so important. The reengineering models for change of Hariharstore is so appropriate model because we need to change all part of its system. Redesigning process would require the involvement of all employees and the communication should not only flow from top to bottom but vice versa as well. And also, Harihar store should not only focus on the hereditary successor but it should give priority according to the talent and experience of an individual.