Hope N Help Charitable Trust Critical Report Management Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 2149

Executive Summary:-

The project Team concur that completing the proceeding assignments in a group situation was a positive experience for all involved. Each Team member participating in this assignment was inherently respectful and demonstrated which added value to not only the content of the assessment item but also to the learning and experiences of the team as a whole.


Our group no. is 3.Each team member has done good work in assignment. All members were always ready to do help for each other. We divided the task into the parts of the assignment among the group members. All members completed the assigned task within the given time limit and collectively completed the assignment with great team work.

Management of our team: -

To successfully complete this assignment in a group environment, the team tools a structured and organized approach. The groups of five were divided into sub-groups of two or one team members to research and brainstorm each of the four question areas. It was also expected that each member of the team would review and contribute to the other questions. Once initial research and planning stage was complete, the group met in its entirety to discuss key concepts and to write the introductions, findings, conclusions and recommendations included in the assignments. Follow this, all team members contributed to the compilation of the reflective report. Revising the final draft of the report, designing the assignments and rehearsing the assignments was also a collaborative effort involving all team members. Strict timelines were used to guide the progress of the team

As can be expected with a group convened for the purpose of completing a specific task, the project team progressed through all the stages of the five stage-models of group development, forming, norming, storming, performing and adjourning. A diagrammatic representation of this process can be found below figure 1.0

The Process for Group Dynamics

Figure 1.0

The initial stage of group dynamic, Forming, "an initial stage of orientation and interpersonal testing," was relatively uneventful for the project team. As the majority of team members had encountered each other in previous academic taught papers, there was familiarity and existing perception of team members and their capabilities. It was during this stage of group development that team members expressed their desires and intention completes the team assignment to the best of their abilities to achieve the best possible result rather than merely doing enough to pass the assignments.

The secondary stage of group development, Storming, "the stage characterized by intergroup conflict," was also only illustrated in a mild way by this team. It was during the stage that a group leader emerged who provided performance guidelines and timelines for the team. Any conflict experienced was round the rigidity of suggested timelines and concerns of group members in relation to said timeframes due to conflicting commitments and responsibilities. All conflict was easily resolved through successful negotiation, and intergroup communication and compromise on behalf of all members.

The, Norming group dynamic stage, "where members work together developing close relationship and feelings of camaderie became particularly evident in early September when the assignment team began to communicate fluently to understand the tasks and requirements. It was at this stage that all team members demonstrated their willingness to assist one another and their intentions to act as value-adding team members.

The assignment team solidly entered and endured the performing stage, "a stage of team work and focused task performance," from the 18th of September through to the 2nd of October where the sub- groups worked enthusiastically and robustly together to research and generate ideas then reported back to the group. The entire project team worked well together to formulate comprehensive and insightful answers to the assessment questions. This phase was particularly successful for the assignment team due to the differing academic, experiential, perceptive and cultural background of team members.

In this instance, the Adjourning stage, "the final stage in group development for temporary group, characterized by concern with wrapping up activities rather than task performance," started to occur post confirmation of a completed written paper and the development and practice of oral( weekly feedback) assessment component. This was due to the group members understanding that they had realized their shared objective, allowing the team to begin to disband.

Key component that made this project team successful included clear engaging direction, striving for rewards for team excellence, authority to manage work, team goals and team norms that promote strategic thinking.

There were several areas in which the team felt that they particularly excelled. One of which was creating an open team environment where all members felt comfortable contributing and expressing their ideas. This environment was created through respectful and polite practice and the appreciation of the contribution and perspective of each other. The team believes this is an important part of group success and would employ such an approach in future group situations, be it in personal or work situations. The team agrees with the perspective of that being able to create this type of environment is key to the leadership skill of facilitation in the workforce.

Figure 2.0 illustrates how the input and processes of a group can result in the output of group effectiveness.


Input Process Output

Group Behaviour Model

Structure of the team and timelines

Kulvider Kaur - Problem Identification with rationale

Narinder Kaur and Hardeep Kaur - Cultural problem

Haprinder Singh - Project plan including scope, resources and problem solving model to be used

Jaskanwar Singh - Research methods and process.

All team members to review all question and contribute suggestions and perceptions to each pair's research.

If we each work on this individually and then meet to discuss our perspectives and try to develop comprehensive answers/combine each person's input I thing this may be the best way to do it.


Activity to be completed


25 August 2010

Swot and Gant Chart

6 September 2010

Meeting with group regarding Part A at Hardeep Kaur place.

Was really fussy but everybody agreed about their part

11 October 2010

We indentified the problem and disused about the solution of Part B

Problem was solved

18 October 2010

Discussed about BCG Matrix at Narinder Kaur Place

Everybody agreed with the decision.

20 October 2010

Discussed about the KPI part

Our Team Role in project

The members of the trust will be designated their proper profile with what, when, how, they will conduct their role. Such as Kulvinder Kaur will look into finance, Narinder Kaur will organize transportation & meal, Harpinder Singh will look into the advertisement and make contacts with other trusts and organizations. Hardeep Kaur will organize the events and study material, Jaskaran Singh will organize and manage the volunteers. Their all members performed their roll very well. My all team was member always agreed with each other.


My role was the toughest one as I had to identify the problem with rationale. In this I had understand other religion, their cast and belief. Every community has its food taste. It may be vegetarian food and some are non-veg. so therefore every community likes/dislikes have to concerned. I had to find some volunteer. Because some is required who can understand and help elders. It was hard because the people have their busy schedule and taking some time out from their daily routine, it was hard to find some volunteer earlier. But later on some of the students showed up to help me. After that I was able to complete my task easily.

Process of Problem Solving

As we had gone through some problems but there is an area and the key success area for the project team was communicating in an open an honest manner. By encouraging and participating in open communication, the team were able to monitor the process of each other in regards to the assigned task and where able to assist each other throughout the completion of the assignment. Regular communication was essential in building trust among the team members and enhancing and supporting personal credibility.

Decisions we all agreed with

Clarification of Goals

Commitment to the group's purpose

Establishment of the relationships

Making of the tentative contributions

Communication between members

Offering support to other members

Verification of goals

Emergence of conflict over power or leadership

Provision of negative and positive feedback

Resolution of Conflict

Development or extension of skills

Solutions of the problems

Success Factors


Clear, Engaging Direction

Give a sense of why the group exists and what it is trying to accomplish

A Real Team Task

Requires the members to work together to complete significant tasks

Rewards for Team Excellence

Distributes 80% of the rewards equally among team members: Rewards that are 50/50 individual / group are associated with the lowest team performance.

Basic Material Access

Meet the team's need for physical materials such as tools, meeting space, access to computing services.

Authority to Manage work

Allow the team and not the leader to make decision over basic work strategies.

Team Goals

Enhances team performance but goals have to be aligned with the team's overall direction, provide a challenge and be completed by a specific deadline.

Team Norms that Promote Strategic Thinking

Guides through informal rules, team members behaviour in a way that gives outward focus and awareness of their environment.

There were several areas in which the team felt that they particularly excelled. One of which was creating an open team environment where all members felt comfortable contributing and expressing their ideas. This environment was created through respectful and polite practice and the appreciation of the contributions and perspectives of each others. The team believe this is an important part of group success and would employ such an approach in future group situations, be it in personal or work situations.

Recommend any improvements to the process

The most significant area that the project team believes that they could improve on in future group activities is time management. Whilst the initial timeline and plan of workloads was important in establishing expectation, this plan was too rigid and did not include enough contingency time. This factor alone placed significant undue pressure on some of the team members. The group unanimously agrees that on future occasions when creating such a work schedule that contingency time needs to be factored into the plan.

In this part I will say, the duration of the course is to less for us.it is more practical project for us and we need more than 18 week to finish this project.

In this project we have to the exam after assignment submission, but next time I will prefer presentation rather than exam.

In this project we will used BCG Matrix as a solution, but next time i would like to use another Problem Solving technique, which are most related to our project.


For this organization we will train a group of 10 new team members who are going to be a part of our organization. First of all we will have to introduce with them special training session to provide them good knowledge and about "Hope n Help" organization. Staff should know various computer skills which includes computer Microsoft, excel, power point, Microsoft publisher. They should also know about the communication and presentation skills that how to do presentations. Gadget handling; since Hope n Help is community's social organization we will be conducting lot of live program sessions on TV channels and Radio frequencies, so we need our staff to be trained precisely in operating electronic gadgets etc.

On the other hand they should also have knowledge how to do online browsing and computer software and hardware knowledge; since there will be lot of paper work will be involved in office.


Loving, caring and sharing life experiences with each other and chance to more learn English. To collect funds to complete to make our mission successful. So we are going to collaborate with other leading trust and organize events like music concerts or big day out, cultural events. Nurturing rearing, socialization and protection of children. Maintaining and improving the wellbeing of family member by providing them emotional and material support. Ways of affection, companionship and a sense of belonging and identity protect the Psychology of adult and children. Passing on culture values, knowledge, attitudes and obligations towards society. Concentrating on females/male attitudes, leading to awareness of their family commitment. Managing finances stress like a money matters. It is concluded that the trust will be formed with it designate members and registered with government. The members will be given their profiles and duties will be divided. The Hope and charitable trust will represent it motives rules and regulations of operations transparently to people. This will lead to a good faith and will help in achieving motive. Time management and other duties will be divided in such a way that all the members can help the trust properly, truly with best efforts.