Scientific management is an approach that highlight on the scientific study of work methods that improves workers effectiveness thus increase production .Representatives of this approach include Frederick Winslow Taylor ,frank and Lillian Gilbreth and Henry Gantt (Martin,2005:page34).
Frederick Winslow Taylor has research where that the human body as a machine and can developed work more effectively and efficiently. Taylor believed any job could be analysed and improved if there was a science of work (Inkson and kolb, 2002). Frank and Lillian Gilbreth proposed motion studies to streamline the bricklaying process whereby Frank designed special scaffolding for different types of job. This lead to the workers increasing brick laid per day from 1000 to 2700 without increase in physical efforts (Martin, 2001: page 37).Henry L Gantt, one of Taylor' closest associates made his contributions in the scientific management approach with the Gantt chart. A planning, scheduling and control graphic aid that is still used (Martin, 2001:page38).
Advantages of systematic scientific selection a managements are the systematic selection and progressive development of the workers whereby people are scientifically selected for the tasks which they can perform and training are given to further their knowledge and abilities at it.
Taylor's four principles of scientific managements are management to co-operate with workers in ensuring the use of proper methods. Secondly, workers are carefully selected and trained to perform tasks using scientifically developed methods. Thirdly, each part of a task is studied scientifically and a best method is developed to performing it. Work and responsibilities are divided between the management and workers whereby the management is responsible for planning work methods using scientific principles and workers are responsible for doing the work.
"Scientific management has been accused of alienating the workers from their job and one of the few sources of 'power' which employees have (the power of skill, the of implicit in planning the job as well as executing it)'' (Inkson and Kolb), 2002: page53).Disadvantages of scientific managements are the replacements of skilled workers with unskilled workers thus decreasing the improvement of skills and ideas. Other disadvantages is that it could lead to lower job satisfaction, absenteeism rate will increase, labour turnover, accidents will occur frequently, poor motivation is poor and mental health is loss.
However, scientific management can also create new responsible jobs which include more management's job and in any case may be inevitable in an environment where competition is high and each person is striving for maximum efficiency (Inkson and kolb, 2002).
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b) Administration Management
Administration Management is an approach that emphasise on principle for managers to apply on the whole structure and functioning of the organisations. Henri Fayol and Chester Barnard, both executives of large firm were two major contributions to this approach (Martin, 2001: Page 40)
According to Henri Fayol, "there are five major functions of management and they are planning, controlling, coordinating and organising"(Wikipedia Org,2012).These five functions are based on the 14 principles that Fayol developed which had been in effective in his own management and he believed could be used if applied anywhere (lnkson and Kolb,2002). Chester Barnard best know authority depends less on those who gives orders that on those receive them, which are willing to adhere to it.
Advantages of administrative management are the unities of command whereby employees are to receive orders from one superior only. Fayols view on centralisation according to the circumstance allows for flexibility on decision making. He advocates the managers to show considerations for employees and to value the ideas, cooperativeness and the teamwork they show, as in his principles of equity, initiative and esprit de corps. Managers are given the right to give orders with authority accompanied by responsibility) Inkson and Kolb, 2002).Work is divided according to the speciality of an employee and they should provide efficient results. Discipline is important in any company, staffs should be on their best behaviour in order for the smooth running of the organisation and this may depend on good leadership. Order should be maintained throughout the entire organisation and materials are to be kept in well-chosen place so as to make work easier for everyone. Hierarchical chain of authority defines the communication pathway in an organisation whereby it extends from top to button and horizontal communication can be used so as long as the managers are well informed (Martin,201;Page41).
Disadvantages of administrative of administrative management are the management oriented theories where the managers, supervisors and employers don't give much attend to the employees. The mechanical approach it has does not deal with the important aspects of managements namely communication, leading and motivation. Concepts that are borrowed from the military science, for example, Henri gave the important of commanding and not directing the employees. Less important is give to the informal organisations structure than it is it to the importance of formal organisation (Wikipedia Org, 2012)
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Part 2 A
The reason behind this formation of business is mainly due to the lifestyle changes created by modern living whereby the restaurant industry is growing steadily thus the owner wants to invest in it so as to make profit.
An economic reason is that the owner has money and wants to invest it in food service eating away from home.
Personal reason why the owner wants to open his business of the experience and knowledge that he has gained for being in the business similar to this one foe 34 years and accompanies with the money with he wishes to invest in the market.
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Important management strategies are needed in order to start a business, profits and achieve its goals. Some of which are. Roles ,functions ,efficiency ,effectiveness, skills and competencies .These strategies are discussed as follows:
Firstly , Tasty Food are providing efficiency and effectiveness by purchasing new equipment's and dining room furnishings to renovate the restaurant. The kitchen is designed for high standards of sanitary efficiency and will be cleaned daily. Food costs and inventory control will be monitored by the computer system and checked daily by management .food will be mostly ordered stored in large coolers in the basement .food for delivery maybe prepared beforehand and stocked. Catering will be treated as deliveries .food will constantly be tested for high standards of freshness and purity .Employees will be receiving substantial information from the chef and will be kept informed on the latest on health eating .
Secondly , roles in the business include the owner as the chief chef and Tasty Food have assembled an impressive board of directors that represent some top professionals from the area which they believe would be a great asset to the development of the company. Best equipment has been retained to the design department.
Thirdly, competencies are that the employees will be trained in the applications and philosophy of their different specific duties. The chef will be providing extensive information to the employees and will update them on a daily basis on the latest health eating issues.
Furthermore , the skills that Tasty Food offers to the employees are competitive wages and salaries and key personnel will receive benefit packages.
In conclusion, function of Tasty food are the responsibility for the financial well-being of the business .The owner starts that the factors and responsible actions that will result in meeting the companies' basic financial goals are the effect of the products on the health and well being of the customers and staff. The impact that the business practices and choices will have on the environment and high quality of fairness , attitude , understanding and generosity between management , staff customers and vendors is another factor to be considered.
These management strategies will help Tasty food to achieve its goal in creating a reputation of quality, consistency and security (safety of food) that will make it the leader if a new style of dining.
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