Statement Of The Problem Management Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 4483

Training and Development program should inter every organization. And the training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a particular job. So the purpose of training to bridge the gap between job requirements and present competence of an employee. And every manager in every organization should follow the program of training and development to train new employees and develop the kills of old and new employees. So training is a short term process using a systematic and organized procedure by which non managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skills for specific purpose. Training and development is abroad concept as we know training involves helping an individual learn how to perform his present job satisfactorily. But development involves preparing the individual for a future job and growth of the individual in all respects.

1.2 Statement of the problem

A lot of companies achieve the success in meeting their goals and objectives of the business. And this successful return too many factors and training and development is one of that factors. So, it is important to set good program to reach the company their goals. The aim of this project is how Omantel trains their staff and why their staffs have high qualification and skills. And this organization always grows to development.

1.3 Objectives of the study

The purpose of this study is:-

To finish the courses that help to improve the skills of the employees.

To conclude the influence of the training on employee's performance.

To understand the concept of the training and development in practical in companies.

To improve the company's ways in training program.

1.4 Research Methodology

There are many methods to get information as primary data by distribution questionnaires to the company staff when we visit them. And the secondary data that are obtained by researching the books that are related to Human Research.

1.5 Anticipated problem

The time of the course is too short.

Sometime respondents don't want to fill the questionnaires.

Some organization are not helpful and not honestly.

The books that are accessible in library in our college are not complete for our subjects.

1.6 Chapter Summary

Chapter one include the brief introduction about the (Training and Development). And chapter two explains the information that are related to literature review about the subject and other studies. Chapter three will discuss the research methodology. Chapter four will talk about the finding and discussion of the results that we found from the questionnaires. Chapter five gives the summary and conclusion about the whole our study and also provides some recommendations to continue the advancement of Omantel company. And help the other companies to reach to the successful. . Chapter six appendixes of questionnaires and interview.

Chapter (2)


This chapter presents some literatures and studies have relative to the training and development.

2.2 The definition of training and development.

Training and development is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of employees.

It has been said that:

"Training a developing staff is seen as an important part of work organization. Employees organization see training as the way to upgrade the skills of the workplace to take on new technologies and challenges from overseas. Trade unions see training and development as the way forward for members to keep jobs. All agree that encouraging people to undertaken training and development is one of the main tasks in the organization"(Jane Weightman 1999:159).

According to Jane Weightman 1999: 162 , development is necessary for change so by its very nature it will sometimes question and undermine the very philosophy that set up the training in the first place. And there are different philosophic views of training for example: the first one is Elitism said that he has its roots in long-established patterns of provision over long periods of time. Training is reserved for high status work the dominant view throughout the UK till the 1960s.The second one is Centralism and authoritarianism he said that this is where training is imposed by a personnel or training department after identifying training needs using the authority of top management and the last one is Continuous development is currently in favor with training people, personnel practitioners and writers in this area".

It has been said that:

"Training can be divided in to a number of different elements. Each may be carried

out at several levels, in different ways and at different stages in the employment

relationship. Theses elements are: identifying training needs -in the light of the

overall objectives of the organization and the specific requirements of individuals,

Planning and organizing training to meet those needs, designing and delivering it

and evaluating the effectiveness of training. Work to theses four ends lies at the

core of the training function"(Penny Hackett 2003:1).

According to David King 1969:125, it is process which takes place within

individual. The function of the trainer is to entice the mysterious process to

develop within the learner. This means that the trainer must be prepared to see

his pupils advance if necessary beyond his own abilities.

2.3 When the training is required?

According to Penny Hackett 2003:7, training makes its best contribution to the development of individual and through them to the organizations for which they work when well motivated learners are learning something which is of value to them and to their organizations. Training is required on account of the following reasons: Job requirements, technological changes, organizational viability and internal mobility. Employees selected for a job might lack the qualifications required to perform the job effectively. New and inexperienced employees require detailed instruction for effective performance on the job. New employees need to provide orientation training to make them familiar with the job and the organization. And Technology is changing very fast.

2.4 Importance of Training and Development.

Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals. Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display.

So According to Steven L Mcshane and Marry Ann , training program can provide many advantages to the employees and to the organization for example: Higher productivity, better Quality of Work, less Leaning Period, cost Reduction, reduced Supervision, low Accident Rate, high Morale, personal Growth and organizational climate. So training helps to improve the level of performance. Trained employees perform better by using better method of work. A systematic training program helps to reduce the time and cost involved in learning. And employees can more quickly reach the acceptable level of performance. They need not waste their time and efforts in learning through trial and error. Trained employees make more economical use of materials and machinery. Also trained personnel adopt the right work methods and make use of the prescribed safety devices.

2.5 Who Should Be Involved in Training?

There are five key parties that should be involved in learning analytics: Trainee, Trainer, Training Department, Trainee's Line Manager and your training vendor (when applicable). Each has a different focus for what they want from the learning evaluation process. Trainee wants to confirm that the course has met his or her personal expectations and satisfied any learning objectives set by the Training Department at the beginning of the program.

Trainer wants to ensure that the training provided has been effective. Training Department wants to know whether the course has made the best use of the resources available. Trainee's Line Manager and other Senior Managers want reassurance that the time and money that the trainee has spent in attending training results in value for the organization and whether any deficiencies in knowledge and skill have been addressed effectively.

2.6 Benefits of training to employees.

Training is useful to employees in the many ways:

Self confidence: Training helps to improve the self confidence of an employee. It enables him to approach and perform his job with enthusiasm.

Higher earnings: Trained employees can perform better and thereby earn more.

Safety: Training helps an employee to use various safety devices. He can handle the machines safety and becomes less chance to accidents.

Adaptability: Training enables an employee to adapt to changes in work procedures and methods.

2.7 Training design.

The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training objective has been produced. The training objective clears what goal has to be achieved by the end of training program i.e. what the trainees are expected to be able to do at the end of their training.

Training objectives assist trainers to design the training program.

The trainer - Before starting a training program, a trainer analyzes his technical, interpersonal, judgmental skills in order to deliver quality content to trainers.

The trainees - A good training design requires close scrutiny of the trainees and their profiles. Age, experience, needs and expectations of the trainees are some of the important factors that affect training design.

Training climate - A good training climate comprises of ambience, tone, feelings, positive perception for training program, etc. Therefore, when the climate is favorable nothing goes wrong but when the climate is unfavorable, almost everything goes wrong.

Trainees' learning style - the learning style, age, experience, educational background of trainees must be kept in mind in order to get the right pitch to the design of the program. Training strategies - Once the training objective has been identified, the trainer translates it into specific training areas and modules. The trainer prepares the priority list of about what must be included, what could be included.

Sequence the contents - Contents are then sequenced in a following manner:

• From simple to complex

• Topics are arranged in terms of their relative importance

• From known to unknown

• From specific to general

Training tactics - Once the objectives and the strategy of the training program becomes clear, trainer comes in the position to select most appropriate tactics or methods or techniques. The method selection depends on the following factors:

• Trainees' background

• Time allocated

• Style preference of trainer

• Level of competence of trainer

• Availability of facilities and resources.

2.8 Omantel Company.

Omantel Telecommunication Company was established in March 2004, but its infrastructure has been in place since 1996.As the largest, leading and best mobile communications provider, Omantel has always prided itself on its list of firsts. Omantel is the first in the Sultanate to specialize in developing, operating and providing mobile communication services to add value to the lives of its customers.

Omantel is the leading mobile communication provider in the Sultanate offering the widest and highest levels of coverage possible. Coverage more than 90% of the Oman population in 59Wilayats and 3,482 residential areas, Omantel helps its customers continuously stay connected by providing increasing coverage to maximum corners of the country. Omantel has worked from the day it was first established to participate with society in all of its national and social events. This emanates from its important aim to serve both the citizens and residents of the Sultanate.

2.9 Human resources in Omantel.

Omantel continued its program of developing Omani Staff and providing Oman nationals with excellent career opportunities to work in the company and provide them facilitates to train them and develop their skills.

In addition, Omantel understands the importance of Human Resource Development to maintain its lead in technology innovations and to serve its customers better. This policy helps to lead 89% Omanization of the workforce and 100% at senior management level.

The company prides itself in employing well-trained and qualified staff, especially Omani, in order to improve the overall efficiency of the company by good training. As part of privatization, the company is currently in the process of developing benchmarked Human Resource Policies and Procedures.

2.10 Training and development.

To meet the challenges of a fast evolving telecommunications industry, the company invests heavily in the training and development of its Omani staff. During 2002, the company spent RO.2 million on Training and Development.

The company established training Center and has a scholarship scheme to upgrade the level of qualifications of its staff. The scheme depends upon the future staffing needs of the company to meet the objectives of the company. During the year 2002, the company provides a number of courses to 1341 staff in the Training Center.

In addition, a total of 104 staff were studying in various local colleges to gain degree and diploma qualifications. And 92 Omani staff was pursuing their graduate, post graduate, doctoral degree courses aboard.

A part from Omantel's own training facilities, the company utilizes the services of overseas and local training institutes to train the stuff in Information Technology and Computer Systems. The company provides on-the job training to students of Sultan Qaboos University and other local colleges in limited numbers.

2.11 Omanization training in Omantel.

According to the decision to omanization certain technical jobs in the telecom sector, a meeting was held with managements of private companies in July 2002. At the meeting, a plan was approved to recruit candidates from open market and train them in 24 different specializations at 3 levels such as University Graduates, Diploma holders and Secondary School Leavers.

Training in Omantel started on 24th December, 2002. Training includes Technical English and 24 specialties. All categories of trainees are given Technical English course. 252 candidates were selected or attending the training, as per details given below:




Diploma holders

Secondary School Leavers






Chapter (3)


This chapter shows the research methodology used to conduct this study about my subject which is Training and Development.

3.2 Research design.

It is a survey and it use questionnaires that are distributed to the employees in all departments of Omantel company and make meeting with Mr. Abdullah AL.Reyami, the manager of training and development department of the company as interview.

3.3 The respondents.

A total 10 of questionnaires are going to be distributed to the employees in each department of Omantel Company to access to information that I need it in my investigation.

3.4 The Instruments used.

This study mainly uses questionnaires and interviews to reach my goal by getting necessary information about the training and development in Omantel company.

3.5 Questionnaire.

The questionnaires that I wrote, it will be distributed to the employees in all departments in the company. And each questionnaire includes two parts one is multiple choices questions and the other is open-ended questions. 10 questionnaires will be distributed to employees who are existing in all departments in Omantel Company.

3.6 Interview.

The interviews will be held with Mr. Abdullah AL.Reyami, the manager of training and development department in Omantel company to gather more information about the training program in that company. However, the questions prepared for the interviews will be only open-ended questions. Those questions will help us to find out the current situation of the training process at the company, and if there is any problem related to it.

3.7 Analysis of the data.

The data that is collected will be analyzed using tables, bars and graph diagrams. And the reasons for choose this way is that the information gathered will be easier to be understood using tables, bars and graph diagrams. Also, it will be easier to read by other external readers.

Chapter (4)


This chapter represents the analysis of the data collected in the course of investigation.

Table 4.2: Training courses that the company gives the employees.



Percentages (%)




Strongly agree






Strongly disagree






Figure 4.3: Training courses that the company gives the employees.

Through my research the distribution was to 30 responders, and I found that in the first question 50% of the responders agree that the company gave them training courses that enhance with their skills. And 33% out 30 were strongly agree about training courses that enhance their skills but 17% out 10 strongly disagree.

Table 4.4: The guideline that the company gives their employees



Percentages (%)







I don't know






Figure 4.5: The guideline that the company gives their employees

In the second question 73% of responders said that the company didn't give them clear guide line about future training courses when they joined to the company. And 23% of them said yes but 4% out 30 said they don't know.

Table 4.6: Moving to AL-Nawras Company.



Percentages (%)




Strongly agree






Strongly disagree






Chart 4.7: Moving to AL-Nawras Company.

Through the investigation about training program it was founded in the third question, 57% of responders disagree moving to another company even they have any chance to work

In AL.Nawras and 33% of them they strongly disagree to moving another company but 10% of them said that they will move the company if they get chance to move and they said that moving depends.

Table 4.8: Satisfy of training courses of the company.



Percentages (%)







I don't know






Figure 4.9.: Satisfy of training courses of the company.

It was founded that, 67% of the responders they satisfy about training courses that the company gave them. But 33% of them don't satisfy about training courses that were giving by the company.

Table 4.10: Difference before and after attending the training program



Percentages (%)




Strongly agree






Strongly disagree






Table 4.11: Difference before and after attending the training program

Through the investigation about training program it was founded in the five question, 83% of the responders agree there are different before and after attending the training program and it was founded 1% of the responders strongly disagree .

Table 4.12: The numbers of training courses.



Percentages (%)
















Chart 4.13: The numbers of training courses.

47% of the responders said that the company gave them 3-4 times training courses since they joined to the company and 3% of them said the company gave them 5-7 times training courses and 7% 0f them make training courses about 1-3 times and 43% of them make training courses more than 7 times.

Analysis of open Questions

4.14: Types of training courses.

In Question seven found that 67% of the responded they need computer courses to improve their skills especially in network, UNIX and database, while 16% they want training courses in leadership and management. The other 17% they need English courses to improve their language and to know how to deal with customers and workers.

4.15: Challenges of training program

According to the responders they answered in question eight, the most challenges that they face during their training are: instructor some time not good, some time the course is not related to their job.Aslo the time was very short with a lot of information, so they can't concentrate on their training .Adopting to new environment is also one of their challenge which they were faced.

4.16: Why prefer training courses inside or outside Oman

Also it has found that out of 30 responders, 67% of them prefer to have training courses outside Oman and that because of new facilities and developed equipments. And only 33% prefer it inside Oman, if the tools are available. The benefit of training courses in the view of all the responders that it increases their knowledge and their experiment.

4.17 The second method of analysis data is interview

The information was collected through interview with Mr. Abdullah Al Reymi who is the manger of training in Omantel company. He helps me to gather the information about the training program in the company by answering my questions.

Mr. Abdullah said all departments must have their own training programs where the technical sector might need more training to improve the quality of providing the services to the customers.

And he insure that every employee should go on different level of training starting from basic to advance its depend on the progress of the employee, and current position. Some employees need more training to improve their skills e.g. Team Management, advance training on current working system, where the other need it to gain new technologies or systems that they will work on it in future.

Mr. Abdullah said that train employees inside or outside Oman depends on the training program e.g. two abroad training and three locally per year for each staff. This will give a opportunity for the staff to get refreshed and provide different atmosphere when going overseas, where the locally training give more chances for the employees to attend one course and cost less.

He added that every staff are evaluated based on the progress where the courses are studded accordingly with the need of it. And the difference must be there and it depends on the staff and some staff understands the system from the first course where some need more courses to get fully understand of training.

He said they didn't face any rejection from any employee for training but he said if the staff rejected the training in that case they should investigate and based on reason behind rejection the solution must be provided by changing the training subject.

At the end at the last question Mr. Abdullah recommended for improving process of training and development employees in any organization and he recommended that every organization should have its own training center , training budget, and educated trainers to provide any training required by that organization. The trainers might be engineers who working in that field or that sector.

Chapter (5)


5.2 Conclusion.

Training is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of employees. Training is about knowing where you stand (no matter how good or bad the current situation looks) at present, and where you will be after some point of time. So no one can deny that Omantel is the leading mobile telecommunication service provider in Oman.

Through my investigation about training and development we found that the company gives their employees training courses that enhance with their skills. And the company gives them guide line when they joined to the company and that guide line helps them to understand the training program of the company. In addition, most of responders don't agree to move to AL.Nawras Company even if they have any chance to move. Also I found the employees of Omantel satisfy about training courses that the company gives them. And the company gives their employees also more than 7 times training courses since they joined to the company and it motivates them to improve their skills. And I think the company gives good courses for training and this depend on the balance of the company.

5.2 Recommendations

The company should give training courses that is related to the skills of trainees.

The company should give their employees clear guideline about future training courses when they join to the company.

Omantel company should provide more courses of English, computer and other important courses.

Some time the company prefers expatriates employees than Omani and shouldn't make any type of discrimination.

The company should give chance for employees to travel abroad Oman for training.

5.3 Personal learning

Nowdays, The training and development are very important in any organization.The training and development one of the important factors lead to success.So, It is important to set good program to reach the company their goals. The researcher learns how Omantel trains their employees and why their employees have high qualification and skills. And this company grows to development and advance. The researcher learn how training help to improve the skills of employees,the influence the training on employee's performance.Also,The researcher understand the concept of the training and development in practical in companies and learn ways to improve training program. The researcher learn the benefits of training to employees.Training is useful to employees in the many ways self confidence,higher earnings,safety,adaptability,promotion,new skills and increase job satisfaction and motivation,innovation in strategies and products, reduce employees turnover.

Chapter (6)

Appendix A


I am studying in Shinas College of Technology in specialization of human resource. I have project about Training and development and I would like you to help me by answering these questions, and sorry for taking some part of your time giving me part of your time.

Gender: Male Female

Age 20-30 30-40


1. Do you think training courses you were given have enhanced your skill?

Agree strongly agree disagree strongly disagree

Did the company give you a clear guid line about future training courses, when you joined to the company?

Yes No I don't know

3. If you get a chance to work in AL-Nawras, will you move?

Agree strongly agree disagree strongly disagree

Are you satisfied about training courses that were given by the company?

Yes No I don't know

Did you feel that there are a huge difference before and a after attending the training programs?

Agree strongly agree disagree strongly disagree

How many training courses did the company give you since you joined to the company?

1-3 3-4 5-7 more

What types of training courses that are important for you and you ask the company to provide them for you?




What are the most challenges that you face when you go for training programs?





9. Where do you prefer to have training courses inside or out side Oman? Why?




10. What are your recommendations in developing training programs at the company?




Appendix B


How much did you allocate for training?

Which department you pay more attention regarding training programs?

How do you decide that this employee needs such training program?

Where do you prefer to train employees inside or out side Oman? Why?

How many training courses normally you give for each employee each year?

Did you feel that there is a huge difference before and after your employees attending training programs?

Where do you normally train your employee?

How do you convince your employees to attend training program if they reject to go?

What are the most core problems you face in training process?

What are your recommendations for improving the process of training and development employees in any organization?