The Future And Your Personal Leadership Philosophy English Language Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 4956

The reason we ask is because we have learned over the years that in order to create long lasting success and happiness, reason is to love what they do.

I found my passion when I moved forward with the job I love which is Social Researcher. I'm blessed to work in an environment which supports my goals, my ideals and my dreams. The people that I have met through my organization have become like a second family to me.

The most important that I would like to achieve in the future are the following:

1- Division of Labor:

As we have many of studies for achieving, the social development which include the studies of Migration, Residential Registration System, Poverty and Unemployment. These studies should be distributed to many researchers for studying. This division of labor giving the facility on time and insure of applicable for the researchers to do the work on their convenience time and to be done in perfect way.

2- Integration:

The integration means jointly planned, funded, and interwoven activities between research and the Extension to solve problems. This includes the generation of knowledge and the transfer of information and technology.

Examples of Integrated activities include joint research (AES) and Cooperative Extension personnel appointments. In addition, Integrated activities may include workshops, training, centers, projects, and meetings for Extension purposes.

According to the definition above we can use the integration to complete our research from the last point of the main researches has done from the competent authorities such as Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Social Affairs, Riyadh Municipality, the Ministry of Education, Charity Society in Riyadh and Charitable Fund to Tackle Poverty. We can do together the workshops, training, centers, projects, and meetings for Extension purposes.

3- Staff:

We must hire staffs who specialized and having experience in social sciences . Giving them training courses in their major of work and project management courses to be independent and hard workers.

4: Benefits: Selecting the main and vital objectives for each social project which are mostly to be as the following:

The elimination of hunger and malnutrition and the guarantee of the right to proper nutrition;

The elimination of poverty; the assurance of a steady improvement in levels of living and of a just and equitable distribution of income;

The achievement of the highest standards of health and the provision of health protection for the entire population, if possible free of charge;

The eradication of illiteracy and the assurance of the right to universal access to culture, to free compulsory education at the elementary level and to free education at all levels; the raising of the general level of life-long education;

The provision for all, particularly persons in low income groups and large families, of adequate housing and community services.

The provision of comprehensive social security schemes and social welfare services; the establishment and improvement of social security and insurance schemes for all persons who, because of illness, disability or old age, are temporarily or permanently unable to earn a living, with a view to ensuring a proper standard of living for such persons and for their families and dependants;

The protection of the rights and the assuring of the welfare of children, the aged and the disabled; the provision of protection for the physically or mentally disadvantaged;

The education of youth in, and promotion among them of, the ideals of justice and peace, mutual respect and understanding among peoples; the promotion of full participation of youth in the process of national development;

The provision of social defence measures and the elimination of conditions leading to crime and delinquency, especially juvenile delinquency;

The guarantee that all individuals, without discrimination of any kind, are made aware of their rights and obligations and receive the necessary aid in the exercise and safeguarding of their rights.

5- Funding;

The significance of the project in it's the register and usefulness for the society is the most important fundamentals of finance by persuading the government to the finance study and implementation of the project.

1. Team working -Team working is going to continue to revolutionise organizational processes and the challenge for leader/managers, now and in the future, is to create effective and successful teams that people want to join and contribute their best efforts.

2. Communication - Effective leadership requires knowing how to communicate with all elements of the organization, including employees and other managers. Each group may require a different communication style and leadership style. Leaders must be able to adapt based on the group they are communicating with at the time. Effective communication skills are an important aspect of any leader's portfolio of skills and experience.

3. Delegating - At the heart of letting go is the ability to delegate and share authority. Without delegation skills there is a hesitation - even paralysis - for owners who are not clear about who will do what, how they will do it, how fast they will do it, and exact expectations. This hesitation is normal and natural; there are effective ways to get beyond it.

4. Coaching and mentoring - Learning to coach and develop the direct reports has everything to do with your success and that of Leader's key personnel. To do so leader must focus on the important and not just the urgent. Delegating work requires the complementary skill of coaching leader's understudies. To delegate is to accept the responsibility to coach performance. Coaching involves teaching and taking a stand for the delegate's success. Learn to enjoy the process of advancing the career and development of leader's reports. As you do so, you will also advance your own career.

5. Innovation in Organizations - introducing new methods and ideas, or making incremental changes or improvements in organizations.

The Three Most Important Skills Explained to Detail:

1- Communication

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Verbal communication is the most obvious form of communication. However, research has shown people pay much less attention to the words that are said and much more attention to the actions and nonverbal cues that accompany those words. Nonverbal cues include facial expressions, use of hand motions, body posture and eye movements. Leaders should strive to always match their nonverbal cues to their words; when they do so, they are more believable and trustworthy.

Adapting Styles

A good leader adapts his communication style depending on his audience. When speaking to employees, he may need to have a much more directive style than when he is delivering a presentation to the community or speaking to customers. Leaders should identify the audience and their characteristics and interests, then adjust their communication style based on what the audience needs and what will encouage them to react to meet the goals of the communication. Throughout the course of a day, the leader may have to switch between an authoritative style with employees and an inspiring style with stockholders.


An important aspect of communication is the ability to listen. Active listening should always be a goal, with the leader focusing on both the verbal and nonverbal language of the speaker. Active listening involves concentrating only on the speaker and ignoring outside interruptions, including the listener's own wandering thoughts or possible responses. Active listeners also refrain from interrupting, give the speaker time to finish, show they are listening by doing things like nodding or smiling, and reflect or paraphrase back to verify their understanding.

Setting an Example

Leaders and business managers should realize employees will look to them as a model of how they should behave under certain circumstances. Employees tend to emulate how they see leaders acting and communicating. If employees see a leader using an active listening style and empathetic tone with customers, they are more likely to do the same. When leaders are open to the ideas of others and praise often, employees will tend to follow suit. When speaking, leaders should consider whether they would want their employees to speak in the same way to the same audience. If not, the leader should adjust his communication style.


Effective communication skills do not come naturally for most people. Many people, including business leaders and managers, need to practice repeatedly in order to improve their skills. In addition to practicing, leaders should consider classes or training that will help them communicate effectively. With the tool known as 360-degree evaluation, every person in the organization is evaluated by one or more superiors, colleagues and employees. Leaders can participate in 360-degree evaluations both to serve as an example for employees and to identify whether their communication skills need improvement.

2- Delegating-The Second Leadership Competency Now it's on to Letting Go. We know, two simple words, but very hard to implement. To successfully transfer power, a company must identify expectations, goals, roles, responsibilities, and know how to hold others accountable. Everyone must improve his or her delegation skills. In addition, owners must communicate who has authority and behavior must be consistent with that message. The people impacted by these changes must understand the process for accessing information and decisions. Empowerment is crucial at the team and organizational level. Owners must make a commitment to include key and high-potential people in the discussion of organizational barriers to improved performance and change. These individuals must be invited to planning sessions where they can contribute to the future vision of the company. When owners open the door for high-potential people to own a piece of the future of the company with their imaginations, talent, and heart, they demonstrate to the entire company that opportunity exists. Once a company has made this leap, it must back it up with communication about these new roles as well as conferring the authority to go with the new responsibility. High-potential employees need opportunities to take on strategic learning projects that will improve their performance and their confidence. By choosing opportunities that will improve the company's bottom line, owners create a winning situation for themselves and the high-potential people. The strategic learning project teaches business acumen, and the accomplishment increases the confidence of the owner of succession success.

High-potential people need to learn how to empower their teams to step up with them. As individuals in a company rise to meet new opportunities, they must delegate more effectively to the people behind them, letting go of some of their duties and providing new opportunities for others. To key employees, this process is analogous to walking through an open door. Imagine that an owner has built a doorway to the future and feels that he has invited the key and high-potential people through that doorway. The owner is standing on the other side, inviting the next generation to walk through that doorway and meet him. Remember, the owner himself was a self-starter and entrepreneur; that is what he did to start the company. But the next generation is within the owner's company, and that generation's experience and qualities will be different from the owner's. Notice that the doorway discussed above, built by the owner, looks very different to the people on the other side. The key people and the high-potential employees are on the other side of the doorway, and some of them are saying, "What doorway? When did you build a doorway?" Others are saying, "Why did you lock the door?" Still others are saying, "I see the doorway. I see the way through the doorway, but there's a jungle on the other side. Are you going to give me a machete so I can create my own pathway in the jungle?" To combat the many types of perceptions, the owner must make sure that each person first sees the doorway. Then each person must have the experience of the open doorway, accomplished by empowerment, handing each one the tools they will need (the machete - skills, experience, training and mentoring) as he or she goes through the door. Then employees can get through that jungle on the other side, and create their own pathways into the future. The hesitation process also has to do with trust. An owner, to let go, must trust that the next generation will care for the business and the company the way he has. The next generation must learn to behave as the safety net, allowing nothing to fall through. The owner has spent a lifetime building the reputation of the company and does not want to risk its reputation in any way.

The key people's hesitation is based on the concern that the owner will not want to let go. They fear the owner will say he'll let go, but really won't. This letting go and empowerment requires skill to do effectively. The good news is these skills can be learned. What often happens is that an owner hands a challenge such as a new role to the employee and says, "Here's a boulder, go swim across that river." In that way, the owner tends to ensure failure, rather than to build confidence. What you want to do instead is hand the key people medium-sized rocks, such as a strategic learning assignment like improving a standard operating procedure. This type of a project is more like asking a person to carry a rock through a stream. There is always time for the boulder and the river, such as a new and challenging role, once an individual has gained experience and confidence.

3- Coaching and Mentoring-The Third Leadership Competency Before going into coaching and mentoring let's briefly cover the important distinctions of leading, managing and coaching. Leading is about the future. It's about vision and inspiration. It requires a natural inclination to thinking and to promoting leader's ideas with influence. Management is more about productivity, how to keep doing what you're doing well. It's about the results, and making the future real. It requires the natural inclination to study structure and analyze information. Coaching involves focusing the thrill of commitment and the desire to help another person succeed. It requires a learning, teaching, and developmental mindset. As the leader and the person that he is coaching get started on a coaching relationship, there are a few things to consider. Not every coach is going to be the best coach for each individual, there has to be mutual selection. One way to do this is to introduce a number of coaches to a particular set of high potential people, and let them select their own coach. Coaches may be internal or external. Different coaches will offer different skills and strengths. With a variety of coaches, the leader has someone who is better at management activities. The leader has someone who's better at big picture planning. The leader has someone else who is better at general breakthrough performance coaching. This way, those various coaching methodologies are available to the person and will allow the leader to find a style and individuals who work well together.

In the first month may be a pilot, meaning that it is a test situation to see if that is right for each other. The first thing that the leader want to do is establish his time for an interview and his discussion about the coachee, that's the person being coached. The leader will want to discuss the coachee's action plan, what they want to achieve, and why. He will need to determine their barriers and choose a few from the list (not everything) to start with. He will need to review confidentiality, learning styles and commitment. Confer that there will be homework assignments and work through any concerns of the coach or the coachee during the process. Gain commitment from both parties to meet each week or each month as appropriate. Establish how often he will meet and for how long. An hour is a good length of time for each session. A great way to begin coaching sessions is to ask for observations and mentoring that the coachee shares about what they have achieved since the last time he has met. At the end of each session, the leader asks "what do we need from each other to continue to have a great relationship with the coaching experience?" The absolute most important skill for coaching is listening. Their brains have a natural storytelling inclination, which means we often tend to listen to what's going on inside of their head as much as they are listening to what's going on outside. The coach and the coachee must ensure they are listening and not drifting away. It is important to observe patterns of behavior. Coaches are outside observers. They can help a coachee understand ineffective behaviors they are unaware of and are repeating, over and over again. A good coach will help the coachee explore the beliefs behind their pattern. Why do they behave that way and explore how a behavior impacts others. If a coachee doesn't know how their behavior impacts others, that's a great opportunity for coaching conversation. How else are they going to improve? Again, be certain to discuss expectations. What are the ground rules for your conversations? It's essential to make and keep appointments for important conversations. One thing that the coach and the coachee should agree on is how to set appointments -with each other, with team members and with clients.

Let's say that the leader is coaching someone about how to build his or her sales pipeline. Get them to talk with you about how they currently make business contacts. How do they build their network? How does the coachee succeed right now in building business with current clients? The next step is to identify the gap between where they are now and where they would like to be. As the coach, the leader is going to find ample opportunity to give them positive feedback about the things they're doing right. This builds their confidence and trust in the relationship. Then he is going to feed forward, perhaps making several suggestions about what they could do to improve their business development skills. Next, he is going to make a contract. What is the commitment or the action that the person will engage in over the next week to continue to improve their business development skills? Then the leader can start your next conversation with checking in. How did they do with their last commitment? It's vital to make specific commitments and to follow through on them. Finally as the leader discusses the gap between behaviors, he should find out if there is a commitment to change. How deep is that commitment? Is it a light commitment, like "I think I want to do this," or is it an absolute commitment, like "I'll do whatever it takes to learn these skills?" The leader needs to know that, and he want to coach his coachee on activities where they have an absolute commitment. It is not worth his time to coach a passive commitment. As part of their Failsafe Exit Strategy program it is gone deeply into all aspects of coaching, professional development planning and mentoring, including listening skills, feedback mechanisms, accountability, performance measures, behavioral correction plans, and how to inspire breakthrough performance from the leader team members.

Improving Your Leadership Skills

Here I will mention the most important skills I have to develop:

First is the communication:

Communicate: Improve Your Relationships With Effective Communication Skills.

Stay Focused: Sometimes it's tempting to bring up past seemingly related conflicts when dealing with current ones. Unfortunately, this often clouds the issue and makes finding mutual understanding and a solution to the current issue less likely, and makes the whole discussion more taxing and even confusing. I have to try not to bring up past hurts or other topics. Stay focused on the present, my feelings, understanding one another and finding a solution.

Listen Carefully: People often think they are listening, but are really thinking about what they are going to say next when the other person stops talking. Truly effective communication goes both ways. While it might be difficult, I have to try really listening to what my partner is saying. Do not interrupt. Do not get defensive. Just hear them and reflect back what they are saying so they know I have heard. Then I will understand them better and they will be more willing to listen to you.

How to become good listener: Generally people do not know how to be good listeners. People usually only remember about half of the information they are told. Below are some points on becoming a good listener. I should be ready to listen. Stay alert in your posture and in your facial expression. Try to avoid distractions. Eliminate bias in my thoughts about a person, otherwise I will never comprehend what they are saying. To ward off boredom, I should try to stay ahead of the speaker by anticipating what she may say next. Also try to group thoughts or points to make it easier to remember and look for key words in what the person is saying. It makes recalling the conversation easier.

Try To See Their Point of View: In a conflict, most of us primarily want to feel heard and understood. We talk a lot about our point of view to get the other person to see things our way. Ironically, if we all do this all the time, there is little focus on the other person's point of view, and nobody feels understood. I should try to really see the other side, and then I can better explain yours

Respond to Criticism with Empathy: When someone comes at you with criticism, it's easy to feel that they're wrong, and get defensive. While criticism is hard to hear, and often exaggerated or colored by the other person's emotions, it's important to listen for the other person's pain and respond with empathy for their feelings. Also, look for what's true in what they're saying; that can be valuable information for you.

Look for Compromise Instead of trying to 'win' the argument, look for solutions that meet everybody's needs. Either through compromise, or a new solution that gives you both what you want most, this focus is much more effective than one person getting what they want at the other's expense. Healthy communication involves finding a resolution that both sides can be happy with.

Don't Give Up: While taking a break from the discussion is sometimes a good idea, always come back to it. If we both approach the situation with a constructive attitude, mutual respect, and a willingness to see the other's point of view or at least find a solution, I can make progress toward the goal of a resolution to the conflict. Unless it's time to give up on the relationship, don't give up on communication.

Ask For Help If I Need It: If one or both of us has trouble staying respectful during conflict, or if I have tried resolving conflict with my partner on my own and the situation just does not seem to be improving, I might benefit from a few sessions with a therapist. Couples counseling or family therapy can provide help with altercations and teach skills to resolve future conflict. If my partner does not want to go, I can still often benefit from going alone.

The Second Most Important Skills is Delegating:

A skill that really requires disciplining myself that will in turn allow you to supervise better.

How to make you job easier?

Could much of the work that you do be done by those you supervise?

Do you frequently find yourself overloaded with detail work?

Are you taking more and more work home with you at night?

Are you working longer hours?

Are those important jobs you are asked to do getting done just in time or a day or two late?

Is too much of your time being spent on unimportant jobs?

Have the things that you do become routine in nature?

If the answer to most of these questions is "yes," then maybe I have not yet adopted one of the KEY skills of managing, the art of delegation. This is particularly important if I have hopes of moving up in the organization. My skill in delegating could be a major factor in deciding whether I can handle greater responsibilities and a greater job.

A SUCCESSFUL LEADER gets things done through others. So I should not fall into the pitfalls of being fearful of delegation and unwillingness to delegate may be a psychological problem involving fear.

Unfounded reasons for this are That credit for the job being done will go to someone else. That it will become known that others know more about a particular job than you do. That someone may do the job better that I have been doing.

I should remember it is to my credit and it exhibits confidence in my skills as a supervisor to place competent people around me. Delegation is a requisite of good supervision. It supports trust and confidence in those I supervise and enables them to handle the tasks that will free me to do more important work. I should make it known that I am now doing more top level decision making and possibly researching new techniques and ideas to better the operation. Effective delegating requires proper planning and thought, and also proper follow-up.

Here are some suggestions for making delegation successful:

Understand the purpose of delegating. There are three basic objectives in delegating:

Get the job done.

Free myself for other work.

Have my "team" benefit by learning and experiencing what I have been doing.

Decide specifically what I can delegate. Generally delegate as much of my work as possible. Do myself only what no one else can do.

Recognize that subordinates will make mistakes. I should make sure they understand what they are to do. Be willing to take blame for mistakes that may be made.

Clarify what I am delegating. Agree on what the task is and how much "power" you are delegating to them to perform a particular job. Also, let others know of the arrangements so that proper cooperation will be extended to get the job done.

Most important, follow-up. Remember that although I have delegated responsibility and empowered others to get the job done, I still have the final accountability for the job. Ask my team for progress reports or discuss with them from time to time.


This newer strategy may in-fact be the culmination of all the points above. Simply put, empowerment is delegation taken a step farther. In delegation, the supervisor is not only accountable for the results, but also assumes some responsibility since in most cases the delegated tasks most often are the job of the supervisor. Empowerment is the total, unmistakable passing on of responsibility to a person or team to accomplish a job or perform a process. As coach or supervisor, I maintain accountability for the overall outcome or results of the process.

Empowerment brings with it a challenge for the organization to provide state-of-the-art systems, education, tools and most importantly support to the team for maximum performance. Applying empowerment frequently shifts ownership of a function or process from a traditional supervisor to a group, and with that ownership transfer; pride, job satisfaction, motivation and creativity develop.

A supervisor or coach who loses contact with her team or group will fail. Therefore, it is important for any supervisor who is a leader to remember that he must maintain close contact with the group if he is to function as a coach or supervisor. Many supervisors fail not because of limitations on their own general ability; but, on their inability to delegate, listen, plan, motivate, discipline, and empower.

What I have learned about leadership from writing this assignment is in the article bellow:

After writing this assignment, it has given me a chance to know and understand most of leadership skills. I have written five of most important skills by search from sources book and website from internet. After searching I have found the five most important skills which are team working, communication, Delegation, Coaching and monitoring, and finally Innovation in Organizations.

As I am a leadership I can be a great influence on the initiative and drive of those you coach or supervise. Be enthusiastic and continually look for ways to maintain morale, build confidence, and motivate. Be a good listener. Talking about a situation or a problem expands communication so that understanding is improved. Do a good job of planning and scheduling. Keep my team informed so they will understand their role in the organization and will tend not to be confused. I can keep people busy. Generally, people would like to have too much to do than not enough to do. They lose self esteem if they are not kept busy, and then productivity falls off dramatically. I should try to solve problems promptly. Letting bad situations go tends to only make them worse.

Give people a chance to do their work without "annoying" them. Leave them alone unless they need you for something, and let them work.

Provide the tools, environment and most importantly support for your team to perform at its peak.

Show your human side. Demonstrate that you care about someone by visiting them when they are in the hospital or on extended sick leave.

A supervisor or coach who loses contact with her team or group will fail. Therefore, it is important for any supervisor who is a leader to remember that he must maintain close contact with the group if he is to function as a coach or supervisor. Many supervisors fail not because of limitations on their own general ability; but, on their inability to delegate, listen, plan, motivate, discipline, and empower.