Nowadays, an increasing number of the world's population and degradation of habitats have, cause the number of species has decreased until almost to extinction. As a result, the human more awareness and become in particularly attempting to preserve the populations endangered species (Crouse D. 1987). Over the last two decades is widely criticised about nature conservation which involve the topic of the way to preserve the biological diversity. Therefore, the Convention on Biological Diversity Strategy has been certified in the 1992 held on June 5, 1992 at Rio de. Janeiro, Brazil (Burhenne-Guilman G., 1994). The biologists are fairly skilled at looking at the big picture, at seeing forests not just trees. They understand that we cannot maintain genetic diversity without maintaining species diversity and that we cannot maintain species without maintaining without ecosystem diversity. (Malcolm L. Hunter, 2007). The biologists are quite specialising for looking at the overview for example they seeing forests not just trees. Moreover they made us to understand that we cannot preserve genetic diversity without preserving species diversity and that we cannot preserve species without maintaining ecosystem diversity (Hunter M., 2007). As well as, size and number of living species must be related with ecosystem significantly such as the physically larger species and the living things at lower latitudes or in forests or oceans are more sensitive to reduction in habitat area (Drakare S, 2006). Therefore, the conservation of endangered species must be used a lot of intergrade information which relevant from difference source in the inquiry to give necessary evidence for a holistic approach to conservation planning. (Dipani S., 2009).
Conservation biology is a structured policy with guiding principles and tools for the purpose of protecting biodiversity. (Soule M. , 1986). Therefore, conservation of biological science is also one that has included several subjects as well as ecology, social science, education, management and other disciplines outside of biology. (Dyke F., 2008). Due to, integrate all of these subject areas as a guide of conservation strategic planning. The strategic conservation plans is priority for preserving biodiversity which are designed to engage public policy and concerns affecting local, regional and global scales of communities, ecosystems, and cultures (Gascon C., 2007). The action plans can identify the best ways for sustaining livelihood well-being, employing natural capital, market capital, and ecosystem services (Liu J, 2003). A strategy, simply defined, is a set of actions that a conservation project implements to reduce threats, capitalize on important opportunities. Examples of strategies include building the capacity of local law enforcement, educating schoolchildren about wildlife, and developing alternative livelihood options such as ecotourism. One could say that the conservation of endangered species to be effective, both biological and social elements of the conservation process must be considered as a basic for minimizing threats (Isabel B., 2007). This essay will discusses about evaluating the conservation costs and benefits of developing conservation strategies focusing on species, then habitats and finally on the resources.
Biological species such as tigers, butterflies, trees, frogs, whales, and so on as part of nature. They have interrelationship between their species, as well as the relationship between people and nature. Many people close relations established by nature beings have established are based on species (IUCN, 2008). There are several strategies that are beneficial for species and human. One of several strategies is the Opportunities for Debt Investment in Environmental Conservation. By using microfinance lending approaches collaborate with performance-based payments for incentives to encourage environmental conservation in the long term. This strategy aim to protect the migration of loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles cause of they has been suffering from human impacts. According to the eggs were harvested and the nests were destroyed as well as the adults were killed from industrial fishing on the high seas. These species are in crisis because the estimation that this species will become extinct over the next five decades. As a result, some governments in the South Pacific Islands have established procedures to minimize the impact on sea turtles by limiting coastal development and control of coastal fisheries. In the low income countries, the government has investment in endangered species recovery by giving lone to their population who is involve in sea total destroyed. In order to, increased opportunities for sustainable harvest, promoted ecotourism or other non-turtle related economic activities including, monetary and non-monetary which these benefits will be returned to government in the form of benefits to both the money and not in the form of money. Using debt investment has many benefits of its use as a tool for environmental conservations. The purpose of this strategy directly to the guidelines of the population living better and lending can be achieved to decreasing unsustainable resource use and an environmental mortgage program could directly address the alleviation of poverty. In some instances local people are as motivated, or even more motivated than conservationists to protect the animals in their homeland, especially when they represent a valuable resource for food or commerce. But for some communities, it comes down to protecting animals that are as much a part of a hostile environment as drought or fire (Donlan J.). As with African villagers expected to protect an elephant herd that continually destroys their crops and leaves them hungry without a means of generating income. For example, when villagers living in or near a game reserve are told by authorities which they cannot hunt an animal because it is endangered even as they are struggling with hunger. Although, the African elephants are protected by CITES (Cutlip K., 2010).
Habitat change is the cause of animal endangerment. If the animals do not have space large enough to breed and to hunting that remains, combined with climate change also cause risks to animals. The global warming cause some animals need to immigrate to other areas in order to find food and propagation. From this problem, The US Fish and Wildlife Service have been promoting the use of ‘habitat conservation plans’ the purport of this strategy was planned for helps mitigate the loss of habitats of some endangered species. These plans have come under criticism from the increasing number of environmental conservationists and biologists who argue that the plan has contributed to loss of animal habitats which decreased continuously. The provisions of the plan led to build a model of conservation of natural habitats. This strategic is in an effort to solve the problem more protection to habitat, such as model housing for two endangered butterfly species in the San Bruno Mountain in San Mateo County, CA. This plan has been approved to the loss of butterfly habitat which has been permanently changed to the new protect areas as well as this plan was produced the protect areas management for these species. The report was showed that the protected area can solve the conflict between mitigation banking of endangered species habitat and private lands as well as the strategy has the benefit of solving habitat loss and solving the problem animals to extinction. Therefor reduce the loss of habitat by buying alleviation credits from other private landowners who reconstruct and/or protect habitat species. The protect areas has the capability to increase mitigation substitute for the manage community while providing a necessary economic incentive for other landowners to restore and protected habitats species. From the attitude of ecological, the protect areas could provide for an exchange of fragmented habitats with long range viability for habitats that are strategically located and can contribute to species’ recovery (Bonnie R., 1999). This is a strategy in US to preserve habitat for species conservation. Another exam is in the South East Asia. The strategy habitat conservation is under Mekong Wetlands Conservation and Sustainable Use Program, Floodplain and wetland areas that are flooded for a period of one year, in one area will spread out significantly during the flood season. Amount of water contained in the flood season is more over the water resources can produce in several times. In fact, a natural wetland ecosystem that is most productive existence. Advantage of the productivity of wetlands is often greater per unit area of land which has more than others in terms of utilization of the fishery in the region. It also includes animal resources are being considered and that the registration is larger (Ringler C., 2006). Moreover wetlands also provide a wide range of additional ecological productivity and ecological services as specified. As a result, the physical benefits, such as the periodic flooding is one cause of food stored on the soil to plants and animals including water quality improvement which is another way of pollution control. It also decreases the proportion of habitat species and migration and maintenance of the balance of biochemical importance. Reasons for all concerned, the economic benefits are often come from wetlands and the economic costs are relative with their degradation or loss which usually unknown and neglected in project and policy analysis. As a result, the potential of wetlands was used as a tool to economic growth, local income distribution and as sources of products and ecological services has been neglected in many parts of the world cause in the loss of valuable species, ecological services, and livelihoods. This strategy will help to guide the development of wildlife habitats. A successful is integration into the style by creating a wetland site because of ecosystem function can be restored to degraded or affected wetlands. Restoration can quickly stabilize the biological mass, including both invertebrates and soil microorganisms. The production of wetlands has the rate of rapid growth and perennial plants that are growing quickly in the first year as well. The recovery plan is expected within three years the restoration of wetlands can be made the available products to the community and produce a variety of plants and animals. In addition, wetlands that were created to more effectively help to improve water quality in water sources as well as wetlands are created to be effective in removing the stabilization of metal sludge and organic contaminants. However, although constructed wetlands may help to keep the sediment retention systems but if the number of excessive sediment, the sediment retention efficiency decreased. In addition, the contamination of immobilization in upstream sediments is not eliminated when the wetland was the water dropped. These contaminants will still remain. If not using technology physical to remove, such as phytoremediation or physical removal (White K.)
Nevertheless, the world conservation strategy has the purpose of the authority to establish policies for development and conservation work which is defined in terms of conservation of human "management of human use of the biosphere so that it can yield benefits most sustainable in the present moment still has the potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations. For sustainable development that must take into account social factors and ecosystems, including those of economy: the life and resource base of non-living and long-term and short-term advantages and disadvantages of the action alternatives (Paul S.) World Conservation Strategy (1980) aims to encourage increased focus on resource management to live and to make policy recommendations about how this can be done. The aim of conservation strategies to achieve global objectives of conservation of resources is.
To maintain the ecological processes those are essential to the existence of human life. (Such as soil remediation and prevention, recycling of nutrients and clean water), which depends on the survival of human development
To maintain genetic diversity. (Genetic material found in living things in the world), which depends on the support of a variety of processes and life-support systems. The breeding programs are necessary for the protection and improvement of crops, animals and Microorganisms as well as scientific and medical innovation, including technical innovation and safety of various industries that use living resources.
To ensure the sustainable utilization of species and ecosystems. (Fish and other wildlife, especially forestry and grazing land), this will need to provide support to rural communities, as well as millions of major industries as well (world resource strategic).
Although, the WCS was accentuated in integration of environment and conservation values in order to development the process. In addition, awareness for the earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living refined the Brundtland theme by integrates environmental, conservation, social, economic imperatives and elaborating principles for their practical integration (Dalal-Clayton B., 2002). In contrast, The World Conservation Strategy is often seen as the strategies focusing on ecological sustainability rather than sustainable development ( Barbier E., 1987) which difference from currently that particularly in economic development due to considerate in basis need and eradicated the poverty. In fact, the development has not considerate the affect to environment as well as it has not base on community and stakeholder participation (Dalal-Clayton B., 2002).
Even nowadays, it is understand that the conservation strategy is the foundation necessary to be indispensable, if humankind has to have the well-being and security forever but while we are awarding of the importance and necessity of these biological resources, one of the things facing humanity across the world and is becoming increasingly serious is the loss of biodiversity. Especially in tropical regions which are rich source of this important natural resource. The conservation strategy should combine both biological and economical, as the Opportunities for Debt Investment in Environmental Conservation which bring debt and conservation turtle together. This way not only protect the species but also help the raise revenue in community where they protect the species for sustainable.