The purpose of this paper is to highlight Betty Ford Center as one the most outstanding rehabilitation institution that has been able to change the lives of Americans and around the world that are addicted to drugs and alcohol. The center is located in Rancho Mirage and was started by Betty Ford, a recovered individual of a similar case. However, does not cater for adults but also children and runs a medical center too. Patients are taken through different stages as part of the treatment. Although the Center is non-profit, it makes sure patient get the best possible treatment, this is enabled by funds collected from donors, alumni and others like Betty Ford Center Legacy Fund and Financial Assistance Fund. Nevertheless, Betty Ford Center has it objectives and strategies that are set to enable it work better in future.
Main Paper
Immediately past Palm Springs, also called Southern California's golf and Tennis is a world of evenly paved boulevard named for Bob Hope, Gerald Ford and Frank Sinatra, is what most of the people have thought to be an out of the world resort. This protected desert oasis in Rancho Mirage is set up on 14 manicured acres and surrounded by purple mountains, and annually, has an occupancy rate of 100%. However, for its 80 carefully screened visitors, there is no entertainment as one may think; the day-to-day routine can be hectic and demanding.
Here is the Betty Ford Center, a hospital for individuals dependent on alcohol, drugs or a combination of the two. It also offers education programs and research based on recovering from addiction. It was started by Mrs. Ford, the wife of the 38th President as well as the co-founder who triumph over her addiction to alcohol and prescription in 1982. Others who have had major contribution on the non-profit endeavor are Dr. Joseph Cruse, Leonard K. Firestone, the ex- Belgium ambassador and a son of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company's originator. Her main intention of setting up the Center was to offer an institution that brings to light women's special needs (West, 1997, P.141).
Betty Ford Center has ensured recovery residences are what they should be- sober living environments, meaning that residents are anticipated to refrain from alcohol and other unlawful drug usage. Every credentialed recovery residence publishes standards on degeneration allows readmission criterions, and other regulations governing group living. Recovery residence may need self-denial from specific of medications according to personal standards.
On the other hand, it works in collaboration with National Association of Recovery Residence to manage recovery residence by implementing standards that determine the best of all practices for sustaining the wellbeing and health of the resident, the local and larger community (Kuhar, 2012, P. 108). Therefore, Betty Ford Center is a recovery certified residences since it meets policies tackling safety from an administrative, property, functional and the spirit of good neighborhood.
Unlike in the past where the Center used time-consuming yet not very effective methods to assess the progress of the patients, it is now adopting to new methods like patient oriented assessment instrument that has substantial benefits. An n example is the Treatment Effectiveness Assessment (TEA). This approach draws out results that assist patients and physicians to hastily rate the patient's recovery. For effective purposes, the patient is supposed to give his or her numerical responses and representative detail on the usage of substances, family background, lifestyle and health (Kuhar, 2012, P. 200).
Alumni have played a major in raising money and Financial Assistance Funds for the Center to help in alcohol and drug treatment. Most companies, organizations and friends have given gifts in remembrance of Betty Ford. The founding couple cherished partnerships and associations. Most importantly, they always turned up during dinners, tournaments and other events to help raise money for the treatment.
Affiliations and Accreditations
Betty Ford Center is acknowledged as the first treatment center of its kind. It is devoted to providing effectual alcohol and other drug dependent treatment services to women and men from eighteen years and over. The Center is licensed 100-bed recovery hospital having treated hundreds of thousands of patients and families in America and other corners of the globe. Every element of drugs and alcohol dependence are tackled in residential, outpatient, family and children's schedules so that patients' religious, bodily and psychological needs can be met.
Currently, the Centre got Accredit status for all services surveyed under the Comprehensive Manual for Behavior Health Care from Joint Commission is an independent Non-Governmental Organization that has recognized and certified more than 19,000 health care institutions and initiatives in America, gave the procedure. The objective of the plan is to assist institutions offer safe, suitable quality care, treatment and other services by acknowledging opportunities and aiding in executing the upgrading as assigned.
The objective of The Joint Commission is to constantly enhance health care for communities, in conjunction with other stakeholders, by analyzing health care institutions and motivating them to progress in offering safe and effectual care of the highest quality and importance.
Medical/psychiatric services or linkage arrangement
The institution's central values are:
Comprehending the disease- in this case, they take addiction as a persistent degenerating ailment that needs exceptive and concerned reaction.
Applying manifold treatment approaches Recovering from an addictive ailment is an ongoing dedication for addicts and their families to change their bodies, emotions, spirits and interactions with others.
Treating the family-Prevention and recuperation are at best improved by discovering the implications of addictive ailment on parents, children and the community.
Advancing research-Addictive ailments are commonly misunderstood. Better scientific understanding of its roots as well as repercussions will lead to prevention and management with progressive result rate for steady recovery.
Joining forces with others- It is easier to come up with better understanding of the ailment as a team, open-mindedly and rigorously through free sharing.
Improving accessibility- The healing opportunities should be shared and made available to all persons regardless their sex, color, age, race and health status.
Therefore, the Center uses approaches such as:
Detoxification process- in this case, the solution can turn out to be more of a problem if buprenorphine hydrochloride, a substance used in diminishing the signs of opiate dependence and help in opiate detoxification (Mooney, Et El, 2011, P. 82 ). Although not commonly used, it is integrated in the opiate protocol alongside other adjunctive prescriptions. Burprenorphine is an exceptional remedy for detoxification since it does contain euphoria and represses withdraw symptoms.
The Center has what it calls You are not Alone for parents who enroll for the program yet have fears of how their children will react. Such fears hinder them from showing up on the first few days. This program lets parents know they are not alone. On the first day, parents check in the hotel hosting the four-day activity, are presented with an information packet including the schedule of the program. Counseling and other therapeutic sessions begins while allowing time for sharing experiences, relaxing and meditating.
Continuing Care Program-This is the most essential recovery routine for alcoholics, addicts and their family members. In fact, it is more helpful for children. It enables a continued connection between families and their children by getting important reminder tools they learnt during the program and the opportunity to put into practice and advance these rising skills. These programs come in different shapes and kinds in three children's programs.
Changing the family legacy-, Betty Ford Center has been fighting the tenet in the treatment and recovery world that alcoholism and other drug addictions are inborn. The message from the Center is that everyone in the society is suffering because of this sneaky and mystifying disease. Frequently, it has become a family thing, being passed over from one generation to the next. It is for this reason the organization offers children's programs to break off from the multigenerational transmission of addiction. The youth are exposed to valuable life skills; equips adults with parenting strategies applicable in their recovery phases (Ford & Betty, 2004, P. 90).
90-day Treatment Program- the Center commenced a treatment program for those who are addicted to alcohol and other drugs that last for three months. The progress of the program has been remarkable. For years, it has been able to treat more than 30 basic inpatient stay. Additionally, what is important about the 90-day program is that patients make a complete 90-day dedication upon admittance (Conrad, 1992, P. 22).
Mrs. Ford's coerce and visions were to meet the exceptional requirements of women undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction and other drugs. Since then the Center has been gender-particular, tackling issues separately that face women and men. In this context, the Betty Ford Legacy Fund was launched in January 2005 and since I has been a permanent endeavor, it generates interests and investment income to offer a lasting continuous source of financial assistance.
On the other hand, Financial Assistance Funds has necessitated treatment at the Center for many patients. Even in the difficult times, it has strained to keep funds available for those in acute need. The Center need for financial assistance is serious and every gift made as fund, no matter how small is appreciated. Additionally, gifts from donors present a significant financial booster for programs that help families striving with addictions. Concurrently, donations have been a major contribution for research education, alertness and preventive measures so that it can have the few families in the future with similar issues.
For Children
The Center works completely hard to uphold the present levels of the program events in its three subsisting site. It has the interests of children in its heart therefore maintaining present levels of child partaking per week is one activity the organizer's make sure are effective.
Effectively evaluate the "active ingredients" of children's program that was implemented in Ranch Mirage in 2010. Due to availability of funds, all the essential steps to conduct the evaluation, comprising of, and not limited to, design of data collection, submission of the protocol to an IRB and management system, authoring of a policy and process manual and recruitment of children and their parents into the project appraisal (Mooney, Et El, 2011, P. 160).
Prevention Objective and Strategies
In future, the Center has intents of designing practical, effectual prevention answers for the young people who are most vulnerable to alcoholic addiction and other diseases.
On the other hand, there is an underway plan to refine the advancement of a screening instrument that differentiates between high and low-risk youth of ages 12-21 years for the increase of substance use disorder. The Center also seeks private and centralized funds to accomplish mutual research concerning this objective between the Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research.
Medical Education
Facilitate upgrades in the medical education concerning addictive illness to equip medical students, inhabitants and physicians in the practice with tools to identify and manage patients with addictive complications at every stage of practice.
So far, the Center has been successful in sustain the Summer Institute for Medical Student Program. Dependence upon the accessibility of BFI staff time and training space are available in few number of medical such as North Texas University Medical School and University of Alerta and Calgary Schools of Medicine.
The Center is seeking for funds to be made available for private sources, governments and federal groups, to bolster assessment, which will be created and supervised by TRI personnel.
Success Rate
So far, Betty Ford Center has done remarkable work since we understand that more than 23.5 million American abuses or are addicted to alcohol and other drugs. This translates to poor productivity rates, health complications and criminal-related costs. Further, alcohol and drug addicts directly or indirectly affect at least four other innocent people.
In 1982, the Center began with the aim of changing the face of addicts by giving them the best treatment possible and in the most affectionate manner. Treatment, prevention and curative services are possible to as many as possible not discriminating on their sex, age, and color and health status. According to the Co-founder, this challenge is a continuation.
Secondly, the Center is a non-profit organization, yet spends millions of dollars yearly in financial aids, and effectively manages an exceptional Children's Programs and a Medical Education Service.
From a personal view, for the last 30years Betty Ford Center program is one of a kind. It is a legend rehab facility still deemed by many to be the greatest dame of the rehab. It is the most acknowledged rehab center in the world, being founded by the wife of President Gerald Ford, following her recovery from her addiction to opiates and alcohol. I feel this was a broad step since the Betty Ford is both a role model and inspiration to many under with similar issues.
Daily, the Centers serves 75 patients concurrently (two on scholarship), receives almost 5,000 calls and is the mother of rehabs as well as key option for celebs seeking recovery such as Jerry Lee Lew, Lindsay Lohan and Anna Nicole Smith. Additionally, the renowned stern facility entails-that everybody adheres to the same rigid timetable. Use of cell phones and computers are inhibited upon entry and excluding special situations, no one is permitted to leave the Center for the entire duration of the stay (Conrad, 1992, P. 30).