By making simple calibrations to your daily lifestyle and some intelligent dietary and exercise modifications, you can effortlessly lose weight without actually dieting.
Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast will help you maintain a low BMI and avert overeating throughout the day.
By saying no to Sweetened drinks or replacing them with natural fruit juices, iced tea or herbal tea, you can easily do away with some empty calories.
Introducing super-nutritious portions of fruits and vegetables like vegetable salads or soups at every meal will reduce the calorie-intake considerably.
Substituting refined grain food items like white bread, cakes, cookies etc. with whole grains versions will shave excess caloric-intake and add the all-imperative fiber to your diet.
Eating a healthy snack or drinking a big glass of water prior to eating out can help you in eating reasonably smaller portions at restaurants or weddings.
Do away with midnight munching or mindless snacking at night as it simply means piling on extra flab.
Wherever possible, it is highly recommended to use low-fat versions of food products like salad dressings, milk, mayonnaise, dairy products, chips etc.
A low-fat, protein-rich diet including eggs, beans, nuts, lean meats, skinless poultry, and toned dairy products are ideal to keep hunger pangs at bay.
Use water as a remedy to quell hunger pangs at odd hours as it will keep your appetite under control.
Lastly, getting adequate sleep has a direct impact on the weight loss process. By sleeping well, you feel energized and avoid stress-eating.
Word Count: 260
2. About Colonic Irrigation
Colonic irrigation is a hydrotherapy procedure which involves flushing out of hazardous toxic waste encrusted in the colon over a period of time. This process is known to be beneficial in attributing a clearer skin, reduction in abdominal bloating, weight loss and remarkable boost in energy.
A low-fiber, high fat diet intake often leads to the clogging of the colon, thereby reducing its functional efficiency considerably. As the fecal waste of the body is not properly eliminated, it gives rise to parasites and promotes an array of ailments.
To conduct this procedure, a lubricated speculum is inserted in the rectal area and warm water solution is doused into the colon. Thereafter, the flow of water is made to reverse and the water returns with the waste matter. The process is repeated till an outflow of clear water is witnessed. However, it is advisable to get colonic irrigation done only through qualified practitioners as some potent side effects have often been linked to it.
Word Count: 163
3. About Low Glycemic Foods
Low Glycemic Foods are highly beneficial in stabilizing blood glucose levels and providing long-lasting energy. As these foods breakdown slowly, they release glucose gradually into the blood stream and play a pivotal role in controlling established diabetes, blood lipids, weight gain, hypertension and hypoglycemia.
Low glycemic foods also control the stimulation of food-craving hormones like Neuropeptide Y and Lipoprotein Lipase, known to cause uncontrollable hunger pangs. To ensure optimum health, it is highly recommended to incorporate a wide variety of LGI foods like Artichoke, Avocados, Broccoli, Cucumber, Green beans, Peanuts, Spinach, Whole Grain wheat items, Oatmeal, skimmed milk, plums, cherries etc. daily into the diet.
Word Count: 105
4. About Low glycemic Foods: Low glycemic foods also ease the symptoms of PCOS
Glycemic index is a rating scale to rate food items on a scale of 0 to 100 based on how easily the carbohydrate found in food can be absorbed by the body. Food items with low glycemic content take time to break down and get digested. If this breakdown process takes place easily, it is assigned with a higher number in comparison to foods which break down slowly. Low glycemic foods aid the digestion system in using energy in a more efficient manner. Thus, it is apparent that foods with low glycemic content are ideal for health and significantly ease symptoms of a bevy diseases like PCOS, diabetics and other such afflictions associated with obesity. For overall good health, it is highly recommended to incorporate a wide variety of low glycemic foods like Broccoli, Cucumber, Green beans, Peanuts, Spinach, Whole Grain wheat items, Oatmeal, skimmed milk and fresh fruits daily into the diet.
Word Count: 153
5. About short term goal setting
Short term goals are the small steps of success which will help you in getting closer to achieving the bigger targets. In order to achieve short term goals, one requires wielding in considerable amount of hard work and dedication. Both of these work hand in hand with each other. And, this holds completely true for weight loss as well. A person may want to lose 30 kilos but this won't be possible in a short duration. To make this long term goal achievable, it will be more realistic to set short terms goals of say losing 5 kilos in 3 months. Once a person loses a certain amount of weight and realises that his hard work is rewarding, he will feel motivated enough to lose more weight. However, failure to achieve weight loss in the targeted duration should not act as a deterrent or demotivating factor. These are just stumbling blocks that one has to work against, in order to gain long term health benefits.
Word Count: 165
6. About the Curves Weight Loss Program
Curves Weight Loss Program is a franchised and exclusive weight loss program, designed especially for women who are wary of traditional weight loss methods like gym, exercise and also those with paucity of time. Tapping a colossal market of women exercisers, the Curves Weight Loss Program entails a 30-minute exercise regimen on hydraulic resistance machines and some rigorous bodyweight exercises. In addition, a calorie-based diet with two basic eating plans and three phases are recommended as a part of this program. You can choose the most suitable plan but following the guidelines strictly is the key to the success of the program. The cycle could be repeated a few times until the goal is reached. However, the efficacy of the Curves Weight Loss is often questioned as the basic frame of this program is extremely mundane and following it on a long-term basis may appear unlikely.
Word Count: 146
7. Side effects of Xylitol
Found naturally in fibrous vegetables, trees and fruits, Xylitol is a natural sugar substitute with a low calorie count. Although Xylitol is largely safe to consume, there are some side effects of associated with Xylitol such as gas and diarrhoea. High doses of Xylitol given in IV can also cause the increase of uric acid levels which in turn increases the risk of Kidney stones in the body. In some cases, it also affects the functioning of the liver. Regular consumption of large doses may cause Hypoglycemia, i.e., low blood sugar level. It has been seen in researches that Xylitol given to laboratory animals in extremely high doses for extended periods can also leads to the formation of tumours.
Word Count: 119
8. About Weight Loss
The quest for weight loss can be quite stressful and requires a lot of effort like rigorous exercising and eating the right diet, rich in nutrients. Often, people gets frustrated and depressed due to their excess weight. However, by following a few simple tips, excessive weight can be reduced to get perfect shape for the body. Walking is an effective method for weight loss. This can be done anywhere and is an ideal way to burn down extra calories from the body. Besides this, drinking a lot of water can also help in replenishing your system and promoting weight loss. Finally, getting adequate sleep can also help in losing weight. Sleep deprivation induces hunger which results in overeating. That is why it is advisable to sleep for at least 8 hours in a day.
Word Count: 134
9. Achievement Motivation Programs
Discerned as the key to success, motivation plays a vital role in human life. As it is seen always, a person who lacks motivation or feels "demotivated" is more likely to fail in a particular task as compared to a more motivated person. Such is the case too in the life of a person who is aiming to lose excess weight. Lately, special motivation programs are being conducted to help people become more aware of the ill effects of obesity, and to encourage them to engage in weight loss exercises. Most of these programs try to throw light on the valuable advantages of yoga, exercise and meditation. Achievement motivation programs help people to accomplish what may otherwise seem impossible, even something that seems as difficult as weight loss.
Word Count: 128
10. Advantages & disadvantages of Goal Setting
Setting goals for weight loss help an individual increase the awareness of his own weaknesses and strengths and how capable he or she is in sticking to a disciplined routine. Without setting clear goals, a person may not be able to execute his/her weight loss program earnestly. A weight loss program without set goals is like a ship without radar. Goals will help people to develop conspicuous plans regarding health, diet and exercising and also how to follow them with diligence. However, this type of planning may have several disadvantages too. When a person is not able to attain the goal of losing weight in the targeted time, he or she may experience a sense of failure which would prevent him or her from setting future weight loss goals. Although there could be a sense of disappointment, it should not pose as a deterrent as goal setting has more positive effects than negative.
Word Count: 153
11. Amitiza and Weight Loss
Amitiza is a medication for providing relief in idiopathic chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Lubiprostone, the main constituent of Amitiza, aids in the increment of intestinal fluid present in the intestines. As a result, the increased fluids assist immensely in regulating the stool excretion process. Weight loss during Amitiza intake may often occur as a result of the body's reaction to the medication. Designed specifically to offer constipation relief, Amitiza may lead to minor weight loss as it propels regular stool flow and aids in eliminating compacted faecal matter from the body which may add up to 10 pounds to the patient's total weight. However, it is not advisable to use Amitiza as a remedy to lose weight as it may lead to other complications in the body.
Word Count: 129
12. Anorexia Treatment Options
Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by an undue obsession with one's weight, food and body shape. Anorexic individuals suffer from extreme physical, psychological and social problems which urge them to ignore meals, exercise extensively or refuse food completely. In order to restore good health and avert probable health complications, it is imperative to treat Anorexia through different methods.
Psychotherapy is a propitious option which helps Anorexic patients to deal with negative thoughts and low self-esteem. Nutritional Therapy, on the other side, focuses on developing healthy eating habits and redesigning of meal plans aimed at offering optimum nutrition. As Anorexia often leads to health hazards like Anaemia, lung issues, bone loss, heart failure, loss of menstruation, depression, anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, malnourishment, organ failure and death in extreme cases, it is crucial for Anorexic patients to seek medical and psychological care through hospitalization.
Word Count: 142
13. Apples & Weight Loss
As apples are low in calories, sodium, glycemic Index and rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals as well as fibre, they can play a consequential role in your weight loss program. The fibre content of apples expands during digestion, thereby leaving less room for other foods in the stomach. Besides, being low in sodium, apples prevent water retention by flushing excess water from the body. A storehouse of multivitamins, consumption of apples will add abundance to your vigour and vitality. With an enhanced vitality, you can burn more calories and expedite your weight loss plan. Also, the high water content of apples will keep you well-hydrated and significantly reduce odd-hour food cravings. Apples are also known to contain certain enzymes that assist in efficient food digestion and ensure overall good health.
Word Count: 129
14. Bariatric Diets without Surgery
The restrictive diet that is prescribed after a typical Bariatric surgery, performed on obese patients, can be quite helpful for those who primarily seek to reduce weight and retain their fitness. However, it may not be necessary to undergo this surgery to follow such a diet. The basic idea behind such a diet is to get optimum nutrition with the least amount of consumed food, ultimately cutting down on calories. It even suggests few changes in the day to day lifestyle, like weight monitoring as well as awareness of well-being. Weight maintenance is the key component of this diet. Bariatric Diets mostly prescribe a protein-rich diet, with protein forming about 50 per cent of total food intake. As animal products are the most nutrient rich source of protein, people seeking to lose weight rapidly through a Bariatric diet without surgery should include fish, poultry, meat, eggs, nuts and legumes into their diet. Before following this diet, it is however, recommended to consult a dietician.
Word Count: 164
15. Belly fat stress
Besides a sedentary lifestyle with lack of exercise, even stress can cause fat deposition around the belly. In present times, stress is one of the biggest concerns and a triggering cause for producing fat especially belly fat. Anything we consume produces fat in the body. Under stress the body produces certain hormone called cortisol which in turn makes the body crave for more food. This overeating or "bingeing "leads to fat deposition. The combination of the belly reacting less to exercise but quickly accumulating cellulite results in growing fat. Therefore, it is imperative to have a joyful and healthy lifestyle and stick to regular exercise and balanced diet.
Word Count: 108
16. Benefits of Xylitol: Health & Nutrition
Associated with multiple health benefits, Xylitol has emerged as the best substitute for Sugar. Found in fibrous vegetables, Xylitol is a 5-carbon sugar alcohol, possessing a low Glycemic Index (7) and the same sweetness as sugar. With 40% lesser calories than sugar and bacteria-fighting properties, Xylitol is highly remedial in weight loss, increased bone density, maintaining hormonal balance, and blood sugar stabilization in diabetic patients. Besides, Xylitol is known to be quite effective in keeping bacterial-related oral, nasal, and ear infections at bay. Especially in women, the other evident health benefits of Xylitol include prevention of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, depression, hot flashes, PMS and excessive postpartum weight gain. Available in several tasteful forms like candies and gums, regular Xylitol intake successfully evades tooth decay, dental plaque and dental caries.
Word Count: 134
17. Body shape analysis
The human body is a wonderful creation. People have always been very particular about their body shapes both for aesthetic as well as health concerns. If you look around, you can see plenty of people with different body shapes like hourglass, apple, pear and ruler to name a few. True, the shape indicates and accounts for many health problems, afflictions and diseases but a complete control over the shape is impossible. The Body mass index or BMI is an excellent scale on which one can find out the best shape that one can have or at least should have as per the individual stats. Maintaining a balanced index can help control many health problems.
Word Count: 114
18. Caigua & Weight Loss
Widely marketed as a weight loss supplement, Caigua is also beneficial in reducing blood cholesterol levels and boosting the metabolism of the body. Native to Peru, Caigua is a naturally occurring herb, known to possess some fat absorbing properties. Although Caigua offers treatment for an array of ailments like high cholesterol, hypertension and cellulite, it is essentially promoted as a weight loss aid. Available in 300 milligram/500 milligram-strength capsule or powder form, Caigua is composed of all-natural ingredients. For best results, it is recommended to combine Caigua supplements with other supplements like Guarana Capsules or Inka Leaf Capsules, as the effect regulates appetite or removes the calories from food. However, since Caigua is not FDA approved and its contribution in weight management has not yet been proven, it is highly advisable to consult a physician prior to its consumption.
Word Count: 139
19. Caloric Intake Formula
The average caloric intake for most people is around 2000. However, if you calculate your caloric intake through the Caloric Intake Formula, you will get the exact number which will help you in designing your weight loss/gain plan accordingly. The Caloric Intake is calculated on the basis of the following formulas:
(I) Base Metabolic Rate
Firstly, caloric needs depending upon gender, weight, height and age are calculated through the BMR formula.
For women, BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
For men, BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years).
(II) Harris Benedict Equation
Once you get the BMR, you can easily calculate your daily caloric intake through the Harris Benedict Equation. Multiply your BMR by:
1.2 If you lead a sedentary lifestyle
1.375 If you exercise 1 to 3 days a week
1.55 If you regularly exercise from 3 to 5 days a week
1.725 If you religiously exercise 6 to 7 days a week
1.9 If you have a physically laborious job or you are a fitness trainer.
The resultant number is your exact daily caloric intake. To maintain your current weight, your caloric intake should be the same as your energy expenditure. To assist weight loss, you should eat lesser than your caloric intake so that the body retrieves energy from stored body fat, whereas to gain weight, you should eat extra calories.
Word Count: 253
20. Calorie and fat guide
Calorie intake should always be lower if you are seeking to lose weight. The secret to successful weight maintenance is to balance calorie intake and the amount of calories you are willing to burn. Another important thing is to watch your fat intake as it can add a lot of calories to the total count. Keeping a tab on your total calories intake will help you to minimize the risk of stroke, lowers blood cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems. Thus, a low calorie diet is very essential for a healthy body. Nutritious food, particularly those which are directly procured from natural vegetable, are the most suitable for a healthy body.
Word Count: 113
21. Can Eating a Healthy Diet Help Obesity?
Obesity is a hazardous health condition as it may lead to a spate of life-threatening diseases including heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer etc. A well balanced diet accompanied with rigorous exercise can definitely help obesity. Shaving excess caloric intake while incorporating nutritious food items should be an essential part of obesity diet plan. A diet rich in whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds can contribute remarkably in lowering obesity. Besides, a hike in water intake will help in maintaining a robust muscle tone and keeping the body fluids in balance. In addition, inclusion of certain naturally occurring herbs like Bitter orange, Green tea leaves, Vanilla, Caigua, Guarana and the African hoodia are also known to suppress appetite or remove the calories from food. However, before consumption of any weight-loss supplements, it is highly advisable to consult a health care provider.
Word Count: 151
22. Can You Still Gain Weight with Hyperthyroid?
Hyperthyroidism results in excessive secretion of thyroid hormones. Here, the thyroid glands become overactive and lead to weight loss as it overproduces metabolic hormones. However, there are ways to control hyperthyroidism such as by restoring the function of the thyroid glands which will no longer produce thyroid hormones excessively. Another method is the Radioactive Iodine treatment. In this method overactive thyroid cells are destroyed slowly. You will subsequently gain weight after the thyroid is destroyed, either by surgery or treatment. After a hyperthyroidism treatment, synthetic hormone therapy is required in order to regulate the metabolism. Finally, consumption of the right calories can also stop excessive weight loss.
Word Count: 107
23. Carbohydrates or Protein in the Morning for Weight Loss
Breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day and choosing the right foods in the morning can play a pivotal role in optimal weight loss. A choice of protein-rich food items such as eggs, turkey meat, low-fat yogurt or reduced-fat milk for breakfast will not only assist your weight loss program but will also repair muscle tissues and rev up your metabolism. Besides, as proteins break down gradually, they help in maintaining the feeling of being full for a longer time. On the other side, carbohydrates have their own inherent benefits and intake of carbohydrates in breakfast imparts energy to the brain and blood cells. However, for weight loss, it will be wise to go for proteins in the morning or a combination of both. Certain carbohydrates with a low glycemic index like low-carb cereals, fruits or oatmeal can be incorporated in breakfast to add the right amount of calories to a highly nutritious protein-based breakfast.
Word Count: 158
24. Cat Care Tips: Diet Plans: How to Care for Cats
Among all the pet animals, cats and dogs are the most preferred favourites. Cats, particularly, make very cute pets. However, they require care like all of us, especially when it comes to their diet. Sometimes even after caring a lot for them, they may fall prey to diseases or perhaps become too lazy and then mostly sit in a corner. Special supplements are available which help in restoring their vitality and providing them with the necessary nutrition to remain healthy. Also, you can try one of the specialized diets recommended for cats. As feline diets poor in certain vital nutrients can cause hazardous diseases, including blindness, it is highly recommended to feed your cat with premium cat food that meets AAFCO cat food standards. These high-quality foods will ensure that your cat gets a well-balanced diet, replete with the right nutrients. However, make sure to give your cat enough time to go through the transition.
Word Count: 159
25. Definition of a Nutritionist
A nutritionist is an individual who has studied the science of nutrition including dietetics and food management systems. Well-versed with sources of nutrition, nutritional deficiencies and malnutrition, the role of a nutritionist entails designing of meal plans, nutrition programs for weight loss/gain, food purchasing, food analysis and overall supervision of food preparation. Besides, nutritionists at medical centres and hospitals are also required to conduct a detailed analysis of the nutritional requirements of patients and do specific menu-planning for them in consultation with doctors. At certain positions, nutritionists may also write dietary literature and public reports pertaining to nutritional science. The minimum education of a nutritionist may be a bachelor degree in food science or nutrition, though some nutritionists may be duly certified, licensed and registered with state governments after clearing tests and internship requisites.
Word Count: 134
26. Diabetic Diet for Weight Lifters
Diabetes can be an extremely daunting phenomenon for a weightlifter as his diet has to be high on calories but at the same time restrictions regarding a lot of food items have to be maintained. Dietary and body building supplements have become quite common for these weightlifters who always strive to maintain their fitness. These supplements provide them with necessary dose of vitamins and minerals like omega-3, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin D and others. Most of these are known to be beneficial for diabetics. However, protein, which is another component in the supplements required for intense weightlifting, should be moderated. This is because protein content in type 1 diabetic condition may negatively affect the functioning of the organs, particularly the kidneys.
Word Count: 122
27. Diet for Diabetes with Hypothyroidism
Diet is an important thing to consider when it comes to people with diabetic conditions, and more so when the person also suffers from hyperthyroidism. One should be choosy in this case, because a wrong addition can cause diet to aggravate either of the two conditions. As it turns out, a diet with rich nutrients, but low carbohydrate, is imperative for those with diabetes with hyperthyroidism. Even the protein content should be as low as possible. Also, when eating fruits, one should be considerate about the glucose intake and if possible try to eat those fruits that help in lowering the glucose levels. Water is another vital component which is very essential for those with diabetes. Therefore, a lot of water intake should be taken throughout the day.
Word Count: 128
28. Dietician vs. Nutritionist
When it comes to controlling weight or shedding those extra pounds, diet is often the easiest and the first thing that comes to mind. Selecting the right diet is a daunting and tough task. A consultation with a dietician or a nutritionist can be a good start, but people often mistakenly take both of them to be the same person. Advice from both of them can be handy. A dietician often addresses diets for people with existing health issues and a nutritionist on the other hand deals with maintenance of good health with proper diet as well as issues arising out of malnutrition. So, you should choose the right person for your condition.
Word Count: 113
29. Difference between Flat Belly Diet and Firm up in 3 Weeks
Both Flat Belly Diet as well as Firm Up are specialized and proven weight loss methods. However, the implementation is a little different. Mostly, in "Firm Up in 3 weeks" one is prescribed with a special blending diet along with strength training as well as aerobic exercise for a span of three weeks which initiate the process of weight loss. However, in The "Flat Belly Diet", which is centred on the Mediterranean food style, exercise is optional but one is prescribed with a diet rich in monounsaturated fats. This is claimed as helping in controlling appetite and thus helps one to lose up to 15 pounds in a span of 32 days flat.
Word Count: 113
30. Does Increasing Serotonin Help With Weight Loss?
Serotonin is a principal element when it comes to managing weight. Low level of serotonin induces a craving for carbohydrates, which in high quantities aggravates the whole situation as the excess carbohydrate turns to fat, thereby increasing the overall weight. Thus, serotonin, when used in a controlled manner, can help an individual to control his weight. One can start off with a diet rich in serotonin or can opt for serotonin supplements like 5-htp or SAM-e to utilize its effectiveness in controlling hunger. However, before consumption, it is highly advisable to consult a dietician or a physician particularly to ascertain any complications that may arise.
Word Count: 105
13. Effective Weight Loss Without Exercise