The important elements

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 3598

Executive Summary

The Product is one of the most important elements of 4P's of the marketing mix. The product chosen is the Air conditioner. In country like India launching of the Air conditioner we have to understand various factors like environmental factors, demographic factors, economic factors, technological factors etc. By keeping the above factors in mind a new range of air conditioner has been launched with brand name BIO COOL eco friendly Air conditioners. This will be new concept and will provide a competitive edge among the various competitors. There is an increasing demand of this product in country like India and company will fully take advantage of this factor to make more a more sales. With rise in living standard of the people, there is increase in the per capita income of the people. People are more spending on the luxuries product like Air conditioners. As there is a already presence of competitors in the market like Hitachi, Carrier, O general, LG, Samsung etc. and there presence cannot be neglected. Today customer in the market has many preferences and choices and they want more value for their money. Their desires are increasing day by day. So the positioning of the product should be in such away that it provides a unique feature and benefits to the target audience. For this purpose the company has launch a new product BIO COOL eco friendly Air conditioner which will not only provide the cool air but it will also provide the feeling of fresh air because of its technological advancement and also the feature of consuming less electricity. The more focus of the marketing plan will be on the technology aspect used in manufacturing the product. The technology used will become the USP of our product which is Air conditioner. The next part will be to make aware to the target customers about the product and its feature. The advertising can be one of the tools for this purpose; it will serve the purpose of informing the customers about the product but to make our campaign more successful alone advertising is not sufficient. There is need of complete IMC plan as it will provide advantage of complete communication with our target audience.



It includes all activities related to the conception and planning of the actual product that fulfill customers need and wants. In our case the product is Air conditioner. Other decision in product will involve like


The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. It is determined by a number of factors including market share, competition, material costs, product identity and the customer's perceived value of the product.


Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as the distribution channel. It also refers to the place where is to launch the product. The retailer, showroom etc where the product is to make available.


It represents all of the communications that a marketer may use in the marketplace. Promotion has four distinct elements -advertising, sales and promotion,public relations,word of mouthandpoint of sale. A certain amount of crossover occurs when promotion uses all the principal elements together, which is common in film promotion. Advertising covers any communication that is paid for, from cinema commercials, radio and Internet adverts through print media and billboards. Public relations are where the communication is not directly paid for and includes press releases, sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade fairs and events. Word of mouth is any apparently informal communication about the product by ordinary individuals, satisfied customers or people specifically engaged to create word of mouth momentum. Sales staff often plays an important role in word of mouth and Public Relations.


Market Segmentation:-

BIO COOL AIR CONDITIONER has segmented its market on the basis of following:


BIO COOL will target its market on the basis of the product that they are offering to the consumer

Targeting is also done on the basis of:

The targeting is done of those consumers who are more concern of life style product.

Their product is more of upper mid class and premium segment, so their target audience is those consumers, who want quality product as the best price.








BIO COOL Eco-Friendly is a new fresh brand. We are using the different IMC tool to communicate our idea and to inform the customers about our products. Our purpose is to inform the customers about the various features and offerings of the product. We need to educate our target audience.So using IMC tools will be good to launch the new product and promote easily. Actually there is very potential market in India. We launched it national level. So, we use these tools for marketing tool for the promotion "BIO COOL Eco Friendly Air-Conditioner".


As this concept of eco- friendly Air conditioner is a new idea. Also BIO COOL AC's is a new brand. So we have to spend lot to create a brand image of the product into the eyes of the customer. It will provide recognition to the customers. Branding tactics will involve activities like Brand name- BIO COOL, Brand Series- ECO FRIENDLY, Brand positioning,Tag line,etc.


Advertising means publicity stunt for the product and use for the promoting the product. And commonly defined as advertising is "Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas or products by an identified sponsor". The objective of the advertisement is to Inform, Persuade, Remind, and Reinforce. As our product is new in the market so our advertisement strategy will be to Inform and Persuade to inform the customer about the new product and time to time force the customer to buy our product. We are going to launch it at national as well as local level. We consider these points for in the Advertising.

National Advertising:

to make target customer aware of our product we need to nationally advertise our product which will help us in creating a brand image, brand equity, awareness, giving quality assurance, price segments. So, it is very beneficial for us to launch it at national level. We give advertising through add agency "MUDRA" which is well associated add agency in India and give this commercial add throughout the India. And we are also giving our add in newspapers like: THE HINDU, BUSINESS STANDRAD, HINDUSTAN TIMES, And TIMES OF INDIA.etc. And MAGAZINES also that is famous in all India further on RADIOS, INTERNET etc.

Retail and Local Advertising:

Retail and local advertising is for promoting our local distributors and dealers. For it we give them:

Trade Advertising

Trade advertising is targeted to channels members like:

Our main objective for the trade advertising is to inform the channel members about the products and encourage them to stock and advocate the product to the consumer. This is often in trade or retail magazines published by our company.


In television advertising we show sight, sound, motion and emotion. This adds is very effective other then any add we shows emotion and appeal. The add is like that:

We shows our add in different channels of TV. Now we have very good opportunity to launched our add because India v/s Sri Lanka series going on most of people of India have craze to see the cricket match and mostly maturity of man are interested to see the matches. So, we can easily target our potential customer.

We shows our commercial add in:

We show our add in to different time slots. We shows maximum in nigh time slots after and also shows in color TV in BIG BOSS because its very famous show. And in TEN SPORT also. We show three times in mid afternoon.

And we take the advantage of the match series to promote our Air Conditioner.


Print adds plays to re-enforce or reminder to the customer for purchase the product we use this with:


As we launched our add nationally as well as we promote retailer and local. We give our add national newspapers, and regional newspaper.

YELLOW PAGES: For promote our local dealer and retailer we also give pamphlets in news paper five times in a month.

HOARDINGS: we also use hoarding in all over the world according to region wise we use one unique technique for hoarding. We print it to the city language wise that affects a lot.

BROUCHERS: We also print our company broachers for promoting our product.

BOARDS: we also provide our new boards to all our dealers with address of there firm. It also impact the consumer when see from far away our company board. It helps to make the image of brand in mind of customer.

PAINTING WALLS: we use this strategy in high traffic area's. so it works for reminder our product to the consumer every time and when he goes for purchase shaving cream a picture of our company shaving creams comes his mind.


Every tool of marketing the product is effective but radio is the one of the most effective tool of communication marketing. We use this tool lot where it is available. Because in India the revolution of radio starts where ever they provide the services. We use radio channel according to the territory. We use famous channel in a particular area that people likely most.

In radio advertising needed the most creativity to present. Because in radio we cannot show any visualization, emotion, act etc. here only voice and the jingles works a lot. Pen plays a very important to create a effective add.

We use these channel of radio:

And some other that are famous in their territory.

We give our add 10times in a day in radio mirchi 5 times in night slot, rest of the rest day.

And in big fm 15 times in day, mid afternoon 5times because most famous program are running that period.

And rest of channel we use this type we give our add in famous shows of the channel and mainly we increase the no. of times during match series. And lunch time because people are free that time usually they listen the music that time for freshness


The internet is the ultimate direct marketing medium and the fastest growing advertising medium. And we have a one report of internet advertising grew by 57.1% in 2005 in India. Which is indicative of trends to come in India In fact, in 2006 it grew 50% more than previous.

Our company website will provide the information about the complete range of the products offered of BIO COOL AC's. It will also tell the consumers about the unique features like technological advancement, less electricity consumed health benefits. So, we are promoting our product with our company web site. We have obtain the database of the consumer using for direct mail to them for attract them. And we also make a links in to the social sites that are frequently use or say more popular in India and proving the "BIO COOL Eco Friendly AC" product images, availability, commercial ads, packing sizes available along with their prices, waits available in market.

Internet is very effective channel of communicate or interactive directly with the consumer by giving knowledge about the product and solve the quires and promoting our brand in between the customer. It makes the image of the brand and helps to find or encourage the potential customer. Because most of young people, Business people uses the internet daily. So, internet promotion helps to makes our sales effective and creates awareness about the product.

We are using these various tools of internet for promoting our brand:

Obtain consumer database information:

We can obtain the data from internet and other agency who generally conducts the surveys or some other consultancy agencies to interact with the customer. We send them direct mail of advertising our AC's. Or we deals with some social sites like: Yahoo India, mail, messenger, Google India, Orkut, Face book, Twitter etc. that are generally used by we people. In our deal we make with them when anybody opens her account automatically our product BIO COOL Eco Friendly AC shows in front of them and a blink link shows them.

Communication and interact with buyers:

This is other effective tool of the internet that we are using for as a promotion of our product. In this we can communicate and interact with buyer. And solve their queries. And also we organize online contest playing for the buyer and we gives the existing gift prizes to the winners. It creates the interest and builds the brand image of our company new product.

Providing customer service and help:

We also providing the online service for the customer regarding our products and helps them their queries and their confusion if they have. It's also a tools of internet that we are using to promote our product.

Build and maintain the customer relationship:

Internet is the source of creating the relation between the customers. This is very effective and creeper source to build relationship that is very necessary for any organization to make their brand image, to sustain in market, to compete our customer, for re-purchasing or reinforcement like this. So, are going to use internet for our promotion of the product in the market to aware the potential customer.


This is one the best tools of IMC that we use very efficiently for promote our Air-conditioner. We can say it is a collection of tools that stimulate the quicker or greater purchase of the product by consumer or trade in the short run.

For Consumer:

For Traders:

These are the sale promotion techniques that we are using for promoting our product "BIO COOL Eco Friendly AC"

For consumer


For make the sale effective and promoting our product we decide that we will give them coupons according our packing size and the no. of pieces purchase and we take out a monthly draw on the behalf of the coupons and give the prize to the consumer. Coupons will be given to motivate the customers to purchase our products and it will be given near festive season like DIWALI, HOLI etc.


We also organize some contest for the consumer to aware them and creating the interest between them in term of giving gift to them and to build the image of the product.

Loyalty programs

To promoting our product we are also go for the loyalty programs for the build the relation with customer. For that we gives them pleasant surprise for our loyal customer, give them call when we launched the new schemes.


To promote our product we also organize the events and also sponsor shows for promoting the product of shaving cream.

For Trader

Trade Discount

Trader is main playing the major role in sales or promoting the product. So, to promote the trades we give them rebates and attractive schemes to promoting the dealer's, wholesales, and retailers.

Trade allowance:

We also give them to allowance so that we build better relation with our dealer's. so, they also help to promote our product.

Display contest:

To promote our product BIO COOL Eco Friendly AC. We organize the display contest whose display of our product is very good or looking attractive we give those prizes and rewards. It also affects the consumer mind when he saw the front product in dealer's shop. It gives us ultimately benefits.


We also give gifts to make them with the relation. It's a kind build relation with dealers. So, he gave preference to sells our company product.

Dealer's Meets:

For promoting our product we also organize the dealer meets in five star hotels, there travelling expenses. And give their presentation about the product and takes the dealer suggestion how we improve where we have too.


We also proving the training to the dealer's if they lacking any knowledge, or says while if they are confusing.


Publicity comprise non-personal communication by the third-party sources regarding an our company products. It includes activities to provide newsworthy information to reporting sources like the media to build a favorable image of the company and its products.

These are the tools we are using for promotion with third party and making the relation:

And We Are Also Promoting With Public Relation Tools:

News releases: with the news release we are going to promote our product. Media is measurable to promote the product. Because Indian people have a mentality if it comes in news that means is repotted product and feel the assurance of the product. So, we also promote through the news release.

Feature Articles: we issue some articles about our product shaving cream in magazines, web sites etc.

Special events: we are also promoting our products with some special events like: AIDS AWARENESS CAMP, MEDICAL CAMP, CRICKET MATCH, and HOCKY MATCH. Etc.

Press conference: This is also very effective channel of integration marketing communication for our product we have launched new product "BIO COOL Eco Friendly AC". This is very right for doing pres conference and purpose is solve to launched it on national level.

Public Relation Tools:

Public Awareness: We are giving consumer quality insurance product to the customer. So we can sustain people faith on our company. So with the giving of awareness we try to build the relation with customer.

Special Event Sponsorship: To make the relation with customer. Our company organizes some special events like: AIDS DAY, BLOOD CAMP, MEDICAL CAMPS.

Corporate Advertising: in this advertising its shows the whole group brand of the company and makes the band building images. And it creates the awareness among the people to make relation with them.


Personal is very effective influencing to make or change the consumer buying decision, making sales, or building long-term relationship with the customer. The reason we chose the personal planning in our integration marketing communication tool, not only for the get a consumer purchase a product. Often, it is intended to create awareness, deliver information and persuade consumer. While our other tools that we use like: sales promotion, advertising, publicity etc. they takes the consumer closer to exchange process, and personal selling that attempts to close the sale.

And the biggest objective of doing personal sales is that it involves personal contact, which provides us to two-way communication. and also it helps to build long-term relationship with our customer. This tool helps us to requiring high deliberation, having large order size, or where customer cannot be easily reached through other communication tools as in business markets.

With this tool we make our sales effective in niche market also where our other communication tools cannot be reaching. Our main motive is to make our brand image very strong so when people think to purchase the new AC they demand only "BIO COOL Eco Friendly AC".


Apart from these all tool there are some other tools that plays very effective role in communication in market they are some unconventional tool that we also use in our plan that are:


Measurement will tell about the effectiveness of our IMC plan. It is to tell whether the tool used by us is effective or not. Among the tool used which one has more impact on our target market and up to which extent we able to deliver our message to the customers. It is used to analyze our plan is going in right direction or not. It will provide us the feedback. It can done in following ways:-


Since an attempt is made to integrate the zero based budgeting (ZBB) procedure into BIO COOL Eco Friendly AC planning process, a total budget figure cannot be established until BIO COOL Eco Friendly AC selects the factors which fits within their parameters. When this is determined, rupee figures will be assigned. For example internet marketing plan can be budgeted between Rs.22lack to Rs.25lack. A corporate id process that would include stationary, signage etc. might be within the range of Rs.12 lack to Rs.15lack. Direct marketing and events can be budgeted within the range of Rs.35lack- Rs. 50lack. Print ads would cost anywhere between Rs.50lack to Rs.100lack. Again, these figures are all within order of magnitude until the breadth of each tactics is determined. This might be an increase in the planned marketing expenses for this year, but this will surely grow the company long term.


There has been tremendous increase in the population who use Air conditioner. Earlier the people of the upper class used to buy AC but now the trend has been change the people of the middle class are now also buying AC. So we need to work according to the IMC plan to target our potential customer. In country like India where temperature in hot and humid throughout all the year and also there is increase in the per capita income of the people so we can take this as an opportunity for us. We can also make some alteration in the above plan if required as per the situation. The various tool of IMC used such as Advertisement, Sales & promotion, public relation, internet, personal selling will help us to achieve our objectives and goals. There is also need of feedback system to know whether the above tools are effective or not. We can also make some alteration in the above plan if required as per the situation.