Strategies to prevent malaria and skin cancer

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 2645

At every stage, government, regional, local and personal, there are many way to meet the needs to prevent people from becoming unwell. This indicated that people are ill for long periods of time have a poorer quality of life as many suffer pain and discomfort, and be unable to complete, their potential. In this point people with illness like malaria and skin cancer need to be supported economically, physically, socially and mentally by the stage. This may cost a great deal of money which has to be found from taxes. Besides there must be a balance between the needs of those requiring support and those paying for it through taxation. At this time in spite of the large amount of extra money being ploughed into the NHS and social services, this also means that at least 25%t of health trusts are increase.

For example for the benefit of individual and financial system of the country and around the world, there must be national, local and personal effort to prevent those two diseases.

Strategies to prevent both diseases

Malaria is a serious disease that is very common in some tropical countries. This is because many people take measures to reduce their risk of infection when they travel to these areas. This means that each year 100 or more people around the world and the UK develop malaria which has been caught as out of the country. About 90% people die from malaria in topical areas each year this is because malaria kills people very quickly if it is not diagnosed on time.

Although mosquitoes which transmit malaria commonly fly from nightfall to dawn to evenings and nights is the most dangerous time for transmission. This means that people show be Prevent getting bitten by Mosquitoes taken as a whole by buying a Mosquito net to sleep inside when people are sleeping they are at their most vulnerable to being bitten. So people should make sure the Mosquito net has covered all around the bed and insecticide as this will put off and the mosquitoes will be able to bit people if they aware of that all the time

For example if people do go out then they should use the mosquito repellent to keep mosquito away and also people should wear clothes covers their skin to prevent by the biting mosquito.

There are few medicines available that will help to prevention, but some of the medicine are depends whether the person has effect Malaria or not. But in this point some may be available from a pharmacist but it is always a good for people to check with their doctor who will be able to give advice to t people about the times they should take the medicines. This indicated that some drugs are not suitable for certain people, for example those who are going through pregnancy and the children under 5.

Some of the malaria medicines and drug have side effects but none of these are going to be as bad as constricting as Malaria, so people shouldn't buy any drug or medicines before asking their doctor what kind medicines they should take. But if people decided to take the drugs or the medicines without getting any prescription then the high risk will be getting side effects then their survival would entail taking drugs and feeling a great deal worse through the treatment of Malaria and from experiencing the symptoms of Malaria.

Skin cancer

The most important way people can prevent skin cancer is to protect their skin from the effects of the sun burn. Also the most important things are to protect the children's skins from the sun this is because the skin of children is more sensitive to sun damage which can lead to skin cancer in later life. This indicated that skin cancer is rare in children and the quantity of sun burn during their childhood which will be increasing to a high risk of developing skin cancer in adult life.

For example

People should put on sunscreen when they going somewhere near the sun or the beach. This is because sunscreen doesn't filter out all harmful UV radiation, especially the radiation that can lead to melanoma. But they play a major role in an overall sun protection. This indicated that people should choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has a sun protection factor of at least 15. Use a generous amount of sunscreen on all exposed skin, including their lips, the tips of their ears, and the backs of their hands and neck.

People should also put on protective clothing that can protect the sun burn. This means that the sunscreens don't provide complete protection from UV rays. So this covers their skin with dark, tightly woven clothing that covers their arms and legs to protect their skin from the sun burn.

National and local strategies of malaria and skin cancer

National strategies to prevent malaria and skin cancer are processes employed over the world to reduce those two diseases and consequently improve the health of the population.

The government commission report on health care and prevention of these diseases from independent authorities bodies every few years. As some of those influential reports that from A2 Health and Social Care book (Page 150) states that;

"Inequalities in health ( Black Report, 1988)

Independent inquiry into inequalities in health (Acheson Report, 1998).

Report like those stimulates papers from the government which set out national strategies and policies for future years, such as;

Saving lives; Our healthier Nation (1997)

Choosing health - making healthier choice easier (2004)".

The bullet's point above indicated that the impact of these principles is the white Paper which puts out the key rules for supporting people's lives to make them healthier and more informed choices in look upon to people's health. The rule will provide information and realistic support to get many people motivated and improve their emotional wellbeing. For each of person the important things in life are their family's health and this concern the responsibility that they each take for their own health also this should be the basis for improving the health of everyone across the world.

For example;

The National Malaria Strategy is serious disease affecting millions of countries around the world especially hot areas and each year many people die. The fee it exacts must be viewed not only in terms of the physical, financial and emotional pain it inflicts on individual families it kills many children per year in Africa but also by its macroeconomic impact.

The National skin cancer Strategy is to make people aware of the risks from sun burn and to make people need constant reminders to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from the risk.

Local strategies to help prevent malaria and skin cancer

There are so many campaigns and charities that help people who are suffering from malaria and skin cancer these are the national skin cancer prevention campaign and the world health organisation campaign. These campaigns helps people organisation and raises money to help a good causes. This indicated that the campaign and charities might be a part of the national strategies addressed locally and particular problems for the local community with large population, for example, skin cancer and malaria may find that levels of immunisation in people then national levels, so the area is at higher risk of epidemics. In this case, the health promotion campaign targeted at people information, such as given them a (talk, Leaflet, Posters, etc).The health promotion campaign helps men and women at any life stage in the campaign and the charities, also there are ways to provide information with them in a friendly way, informal setting to encourage self-examination of skin cancer and malaria.

Personal lifestyle choices in the prevention of malaria and skin cancer

People with those diseases can choose what to eat and drink and each individual and moral responsibility to keep themselves and others around them as safe as possible.

Hygiene- personal hygiene is important in the prevention of malaria and skin cancer this is because it involves regularly removing bacteria from the skin surface, for example (Hair, Anil and teeth). People have know that bacteria double their numbers by reproduction every 10 or 20 minutes and when bacteria are allowed to increase, then any break in the skin surface can lead to infection and mainly by staphylococci bacteria which reside on everyone's skin. This indicated that people should clean their hair, nails because these are the important for some reasons.

For example

Severe infactions can reach the blood circulation causing illness which can be life threatening.

Dental caries is formed from the waste acidic product from bacteria in the mouth. By constantly removing the accumulated bacteria the risk significantly reduced.

Diet- a balance diets with the correction quantities of protein is very important for people with skin cancer and malaria, so they should eat carbohydrate and fat also plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to supple vitamins, also minerals and fibres that will help them keep the right weight for height and provided physically activity which is adequate. The most important thing is that people with malaria and malaria should drink lot of water as its important component of the diet and only a small number of people drink the recommended quantity of fluid per day as its good for their health.

Exercises - A few decades ago, people with malaria and skin cancer generally were move physically active as there were fewer cars. This indicated that it was normally for children and adults to walk or cycle to school and work. Public transport, mainly abuses, may have been available between walks. Besides Exercise is a positive choice taken for health benefits and many choose not to do and for many people who are overweight, this in itself tends to limit exercise due to the difficulties encountered.

The benefits of exercise are;

Increase well-being

Increase confidence and self-esteem

Increases range of movement, bone becomes dense

Pain reduction and improved posture and strength, stress reduction

Lower blood cholesterol and reduces ft level

Exercise has many benefits, but people might not have thought it could help protect against skin cancer and malaria because people nowadays don't think it will make them better or help them the pain to go away so that's one of the reason why people don't do exercise.

Factors affecting prevention of malaria and skin cancer are to prevention and control both disease in the earlier period years with surgeries, injections and antibiotics which is a sophisticated treatment sounds quite complete but there are manmade and micro-organism changes that mean it is a constant battle for doctors to keep alongside each other of disease.

Public perception of risk of skin cancer and malaria

People have a lower perception of the high risk of serious disease, such as skin cancer and malaria even when well informed. This indicated that people concerned about skin cancer which most people don't aware of the sun burn. Also people need to be informed about the high risk of those diseases so they should be aware of the disease.

Patient - doctor concordance is the agreement between the patient and doctor about the patient's health. This indicated that the doctors help a health problem and then seen as passive recipient of the doctors instructions, which may or may not followed, this means that doctors are telling to the patients to take the medical and the patients are not taken their medical on time. Although this is much more emphasis is on patients - doctor's interactions and the need for agreement between the participants. This is large due to the need for consent to protect the patient's right and secondary need to conserve resources, also there is little point in the consultancy taking up valuable resources including time and if patients continue ignoring the instruction of the doctor then the results of the consultancy and fails to improve in health.

For example - Patient do not experience training or educated to become patients so that they may be unaware of the advantages that concordance bring to the patients and doctors relationship, this also linked to most people who want a doctor who is;

Effective in diagnosis and treatment

A good communication and easy to talk to

Always available


Patient compliance is when Patients take action and following the instruction of what their doctor tell them to do. This indicated that non compliance occurs when a patient do not complete emphasise that needed to complete the whole course of Antibiotics for an infection. Frequently, as soon as the service users feel better, returning to work or school, the antibiotics are forgotten or taken randomly. Apart from the possible of the infection returning this type of behaviour encourages the formation of resistant strains of the micro-organism.

It is the responsibility of everyone to take care their own health and comply with advice and treatment that their doctor give to them, so they should instruction what their doctor tell them to do to feel better.

Antibiotic resistance

The antibiotic drugs only resistant infection and many more in the late stages of development. This indicated that its combinations of drug against, for example, malaria have to be used because of this problem and antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections and are ineffective against viruses. Some antibiotic are kept in reserve to undertake malaria and other resistant infections and doctors are encouraged not to use these unless it's necessary to use.

Although the resistance occurs in other countries particularly where antibiotic have been available as over the counter preparations. This has not been the case in the UK because antibiotic may have been too easily obtainable in general practice for treating minor infections.

Funding available

There are many funding available for skin cancer and malaria this is because the shortfall of funds many health authorities may be compounded as general practice becoming eligible for extra financial under the new system of care and service provided. This means that the money that comes from the health authority budgets of the government has stated that health authorities have already received a massive increase in funding and they must manage their resources better. This indicated that the treatment regimes and equipment become increasingly expensive, the funding available for fighting disease become crucial to the availability of health care.


Skin cancer is generally linked with a limited which put of the high risk of factors that linked to ultraviolet radiation and sun exposure. These include too much sun exposure are effect during the adolescence age, and many type of skin colour can be effected with the disease. This indicated that skin cancer is high risk factors which are supported in the campaign to educate people aware of the sun and also to use sunscreens which is the best way for prevention the disease.

Although more than 90% or more are diagnosed annually in around the world and the UK. About 1 in 10 of all people will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. This is because some people are concerned about skin cancer seem to be aware of the fact that sun exposure is an high risk factor for the skin, but some other people fail to use the information in a consistent way to formulate a ruling of their own vulnerability to harm.

Malaria is a serious disease found mostly in topical area where it causes million of people deaths every year. Although malaria is the top 10 killer diseases in the world, and this indicated that annual estimates vary between 100 or more million people incidents of malaria and more dead in around the world, and about 90% of which occur in tropical counties. This indicated that how dangerous malaria is and it continues to be a serious problem in a large part of the world.