Public Bank Berhad is a bank based in Malaysia. Public Bank is currently the biggest domestic bank in Malaysia by shareholders funds. It focuses on retail customers and small to medium sized enterprises. The bank was founded in 1966 by Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow, the then general manager of Malayan Banking. The bank was listed on the Malaysian Stock Exchange in 1967.
Public Bank is a leading financial services provider serving over five million customers in Malaysia. As conceptualized by the Founder and Chairman, the Bank continues to be a bank for the public. The Public Bank Group is highly reputed for its prudent management, strong balance sheet, superior asset quality, superior customer service, strong corporate governance and effective corporate culture. Public Bank Brand is the best brand in financial services in Malaysia. The company has about 250 branches throughout Malaysia, where it is one of the top lenders and fund operators.
Public Bank Berhad is engaged in banking, investment banking, financing, Islamic banking, stock-broking, sale and management of unit trusts, Leasing & Factoring underwriting of general insurance and investment holding. It operates in six segments. Hire purchase operations are focused on the provision of passenger vehicle financing to all levels of customers. Retail operations focus on providing products and services to individual customers and small- and medium-sized enterprises. Corporate lending operations cater to the funding needs of corporate customers. Treasury and capital market operations is involved in trading in treasury related products and services. Investment banking operations caters to the business needs of corporate customers by providing financial solutions and direct lending. Fund management operations consist of sale and management of trust units funds. Others refer mainly to non-core operations such as property holding. Public Bank has more than 100 overseas branches in countries including Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.
Public Bank Berhad has many cores. They offerings include deposit accounts, credit cards, home loans, and insurance plans. In addition to retail and commercial services, it provides corporate banking, brokerage, investment banking, insurance, financing, wealth management, and Islamic banking.
First, investment banking. Public Bank has a range of unit trust funds. PB Series of Unit Trust Funds that fit various kinds of investment strategies and levels of risk tolerance. These funds are managed by Public Mutual Berhad, currently the largest private unit trust company in Malaysia with more than 20 years experience in fund management.
Public Bank Berhad also has offering service of financing and share trading. Introducing PB Sharelink, a product specifically designed to assist you with your share trading and margin financing needs on the Malaysia Securities Exchange Bhd (MSEB). It offers the maximum purchasing power through leveraging against existing funds or collateral to enable people to purchase and invest in shares to capitalize on any emerging opportunities in the stock market.
Whether customer are a first-time investor or are looking for alternative investment options to maximize their returns, Public Bank will help them in finding a plan suited to their needs. The plan that they offering are Share Margin Financing, Margin Plus Trading, Cash Trading and Collaterised Trading.
Insurance is one of the service that Public Bank Berhad offer. People may have just taken up a home loan with Public Bank and now need an insurance plan to cover the loan should the "if" happens to them. Or they may be searching for an income protection plan that will take care of their family when they are no longer around or not able to earn a living. And how about investing in a plan which is able to generate higher potential return and at the same time provides insurance coverage. Whatever they needs are, at Public Bank have a varied range of insurance plans which are underwritten by ING Insurance Bhd to cater for their protection needs.
Next, Public Bank has offering banking services. Public Bank offers a complete range of banking services for business. From bill payments to funds transmission to safe deposits and more. For the remittance, they provide Banker's Cheques, Demand Drafts, Telegraphic Transfers, Interbank Payments, Quick pay and Interbank Funds Transfer (IBG). Other services under banking are PB Premium Club, PB Bankcard, e-Debit, E-Statement, Bill Payment, Red Carpet Banking and Safe Deposit Box.
There are two types of banks under the auspices of Public Bank Berhad which are Public Mutual and Public Islamic Bank.
Public Mutual is the largest private unit trust company in Malaysia and currently manages more than 90 funds with a total net asset value (NAV) of RM50 billion. As at 30 August 2012, we command a 40.4% market share in the private unit trust industry. Public Mutual is Malaysia's most dominant private
unit trust company. The services that Public Mutual offers are First Times Investor, Public Mutual Online, Trust Nomination, Will & Wasiat Writing and Insurance.
For the service First Times Investor, to start investment, people need to complete an investment application form and bank in the investment with their payment at any Public Bank branches. The minimum amount for initial investment is RM 1,000. All cheques must be made payable to Public Mutual Berhad followed by their NRIC No. Besides, people can access their investment account information anytime by using Public Mutual Online. Public Mutual Trust Nomination Service is a declaration of Trust by a Unit holder/Settler on his/her unit trust investments which is to be distributed to the named beneficiaries upon the Unit holder/Settler's demise. The Unit holder/Settler declares himself/herself as Main Trustee for the beneficiaries and upon his/her demise , PB Trustee Services Berhad (PBTSB) assumes the role of Substitute Trustee to carry out the distribution instruction of the Trust Fund. People can use Will and Wasiat Writing Services that are legally effective arrangements to ensure the disposition of assets in accordance to ones' personal wishes. It helps to smoothen the process of estate administration and distribution. Although writing a will or wasiat may seem like a daunting task and not of utmost importance, failure to plan and arrange their affairs now might bring hassles to their loved ones in the future. Last service is Insurance. Insurance is an integral part of financial planning. It is necessary to have adequate insurance coverage to ensure that you are protected against unforeseen circumstances. Public Mutual offers exclusively to its unit holders the insurance plans that are Free Insurances and Special Insurance Schemes.
Public Mutual also have their own product. There are five products which are Fund Procpectus, Fund Prices, Fund Reports, Fund Ratings and Fund Performance. They also provide Investment Planning. They provide investment for education, retirement, other financial goals and EPF Investment Schemes.
For the second bank that is under Public Bank Berhad, Public Islamic Bank. Public Islamic Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Public Bank, which commenced its operations on 1 November 2008. Public Islamic Bank has since 1993, offer Islamic banking products and services to the public when it started as a window via Public Bank. We contribute to the Islamic banking field as a whole, focusing on consumer and retail financing, small and medium enterprises as well as financing and deposit taking business. The fast pace development and growing acceptance by Malaysians regardless of race and religion calls for banking products and services that are not only Shariah compliant but also competitive. Public Islamic Bank's competitive deposit and financing products are those that meet the call. Public Islamic has the added advantage in reaching out and meeting the needs of its customers as we leverage on Public Bank's solid branding and its large network of 248 Public Bank branches across the nation, in addition to its full-fledged Islamic branch at Kg Baru, Kuala Lumpur. Our impressive track record is backed and lead by our esteemed Board of Directors and the Shariah Committee who ensures Public Islamic Bank is on the right track, not only towards profitability and stability, but also in compliance with Shariah principles.
Public Islamic Bank offer two types of banking which are Personal Banking and Business Banking. Under every types of banking have services of deposits, investments and financing. All the services that have been provided are based on Shariah principles.