Nowadays, the construction industry in Malaysia has been growing rapidly due to the advancement of technology, thereby enhancing the quality and safety level of the building.
Previously, the construction industry in Malaysia have faced many problems relating to the unsafe condition of construction site, duration of the delay, waste of building materials, increasing of using foreign workers and building material's quality out of control. According to the research, The Industrialized Building System (IBS) is the best solution for the problem in the construction industry. This is a process of building technologies, products and components used on construction site.
However, the adoption of Industrialized Building System (IBS) in Malaysia still low. Based on a survey of the Industrialized Building System (IBS) pointed out that the level of usage of the Industrialized Building System (IBS) is only 15percent (15%). The government has tried to promote the application of the Industrialized Building System (IBS), but they are still using traditional methods that indefinitely wasteful and create too many problems in construction industry.
The aim of this dissertation is to study into application of Industrialized Building System (IBS) into building in Malaysia.
To identify the types of Industrialized Building System (IBS) used in building project in Malaysia.
To compare the suggestion method in order to widen the use of Industrialized Building System (IBS) in different building project in Malaysia.
A systematic solution to project demand in the future while increasing competency.
1.5 Background
"Since early 1960s, Industrialized Building System (IBS) has been introduced in Malaysia by the use of precast concrete beam column element and panelized system." (Thanoon, 2003). Nearly, 22.7 acres of land along Jalan Pekeliling was dedicated to the project comprising seven blocks of 17-storey flats (about 3,000 units of low-cost flat and 40 shop lots). These first pilot project is a six block 17-storey and three blocks of 18-storey flats at Jalan Rifle Range and using French Estoit System. (Thanoon, 2003).
Apply the Industrialized Building System (IBS) in the construction industry will improve overall construction performance such as standardization, total quality improvement, defect reduction, waste reduction, cost saving and etc. but nothing in this world is perfect, so some barriers of using Industrialized Building System (IBS) in the construction industry will be the poor knowledge of install IBS, lack of guidance, lack of professional trained in Industrialized Building System (IBS) and etc
Based on Industrialized Building System (IBS) Roadmap (2003), IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 was develop and published to steer the direction of IBS implementation and promotion activities and guide the practitioners and policy makers on IBS related issues.
1.6 Scope of research
The scope of the research was mainly focused on infrastructure and commercial buildings during the construction stages. The survey was constructed in Selangor states and Kuala Lumpur. The only followed by distributing questionnaire survey to CIDB Grade G7's contractor.
1.7 Research Methodology
Literature review
In the beginning literature review was conducted to determine an overall idea regarding IBS for building in Malaysia. This refers to collecting the latest secondary data and information from different sources which including books, journals, magazines, dissertations, conference papers, and information from the internet. These materials were used for background reading to obtain full understanding and information needed for discussion and analysis in the research. The information was getting from the books that were related to IBS to construction industry.
A questionnaire was distributed through postal to the parties who had involved in a construction project which is including developers, contractors in order to get the information regarding the IBS. A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The questions will centre on the Malaysia areas mentioned in the above objectives. A multiple choice questions, dichotomized questions and Likert type will be designed and limited to about 10 questions, in order to obtain a high level of response.
Proposed structural of dissertation
Chapter 1 : Introduction
This chapter will include the project title, rationale of the study, scope of research, background, research process, research goals and methodology. in additional, aims, objectives of the study are included under the research goals.
Chapter 2 : Literature Review
This chapter will display the definition of IBS, history of IBS for building in Malaysia, classification of IBS in Malaysia. In additional, to compare the method in order to widen the use of IBS in different building project. This chapter also identify the benefits and barriers of the IBS in building. This literature review will base on the dissertation objectives.
Chapter 3 : Research Methodology
This chapter will discuss on the technique for data collection to achieve the dissertation's aim and objective. For questionnaires, 60 respondents which consist of the potential house buyers ranged from age 27 to 55 will be target. Face to face interview for at least two of the administrator of building and construction site people who in charge the construction management. Besides, it also includes the research sample and method of analysis for the feedback obtained from the respondents.
Chapter 4 : Data Analysis
This chapter will analyze the data collection from the contractor, consultant and developer of people about their opinions, behavior or knowledge. On the other hand, the analysis of the quantitative assessment (questionnaires) is based on the results from the SPSS software tests.
Chapter 5 : Discussion
This chapter will be discuss the analyze of data collection obtained from the survey research and findings from the case study.
Chapter 6 : Conclusion
The conclusion will include summary on the dissertation from chapter 1 to chapter 5 together all the research results to present the overall findings and make appropriate recommendations.
The standard format of written the references is based on the Harvard system. All the references obtained from the journal, article, library, newspaper, magazine, internet and others resources which related to this research.
Research process
Figure 1.1 Flow chart of research methodology
Collect the information from article, database and internet
Study, evaluate, explore the causes, effects and method of minimizing construction delays.
Questionnaire Survey
Prepare and design the questionnaire according to the objectives of study
60 sets of questionnaire are distributed to relevant respondents in construction field
Data analysis and Discussions
Evaluate the cause of delays and effects of delays
Evaluate the methods of minimizing construction delays.
Analysis the opinions and recommendations of respondents if have
Conclusion and Recommendations
Conclude the findings of research
Recommendations for improvement method or suggest different study for future research.
Project plan and Schedule
Preparing a title, aim and objective
Year 1semester 1 week 5 and 6
Meet supervisor to get approval for the title, aim and objective
Year 1 semester 1 week 7
Finding article and get approval by supervisor
Year 1 semester 1 week 8
Summaries the article
Year 1 semester 1 week 9
Doing research proposal
Year 1 semester 1 week 10 and 11
Complete and submit research proposal
Year 1 semester 1 week 12
Finding information for my topic
Year 1 semester 2 week 1 to 7
Meet supervisor to get approval for my information
Year 1 semester 3 week 4
Introduction and check by supervisor
Year1 semester 3 week 5 to 7
Literature review and check by supervisor
Year 1 semester 3 week 8 to 11
Set questionnaires
Year 1 semester 3 week 12
Check by supervisor and get approval
Year 1 semester 3 week 13
Distributed questionnaire to get feedback
Year 2 semester 1 week 1
Research design and method of analysis
Year 2 semester 1 week 5 to 7
Analysis of the result
Year 2 semester 1week 7 to 9
Discussion of the result
Year 2 semester 1 week 9 to 11
Combine all the work
Year 2 semester 1 week 12
Year 2 semester 2 week 2 to 3
Final project check by supervisor
Year 2 semester 2 week 4 to 5
Complete my thesis
Year 2 semester 2 week 6
2.1 Introduction
The objectives of this chapter will identify and study into the details and provide the literature review of Industrialized Building System (IBS). In this chapter will also cover the literature review of building system. The contents will focus on definitions of IBS, characteristic of building in Malaysia with application of IBS, advantages of IBS and disadvantages of IBS. The 5 types of widely used IBS in Malaysia project will be study in this chapter. In addition, the comparison of suggestion method which use of IBS in different building in Malaysia will be carried out in this chapter. Besides that, the systematic solution by applying IBS in current Malaysia projects which able to reduce waste during construction project life cycle which able to create and heading toward friendly or eco environment compare to conventional method will be carried out in this chapter.
2.1.1 Definition of IBS
"According to Dietz (1971), in the early literature defined IBS as the whole process of all the subsystems and components make full utilized of industrial production, transport and assembly technology." The IBS system is actually apply in construction industry is mainly to reduce input and generate more output by maximize or fully utilized the production, transportation and assembly during construction stage which indirectly save up a lot of time and costs for the process of above. (Dietz 1971)
"Meanwhile according Warszawski (1999), IBS defined as a set of interrelated elements, to take collective action that the designated and performance of the building. In additional, IBS is defined as a process of investment in facilities, technology and equipment, to minimize the amount of labour in the site, to improve the quality of building and to increase the speed of construction." From here we noticed that not only time and cost is being save up but indeed quality also can be improve by applying IBS. (Warszawski 1999).
"According to Parid (1997), IBS defined as a industrialized production technology used by the system, whether in component production or assembly of building." (Parid 1997)
"The interpretation from Esa et al (1998), IBS as continuous use of the system, so that the manufacturing use end-user to reduce waste of resources and enhance the value of each building craftsmen". (Esa etal 1998)
According to CIDB, IBS is a construction process that transferring the substantial activities from site to factory where the building components are manufacture in factory then delivery to site and assembled at site. This is the process that involve prefabricated the elements of building in factory by using machine or formwork and on-site installation.
2.1.2 Classification of IBS
"In early stages, Badir (1998) proposed four types in Malaysia with Badir-Razali classification. These building systems which is conventional system, cast in situ system, prefabricated system and the composite building system is shown in Figure 2.1." Each building system is composed of representatives of the respective construction methods, thus further through its construction characteristics of the technology, features and geometry. (Badir 1998)
Figure 2.1 : Types of building system according to Badir-Razali classification in Malaysia (Badir 1998)
IBS also can be classified according to several aspects:
According to structural system
According to material
According to relative weight of component
2.1.3 Classification according to structural system
Panel system
The loads are distributes by the large floor and wall panel where the building loads is support by wall in panel system. This system is suitable for those building are required large wall and this system is not suitable to building with large span.
Frame system
In frame system, the building loads are support by column and beam. The walls used is required light and easy to fix and concrete panels are introduces as flooring element.
Box system
The box systems is include those systems that make use of three-dimensional modules or boxes for fabrication of habitable units that are able of withstanding load from various directions due to their internal stability.
2.1.4 Classification according to material
The prefabrication of timber consists of two types which are ready-cut plus shop fabrication of joints (column and beam) and structural panels only consists of walls and floors without column and beam.
All the steel elements are prefabricated in factory then only transport to site to joints by welding or bolting at site. The large proportion of the strength to the weight allows a long-span or high-rise building.
Reinforced concrete
Reinforced concrete has high degree of availability, durability, low material cost and fire resistance. There are two basic trends in development of reinforced concrete IBS components which are precast frame members such as columns and beams and panelised components such as walls and floors.
Brick and block
Brick and block for IBS are prefabricate and lay in factory then only transported to site and last erected at site. With this will ease the construction works at site.
2.1.5 Classification according to relative weight of component
IBS components can be classified according to relative weight. Majzub explained that the relative weight of components should be used as a basis for building classification because the factor of weight has significant impact on the transportability of components and has influence on the production method of the components and their erection method at site. Table 1 is shown the building systems classification according to relative weight of component. (Majzub, 1977)
Table 1: Classification according to relative weight of components (Majzub, 1977)
2.1.6 Types of IBS and apply to building in Malaysia
"In Malaysia, CIDB (2003) has classified IBS into five categories, which is a precast concrete frame panel and box system, steel formwork system, steel framing system, timber frame system and block work system". IBS is a construction process that use of technology, products, components and on-site installation of building system. From the structural classification five of IBS display section, which are mainly classified according to some modifications, the main groups in Malaysia by CIDB. (CIDB 2003) Precast Concrete Framing, Panel and box system
Precast concrete components are the most common prefabricated elements in Malaysia. The precast concrete elements are the concrete product that manufactured in a plant environment and then transported to the construction site for installation. There are precast concrete for column s, beams, slabs, walls, lightweight precast concrete and permanent concrete formwork. Besides that, it also consists of 3-D components such as staircases, toilet, balconies, lift chamber and etc.
One of the advantages of the system is high degree of flexibility in term of larger clear distance between columns, as a result longer span give bigger open space and greater freedom of areas.
Precast concrete wall system consisting og precast floor and load-bearing walls of building. The load-bearing walls and slabs are transfer to construction site for erected. The system is preferred simple and easy flexibility with lesser degree of flexibility whereas the removal of load bearing wall are restricted. The carefully good coordination and design between builders and designer, the erection process is very fast, and the number of wet trade in the field can be reduced significantly.
Figure 2.2 Precast concrete column and beams
Figure 2.3 3-D Components Steel Formwork Systems
This is the system formwork which is designed by manufacturer to replace a conventional timber formwork. The steel formwork is prefabricated in the factory and then installed on construction site. The steel reinforcement and service conduit will be installed on site before the steel formworks are installed. the installation is very easy by using simple support system. It can be described as a mould which the wet concrete can be poured into the mould and form the required shape, these steel formwork systems are subjected to quality control.
This type of IBS method is considered as the "low level" in the construction industry. The steel formwork system that used in tunnel forms, beams, column moulding forms and permanent steel formworks.
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Figure2.4 Beam and column moulding forms Steel Framing Systems
Steel is a strong rigid materials, suitable for a high degree of flexibility across the structure of long term construction and rehabilitation of the architectural details of the framework construction. The elements of steel framing system are rolled into the specific sizes and then the elements are fabricated that involves cutting, drilling, shot blasting, welding and painting.
Fabricated elements are sent to the construction site to erected whereby welding and the tightening of bolts at joints are conducted. The steel framing systems has been a popular choice, and is widely used in fast track construction project, the system commonly used with precast concrete slab, steel columns and beams.
Figure 2.5 Portal Frames Prefabricated Timber Framing System
In the early 1970s, single storey low cost terrace houses mostly built of pure timber frame and wood which sitting on three feet high plastered brick walls and taking advantages of simple raft foundation due to the high weight superstructure. These prefabricated timber framing systems is using the timber in the construction industry for the building. Usually the timber framing system are consists of timber building frames and timber roof trusses The timber is prefabricated by joining the members of the truss by using steel plate. It is important that all members are treated with the anti pest chemical.
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Figure 2.6 Prefabricated timber framing system Block Work Systems
By using this effective system, the tedious and time-consuming traditional brick laying tasks are greatly simplified. The elements of block work system include interlocking concrete masonry units (CMU) and lightweight concrete blocks. The elements are fabricated and cured in the factory. The elements are normally used as bricks in structures and interlocking concrete block pavement.
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Figure 2.7 Lightweight concrete blocks used for wall construction
2.1.7 Advantages of IBS for public housing
There are many advantages of implementing IBS. according to CIDB (2003), compares to conventional method. Following are brief descriptions on a number of advantages where using IBS for the public housing:-
Less total construction time
IBS will requires less construction time
Because casting of precast element at factory and foundation work at site can occur simultaneously and work at site only the erection of IBS components.
So, this leads to earlier occupation of the building.
Cost saving
Reducing on-site workers significantly labor cost for contractors. (Wisam 2005).
Minimizing cost of transferring waste materials due to quality control and reducing waste material. (Noraini 2009).
Exemption of the Construction Levy for housing developers who utilize IBS components exceeding than 70%. (CIDB 2005).
Provides earlier occupation of the building, thus reducing interest payment or capital outlays (Peng, 1986 cited in Mian, A.T.E, 2006).
Saving in labour
Because the IBS components are produced in factory and higher degree of using machine so the use of labour will be reduced and lead to saving in labour cost.
According to Abraham Warszawski
(1999), the labour savings in prefabricated elements may amount to about 80% of their conventional requirement.
So, will reduced the total foreign workers need in the construction industry.
Optimized use of materials
Using machine during the production of IBS components lead to higher degree of precision and accuracy in the production and consequently reduce material wastage.
So, the wastage at site will be reduced if using the IBS.
High quality and better finishes
Quality control is an ever-increasing requirement in all construction.
High quality controlled products due to controlled environment in factory, better materials selection and using high mechanized technology. (Din 1984).
High aesthetic end products through the processes of controlled prefabrication and simplified installations has maintained and ensured the quality of work in the construction industry (CIDB-(2), 2003 cited in Mian, A.T.E, 2006).
Better quality control since production in factory is under heltered environment.
Better quality will reduce the maintenance expenses because prefabricated components require less repair and preventive maintenance.
Construction operation less affected by weather
The effects of weather on construction operation are less due to the fabricated of IBS components is done in factory while at site is only erection of the components.
Faster project completion due to rapid all weather construction.
Different systems may produce their own unique prefabrication construction methods.
IBS will provide more flexibility in the deign of precast element.
Flexibility in architectural design in order to minimize the monotony of repetitive facades (Warszawski,1999).
Increase site safety and neatness
This method will lead to the neater site condition and increase safety.
Promote safe and systematic factory working environment as minimal workers, materials and construction waste is requires on site. (CIDB 2003).
Using IBS components leads to less construction process especially for the wet work at site.
2.1.8 Disadvantages of IBS for public Housing
Although there are a lot of advantages of IBS, however there are limitations for this system to be use too. Nothing in this world is perfect, so as using IBS. disadvantages of IBS are as follows:-
High initial capital cost
The initial capital cost of IBS is usually higher than conventional method.
The initial cost is includes the cost of constructing the factory, casting beds and support machinery.
This method only can be achieved when undertaking large demand for housing project.
Problem of joints
These methods are very sensitive to the errors and sloppy work.
This joint problem will be the water leakage and is often the major problem in building constructed where using IBS.
This problem is clearer in Malaysia where raining occur rapidly throughout the year.
Sophisticated plants and skilled operators
The prefabrication system relies heavily on sophisticated plant, which have to be well coordinated and maintained by skilled operators.
Breakdown in any one section would hold-up the entire production line.
Site accessibility
Site accessibility is one of the most important factors of the implementation of IBS.
IBS requires adequate site accessibility to transport IBS components from factory to the site.
According to Warszawski (1999), the transportations cost of prefabricated elements from plant to their construction site, amount to 3% to 5% of their total cost for distances not exceeding 50kn to 100km.
Large working area
Building construction using IBS required a large working area for the factory, trailers, tower-cranes and storage for the IBS components.
Most construction sites especially in cities are often congested and unable to provide the area required.
2.2 Conventional System
'According to Webster's American Heritage Dictionary, conventional system is defined as conservative. Conventional system as traditional system which earlier used in the construction industry." In this system, all construction work done by using in-situ method and conventional column-beam-slab frame system. All materials in this conventional system is invested in the construction site are cast in-situ and precast or pre-fabricated panels are no acceptable in this system. (Webster's American Heritage Dictionary)
"Meanwhile, CIDB (2005), because this system is use cast in-situ system, which uses labour at any construction site. Because of the traditional practices of labour-intensive, the 3-D Syndrome (Dirty, Difficult & Dangerous ) and the contractor has been associated with the construction industry. Therefore, it is a threat to the global competitiveness of Malaysia contractor." (CIDB 2005)
Many temporary works need to carry out before the construction work start in this conventional system such as material storage, canteen, machineries and etc.
2.2.1 Conventional system characteristic
Type of construction methods ranging from traditional construction methods to fully prefabricated construction method. In general, the construction method of classification is divided into four categories: Conventional column-beam-slab frame system
"In conventional construction method, all the construction process will be doing step by step. After all fixed work has been completed , then will be follow the casting of the concrete work. After that, waiting for few days will removed all the formwork and reuse the formwork again. Normally, this process will doing most of part such as beams, columns, staircases and slab." (Badir et al, 1998) Cast in-situ system (conventional system)
"All components of building are cast in the high utilization rate of raw materials and labour intensive. According to the site requires a greater storage area to store and maintain materials and equipment." (Badir et al, 1998) Labour-intensive practices (conventional system)
"In conventional system, labour is the most important aspect because all of the work in construction site is required high usage of labour." Site worker have three types of participation in the conventional system which are skilled workers, semi skilled and unskilled workers. Nowadays, Government had tried to reduced labour at construction industry. (Salihuddin, 2003). 3-D Syndrome(conventional system)
"3D syndrome which are Dirty, Difficult and dangerous. In conventional system, all the construction work which involved many types of construction materials and machineries and number of worker working in site. This situation will make the construction site messy. This will lead to 3-D environment." (Salihuddin, 2003).
2.3 Performance comparison between IBS and conventional system
According Kadir (2004), this section evaluates the performance comparison between structural building systems using actual project. Specifically, it focuses on the following :
labour productivity comparison between structural building systems
Labour productivity comparison between structural building systems showing that the number of trades for each building system was highly labour intensive because it consisted of four major operations, namely the erection of scaffolding and formwork, installation of reverse, casting of concrete and dismantling of scaffolding and formwork. On the other hand, the IBS required fewer construction operations. For instance, the cast in-situ tunnel form system did not require scaffolding to support the slab while the precast concrete system was pre-assembly in the factory, hence reducing on site labour input.
structural cost comparison between structural building system;
crew size comparison between structural building system;
Crew size comparison between structural building systems showing that the conventional building system was significantly different from the IBS. However, no significant difference was found between building systems in IBS. Hence, they were grouped into homogeneous subset . on average, IBS required a crew size of 22 people while the conventional building system required a crew size of 14 people. These crew sizes were further broken down into carpenter, precast panel erector, steel form erector, bartender, concrete and crane operator. In term of percentage, the conventional building system require d 7% more than size of the IBS. this was because the conventional building system required more construction trades than the IBS.
cycle time comparison between structural building system;
Cycle time comparison between structural building system show that the mean cycle time for completion of structural element of one house, the total construction duration for a project can be predetermined. This can be to evaluate the project extension of time submitted by the contractor. In terms of percentage, the conventional building system required 26%more than cast in-situ table form system, 41% of cast in-situ half tunnel form system 53% of precast concrete
2.4 Factor of choosing method of IBS and conventional system
According to the Warszawski (1999),that is the factor of comparison between IBS and conventional system:
Conventional system
Quality-controlled and high aesrhetic and products through the process of controlled pre-fabrication and simplified installation.
Factory production of fabricated components minimizes errors and imperfections, resulting in better quality products, better workmanship and superior finishes.
An IBS components produces higher quality of components attainable through careful selection of materials, use of advantages technology and strict quality assurance control.
The initial capital investment for setting up a permanent factor is relatively experience. Plant, equipment, skilled worker, management resources need to be acquired before production can be commenced.
Less (cannot change the design flexibility as components ordered was fixed in sizes)
Materials may manage by semi-skill people.
Uncertain weather can result in less-than expected construction.
More (design can change flexibility, or can cast in-situ)
Speed of construction time
Faster completion of construction projects due to the usage of standardized prefabricated components and simplified installation processes.
An industrialized building system allow for faster construction time because casting of precast element at factory and foundation work at the site can occur simultaneously. This provides earlier occupation of the building, thus reducing interest payment or capital outlays.
Generally, all building system requires lesser time to fabricated the building components, which may include time taken to fabricated, erect and dismantle formwork and to cure the concrete.
Speed of construction is according to labour productivity and materials delivery to construction site.
Time consuming where the process can be delay by weather or scheduling conflict.
Construction of in-situ work requires the fixing and casting time, thus it is slow.
Cost of construction
The initial cost of constructing the factory, casting beds and support machinery is usually expensive and can only be removed when undertaking large project.
The repetitive use of the formwork made up steel, aluminium, etc and scaffolding provides considerable cost savings.
For large project, the initials capital investment in the building system can be amortized to a large extent, especially when the cost is given a wider spread. Prefabricattion capitalizes on a faster turnover, giving savings on overheads and other operational costs.
Greater control over manufacturing results dramatically reduces the chance of cost overruns.
Need to employ professional person to in charge.
Construction cost increase due to uncontrollable variables such as weather and scheduling conflict.
If suitable materials are choosing, cost of construction will decrease.
Storage and equipment space
For the purpose of erecting and assembling precast panels into their position, heavy crane is required especially for multi-storey building. It is therefore important to incorporate this additional cost when adopting a prefabrication system.
The prefabrication system relies heavily on sophisticated plants, which have to be well coordinated and maintained by skilled operators. Breakdown in any section would hold-up the entire production line.
A large work area for the factory, tower cranes, trailers and storage space for the precast components are normally required. Most construction sites are congested are quite often unable to provide the large are required.
Need to provide a storage for machinery.
Bigger space is needed materials storage
Lesser large equipment at site like tower crane, mobile crane and etc.
Safety and cleaner
Construction is not affected by adverse weather condition because prefabricated component is done in a factory controlled environment.
Safer construction site due to reduction of site workers, materials and construction wastage.
Construction operation is safer without large equipment like tower crane and etc.
It is found that casting of large-panel system can reduce labour cost up to 30 percent. However, these cost savings are partially offset by the transportation costs. The transportation of large panels is also subject to the must taken into consideration when adopting a prefabrication system.
All materials are deliver under small sizes and package form, thus all materials are easily transport to construction site.
Low site worker required due to simplified construction methods.
Prefabrication takes place at a centralized factory, thus reducing labour requirement at site. This is true especially when high degree of mechanization involved.
Due to the higher degree of mechanization, professional person is needed. Skilled workers are replaced by plant machinery, tower crane and mobile loaders. Using more of the workers is semi-skilled and skilled worker.
High site workers required due to traditional construction methods.
Using more of the workers is semi-skilled and skilled worker.
(source: Peng, 1986; Abdullah, 2003; Warszawski, 1999; Zaini, 2000; CIDB, 2003, 2005; Ingemar Lofgren & Kent Gylltoft, 1996; Raymond, 2002)
2.5 Systematic solution to project demand while increasing competency
2.5.1 Identification of barriers of IBS Readiness
"The paper has agreed and accepted that IBS is ideal conceptualization and simplifying construction work. However, the reality in the projects is far from practical idealism in Malaysia. The transformation is not green a good respond due to the unlikely construction readiness". Superior construction technology requires highly skilled workers to replace foreign workers but contractors left with no other choice. Local workforce is reluctant to join the industry because of the issues of low wages combined with low emphasis on occupational safety and health. The current training program to produce new construction workforce is still not be able to cater vast demand of the market. As such, regardless of foreign worker policy, foreign labour to do manual job is still badly needed by the industry and it is available abundant in cheaper cost. (Hamid et al. 2008) Cost Issues
According Rahman & Omar (2006), financial issues become the main obstacle for small contractors to move forward with the IBS system. Many small contractors are reluctant to adopt IBS system and prefer to continue using the conventional method of construction. This is due to the fact that small contractors are already familiar with the conventional system and for them the technology suit well with small scale projects and therefore not welling to switch to mechanized based system. Furthermore small contractors lack financial backup and are not able to set up their own manufacturing plants as it involves very intensive capital investment. Awareness and Knowledge
"According to IBS Roadmap Review (2007) report, the adoption of IBS in Malaysia is a client driven. Client with a good knowledge and awareness of IBS benefit will surely encourage appointed designers to design building according to IBS." However, lack of awareness program to understand client needs and giving correct information on IBS has contributing to a lack of interest from the client and decision makers (Rahman & Omar, 2006).
As a result, IBS is often misinterpreted as high risk process and not contributing to any benefits to the building owner. Lack of knowledge among the designers contributes to the projects delays due to the extra time taken to produce details drawing. On the other hand poor knowledge among the approving authorities has resulting misunderstanding and misinterpreting of IBS and its relation to the current building regulation Planning and Implementation
"At presents, the precasters and contracting firm in Malaysia are involves after tender stage of the construction value chain. However, the paper observed that, IBS design needs to be addressed and plan form the design stage to be successful adopted trough the intergration of pre-caster, designer and contracting firm." ( IBS Roadmap Review, 2007).
"IBS requires more coherent structure of process planning and control from start to end of the project in order to reach the goals and reduce defect and errors." As a result, a lot of IBS project in malaysia is not cost effective as it is proposed to be an alternative design to traditional method. IBS application has to be incorporated during the design stage. The changing in design requires a lot of further adjustment will rise the initial time and cost. (Gibb, 2011) Negative perception
"According Rahman & Omar (2006), the term IBS is often misinterpreted with negative image due to its past failures and unattractive architecture." These buildings are normally associated with pre-fabricated, mass construction method, low quality buildings, leakages, abandoned projects, unpleasant architectural appearances and other drawbacks. Due to the poor architectural design, the old pre-fabricated building have given the public, bad impression about pre-cast concrete. (Rahman & Omar, 2006)
"Client are often in doubt of using IBS because of fear of customer rejection. Even construction professionals are doubt in IBS technology and relate IBS with a potential post construction problem. In addition, it is always not popular among the designers as they found pre-fabrication has limiting their creativity in design process. "(Hamid et al. 2008)
2.5.2 Highlight The critical success factors of IBS
"Any ventures need to strategies and business approaches and position in new playing field "(Malik, 2006). The management needs to establish clear business need in offsite and build strategic plan around it including effective combination of cost and production knowledge. (Malik 2006)
Skilled labour which is supported by quality training at all level is essential to success of offsite as it is in more traditional form of construction . it requires tremendous education and training effort of trades especially people involved in those handling, positioning and erecting the finished product. (BSRIA, 1998 and Thanoon, 2003)
"Risk management strategic is important when to offsite to deal with late design changes, late payment and contract problem. "By assessing the potential cause of delays and disruption at all stage of the supply chain, contingency measure can be planned to minimized effect of such effort. (Housing Forum, 2002 and Hassim et al 2008)
"Improvement in procurement strategic and contracting is important in order to achieve long term success." The negotiations, procurement and contract should allow the contractors and manufactures to contribute their knowledge, experience of design, construction and planning of the building. (Pan et al 2008)
"Information and communication Technology (ICT) is vital and realible support tool to improve tendering, planning, monitoring, distribution, logistic and cost comparison process by establishing integration, accurate data and effective dealing with project documents. " (Eichert and Kazi, 2007 and Hervas and Ruiz, 2007)
"Successful implementation requires an experience workforce and technical capable in design, planning, organizing and controlling function with respect to production, coordination and distribution of components." (Warszaski, 1999)
"The team members should be involved during the design stages, working with the designers, to ensure that the design is not taken to a stage where it restricts the benefits that can be brought through the use of this method. "(Pan et al 2008)
"Successful implementation depends on organization ability to expedite learning curve from one project to another."(Neala et al 2003). Therefore, continues improvement and learning can develop company understanding on the processes and the principal behind it as the knowledge will multiply as experience mount up. (Treadway, 2006)
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
The research methodology is the method that used to find, collect, analyze data and therefore giving result based on observation. The proper study and a detailed study to the flow of research method is crucial to guidance services in order to achieve the objectives and scope of study. This chapter will be discuss in detail the procedures of the study, how data is collected, how is processed and analyzed to achieve the objectives and scope of study.
This chapter will be including the method of data collection, the design of questionnaire and method of analysis. There are three types of research methodology can be use that is interview, case study and questionnaire in order to obtain the input that are required.
3.2 Method of data collection
The data and information can be collected from two sources which are primary and secondary sources. Primary sources data is the first hand information can be obtain through interview, case study and questionnaire. However, secondary sources can be obtained from newspaper, journals, books and articles and internet used to support the primary sources of data. Questionnaire and case study will be used in this research.
3.2.1 Questionnaire
The main source of information obtain for data analysis in this research is use the questionnaire method. a success of survey method is depends on strength of the questionnaire used. Normally, the questionnaire consists of a set of well-formulated questions to probe and obtain responses from respondents.
"In additional, these are two primary forms of questions will conducted in this questionnaire survey which is closed ended questions and open ended questions. Closed ended questions will make the respondents answer are limited to a fixed set of responses. most scales are closed ended." The latter form of questions is does not give respondents answer to choose from, but rather are phrased so that the respondents are encouraged to explain their answers and reactions to question. So, the respondents can suppliers their own answer without being constrained by a fixed set of possible responses. (Richard & Anita, 2008)
3.2.2 Interview
Interview is a face to face, interpersonal role situation in which interviews ask respondents a series of question. As the question conducted through interview is open-ended therefore respondents have the free flow to give answer base on their opinion. It is one of the commonly used methods of collection information from people.
3.2.3 Case study
A non-participant case study approach been adopted into my research methodology. In this project, I will involve a detail observation into the case study sites. Besides having a site visit on the sites, it also includes studies into the related project information. Case study is provided good opportunities for me to delve into the IBS, especially system formwork in more detail.
3.3 Design of Questionnaire
The questionnaire forms were designed to be simple. Each question in the questionnaire has purpose and objective for analysis.
Section A : Respondent Profile
Respondents were required to indicate their personal information for further reference such as working experience at construction site but this section is optional for them to fill in.
Section B : Types of Building construction system
The respondents were required to choosing that which method of building system are suitable using in a construction project.
Section C : Factor of choosing different building system
Determine the factor of choosing method of building system which the most effective for used in currently construction building.
Section D : Cause of construction wastage between IBS and conventional system
Investigate the cause contributing material wastage occured frequently on respondent company projects. This question was rated from "strongly agrre" to "strongly disagree" by using 5 point rating scale.
Section E : Waste prevention Methods between different building system
This section is attempted to find out the most effective waste prevention method which the respondent's company used to solve the material wastage problem in different building system in the current project. simultaneously to figure out whether respondent's company adopt the table form and tunnel form construction method in the construction site.
3.4 Method of analysis
The descriptive statistic method will be used by researcher to classification and analysis of data. the purpose of using the descriptive statistics method is to have a general overview of the results obtained from construction industry. Therefore, the survey questionnaire will be analysis by using percentage and presented by using a bar chart or graph according to the data collected.