The charitable organization, Arboreal, wants to communicate effectively with its supporters in terms of sharing text, promotional and educational videos, images, programs and music over the Internet. For implementing the above mentioned cases Arboreal need a way in which the application can connect to different supporters easily providing more advantages to both Arboreal and to the supporters in terms different communications.
In order to communicate effectively with its supporters and to raise funds for its activities Arboreal need to chose a good way of communication like sending them useful data or distributing audio and video clips which are covered by their activities and needs and giving live web-casts to the supporters about Arboreal and its non profitable operations. Distributing the data about Arboreal in multimedia form is one of the best way Arboreal can chose. This multimedia data can be delivered to supporters desktop Pcs or ubiquitous handled devices such as PDAs and smart phones. This multimedia data will be stored both at Arboreal and in supporters devices as ordinary data but this data must be accessed with specific timing requirements. Generally multimedia data is presented to the supporter constantly while being delivered by the Arboreal. It includes audio and video playback. Arboreal can inherently stream the data to its supporters for example in radio or television or it can inherently non-stream the data also like video cassettes and Audio Cds. Arboreal can also use Internet television for live streaming of the multimedia data.
Streaming the multimedia content:
To stream the multimedia data Arboreal needs to have a network connection such as TCP port. Recent developments in technology made us to use new media technologies such as IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) and HDTV to deliver multimedia over high speed data networks [Buro Happold, 2004]. Once the communication starts happening over the port the information pertaining to Arboreal is no longer protected as there might be some malicious traffic flowing over the port [Tony Bradley, 2003].
Arboreal can stream the multimedia content to its supporters basically in two ways one of which is Progressive download and the other one is Real-Time streaming. In progressive download the supporters can playback the multimedia content while it is being delivered and the data will be saved onto the supporters device parallely. Progressive download uses a standard web server to transmit the multimedia data. In this case Arboreal must need a high speed internet access to use the web server customized for sending multimedia data such as audio and video files to web browser from which supporter can access the data. These addresses normally start with http:// or https://. Https:// gives a secured connection over http://. The supporters of Arboreal can access the multimedia content using a web browser such as Internet explorer or Firefox. When media content is downloaded using a player software such as VLC media player or real media player it is called as “Progressive Download” [Larry Bouthillier, 2003]. In Real-Time streaming the multimedia data is delivered to the supporters device but not stored. Arboreal may want to chose the first option as the data will be stored onto the system while it is being delivered, so that the supporter may refer it whenever he wants to. In this scenario also it uses a web server connected to high speed internet but in supporters computer or PDA device streaming media server software will be running such as Windows media services or real networks. The address of this will be something like mms:// or rtsp:// followed by the location and media file name [Larry Bouthillier, 2003].
Normally without streaming, the multimedia content is stored at Arboreal in file and these files are transferred to supporters as HTTP object. After the entire file has been delivered to the supporter it is then passed to player. In streaming approach the application with which supporter is accessing the multimedia content through internet such as browser, Gets a meta file, which means the file which is containing the data about the actual multimedia data. By using this meta file the browser launches the player the player in turn contacts the Arboreal's server and streams the audio or video content to the player.
The multimedia systems are characterized by their large file sizes, high data rate required for continuous media transmission and their sensitivity towards timing delays during playback of the media. Because of the high data rate and large file sizes of multimedia content multimedia files are often compresses. Arboreal can chose the best compression mechanism among MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 each one serving different compression benefits. Arboreal can use the lossy, lossless and hybrid techniques also for compression of multimedia data. In Lossless technique original representation of the data is recovered. To gain high compression ratios and for more practical use Arboreal can use lossy technique in which it recovers the presentation similar to the original one [B. Furht, 1996].
While achieving high data rates and managing large file sizes Arboreal should not compromise on the Quality of the multimedia content sent to the supporters. Arboreal must ensure that Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees such as specific data rates and timing requirements are met.
Security over multimedia distribution for Arboreal:
While sending multimedia content over internet using a network connection “Security” is the primary concern. Once Arboreal's data is flowing through the connection it may not be safe as there might possibility of malicious software coming through the network. So when supporter is downloading multimedia content pertaining to Arboreal a virus or trojan may also be downloaded to their PC and supporters may think that is an useful software and click on the .exe file which in turn effects the system [Tony Bradley, 2003]. The security requirement here depends on perspective of Arboreal and it's supporters.
By using CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) [Chad Perrin, 2008] triad Arboreal can set goals for implementing security practices, which tells that while supporters are accessing the multimedia data the confidential information of Arboreal shouldn't be accessed by unauthorized users. The data Integrity should maintained by Arboreal so that only through a authorized mechanism data can be modified or altered. The supporters which are authorized to access the multimedia content of the Arboreal should be able to access the data for legitimate purposes only.
While the multimedia data is sent over the internet security considerations should be taken care in terms of protecting TCP/IP protocol, firewalls and Intrusion detection systems [Kurose J., et al, (2005)]. Since TCP/IP is doesn't have built in authentication an attacker may forge a packet or packets related to the multimedia content of the Arboreal claiming his host “X” which has the fastest path out of the network and makes all the traffic sent to that host which in turn delivered to the attacker's machine [CHRIS CHAMBERS, JUSTIN DOLSKE, 2003].
Legal and Ethical issues with multimedia content distribution for Arboreal:
Since the multimedia content distribution for Arboreal happens over internet, it allows supporters, Arboreal's staff and many others to do many things in many different ways. Once concern here is the legal and ethical improvements are not pacing up with the fast pace of technology change. The major legal and ethical issue areas for Arboreal follow into the below categories [Bottorff, D.L, 2000].
Protection of Arboreal's Intellectual property.
Prevention of fraud by users, staff and supporters of Arboreal.
Protection of freedom of expression vs problems of defamation
Privacy protection
Control over free speech and indecency
Controlling Spam.[Bottorff, D.L, 2000]
There might rise legal and ethical issues while distributing multimedia content to the supporter which Arboreal need to take care of. Because the law covering the legal and ethical issues varies across cultures and jurisdictions, the content may be copyright protected by someone else.
Arboreal can't be deontological it should follow certain rules while distributing the multimedia content keeping in view of their consequences. The consequences here might be violating the proprietary and property rights, spoiling once principles etc. Arboreal should be conesequentialist to maximise the benefit from its supporters. Arboreal's data should be protected by Data Protection Act which states that, in particular Arboreal's data should comply with certain important principles at the same time it gives Arboreal rights over their personal information.
While Arboreal is sending it's multimedia data over the internet others may access this data. Arboreal should take care that it shouldn't violate the others privacy rights or Intellectual Property rights. Intangible assets such as software, data, novels, audio recordings etc which consists of human intelligence or plans is called intellectual property [Daniel A. Ray, 2009]. Arboreal should take care of no spam mails are sent to its supporters from its website from which multimedia content is distributed. Arboreal's multimedia content shouldn't defame other's reputation such as other charitable trusts or voluntary organizations.
Arboreal should be responsible for the multimedia content it has sent to its supporters, it should accept the potential costs, duties and obligations for the multimedia sent. It should be liable to its supporters if it's multimedia content damages supporters.
Advantages of multimedia distribution for Arboreal:
Sending Multimedia content to its supporters is easy and efficient way for Arboreal. Rather than normal data, multimedia data grabs the attraction and interest of the supporters.
Since Internet is widely spread and easily accessible supporters of Arboreal and its staff can easily access the multimedia content.
The browsers and plug-ins which support multimedia distribution are free and they will support wide variety of multimedia so it will be cheaper and efficient way for Arboreal to distribute the multimedia.
By using multimedia Arboreal can send text only presentations by adding sounds and compelling visuals which may attract the supporters [Hall & Baumgartner, 1991].
Multimedia content is more appealing over traditional methods, so ther is a great chance of supporters to know more about the Arboreal and communicate effectively with Arboreal.
Multimedia distribution tailors the information of the individual.
Disadvantages of Multimedia distribution for Arboreal:
Configuration is always difficult for multimedia distribution, it will impose extra burden and extra cost for Arboreal.
Multimedia content distribution needs special hardware and special software for playback of different multimedia content.
Multimedia content is not always compatible with browsers we have, supporters and Arboreal needs to constantly upgrade the software it has.
From the above discussion we may see that there are many pros and cons for Arboreal for using multimedia distribution. But the disadvantages of multimedia distribution can be addressed easily. By implementing network security at each peer of the network we can make the Arboreal system to be secure. Compared to the disadvantages with advantages, multimedia distribution provides a system for Arboreal which is less expensive, more reliable and more scalable than any other system. The cost incurred in multimedia distribution is also very less and the . Since Arboreal needs to maintain large contents of data which supporters may want see and to check to make any contributions, Multimedia distribution can be effective by managing the load and content balance at all available systems and keeping track of them easily, there by providing access to supporters on a regular basis when ever they required to see the data. For Arboreal to communicate effectively with its supporters by sharing promotional videos, images, text etc and to get contributions for them multimedia distribution best suites them.
Since the last few years multimedia distribution has emerged as significant social and technical phenomenon. It supports interpersonal collaborative movements. Less expensive and highly available computing resources and storage devices and increased network connectivity lead to the huge development in multimedia distribution area in recent years. As the Arboreal is looking at effective communication with its supporters using Internet multimedia content distribution will be most useful for them. Arboreal can effectively share their promotional videos, images etc with its supporters using multimedia distribution. So this document describes the better communication model for Arboreal by discussing the streaming of multimedia distribution over internet and the focuses on the security concerns related to multimedia distribution and the finishes by discussing the legal and ethical issues arises out of multimedia distribution. Finally it discusses the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia distribution for Arboreal.