Smart antenna using multiple switched beam

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 655

Design & Simulation Of A SMART Antenna Using Multiple Switched Beam For Mobile Telecommunication Networks


In a typical Mobile telecom networks, a tri sector based antenna also termed as “clover” is employed. Each antenna structure in the tri sector architecture is spaced at 120° with respect to the adjacent antenna thus serving a spatial diversity of 120°. Due to increase in demand for packet transfer, capacity is given vital importance as much as coverage. In a 3G mobile networks, unlike its predecessor where coverage and capacity both being independent, they are interdependent to each other mainly in systems based on CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) or WCDMA (Wide Band Code Division Multiple Access). As the demand for capacity increases at an exponential rate, the planning complexity also increases as 3G networks are designed for multiservice system. Thus calculation of cell size in 3G telecom networks is more complex than in 2G.

By replacing the single 120° beam of the standard sector antenna with multiple narrow beams which can be switched for optimum performance, not only the antenna gain is increased but also the interference is reduced thus greatly improves the SINR (Signal to Interference-plus-Noise Ratio).

This project investigates the multi beam forming networks with Array antennas and includes the design and computer simulation of multiple switched beam Smart Antennas.


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