The direction of employees and other resources to achieve objectives is essential to the smooth operation of all organizations. Managing effectively requires planning, organizing, leading and controlling the organization.
Labor management
Labor management is defined as the planning, organizing and directing of the running functions of the persons.
The principle of the labor management plan on a dairy farm, or in any association, is to done correctly and on time. For one-person or small, family-operated dairy farms, labor management problems are less because management and labor task are performed by the same person or within the same family. As herd size increases, however, managers must devote more time to management which leaves them less time to milk, feed, manure, and perform other routine tasks themselves. As farms grow and more of the daily work is performed by hired personnel, the importance of a labor management program increases. The achievement of the process depends not only on the dairy manager's ability to manage land, capital, cows, etc., but also on the ability to entrust parts of the job to other people and see the same quality and effectiveness of operations. Many dairy managers, who, all the way through tough work and good cowmanship, have developed successful family-size dairy operations, have unsuccessful when they prolonged to better operations. For many of them, a major reason for failure was an inability to get the job done as well through others as they could do it themselves.
Importance of labor management
Labor management increases in importance as herd size, level of production, and degree of mechanization increases. More cows will mean more hired workforce, and more people generate more opportunity for variation or resistance between employees. Superior production will increase the susceptibility of cows to a range of problems and requires more precise feeding, milking, etc., to avoid a high incidence of problems. Increased mechanization increases the number of cows each person handles and means there will be less time to observe and care for individual cows. The risk is that a small problem may be overlooked until it becomes a larger, more expensive problem.
To be a successful manager of a dairy operation large enough to require hiring labor, a dairy owner must learn how to get the job done right and on time through others-in other words, to manage people as well as cows, land, and capital. This task demands that the owner estimate the farm's labor needs accurately, hire good people, and train them well so that they will do the job(s) appropriately and capably. In addition, a good manager will encourage employees, provide them with safe and strong working conditions, and maintain good employer-employee relations-and relations among employees as well. The principles of effective recruits management apply to family as well as nonfamily labor, and many dairy farmers would do well to pay attention to them in look upon to their children who help on the dairy farm.
Manpower planning
The aim of the manpower planning programmed is to elaborate the number and kind of workforce that need to be hired. This varies massively, depending upon the size of operation and the jobs of owner or manager expects to perform himself. For example on large farms there is need of highly enthusiastic laborers and workers such as milkers, feeders. Likewise on smaller farm the needs are less as compare to large dairy farm.
So following are the problem during manpower planning
Hiring experts and challengers but assigned just routine work
It means hiring those people who are proficient of accept significant task and expected to be concerned in the thinking , planning , and having an important effect work on the dairy farm but are assigned only to the routine and rational jobs that need little decision or initiative. This state of affairs soon becomes dullness or disappointment of the employee.
Hiring those who feel comforts doing routine but assigning them responsibilities of decision making and planning
It means that if we hire the person that can not complete a difficult task but we assign him an evaluation making job. This condition soon results in again frustrating for the employee and who does not want to cope with intellectual challenges. He will also leave the first prospect.
Hiring Lazy Workers
This states that if we hire lazy and non serious workers this will also cause the problem
Hiring too many or too few people
The labor that we hire is hard cash expenditure like feed, fuel, or fertilizer, however if excessive amount is purchased they will be use less and it is difficult to acquire labor in small farm as needed. It must be used at a planned time. Over use of labor always cause poor quality of performance and frustrated employees who seeks jab.
There are several basic principal that may be helpful in planning manpower needs
Identify total work requirement and decide job delegated to others then management
Following are the guidelines that are helpful in deciding this
Divide the job to be performed by others in total work units
It means milking unit, calf care etc.and classify the number of person needed to get the total job done at right time and on right time
Write a job description for each labor unit
This should comprises job designation ( herdsman , milker ) , duties , responsibilities , administrative , working condition ( hours , vacation , sick leave ) and any other information that may help , explain or clarify the duties and responsibilities of the job or the relationship of jobholder to the other employee or management. The description when precisely completed enables management to better equal jobs needs and employee capability, this helping to avoid problems. Job description especially with smaller operations with one or two employees should also be flexible enough to accommodate enlarging the job with more meaningful and challenging responsibilities; those for large operation should provide for advancement to higher level jobs or rotations of jobs or shifts.
In completing job description, dairy managers should keep the need for and improve of cowmanship topmost in their mind. Description of jobs concerned with working with cattle should include confirmation that being a good cowman is an important part of the job liability.
Organizational chart
This chart showing the organizational framework of dairy farm.
The hiring process consists of finding or recruiting, selecting and finally hiring. Locating and hirig well-qualified dairy farm labor is not an easy job, nor is it likely to be so in the future. Tradititional concepts that dairy labor must be farm-reared and have a lifetime of experience may have to be laid aside the supply as the people diminish. Hiring energetic and passionate people without experience but with the desire and ability to learn, training them, can be an effective method of dairy labor meeting dairy labor needs for many dairy men. There is no one best source of labor or best way to find labor. An accurate job description can be helpful in finding labor. It can be used in advertising to accurately describe the available position and attract the type of person needed.
Some method of finding labor are following,
Ads in local and area newspaper, and national farm magazines. In writing ads it is important to remember the purpose of ads that is to sell your job - to stimulate the interest of qualified person sufficiently that they apply for the position. To do this the ads must accurately describe the position in imaginative, positive and desirable fashion. Ads that reflect owner, confidence and desirable chance for employees or more likely to attract optimistic, energetic people then those that reflect owner pessimism and objectionable work condition. Brief but accurate description of farm duties should be included.
Following are the example.
Types of advertisement
Dairy labor needed, reply box 2200
Hard working man needed for milking and general farm work. Wages plus house provided. No smoking, drinking, pets allowed
Assistant herdsman needed. 300 cow's sahiwal breed, handled in modern free stall arrangements. Current herd average 12,000 lb milk and improving. Responsibilities include calf care, relief milking, heat detection, AI 5 days work in week. 2 weeks annual vacations. Competitive salary plus incentive plan. 3 bed room home, near hospital experience desire but not necessary
Now compare these ads
Ad (a) is too brief. It contains no job description, location , benefits
Ad (b) is of negative sense. It reflects owner dissatisfaction with dairying and intolerance of people
Ad (c) reflects owner optimism, confidence and success in dairying, working conditions, incentive plan that will boost up the worker.
Current employees
This is an admirable source of prospects if the current labor relation program is good. If the current employees like their jobs, their employer, they are very helpful in publicity. They can often identify and help others on the desirability of working on a farm.
Personal contact
With associations or service industries. Some of these are state extension workforce, vocational agriculture teacher, AI technicians, DHI supervisor, field men for milk cooperatives; feed industry, salespeople employment offices, dairy science faculty members, ministers' veterans' and employ society.
In areas of country where farm labor is organized and unionized, this can be an excellent source of selection. But here one problem comes that there are some lobbies that try to disrupt the smooth farm operations. So we should handle all these objectionable activities.
Main key to hire the labor
In most cases the basis for selection of the employer is acquired by interview. The aim of an interview is to learn as much as possible about the candidate, expose him to the working condition of operation, and give him the prospect to interview the employer. If we want to get these purposes in a positive sense we should held the interview on the dairy farm. Following age the important points that must be kept in mind during in an interview.
We should give interview main concern and hold it on the farm. But we must care that it not be near the milking shed or other same places where workings are being under procedures, for example feeding, sanitation etc.
If the applicant is married and has a family, so invite him with his family and living quarters should be inspected to his family.
The employer approach must be positive enthusiastic, successful and optimistic towards the dairying and its future. Rather tan being pessimistic about the future of farm operation. So he should stress the eye-catching part of the job like outdoor living, local community activities, and opportunity to lunch with family and innovation and incentive plan. So he must not show the pessimistic approach by telling working long hours, breakdown of equipment, because we all know that a person can do better work in a positive environment rather than negative environment. So we should keep this thing in mind that any incidence can occurs on the farm from the workers. So keep in mind that this can also happen by us.
Collect the information systematically. Ask the right question and according to the nature of the job. If we ask rubbish questions like how much you have a weight? Or how active was you in your school?
Ending the interview should be in a good way. Always give the detail description that contains responsibilities, work schedule, salary scale and other benefits.
There must be a written agreement rather than verbal agreement. Many dairy men are reluctant to offer written contracts to a labor because employee request for such contracts are recorded as lack of trust. These agreements may vary considerable depending on the degree of specialization of lack of it required for the job, whether housing is provided, incentive plan etc. thus they should be tailor to fit individual farm needs.
Any form of operation need training, and if the dairy is concerned where the motorized skills are needed with complex biological system so training is highly appreciable. Good cows and good equipment are expensive and easily damaged. so proper training is important to prevent these problems. Most dairymen are well aware of the need for proper training, however most either wish to rely on some one else to do it like school training. To some extant these methods are helpful but personnel training and instruction are needed.
The following points should be kept in mind while training the new employees.
Provide friendly atmosphere
Encourage them to ask the question about things that they don't understand. Avoid uneasiness them or implying that they are stupid by a way you answer or explain the things.
We must know that each employee has new and his own approach to do a task
Don't suppose that they know how to do the job exactly, but observe them thoroughly
The most important thing is to agree on the degree of knowledge by discussion and then explain the importance of job and of doing it correctly then takes the manifestation from the new employee. If there is problem then correct it smoothly and express the confidence in their ability. It does time and patience to properly train employee especially those that have less experience. However the payback can be quality of employee improve ethics, decrease labor revenue and reduce cow and equipment loses. These all things will result in increase profit.
This is defined as wanting to do the job correctly and on time. By the motivation we may obtain both quantity and quality of performance. Employees that are motivated they do their job correctly and on time with quality and quantity. Similarly the people that are not motivated do their job poorly with low quantity and quality. So the major responsibility of the management is to provide such type of environment that does instill the employee desire to do the job right and on time.
Motivation is based on human needs such as
Physical needs including food and housing etc.
Safety and security
Social needs such as friendship, love, and a sense of belonging
High regard and self respect
Self actualization or the need to become what one is capable of becoming.
To motivate dairy labor, employer must then provide the opportunity for employees to fulfill these needs to as large and extent as possible. In short, employees must be treated with honor, dignity, respect, and understanding. So if we not provide these human opportunities of basic needs the performance of the employees will be of lowest status.
There is no one best way to motivate all employees, as individual human needs and the goals very considerably. There are however some basic principles that are applicable in most situations
Determine the personnel needs
Pay a decent base wage and additional bonus on high performance
Wage Incentive Plans
Incentive plans should be designed to enhance productivity
Many plans get started because there is a big problem area on the dairy, and a bonus is one way to correct this area
Payments may be received weekly, monthly, or in some cases annually
If employees know that if the job is done correctly they will get a bonus, they are likely to police themselves, because a few bad oranges can spoil the plan for everyone.
Ideas for Designing an Incentive Plan
Incentives should be above and beyond a good salary. They should range from 5% to 100% of basic salary.
The plan should be based on performance and abilities
Method of payment and frequency should be stated in advance
Performance should be measured by working ability
The plan should not be in favor of unprofitable work to the dairy
Incentive plans should be planned for a definite period of time
Steps to Implement a Bonus Plan
Start with proficient employees to ensure that your plan is valuable
Employees should be well trained before you start a bonus plan
Focus on your problematic areas
Set sensible goals for each area and talk about these goals with your employees
Increase pay in return for high performance
Incentive plans should not be a replacement for fair wages.
The plans should be in writing and understandable.
Incentive plans should not encourage loss-making practices
Job Safety and Security
This is the most important factor that directly affects the working ability of employees. Most dairy farms accidents are caused by an unsafe condition, an un safe action or a combination of both. Unsafe mechanical and other such condition must be eliminated promptly and unsafe action discouraged by good example and by urgent correction of employees' performing them. By doing this we may emphasize concern of management for employee safety and discourage carelessness employees security is enhanced by the success of business and attitude of manager. A confident optimistic manager commands the confidence of employees in their ability to do job, thus helping to ensure continued profitability of the operation and job security.
Employer-Employee relation
If we want to labor of higher efficiency then we should maintain a good relation. The employee employer relationship is not a marriage but an arrangement. The main objective on both sides is that of a financial one. If the employer feels he/she is not getting value for the dollars they are paying an employee, they will look for someone else to fill their position. On the other hand, the employee who senses they are significance more than the job is paying will search for more suitable job situation for themselves.
Applying golden rule
Factors that are important in maintaining good relation
There are many important factors which are necessary, if we want to maintain the good relation between the manager and other workers.
Now if I briefly discuss about these factors, it will clear that if mutual respect and understanding is present then there will be no problem in farm operations. So manager always show respect towards the worker and in return they will response in same sense. Secondly there should always a clear understanding between employer-employee and owner. If there is some sort of confusion then they can't do their respective tasks properly. And if we want that all the operation on farm should be profit based, and then we have to select the competitive persons, so that they can handle any problem on the farm. The other factor maintaining the good relation is the proper training of the worker. If they are well aware about their tasks, they will work smoothly and efficiently.
Always encourage the proposal and ideas from the workers, as they are working closely the animals they may know some thing else from which you are not aware. Always provide the opportunities of advancement to them so that they work sincerely. If some sort f problem occur and you are very much angry, but remember always open communication line so that problem may be solved.
Employee retention
The most important factor to maintain any operation on the farm is the retention of the good employees. The reason behind this is that it will reduce the problem on the farm. It is also helpful in smother running operation on the farm. And the other thing is that by follow these rules we can save the money and time that is spent on the new worker training.
Defined as interest in and concern for cattle; awareness or perception that is seeing, hearing and sensing when an animal is normal or abnormal and action or taking prompt, meaningful action to correct abnormal condition of animals.
Herdsman function is not only care of animal but to train other dairy employees in the proper care of dairy animals. Now it is clear that a cowman is backbone of a dairy farm. As he has the all knowledge about the animals as well as others worker that are working on the farm. That's why he perceives all about at farm. He is keen observer.
So it is essential that at least one herdsman should be present on the dairy farm. As we all know that castles on the dairy farm are the marvelous and they need regular observation. So profitability and unprofitably depends on the presence of herdsman.
Herds handled by people who lack cowman ship show few symptoms
Problems related with calf and heifer; if there is lack of cowman them calf mortality is above the 5% and several managemental problems occur.
If the culling rate high then 40%, showing poor cowman ship
We know that a normal calving interval is about 13.5month. If that exceeds from this range, this is also a big problem.
Occurrence of diseases such as metritis , mastitis and foot rot. Udder development problems also occur.
Lack of heat detection in the absence of observer
Problems related to milk: the milk is main output on the dairy farm, so if fluctuations occur with this there will be great loss.
Feeding management problems; if there is inconsistent feeding programmed, there will be great fluctuation in the daily production.
One of the major observation is that cow becomes nervous during visit of outsider, even some workers comes when milking is going under procedure , this is the major problem , this is the great loss of production but a cowman is well aware from it and he has affiliation with the cow .
Characteristics of a good herdsman
The abilities and presence of a herdsman is shown, if the losses are minimal on the farm. If there is a good cowman the problematic symptoms which I discussed above they are absent and the production is high. But all this is related to the keen observation of the herdsman. All the profit and losses are related to the activity of cowman.
It is clear that the success of him is fully dependant on his high performance and high performance is related to high production and profit.
The cow man is keen observer. He keeps all the breeding record, and knows the production of sire as well as dam.
He oftenly visits the barn at night time and observe the unusual condition of the cow.
As the mostly heat sign are shown at night time, so cowman visit at night time are very useful. He also checks for coughing at night time.
He moves softly around the animals and not disturbed the activities, and observes the droppings and limbs position. He check the overall condition of the animal even whether she is bright or dull.
The most salient feature of the herdsman is that he takes the action on the spot. He has great patience to solve very difficult task.
I conclude that a herdsman is a backbone on the dairy farm.