In todays world, there is an increasing trend of the globalization which led to the prioritization of management of the diversity in Workplace. This means that workplace has diversity more than ever the people have to work from different countries and hence they may not share the same attitudes, perspectives and values into their life as well as work. The workplace has people from different philosophies, personalities, cultures and backgrounds and hence, this diversity encourages teamwork, corporation and creative thinking. Personality difference refers the fact that individuals have different approach of their work style and interacting with managers, employees, competitors and client. The personality and emotion has significant impact on the individual's behavior and performance at work (Pearson).
Literature Review:
(Michael Mount, 2006) highlights the relationship of counterproductive work behavior and personality traits and the mediating effects of Job Satisfaction. Authors conducted the study with the use of path analysis method and test a model that posits that relevant personality skills and would have both relationship i.e. direct relationship with CPBS (counter productive work behaviors) as well as indirect relationship with CPBs through the mediating effects of job satisfaction (Michael Mount, 2006).
There is a posit linkage between individual difference variable and components of job performance. It reveals that there is a significant relationship between the three major constructs in job satisfaction, CPBs and personality traits. The relevant personality tests and the satisfaction in context to job and organization envisaged both interpersonal and organizational deviance. Job satisfaction partially acts as a mediator in order to maintain the relationship between counterproductive behavior as well as personal trait. The personality trait of Agreeableness had direct effects to interpersonal deviance and indirect effects to organizational as well as interpersonal deviances due to its relationship with the job satisfaction and hence, play vital role in the predication of CPBs. However, the Conscientiousness effect is primarily direct than indirect and thus, found to play a crucial role in the prediction of organizational deviance (Michael Mount, 2006).
(Alharbi Mohammad Awadh) contributes to the study of literature of work related attitudes, employee performance and personality. The authors attempts a research in context to find out the inter relationship and the impact of personality trait and work related attitudes on employee work performance (Alharbi Mohammad Awadh).
There is a significant and positive relationship between the personality traits, job involvement, organizational commitment and the employee work performance and it also involves moderating effect of the organizational culture (Alharbi Mohammad Awadh). Personality differentiates individuals and plays an important role in examining work performance. This trait is stable and steady in throughout the life for attempting work. According to the trait theory, the big five model of personality demonstrate that the human personality have five reasonably self determining traits i.e. Intellect, Character, Temper, Disposition and Temperament. It provides significant and complete taxonomy for reviewing the individual dissimilarities and also provide basic concept of the actual core in the human nature causes due to dissimilarities. The big five personality traits are self regulating factors that explained five personality dimensions which are inclusive of Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience and Agreeableness.
(Alharbi Mohammad Awadh) state that there exists a positive and direct significant relationship between the employee performance, personality, work related attitude and employee performance at work while the organizational culture also has a moderating effect. The complete job satisfaction would lead to enhancing employee performance and thus, increasing organizational productivity and development (Alharbi Mohammad Awadh).
After analyzing on the emotional competencies and appropriate diagnostics of personality it has been found that the employee productivity includes measures of both the effectiveness and efficiency. The employee behavior refers with the six important psychological factors i.e. the employee productivity, absenteeism, turn over, organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction and work place misbehavior. Work place misbehave includes aggression, deviance, violence and antisocial behavior (Pearson).
It has been analyzed with the above literature review that organizational culture has moderate effect on the employee performance. My organizational culture is very strong in order to manage diversity and conducting business in an ethical, fair and appropriate manner. The company has its rules and regulations and employees are subjected to adhere it very strictly this results in the proper discipline and working environment in the office. The implementation of the rules and regulations are very consent which are designed in context to manage diversity, enhancing working environment, eliminate all types of discrimination and provide an equal opportunity to all employees.
The strict adherence to the policies and rules consequently provides good working atmosphere which leads to the job satisfaction in employees and hence, increase in productivity and efficiency of employee. The increase productivity also leads to the improved organizational performance. At times, I suffered loss and lack of efficiency in my work performance as well as self performance but after strict rules, polices and regulation of my work place forced me to adhere it. Consequently, my own effectiveness has improves at work with using appropriate diagnostics of personality and emotional competencies. I am satisfied with my work and hence there is automatically efficiency in my work performance.
My organization believes in the concept of the employee's job satisfaction. It has benn considered that employee job satisfaction is a key of performance and success. Employee behavior consists of above stated six psychological factors that are interrelated with each other as high job satisfaction leads to less abseentism as well as lower level of turnover while high level of job satisfaction leads to the high level of customer satisfaction. There is a significant relationship between the organizational citizenship behaviors with the job satisfaction which is tempered by the perception of fairness. Individual's organizational citizenship behavior is considered that it is more influenced by the group's organizational citizenship behavior. In the same context, employees with the low job satisfaction or dissatisfaction lead to the inefficiency in the work performance and they will respond very slowly. It cannot be predicted that how they would respond but it would result in workplace misbehave. The job satisfaction is much depends on the organizational justice that refers to the perception of the employee of fairness in context to organizational procedures and outcomes.
Competencies and strategies:
The following are the specific strategies for developing my workplace effectiveness which would be accountable for enhancing personality characteristics and emotional competencies:
Providing job satisfaction:
This is a basic factor to bring efficiency in the employee's performance and major key factor to enhance the organization's performance. Therefore, the organization need to develop polices and procures and should create positive work environment that would help for improving personality characteristics and emotional competencies. It would improve the efficiency by making employees more happy and satisfied with their work.
Providing facts of job involvement:
This is a strategy which makes employees involved up to their best in the job and found to be actively participating in their work. It is a competence in which employees make to consider that there performance is important for the organization as well as for their self- worth. This would help me in enhancing my performance as high level of involvement results in low absenteeism and lower attritions.
Organizational commitment:
Organizational commitment is the degree to which an employee identifies with the organization and its objectives and goals and has commitment to maintain membership in the organization. My organizational commitment is very strong with my organization as it would help me in enhancing organization's performance by lowering absenteeism and turnover. It could be becoming outmoded measures because the number of employee is increased who change employer.
Perceived organizational Support:
It is a general perception of employee that there their organization values their work, their contribution and cares about their well- being. It represents the commitment of the organization with their employee. I perceived organizational support from my organization; it would help in enhancing performance as it increases job satisfaction and lower turnover.
Employee Engagement:
The organization is developing competencies of employee engagement it occurs when employees are satisfied with their job, they are highly connected and enthusiastic about their work. It would help in improvement in my performance as how much I would connect to my work could deliver my best.
Implementation of Personality Job Fit theory:
The personality job fit theory state that individual have difference in personality and occupation. There also different types of job. If an individual work according to their interest, personality and their occupation there would be a perfect match between personality of employee and job. This competency would improve my perfectionist skills and also develop the job satisfaction and employee engagement and thus, productivity of the organization would also increase.
Eliminate all types of biasness:
This is very important strategy that the organization should adopt as it would help me in enhancing my skills because it helps in increasing job satisfaction and organizational justice. Diversity results in difference and the strategy of consider all employees same can be implement by eliminating all the causes of biasness.
The above described strategies and competencies help me in enhancing my work performance as well as other employee's performance. This would result in efficiency of organizational work performance.