E-Government project comes to support and proper functioning of the private sector organization that is valuable for reinstating political structure and organizational changes. E-Government project lets to improve the efficiency of private sector and brings internal administration and management capability of the organization at its peak.
E-Government project has greater impact on information and communication technology. Information systems and public administration fields have analyzed the impact of IT on other public administration and they concluded that they have more impact on efficiency and productivity of government performance. E-Government project have largely received the basic principles of efficiency gains and costs savings that helps a private sector to function properly and its rapid growing. When we go through this scenario, we can clear that public sector information system utilizes many of the private sector frameworks.
For instance when we analyze the e-Government policies, we can conclude that most of the private sector framework and public sector framework are same. Information systems and public administration fields have demonstrated much corroborative evidence for this similarity of private sector framework and public sector framework. Some of the investigators have introduced a new framework such as Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) framework. This valuable framework uses the technology-enabled functions and reforms to make the public sector more efficient and fast growing. The private sectors have taken initiative to discuss the role of information and communication technology for the re-organization of private sector.
The concept of E-Government projects is important for the growth of organizations. These projects give you important information about to improve the efficiency and productivity of the organization. The organizations must use a proper framework for the proper functioning of the organization. E-Government projects are suitable for the re-organization of sectors and it helps to design and implement. The study of this project looks mainly on e-Government policies and associated ICT policies that have build the relationship between Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Police. Crown Prosecution Service is the government department that is able to register and prosecute criminal cases investigated and interrogated by the police in England and Wales.
E-Government projects more focuses on efficiency and it provides best practices and universal strategies to successfully implement e-Government programs. ICT developments put more attention to the complexity and it provides necessary steps to implement the best practices and universal strategies to e-Government programs. Income of the public sector can be related to the social and political dimensions. Public sector uses the basic principles of efficiency that are successfully implemented and worked by the private sector.
Implementation of the e-Government enactment framework can give the more advantages on the public sector.
Improved efficiency
More income
Management capability
Internal administration
Impact on information and communication technology
Costs savings
Proper functioning
Best practices and universal strategies
E-Government projects continue to implement more principles on public sectors that help to improve the efficiency. E-Government projects recommend using some framework from the private sector for the improvement of the private sector and success as well.
E-Government projects uses technology enactment framework that is an ideal tool to analyze the organizational and institutional forces that helps to introduce new technologies in the criminal justice system. This new system provides easy handling of case files by police and prosecutors. According to this system, duty prosecutors must take the necessary steps to collect the evidence or the submission of report.
One of the main problem of this system is that the encroachment of duty prosecutors in the investigation process. In order to take diversion from this issue, the police have taken directions from us in certain types of cases. According to these types of situation, the police collect the evidence from us in first time and we have to plan and tell the evidence as fact. If a case is going to be charging, then the prosecutor must be the leader of the investigation. In this case the problem is the police will not follow the plan initiated by the prosecutors. In case of any investigation, the police ultimately decide to quit the work. The prosecutors say that they can charge the case and they will be able to make it as a success. But the case success might be according to resources provided by the police.
This situation provides you 3 different steps:-
Complex political and organizational setting
The Complex political and organizational setting can be represented by the conflicts of interest, power struggles and cultural clashes that has clearly analyzed on the view of ICTs. This has attached connection between the NSPIS systems and Compass that has completely translated into electronic mail.
Single case management system
Single case management system is used to make an efficient and easier communication system. In this method you can take so much time to analyze a case in which the reading printouts from the police investigation system. This system helps to find out actual problem of the case. These factors remain as an effective communication system such as E-mail, fax and telephone.
Pre-existing institutional practices
Very strongly pre-existing institutional practices have created a situation to transform the CJE according to the impacts it has had on inter-agency co-operation. As we said, the pre-existing institutional practices look to increase outcome of conflicting interests, visions and institutional relationships that gives a perfect structure on the enactment of the CJE in the criminal justice system. But the expected outcome of the institutions has not met. Criminal justice system organizations in the England and Wales have their own protective system and they rely on electronic mail system for the secure and effective communication. The complex institutional and organizational settings provide the perfect shape to the implementation of ICT projects.
The relationship between ICT policies and public sector policies are important area of study to deeply understand the principle to boost or give shape to the e-Government projects. The public sector organizations have mainly considered ICT as a tool to develop new and better service delivery. This ICT tool helps to improve the efficiency and transparency and it also improves accountability in public administration procedures and management. The government is more focused on improving the process of information rationalization. E-Government is a powerful tool that can achieve the public administration rein station that faces new public management (NPM) ideology. New public management suggests a method to revamp managerial and governance practices in the public sector. This effective change in the method brings the organization and governance of the public sector in a perfect running line. New public management improves the action of public administration that brings the public sector from effectiveness to efficiency.
The case study, as we mentioned in the above article is a part of a broader European-funded project which looked at different aspects according to the use of ICT in the Judiciary. The Research Institute on Judicial Systems operated as the main project instructor. This Research Institute has completed study on different areas.
The use of ICT in case investigations
The use of ICT for case management
ICT interoperability between public prosecutor’s offices, courts, police and prisons
The use of ICT for sharing prosecutorial information between countries
This case study is more ideal that helps to quickly examine the complexity of the phenomenon under investigation. This case study helps to make practical evidence on contemporary phenomenon. Case studies are most important tool to determine most modern phenomenon and it helps to improve the understanding of implicit and explicit social processes.
There are some relationship between e-Government policies and information systems. Technology enactment framework refers the option and shape of new technologies. These technologies are used for the reformation of e-Government policies and it also examines the ideas included in the design of new technology and extant political interests. The e-Government enactment framework is represented as a theoretical and analytical approach to determine the complexity of e-Government policies.
"[T]he relationship between technology and institutions is not simple or unidirectional, nor are the effects immediate. Institutions that evolve in response to one technological environment persist and to some degree are later imposed on what may be a changed technology." (Sharon S. Dawes))
In the above articles we have not discussed the impact of some technical factors. There are different types of technical factors that can make impact on e-Government policies and information systems. These factors are Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors (PEST).
Political Factors:
Opposition organizations might take advantage of Internet to spread propaganda on their aspects that make social disorder. This Internet propaganda might not make big impact on the government if they take tight control. If the opposition parties are weak, then this will not make any impact. Some hackers will exploit the vulnerability of government websites; they penetrate through it and steal confidential information. This issue will experience insecurity among e-Users. In these situations the e-Users are not willing to give the credit card information to any government websites when required.
Economical Factors:
The e-Users might experience economic threat if the oil price hike flow through to higher charges for broadband subscriptions that makes burden on e-Users. The e-Users require low charges for broadband to access the government websites.
Social Factors:
The e-Users might experience social threats that include development of telecommunication such as mobile and SMS technology. Most of the e-Users utilize SMS technology rather than the Internet due to the low cost of mobile phones. For example an application to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority can be send through the SMS technology. Through the mobile phones, you can carry out information quickly.
Technological Factors:
Most of the e-Users are depending on technologies that make adverse affect of “people serving technology, instead of technology serving people†(Mahizhnan and Andiappan 2002, p. 259). For example, if the e-Users have no IT skill and knowledge, so that they might take long time to retrieve any information. Due to the Internet connection problem and virus, most of the e-Users are opting to not use online as their data storage medium. The entire country will not be able to access the Internet, if there are any connection issues. In these cases the government has provided access points at libraries and community centers.
The above mentioned factors should be critically analyzed by the public sectors before taking any steps to access new technologies.
There are different types of methods of research for e-government policies. Qualitative case study (Yin, 2003) was chosen because it is well situated to examine the use of ICT in case investigations; (2) the use of ICT for case management; (3) ICT interoperability between public prosecutor’s offices, courts, police and prisons; (4) the use of ICT for sharing prosecutorial information between countries.
When we use the qualitative case study, the technology enactment framework shows the role of e-Government policies in the design of complex ICTs. Qualitative case study is most suitable for the creation of the ideas to emphasize the role of technology.
In the article, two methods of research were used; (i) Observation method (ii) Policy/strategy options.
Observation method: - This method is investigating the present status of e Government research funding and management. The observation method also determines the requirements of e Government research in the future. The observation method is suggesting a systematic framework according to the requirements of policy actions and practices.
Policy/strategy option: - This option helps to analyze Public-Private-Partnerships among academic researchers. Policy/strategy option also analyzes public administration and ICT industry Research strategy. This option provides perfect e Government research program. It helps to create organization and management structure for e Government research activities.
The main reasons for adopting this method are as follows:-
These methods are used to perform the analysis for e Government research program management. These methods are developing a better service on e Government research programs. This method is used to perform a gap analysis and helps to build Interest Group and Partnership.
It can measure e Government research and its impact. The previously mentioned methods recommend a common framework, a handbook, for e Government research management. These methods are used to create joint expert groups and gives instructions for evaluation/research.
The methods help to create Public-Private-Partnerships among academic researchers. This method offers better public administration and ICT industry programs. These methods can use specific target groups that will helps to create dedicated e Government research program. This is looking for the improvement of e Government research and it indicates potential vision for e Government research.
The technology enactment framework is going through the technical aspects of the e-Government systems as objective which is mainly for choice, design, and adoption of the technology. In this case we have analyzed that there is a direct link between the technological characteristics of the England and Wales criminal justice system and the e-Government policy.
The e-Government policy is looking for the design of information systems. The e-Government policy leads to the radical overhaul of the information systems. The technical characteristics of the system help to change the aims of the e-Government policies which are also used for the re-organization of criminal justice in England and Wales.
The choice and design of the technology can be linked to the e-Government policy aims. The enactment of technology will be affected by cultural, socio-structural, legal and formal arrangements. The e-Government has been adopted into the technology. Due to this reason e-Government enactment framework can be used as a large framework to explain ICT adoption in the public sector. This technology helps to enact e-Government policy.
The e-Government enactment framework delivers a large analysis on framework to get the details about the complexities of technological usage in public sector reforms. The e-Government policy making includes options and shapes and the characteristics and functionalities. The technologies carries new and specific e-Government policy aims. This technology can be enacted in political, organizational and business practices. The e-Government policy has been included in the technological systems and will be enacted in organizational practices. These new technologies have long-lasting effects and it have carrier of some policy values.
As we analyzed the technology enactment framework, e-Government policy is not only the result of social, political, and institutional negotiation.
Technological characteristics affect the outcome of e-Government projects and delivers different ways of working and coordinating public sector organization activities. According to this article, the technological characteristics can be considered as part of the e-Government policies due to its impact on the outcome. In this case it shows a co-ordination program of reform and the technology to bring the work between police and public prosecutors together. This co-ordination program leads to the transformation of the procedural rules.
The e-Government enactment framework gives a shape to the implemented technologies. The outcomes that comes from the enactment of technology are multiple, and unanticipated. These outcomes will have rational, social, and political logics impact and influence. As we previously mentioned, technology and its characteristics can be affected on the outcomes of this enactment process. The enactment framework carries political interests according to the option and shape phase. The characteristics of technology are not objective and it is not independent from the e-Government policies.
When we revise the impact of technology enactment framework, we can determine that technology does not contain objective characteristics. The e-Government policies will get a shape and it will be adopted according to the aims and goals. The enhanced enactment framework can be looks at the entire process which enacts e-Government policies.
According to the description produced by the new public management driven programs, we can determine that e-Government projects are not always the outcome of planned and controlled change management initiatives. Sometimes the E-Government projects come out as the outcome of a complex set of relationships. This will shape technology and reforms the outcome of e-Government. According to the relationships between e-Government policies, technological choice and design, we can recognize complex political and institutional environments.