The Ethical Issues IT Faces Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 4018

Right ,conflicts and responsibilities: When an Organization or people freely perform/pursue any action without interference from others - is considered as ethically sound. People have the rights for deciding religious or social beliefs and affiliation. People deserve their rights to be respected by others and respect others rights accordingly. A little variation from standard ethics of an organization causes conflicts and responsibility to decline gradually. Consumer rights are practiced in the Middle East with a less importance comparing to the other regions. Therefore compared to other regions, Qatar Unilever is said to be in a slightly relieved position.

Marketing: The target market and the product/service position within that market, marketing methods implement the strategy through a combiĀ­nation of activities and techniques, such as product/service enhancement, pricing, advertising and selection of distribution channels. These are referred to as elements n the 'marketing mix'. Marketing mix -the right product, the right promotion, the right price and the right place to satisfy customer. One of the major parts of marketing is to create demand for a certain product in peoples mind. Information bridges a relationship between consumer & the organization. In this relationship an organization should not participate in actions, agreements or practices which may be detrimental to customers, competitors or established community. Computer Golf Tchad SARL has adapted its marketing policies accordingly the way it suits the Chad markets considering the religious and legal aspects in mind. And they must have been successful because the marketplace in the Chad has always been a good contributor in its total revenue. It is obvious that the marketing policies in the Chad will not be same as the other parts of the world and we can say that Computer Golf Tchad SARL has successfully tailored the policies fit with the marketing strategies in the Chad.

Professionalism: While representing an organization a person is entrusted to do certain action to his best utilizing own merit, experience & creativity. Trust, integrity, honesty, knowledge, judgment, courage, commitment, respect, responsibility etc are the factors those an organization faces. Customers from the general public rely on the knowledge, expertise, and honesty of the professional. Expertise of professionals is required by society, professionals have a responsibility not only to their customers, but to the general public. It is well clear to all that no doubt Unilever is one the biggest multi- national companies, so they would be professional in their business, it is easily understandable.

Information technology: The same attributes and benefits apply to the use of technology in performance maintenance and improvement in general. Information technology (IT) and manufacturing technology can be used in several ways.

In planning and scheduling, co-ordination and resource allocation, through the production of sophisticated management and decision-support information.

In computer aided design (CAD), producing designs, drawings and data for use in manufacture. This may involve graphic models, simulation, engineering calculations and drafting and so on. It increases the organisation's flexibility and ability to innovate, allowing experimentation with different designs.

In computer aided manufacture (CAM), including the design of tools, the control of machines, process and materials planning, and robotics (the use of sophisticated machinery which can move parts or tools through specified- but quite complex - sequences of motions). An integrated CAD-CAM system can be used to control entire factory operations, with great savings on labour and space, and associated costs.

In the gathering, processing, storage, retrieval and communication of information. This is the greatest impact of the so-called 'second Industrial Revolution'. Electronic mail allows computer users to communicate almost instantly, worldwide. The Internet allows access to a worldwide information database and communication channel. Meanwhile, even the smallest business has access to sophisticated technology in the 'electronic office'. For example

(i) Facsimile transfer (fax) of text or graphics

(ii) 'Smart' telephones with memory and switchboard facilities

(iii) Word processing, spreadsheet and other business application packages available off-the-shelf for use on microcomputers, or PCs

(iv) Networks of PCs allowing the sharing of data and tasks

(v) The 'paperless' production and storage of data on disk; instant file retrieval and editing

(vi) Documentation production with sophisticated text layout and graphics capabilities

Communication: Communication is one of the most important parts in modern business activity. An organization has to communicate business goals to the employees they work with, products to the customers, and business rules to the governing body and also social & ethical issues to the community. Communication must have been a considerable barrier because the communication system varies widely if we compare Africa with Europe or America. But Golf Tchad SARL has adapted the communication intensively and came out with a very good result.

Freedom of action: Organizations is made up with people and these people works in a manner to achieve a certain goal. These people are the part of society. So, people have to behave such a way that -everybody poses some responsibility to accomplish and have some direction to complete the job abiding by some borders. Knowledge on ethical & legal matters helps an organization grow fast. This issue has been probably a real trouble because once a foreign company operates in a country; they have to abide by the law of the host country and ultimately are forced to diversify to a substantial transformation from their parent concern. Golf Tchad SARL also has been forced to bring changes and we can say they have successfully done this.

Censorship on the internet: Analysis of Internet Impact

Levels of impact

Categories of impact






Quality of service



Market size Market share


Performance Management

involvement Market Organisational

structure Employee


Performance Autonomy Change in tasks Inducement of

initiative Lateral thinking

Information retrieval

System stability

Perception Effectiveness

Property and

intellectual rights Best practice advice


Structure Management support



Performance Support Timeliness Frequency Security System stability

Wider market Worker unification Timely dissemination

of information Effective

dissemination of



Performance Truthfulness

Worker unity Company image Security

System stability

Communication frequency

Performance Truthfulness Communication frequency System stability



Effectiveness Interactivity Increased interest Costs


Effectiveness Co-ordination Feedback












Hardware/software Staff usage

Hardware/ Software Environmental Instability

Business resources Office space Office culture Security/ethics Labour market Structure

Business resources

Technical orientation

Work at home Human interaction

Table 2.3: Matrix model of internet impacts, adapted from Barnes & Hunt (2001)

Computers and work: As we know, information is the one of the basics to run any organization smoothly. Companies should have the system & procedures to perform all the operation or to response to any issue. While using computers employees have to follow the guidelines related to the betterment of the community as well as the organization. Power & electricity, uses of stationeries, working system & procedures etc has to be followed as per the legal & ethical matters. Qatar Unilever is utilizing the optimum facilities that can be obtained from the technology.

Law : While doing any business an organization is to be clear that whether they are within the legal bindings of the country or not. If it compliances with the legal issues than they can think of running the business. Now a day's legal matters are closely merged with the corporate social responsibilities. Considering this issue we may think that business scope has become narrow but it is not true at all. Because we do business within the community and if we cannot develop the community or do not respect the community or legal issues our scope of business will be narrower. In context with the market in the Middle East, Unilever have to face the barriers from mostly religious aspects. The reason behind this is that the religious clan in the Middle East a bit on the higher side. And accordingly they have customized their business and products in Qatar.

Security : Security may be defined as the right of anybody's or any organizations' basics that is not be interrupted anyway. While deciding on any matter an organization has to consider- is there anything wrong that goes against the employees' rights, organization's expectation or community's want? That is, nothing can be done that affects the smooth functioning of organization, community or the people. Obviously there are legal obligations regarding security, certain degree of accountability must be there as well as required security for the company's confidentiality. Organisation whatsoever harmonized with the security system and running smoothly. Security reflects a number of developments that have incrementally challenged the traditional view of security as the protection of states from military attack. What initially began as a rejection of orthodox notions of economic growth in favour of a broader notion of human development has been reinforced by new security threats such as genocides in the Balkans and Africa, the Asian financial meltdown of 1997, and the threat of global pandemics. The concept of human security represents an ongoing effort to put the individual at the centre of national and global security concerns while expanding our understanding of the range of challenges that can threaten individual safety and well-being to encompass both armed conflict as well as social, economic, and ecological forces. To be sure, human security has a long way to go before being universally accepted as a conceptual framework or as a policy tool for national governments and the international community.

2. Chosen a country and discuss the following in respect:

Chosen country description: in the north-central Africa with one of the lowly per-capita incomes in the world country is republic of Chad. And Chad is a one of the rising country in Africa. This country is facing so many challenges in the areas of political stability and economic development. Its infrastructure and country's institutions are damaged for the lack of the economic growth and this started Years of war, drought. In the republic of Chad services for tourism are very limited. The N'Djamena is the capital of the republic of Chad; and French and Arabic are the primary languages.

Legal System : LGBTI groups occupied survey of the republic of Chad who has acted as liaisons with ILGA to identify issues affecting the LGBTI community. 4 broad subjects which are, the law, the mood (the social climate), the LGBTI movement as well as what would be, according to them, the most pressing campaign in their country must be asked by organisation basis of discuss. Relationships between Male to Male relationships are Legal. There are no Punishments for male to male relationships, in case no law for that. Relationships between Female to Female Relationships are Legal. If it is about age consent different for heterosexuals and homosexuals. Legal system based on French civil law system and Chadian customary law system; the republic Chad has not conventional necessary International Court of integrity authority

Sources of law : Governing bodies of Africa countries are the main sources of laws. Besides, General investment authority, Ministry of Economy, World Bank etc are the sources of law and also the legal support provider. And the economy is quite stable because of the huge supply of natural resource and also the political situation is steady and does not hamper considerably in the business. It was designed to empower the Court, and to give a last resort to impose a lump sum or penalty payment on Member States who have infringed EC Law within their State. Article 228(1) comes into force if the judgement under Article 226 is not complied by the State, which occurs if a Member State has not complied with its previous judgement. Article 228(2) EC states that if a member State does not comply with Article 228(1), then it shall present an analysed opinion allowing a chance for the Member State to supply its defence. If the Member State does not respond to the Court within a given time placed by the Commission, then in such a case, the Commission may bring the issue to the ECJ and may ask the ECJ to impose a financial penalty or by taking another enforcement action. This shows that the introduction of Article 228(2) has given the Commission a vast amount of power to sort out the infringements and make their policy much better.

Court structure of Chad:

Consisting of Magistrates Courts there is a hierarchy of courts structure in the republic of Chad. To get the highest authority in constitutional matters, its need Constitutional Court High Courts, a Supreme Court of Appeal, the highest authority in non-Constitutional matters. To issue is a Constitutional one; The Constitutional Court has final authority to decide. The basis of law in Chad is the court law. Theamerican legislation influenced the legal system of Chad in some extent. Before family law in Chad was unmodified, however a breeze personal status code was produced in 2005. The information in this document concern about custody and guardianship is stand on this draft even at current we do not have corroboration that this draft was enforced. Majority of the population is muslim as the official relegion is Islam and Muslims are following the Henbali School of general Law.

Different forms of business allowed to operate and the laws governing them: Mainly three forms of business is allowed in African countries, they are- Trade, International licensing of technology and intellectual property (trademarks, patents and copyrights) & Foreign direct investment. Mining, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Fishing, banking etc are the types of business we can do in African countries. There are some additional types of legal procedure in African countries; laws based on Zoning Laws are the bases of these laws. Any organization has to comply with the legal system.

Dispute resolution procedures /options available and their effectiveness:

Dispute resolution procedures are almost same in all countries but options may be different from case to case. Basic procedure is as follows:

Presentation of Case

Witnesses usually presented through written testimony, subject to live cross-examination

Legal arguments may be presented at same time as factual arguments

Arguments as to damages can be presented at the same time or left to a bifurcated proceeding

Arbitrators consult on and prepare award

Draft award or portions of the award may be circulated to the parties before final issuance

Each proceeding is different subject to the control of the authority.

Laws relating to: In African countries has strong rules and regulations to protect counterfeit products. Copyright, trademarks, patent, designs etc are controlled by specific rules & regulations.

Copyrights : Copyright protection is available for all works at the point that the work is in any tangible form

There may still be reasons to register.

As a copyright owner, you must register in order to be able to bring suit in federal court for infringement.

Registration puts others on notice

A US registration may help to provide evidence in Chadian court.

Trademarks :

Must file trademark applications with the republic Chad Trademark Office), which is part of republic Chad Administration for Industry and Commerce.

CTO is the most active TMO in the world

Local bureaus provide administrative enforcement of trademarks throughout republic Chad

Patents :

Must file patent applications with State IP Office

Their Regional Offices provide administrative enforcement

Rights are territorial

Have to use registered patent agent.

Designs : Every design of units is to be registered in republic Chad Design control body. Once design is registered, the authority will not allow any other to copy design. These designs must have identical difference attributes.

Most of the registration is related to the government registration authorities. There are some legal representatives who help the organization to get assistance for protecting their patent, trademark etc.

3. The changes it faces in its business due to the effects of:

Globalization: the spread of globalization creates opportunities for trade between countries at very different levels of development. This is of no consequence under traditional multilateral trade policy. The "process" or "technology" through which goods are produced is immaterial, and so are the social institutions of the trading partners.

Indeed, since trade policy almost always has redistributive consequences (among sectors, income groups, and individuals), one cannot produce a principled defense of free trade without confronting the question of the fairness and legitimacy of the practices that generate these consequences. By the same token, one should not expect broad popular support for trade when trade involves exchanges that clash with (and erode) prevailing domestic social arrangements.

Lastly, globalization has made it remarkably complicated intended for any controller to provide public assurance

Developments in information, communication and technology: E-business occurring in over 50 percent of the strategies is not one of the most common themes in e-strategies. Typically the e-strategies define e-business as the use of ICT in business to reduce transaction costs, to broaden market reach and to increase the productivity and speed of doing business. Some e-strategies cite e-business as a catalyst for modernizing the private sector in general; other e-strategies, such as that Bangladesh, seek to encourage e-business with a view to increase demand for domestically produced ICT products. By far the most common target for e-business initiatives in the e-strategies is small and medium enterprise, which would benefit most from ICT development. This contrasts with medium and large enterprise, which is the target beneficiaries of less than 5 percent of the e-strategies that focus on e-business. Over 40 percent of the e-strategies focus on content by either establishing a multimedia product industry or digitizing national heritage and culture content in local languages for domestic use. The strategies consider the content creation industry in many instances to be a new market opportunity. But they also consider that as a duty to preserve national identity and cultural work. People and ICT working together will most likely improve efficiency and reduces errors. By having ICT a business can increase the turnaround time, allowing ICT to do the repetitive tasks. You still need the human interaction for making decisions as some tasks the ICT cannot make alternative unforeseen decision, it is more about collaboration of the two.

Better access to information lets you offer a more responsive service and develop better relationships with customers and suppliers. To give an example, having ICT in a Doctors surgery could allow Doctor to share information much faster, reducing risk of lost patient records, saving more lives and delivering a better service and treatment. However, you still need the doctor's knowledge and skills to diagnose some of the symptoms. Other areas include staff time is used better and job satisfaction increases and costs are reduced

Culture: Organizations are as individual as nations and societies. They have widely differing cultures, and these are reflected in their values, ideals and beliefs. The organization's culture is what gives meaning and purpose to the work lives of its members. An organization culture influences its strategy, its ways of doing business and they it responds to change. A strong culture will be beneficial if it focuses on need to change proactively.The culture of an organisation influence the way in which it operates, so it is necessary to understand the culture before deciding how people might contribute to the success or failure of the organisation.

Put in simple terms, the culture of an organisation can be defined as:

'The Way We Do Things Here!'

Organisational cultures determine the way in which things get done, for example:

The way newcomers are welcomed to the organisation

Approaches to new technology

Approaches to work

Attention to detail

Culture makes worldwide boundaries fade away and enlarging contest in the market place. For Culture we are facing a huge impact on our culture and social life in the modern world. For example, McDonalds introduced American fast food to other parts of the world. The American fast food of McDonalds, Pizza Hut, etc. are introducing to our country, which is a challenge for Chad fast food. Also the western culture becomes a major challenge for the Chad culture now-a-days (BILS Study Report 2006).

Power: Threshold capabilities are those essential for the organization Golf Tchad SARL to be able to compete in a given market. Without these an organisation is unlikely to be able to survive in the market. The first 2 basic questions are-

-what are the threshold resources needed to support particular strategies? If an organisation des not possess these resources it will be unable to meet customer's minimum requirements and therefore be unable to continue to exist. For example, the increasing demands by modern multiple retailers made on their suppliers means that those suppliers have to possess quite sophisticated IT infrastructure to stand a chance of meeting retailer requirements. Threshold levels of capabilities will change and will usually rise over time as critical success factors change and through the activities of competitors and new entrants. An example is the way in which the premier league developed during the 1990's created a gulf between those who were able to spend money on players and who were not.

While threshold capabilities are fundamentally important they do not of themselves create competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is more likely to be created and sustained if the organisation if the organisation has distinctive or unique capabilities those competitors cannot imitate. This may be because the organisation has unique resources.

Politics: the republic of Chad known as a Civil Law Country. International treaties are dealt with under the Constitution of International treaties and agreements shall be compatible. If the Constitutional Council, at the request of the President of the Republic or the Speaker of the National Assembly, finds that a provision of a treaty is not compatible with the Constitution, such a treaty cannot be ratified unless the Constitution is amended.

New politics policy entrants to an country can raise the level of situation, thereby reducing its attractiveness. The threat of new entrants largely depends on the barriers to entry. Barrier to be good will image .when people want to change a policy by politics, the first thing they think of this importance. The reason was republic Chad has been in the politics for decades. Chad successfully enters the market easily because they high amount of capital and resources.

The republic of Chad can achieve the highest levels of performance; establish the best processes and increase competitiveness in order to enjoy higher profits by using politics. The republic of Chad politics strategies are not well defined. However they need revision based upon the new threats and demands. Civil people have to be seen doing their bit for the environment, use less policy with civil people but learn more about its politics policy. The total policy cost at the republic of Chad was about equal to the industry average for that component. In such a case, the republic of Chad might assess that such a component might benefit from outsourcing if a lower cost could be obtained from an outside people. The republic of Chad would therefore consider this component as a candidate for outsourcing based on this criterion.

Law: It is important for the company like Computer Golf Tchad SARL owners to know and understand the laws that affect their businesses. It is similarly significant to observe with persons laws; lack of knowledge of the laws has on no account been a suitable explanation in any Court of Law, and it not at all will be. As a business owner, it is your accountability to be

acquainted with what laws influence our business.

Choice: In case of choice of the customers, the Computer Golf Tchad SARL did not face that much challenge because of its goodwill and exclusive quality of its products. Rather, I think it acted as a beneficial point on behalf of Computer Golf Tchad SARL because apart from the loyal customers of Computer Golf Tchad SARL, due to the changes in choice they gained more customers rather than losing.

On the above aspects, we can assume that all of the above issues have been managed successfully by Computer Golf Tchad SARL. Not only that they successfully managed it, they have performed outstandingly, if we consider the whole of Chad. The reasons behind this success according to my opinion, has been their strong business network worldwide, excellent goodwill, and very good strategic decision.