Public bank introduce his brand in 1966 by Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piew as a bank. They hold their position in these 50yeasrs on second largest group in Malaysia, by market capitalization and the fifth largest listed company in Malaysia Public Bank remains focused on its core strengths in the retail banking market and is committed to its goal of being a one-stop financial centre in Malaysia. The Public Bank Group continues to strengthen its presence and market share in the domestic market, particularly in residential mortgages, passenger vehicles hire purchase financing and lending to middle market small- and medium-sized enterprises. Having completed the merger of the finance company business of Public Finance with the commercial banking business of Public Bank in 2004, the Group is taking steps to merge Public Merchant Bank and PB Securities to form an investment bank and also to set up an Islamic Banking subsidiary. The Public Bank Group continues to selectively expand its regional operations in Hong Kong, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Sri Lanka, with opening two new branches in 2005.
1,2 Mission
To hold their position of the most efficient, profitable and respected premier financial institution In Malaysia.
1,3 Vision
Try to be one of the best 100 bank in the world.
1,4 Objectives of Public Bank
For Customers
To provide the most best behavior of employees and efficient service in every aspect of its business by being innovative in the development of new banking products and services.
1,5 The Logo
The logo, in modern geometric designed, is conceived from two interlocking octagons denoting the domestic and international connections of the Group. The two octagons of the interlocking also suggests security, strength and stability. The expansion and progress of the Group are symbolized by the edges of the octagons pointing outwards at various directions. Additionally, the graphic formation of the two interlocking octagons also creates an "eye" of foresight of the organization.
1,6 Corporate Flower
The Public Bank Group accepted the Bougainvillea flower as its corporate flower. The flower was adopted based on its characteristics that are similar to our Group's role as reflected in its corporate philosophy. Bougainvillea - a plant which flowers throughout most of the year is found in various shades, ranging from deep magenta to pure white including orange, purple, scarlet, red and crimson pink. The wide variety of colors of the Bougainvillea represents the diversity of the Public Bank Group's clientele as well as its range of services. Moreover, the mosaic of colors epitomizes the multi-racial composition of the staff and the nation, thus projecting the Group's Malaysian image. The flowers comprise colored bracts that resemble petals which fuse together denoting unity, togetherness, harmony of the Management and staff working in synergy towards the achievement of organization objectives. The Bougainvillaea is a tenacious flowering plant which survives best under conditions of stress, symbolizing the strength and resilience of the group as well as embodying the spirit of the Group which strives and thrives at all times. Similarly, this group can be perceived to have the responsibility to protect their customers. The Bougainvillea has provided from South America was introduced to Europe in the 19th century and later to Asia, Africa, Australia, Malaysia and other countries. It is widely cultivated in Malaysia and is commonly used to enhance commercial complexes, high-rise buildings, recreational areas, and homes as well as in the Government's beautification programmed throughout the nation.
Focused and Consistent Growth Strategy
The Public Bank Group focused on growth strategy plan, which is to pursue organic growth in the retail banking business focusing on the broad-based retail consumers and small-and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs"), and strives to increase their customer in banking market. Growth in the retail banking business is consistently focused on retail lending, deposit-taking and fee-based businesses. To drive business growth and increase its market share in retail banking, the Public Bank Group leverages on its well-established customer service infrastructures, processes and practices to deliver prompt and consistent service to meet the needs of its customers.
Core Business Growth
In the retail lending business, the Public Bank Group continues to seek loan growth from residential mortgages, passenger vehicle financing and lending to SMEs. In an intensely competitive market where loan products are highly commoditized, the Group actively competes in the market for business growth and increased market share by differentiating itself through its highly efficient customer service delivery standards. As at the end of November 2011, Public Bank continued to lead in residential mortgages, passenger vehicle financing and commercial property financing in Malaysia, with market shares of 18.1%, 25.8% and 33.0% respectively. Over the years, the Public Bank Group has been building a strong franchise in the deposit-taking business. Customer deposits have been growing steadily both in terms of the deposit customer base and the amount of deposits placed with the Group. As at the end of December 2011, total deposits from customers of Public Bank in Malaysia recorded a growth rate of 14.7%, which is above the domestic banking industry's annualized growth rate of 11.8%. This reflects the high level of customer confidence in Public Bank in safeguarding their funds. Public Islamic Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank, started its full fledged Islamic banking business in 2008. It will continue to focus on Islamic consumer financing and retail commercial financing to SMEs. The Public Bank Group is intensifying its effort to grow fee-based businesses. Public Mutual, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank, contributes a significant proportion of the non interest income of the Group. Public Mutual is the dominant player in the private sector fund management industry in Malaysia with a leading market share of 44.3% as at the end of 2011 due to its superior fund performance, strong distribution capabilities and strong brand. Customer base of individuals and business enterprises. As at the end of 2011, Public Bank had 252 branches in Malaysia, supported by 529 Automated Teller Machines, 506 Cheque Deposit Machines and 496 Cash Deposit Terminals. The Group has also enhanced its internet banking and mobile banking services. The Group will continue to tap on its large sales and marketing force and strategic alliance with key partners to deliver high value products and services to its customers.
Strong Financial Ratings
For its consistent record of prudent management, robust risk management, excellent corporate governance, strong and consistent financial performance, superior asset quality and healthy capitalization, the Public Bank Group continues to be accorded strong credit and financial ratings. Moody's Investor Service reaffirmed Public Bank's long-term deposit rating of A3 and short-term deposit rating of P-1 with stable outlook. Standard & Poor's reaffirmed Public Bank's A- long-term rating and A-2 short-term counterparty credit rating with stable outlook. Rating Agency Malaysia reaffirmed the Bank's long-term rating of AAA, the highest accorded by Rating Agency Malaysia, and its short-term rating of P1.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The Public Bank Group remains committed to its corporate social responsibility ("CSR") in the areas of nation building, enhancement of the market place and promotion of the work place. The Group supports the community through programmes such as education, graduate employment, professional development and environmental conservation as well as in support of the underprivileged. The Group believes that the fulfillment of its corporate social responsibilities will further enhance its corporate image, reputation, goodwill and the PB Brand. The Public Bank Group's CSR at the work place includes initiatives to enhance the core competencies of the staff, so as to further raise their contribution, productivity and efficiency.
For Employees
By promoting the well-being of its staff through attractive remuneration and fringe benefits by promoting good staff morale through proper staff training and development and provision of opportunities for career advancement.
For Shareholders
By forging ahead and consolidating its position as a stable and progressive financial institution by generating profits and a fair return on their investment.
For The Community
By assuming its role as a socially responsible corporate citizen in a tangible manner by adhering closely to national policies and objectives thereby contributing towards the progress of the nation.