Plagiarism And Unfair Practice English Language Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1557

Plagiarism has become a very serious concern for all educators in recent years. Plagiarism can be considered in number of consequences and perspectives. It can be defined as use of unauthorised language, thoughts or work of another author and representing as own original work. It is very serious academic offence. Approaches have been made in recent researches to avoid the plagiarism one of the approaches is to make students aware of the plagiarism by providing ample of online resources which defines the plagiarism as a literature stealing without ones authorization.

Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional. Unintentional is because of poor understanding of the subjects to students, lack of time which makes students stressed and then no other option than cheating. Intentionally academic offences is made by using lots of electronics copies available online and research by past students which makes them think to about subject and they just concentrate on good grades rather than understanding the subjects.

Plagiarism has been growing increasingly due to availability of immense resources to people in today's society, especially for college and university campuses. The common forms of plagiarism are:

Cut/Copy and pasted information from the web

Copying lecture notes or course materials

Copying material from journals, articles or textbooks

Copying the work of another students, including assignment, computer source code or essay material.


The word plagiarism is actually derived from the Latin word plagiarius, which means kidnapping or abducting. It is a term that is mainly used in the context of using another's words, ideas or thoughts and passing it off as your own, without giving due credit to the original author. Instances of plagiarism have been observed in academia and journalism for a long time, though the rapid growth of the internet has contributed to an increase in the plagiarism statistics considerably. Plagiarism is a growing problem in the academic field and also in many workplaces, which can produce some grave consequences.

Of course, nothing can undermine the advantages of internet, but the easy availability and access to a wide range of information and knowledge has enabled students to easily copy content from the internet for their academic uses.

Sometimes, plagiarism can be deliberate, while at other times, it can arise out of ignorance. It is true that it is not a crime to get influenced by others' ideas and thoughts. However, at the same time, it is also important to give due credit to the source of information or the concerned person for their ideas and work. So, copying without ones permission is actually a violation of that person's right over his intellectual property. Plagiarism is not only about copying the words of another person, which can be avoided by paraphrasing the sentences, but also the use of words, ideas, data, organization and original thoughts of another person without giving credit to that individual. Such activities can give rise to serious consequences, sometimes, attracting legal punishments. Plagiarism in journalism is a very old phenomenon. Plagiarism by journalists can have serious consequences, not only for the individual journalist, but for the concerned newspaper or television news-show. This loses reputation public trust and confidence. It is also considered a violation of journalistic ethics and can result in severe penalties like suspension or termination from the job.

Plagiarism is a subject of copyright of violation of law and unfair competition, and can attract legal and monetary penalties for the violators. The offender may be penalized to compensate for the loss of profit of the original writer. It has touched almost everyone's life in one way or another. Many individuals are using online technology to perform online banking functions, engage in commerce or join social networking sites. The online world has not only increased the amount of information and misinformation that is shared, but has also increased the efficiency of completing work, both business and personal. With this efficiency has come the temptation to plagiarize information, ideas or another person's work. The word plagiarism comes from the Latin word "plagiarius" and is a synonym for "kidnapper" or "plunderer" and used in the sense of "literary thief" (APA, 2007). Plagiarism has grown tremendously throughout time via the web and has had an impact on all that are involved be it the student, instructors, or even those that the source originated from. There are many reasons, as well as concerns as to the sites that enable and/or encourage students to plagiarize weakening the educational system. The fact that the Internet contains such a vast amount of information makes it tempting to abuse it. Students can find inventive ways of finding complete essays and abstracts, which can be used to aid in their work. As with books and publications, always state the locations from which you gained research material. With an Internet source you should include the web-address from where it can be found and any author information if relevant.

Preventing Plagiarism: Tips and Techniques

Emphasize on the originality of the work:

Make it a point to inform students or the people concerned that you are on the lookout for original work. In case of students, you would need to prepare them with certain basic tasks that will help them to create original and authentic content. Explain all about the skills required for taking quick notes and how these can be further used to write original pieces. Help people to develop their research skills. Ensure you have shown the appropriate use of the internet. Create a bank of samples to help them differentiate between good and bad content.

Cross-question the reports:

An easy way to prevent plagiarism from taking place at your office or amongst the students would be to cross-question the reports, which are presented. By asking questions related to the topic being covered may help you catch the writer off-guard about the content being covered. Therefore, make it a point to discuss the process so that all areas are covered and writers would not really opt to plagiarize content.

Understand the style of writing:

Developing a knack to know about a particular person's style of writing is useful to detect plagiarism. This may seem a tad difficult for professors who have to handle a large number of students but it sure can keep such acts in check. Every individual has his/her own way of going about a particular subject. Knowing a person's basic nature or way of dealing with a subject would help you to know an author's basic style of writing.

Discuss about the penalties:

Ensure the concerned group of people is well aware about the penalties involved in case of plagiarism of any content. This would surely help you to prevent plagiarism to a great extent. Students need to be warned they can lose a term. In case of employees, they need to be aware plagiarism can even cost them their job!

There are various ways in which one can detect plagiarism with the help of search engines and sites online. This will help to prevent plagiarism to a large extent. These methods help to track plagiarized content and keep things in check to ensure you have only authentic content in hand. Ultimately, it also depends upon the writer and the thought process involved. A genuine person would only rely on his/her ability to translate the required information in his/her own unique way!


As the new generation is so modern and research have made human life so easy by providing technologies and facilities as mentioned in example about the manager getting 100 of messages per day as per the work load he doesn't has time to reply to all so as per when he gets time he uses on common reply and forwards it to all messages which makes his work less. As they feel buried under this ample of messages they have created automated service of reply's to emails and messages and answering machine and automated service for telephones which is a source of plagiarism as most of the company uses the same procedures.

Today mobile phones are basic requirements of each and every individuals but people do use it for a wrong way as mentioned in example a man is going to play golf but tells his boss that he is working from home and which is lying for own benefit and which doesn't cause harm to individual but it does affect the company who pays them to work. As mentioned that Japanese child uses mobiles to chat with each other without being intercepted. Also mobiles are used to copy notes and nowadays a mobile is no less that a laptop which provides full facilities and makes people life easier and they don't work hard to get the things done and due to this the honest people and hardworking people are affected which ruins there career and future.


So, considering the severe consequences of plagiarism, it is advisable to take some appropriate measures to avoid this offense. The best way is to not copy content of other individuals, using quotations if you do use another person's words or giving credit to the concerned writer or the source of information for that particular piece of information and acquiring the necessary skills for paraphrasing sentences. Besides, plagiarism can be checked with the help of some online tools, which can also help avoid this problem.