From the very first day on university, all students realize that plagiarism is something that they must avoid but are everyone completely known what plagiarism is? Most of us think of plagiarism as copying someone`s else work and claim it as your own by borrowing the exactly ideas. That's correct but terms like `copy` and `borrow` can be disguised to several forms; to steal and pass off ideas of another as your own, to use the material of another without crediting the actual source, to present an idea or product as new derived from an existing source or document , or even commit library theft. If we depth our thinking we finally realize that plagiarism is a kind of fraud. It involves stealing ideas and words from someone else and then lying about it. There are several ethical issues to be discussed on this topic, that's why students must realize that universities all around the world give emphasis to plagiarism for their own good. Students especially in higher education must learn to produce their own ideas and build on them. There is no reason repeating someone`s else work that will lead to nowhere. After university years each one of the students will have to make up his own ideas for his own life, for his own good. So how it will be? Will he steal again the ideas? That will lead to a disaster.
There are several methods of plagiarism. Students should be aware in order to eliminate the chances of doing a plagiarism. Because most of the students are not aware of those methods they may plagiarism themselves by mistake. It is important to fully understand those aspects.
Copy & Paste Plagiarism
"Fine words! I wonder where you stole 'em." - Jonathan Swift"
"Taking something from one man and making it worse is plagiarism." - George A. Moore
When you want to copy something u must at least consider it within quotations
Word Switch Plagiarism
Taking a sentence from a source and change the sequence of words or add some new ones is still a plagiarism. Is still a fraud and this time will be a fraud that you were aware of. The best way is to quote the sentence by putting it in quotation marks and refer to the author or article. The particular sentence should be giving a point to the meaning you trying to discuss and not just to put something there.
Style Plagiarism
Style plagiarism is about copying the author`s style, the author`s plan. For example the student is copying the exact same style, sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph. The student may change the writing, but the fact that u use the author`s format is still a plagiarism.
Metaphor Plagiarism
Using metaphors will help the reader understand new or difficult ideas or thoughts better than a plain description of the subject. It is an important part of the author`s creative style. If you are not able to come up with you own metaphor and compare something familiar with something unfamiliar, then use the metaphor from the source article, but then u should give the credit to the author. If you do not, is still a plagiarism.
Idea Plagiarism
First of all it is important to understand which ideas are commonly and know accepted and which ideas are unique. Someone who analyze a solution to a problem it is probably his own unique idea. An idea that is well known to everyone is public domain and does not need to be referenced. But stealing the unique ideas of an author is plagiarism and you should be at least give the credit for the idea to the actual author. If the student doesn't know which ideas are commonly accepted and are in the public domain the only way to find out is the normal way, just ask.
Definitely all students agree that plagiarism and something good doing. But how the student will be motivated not to cheat in order to come up with a solution to the assignment deadline? How the student will be motivated to create his own ideas and build on them? Since internet is keep growing students find more and more articles about the subject they want to develop so that makes them evaluable to plagiarism. They usually temp to follow the easy way, the fastest way, the cheating way. It is important that the student will be self motivated, trust himself and his opinions. By keeping supporting your own opinions someday your ideas will be heard. Some day you will feel proud of your own work, not for someone else work. Be proud and show trust to your judgment that's the only way. How you will achieve that? First of all come up with a plan that you want to follow. Make your own research within essays and don't just copy paste. Analyze what you reading. Make your own knowledge about the subject. Then develop your own writing style, your own voice. No one will be interesting in something they already read from someone else. Make your own way. Developing your own ideas and fully understand the subject may take some time. That's why you first should come up with a plan. To avoid deadline issues. Because if u feel pressure, If u feel you won`t come up with a solution to the deadline date, that will lead you to plagiarism. Following a specific plan is probably the most important way. The rest will be seen along the way.
Nowadays there are several detection tools. You can be found cheating in any way. But that`s not the actual point. The actual point is for the student to understand that plagiarism won`t lead him somewhere. And most importantly won`t lead him to success. Because that`s what all students want in university. They come here to fill their head with knowledge, to improve their selves as persons. The only way to achieve these goals is by research, which requires a lot of work, more than just a copy paste. Copy paste solution will only lead to problems, will only lead to failure. It`s not just an assignment mark. The mark probably won`t provide the student something, definitely won`t give you the actual knowledge. The knowledge is inside our heads, and if we don't work hard about it, we will never gain it.