You need to do some research to familiarise yourself with the subject area and to gain some ideas about how you can carry out the rest of the project. There are a number of websites that specialise in the sale of audio equipment. Use a maximum of 1 hour to review these resources. Bookmark the relevant sites and make notes of information that you can use in your assignment.
Information to precede the project:
E-Business plan can simply work as rapidly as it insert worth to the business, other than also to its employees, its patrons, and Business partners
To Create value of business
Main goal of e-Business mission is to generate value. The manners by which you can give value are:
Increase in margins, i.e. production cost reduces or profit increases. Through e-Commerce it is promising to attain the ambition in subsequent ways:
Targeting latest commodities
Generate products quickly and gives their best quality and services.
Accruing new consumers
Increasing devotion being more loyal to your customers
Making internal functioning more efficient
Because a result of motivating your employees. The changeover beginning a conventional activity in e-Business action supremely makes it promising to inspire contacts to the amount that:
on the whole approach becomes easily perceptible for the workers, favouring a universal society
The players assume responsibilities as the mode of functioning implies
Improvement of competences by teamwork
As a result those customers are more satisfied. As a matter of fact, e-Business favours:
Productivity increases as drop in prices occurs
More interactivity with patrons
goods and services are appropriate for customers desires as before
A form of process that is obvious to the patrons:
enlarged acquaintance with every one
enhanced eagerness competence
Each part of our website should have the list of products according to that type and each list should have brief description and price of that product. Each product should have the status that this product is available or not.
We should define overall schemes on products to attract customers to buy more and more items. As this is the website of audio equipment so we design the theme according to that and for this we consider a good Graphic designer as GUI that first attracts the customer. We build this website in a way that it will be user friendly and interactive so each and every user will use it easily and search for its particular item.
Following are the websites that have been visited to follow the steps that we can build the project.
According to these links we have first decided that how many types of products that HASM might sale. So we can recommend HASM the website according to those types.
We may also mention sub-categories of products e.g. different types of Amplifiers as sold by Yamaha website.
TXn Series NEXO NXAMP Series Tn Series PC-1N Series XP Series P Series
IPA8200 XM Series XH200 ACD1 ACU16-C
And other audio accessories as listed by Panasonic website such as
SA-BX500 AV Control Receiver with High Quality Amplifier, Decoder Compatible with Blue-ray Discâ„¢ 7.1ch High Quality Audio, VIERA Linkâ„¢, 3 HDMI Inputs, 6 AV Inputs.
SL-1210M5GSL-1200MK5SL-1210MK5 SL-1200MK2PK
Task 2 - 4 Marks
Produce a project plan for the way you intend to complete the rest of this assignment. For planning, use the timescale you have been allocated for these assignments i.e. from the date you start to the date you submit your assignment. Submit a copy of your plan to your tutor BEFORE you proceed further with the assignment.
This is the expecting timeline to complete the project. It will be completed in following time period if not any bunch of vacations will occur.
Using PowerPoint or a similar tool, prepare a maximum of fifteen slides that could be used to form the basis of a presentation to the owner of HASM.
The slides should outline the potential benefits that e-commerce could bring to the operation of his business.
The focus should be upon how e-commerce can add value to the existing working procedures, provide a more efficient service to existing customers and demonstrate the potential to grow the business by attracting new customers and increasing the level of sales to existing customers.
It should also consider how the e-commerce site might be used to purchase good quality second hand audio equipment and subsequently sell such products to customers.
Task 4 - 18 Marks
Produce a report (of no more than 1000 words) detailing the ways in which the introduction of an ecommerce service might affect the level of customer service provided. This should include the ability of the site to offer guidance to potential customers on the choice of product that they are interested in purchasing. Ideally the report should highlight both the potential advantages and the disadvantages of ecommerce to the customer. Where disadvantages are identified, then you should include recommendations on how any potential problems or reduction in the quality of customer service might be minimised.
Introduction to E-commerce:
Advantages of E-Commerce
Compensation of E-commerce is improved sales and diminishes costs using electronic media, i.e. an e-business web site. The compensation of e-business might be at odds and profit it give to association, patrons, and the general public.
Increased trade
Declining expenditure.
make available cost quotation
raise profits
Extent the size of a business globally
convention for the global markets
Easily accessible for the narrow markets
Expenditure to generate merchandise and advertising of stuff, expenses of allotment e.g.
HASM permit to download as a substitute of before you to obtain the CD by correspondence.
Expenditure of storing data.
Less telecommunication correspondence cost
Disadvantages of E-Commerce
When we have some benefits of anything on the other side we must have their drawbacks. Following are the disadvantages of e-business:
Data hacking
Lack of awareness about the internet.
Laciness of education about the e-business
etc. Viruses and these type of unethical activities are occur
People are not preferred that their personal information can reveal among the public
Legitimacy and the confidently information's of a website will be a huge question for the peoples trust
E-business doesn't suitable for eatable stuffs
Recommendations on how any potential problems or reduction in the quality of customer service might be minimised.
Some strict police must be maintained and follow on security measure can take place for e-business website.
Educate public about e-business
Assign ID and security codes for safety purposes.
Task 5 - 20 Marks
Write a short marketing plan (of no more than 1200 words) identifying the ways in which the new ecommerce service of HASM could be promoted. The plan should specify the various activities that should be undertaken in order to make both existing and potential customers aware of the new e-commerce site and encourage them to visit it. These should, ideally, be a mixture of online and offline activities. It should also state how HASM could exploit information gathered from visitors to the site for subsequent marketing activities
"To enchant consumer attention is said to be as Marketing"
Internet Marketing Plan
Marketing plan is a backbone structure of any business commodity. To enhance HASM business, we must need an effective marketing plan which can be profitable for HASM sales. Marketing plan having five essentials i: e, loyalty, diligent planning, on-going implementation and persistence, clear image of plan execution, desperate and hardworking must be required.
Following are the approach to grow the e-business sites and upraised the profit level.
SWOT Analysis:
Through this approch we can cover all the key points of a BUSINESS; Swot measures the strenghts, weaknesess, threats and oppotunities of a business.
Hasm having a strengt of four up growing smeshing range of shopes in main lane of a street.This is the main source of HASM to promote their Home audio business.
Hasm having a well growing business but on the other side of a picture it has a huge weakness that is HASM dint have the chain of online activities. This is the big disadvantage of HASM.
rivals of hasm Can be creat a big threat that they having online and other promotional Activities may be Hasm can loss their market strenghts.To overcome and maintain thier reputation in the market hasm must provide a good quality Audio systems products and also give their best performances to their patrons.
But hasm can grow thire business if they can start their online activities through this it can upraised thier business at seventh sky.beacuse through webbing hasm can save thier expense and raise thier margin.
Goals of hasm:
every business WANTS to grow and create their names in the leading one.
Hasm Plan of Promotioning:
hasm go through with the online and ofline activities.More over providing extra ordinary quality of a goods and marvellous services.Giving advertisement in newspapers, through banners, pampleting e tc.
Mentinoned are the range of online and offline activities:
Magzine marketing
Search engine directories
Key searching systems
channels marketings
popular pages advertising
Most Frequently used websitie
SocialLy advertising
Chat and different funny web pages marketinh etc.
ABOVE ARE the online and offline activities through these activities hasm can utilize these ways through these hasm can grow their business site and raise their margin level and make a well knowing NAME IN great LEADers.
hasm can exploit thier rival to get update with the latest trends of a home audio market and the successive marketing activities
Task 6 - 15 Marks
Put together a briefing note of no more than 500 words that explains why each of the following three issues should be an important part of any security policy:
• Authentication
• Access control
• Data integrity
In addition, give an example in each case of a possible threat which might be posed to an e-commerce server if that particular issue was not adequately addressed.
Authentication, Access Control and Data Integrity
Authentication is any course by which you confirm that someone is who they argue they are. Authentication is correspondent to showing your drivers license at the ticket counter at the airport.
This usually involve a username and a password, but can contain any other way of demonstrating character, such as a smart card, retina scan, voice detection, or fingerprints. Authorization is discovering out if the person, once recognized, is acceptable to have the resource. This is usually resolute by finding out if that person is a part of a meticulous group, if that person has paid access, or has a particular level of security clearance.
Basic authentication
The basic authentication is the simple methods of authentication .The method of authentication have recently passed the basic common usage owing to usability.
Unfortunately, the browser recover the details here, so only we type in your username and password one time per browser session - that is, you might have to type it in again the next time you open up your browser and visit the same web site.
Access control
Access control is that to protected the information it should only be available to authorize as well as to avoid any breach of access control. In this regard, there is a need of specific mechanism to control the access, and in cases of sensitive information. It is important one should employ stronger mechanism to control the access. In this regard, authentication and identification are two major pillars that enable the building of access control mechanisms. In particular identification is an assertion of who someone is or what something is on the other hand, its is essential to verify the identification statement.
Data Integrity -What Data integrity is and Why it is so important?
The truth is, Data Integrity is necessary to even the most basic Information Visualizations. No visualization is worth a thing if it leads you to the wrong termination.
What does Data Integrity actually mean and why is it an main term for people to know? As the need to receive meaningful information from large sets of data become a higher precedence of both in the government and private sector, Data Integrity is what gives users the pledge that the information they see is trustworthy.
I believe I've recognized a few definitions that hopefully embody what Data integrity is meant to be:
Data Integrity is words that can mean to ensure data is "whole" or total…Put only, data integrity is the guarantee that data is reliable, correct, and accessible.Data Integrity is defined as information that adhere to a harsh standard of value and wholeness. That is, the data is both correct and the entire populace of applicable data is restricted within the data warehouse. The credibility of the data warehouse exclusively rests with the integrity of its data.
Integrity threat:
Unprotected banking transactions, such as deposit amounts transmitted over the internet, are subject to integrity violations.
Cyber vandalism is an example of an integrity violation. Cyberbandalism is the electronic defacing of an existing Website's page. The electronic equivalent of destroying property or placing graffiti on objects, Cyber vandalism occurs whenever someone replaces a Web sitte's regular content with his own content.
Task 7 - 18 Marks
Produce a list (no more than 500 words) that briefly describes five different ways in which the benefits of an e-commerce site might be measured. In addition you should recommend the most appropriate way of measuring the success of the HASM site (please note that this may be one or a combination of the different approaches you have previously listed). You should give the reasons for your choice
It is imperative that HASM not only exclusively tailor their e-commerce dimension approach, but also use multiple events to fully investigate their situation. Several quantity criterion is vital for companies that have different plan or may be in a different stage of their life cycle or their e-commerce growth. The several actions will classically include the both financial and non-financial events that are leading and lagging indicator of presentation.
The actions must be use the both senior and middle managers in the business component and purpose. Thus, they must be disaggregated so each unit can check its expenditure to the success of the company's e-commerce strategy. These analyses make sure that each unit is making a part to the e-commerce plan and improving corporate success. Moreover, these metrics can be used to provide a gap scrutiny that permits managers to decide what other inputs or process are required to meet the company's e-commerce project objectives.
Similar tools and technique are accessible to calculate the different aspects of e-commerce performance.
For example,
Utensils to help e-commerce enable companies to better understand the advantage of Internet usage for growing profits or retreating costs related to their clients, thus providing valuable information regarding opportunity to improve overall efficiency. Internally, surveys, focus groups, and other technique are progressively more being used to measure and monitoring employee, personnel, and stakeholder reactions and provide precious feedback.
Once metrics have been developed, data on these indicators must be collected and statistical analysis, such as multiple regressions, should be performed to analyze and test the validity of the customized e-commerce measurement system and causal relationships hypothesized by the company.
As HASM evaluates the initial measurement system's performance, they should typically add some metrics and drop others. It is here that a final measurement system emerges, and the focus then shifts to applying the model to support better decision making.
Social media marketing will help HASM increase sales by keeping their products in front of customers and visitors. More direct conversion tools include the use of a social media site-enabled shopping cart, or the use of discount coupons.
HASM should address the following concerns to implement a successful social media strategy.
Blog Posts Writer
Manager of social network interactions?
Choosing between a Group, people or social media
Need of an Outsourcing
Topics that are interested to customers
Updated contents frequently
Different number of channels social media should be marketed
Suitable Blog platform
Syndication tool
Analatyic tool (e.g. Google Analytics)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
The two common methods that I recommend for measuring the success of the HASM site
Search Engine Optimization
SEO is necessary if people are going to find your organization's website. Investigate shows that over 80% of consumers surfing the web for knowing on services and products begin at a search engine like Google. SEO helps people find you through the keywords used in explore engines. With a small asset in keyword research, you can recognize the key words searchers are using to locate the services you tender. Once you know the words to use, optimize your site with those same terms in your contented. Allowing for the cost of mailing and other paper-related marketing behavior, SEO is less costly and can be more easily track for success rates. Spending money on creating a website but not subsequent through with a solid SEO program is the corresponding of buying a car, but not putting any gas in it. Make the most of your website by fueling it to work the way it is intended.
Web Analytics.
If you have a website, you need to pathway its value so that you know how to best use it to your advantage. Contain a web analytics system, such as Google Analytics, to calculate how well your website is functioning. Web analytics are easily to use and modify a rate effective way to recognize the success of your site. These reports expose where website traffic comes from, how long they stay on your site, which area they use the most time in and where they exit the site. By studying trend on your website traffic, you will be able to modify the information on your site to attract the most attractive visitors.