In the era of 21st century, the term of Human Resource Management is significantly playing the broader role in managing the people from various perspectives. As soon as a person is hired for a particular job, he is entertained with personal training so he could get the pace with the already designated staff members (Brewster, 2004). The purpose behind this training is not only to flourish them with the running system of the organization but includes the complete description of their job roles. They could become effective members of the staff and reach the expected level of performance more quickly. For this reason, induction programmes are designed to help the newly employed staff members to shape up their position among the organizational structure, which would affect the success of the company.
According to Schuler & Jackson, 2008, to satisfy the immediate requirements of the job, employee needs the knowledge and skills which provides the specific training to perform certain activities. Performing general activities are referred through the development phase of human resource management and it entails long term opportunities for the employees. The training activities involved in the work area is a useful tool to identify the training and development needs. In every day jobs, training is the core to the success of the organization. The purpose of providing the training and development to the staff is to make them skilful with knowledge, so they could handle and satisfy the immediate requirements of the organization.
This is not limited to provide new skills and knowledge to assembly workers but also to enhance the knowledge of the managers, in managing the organizations in a better way (Gratton, 2009). The need of obtaining the knowledge and skills is referred through training and development including the abilities and skills to perform a specific goal. The attained benefits from training and development are very broader for employees and the organization. In order to meet the demands of the business, various learning actions are fetched through the training and development. The purpose is to train them for certain tasks, sharing the existing knowledge, better customer service and development of career. It would not only expand the individual esteem and level of confidence but also work similar and effectively on the groups segmented within the organization.
Various factors are involved behind the exaggeration of the training and development among the organizations such as, downsizing, less formal education, competition at the global level, jobs exportation and also the workforce aging (Brewster, 2004). All these factors contribute towards the encouragement of the need of continuous training and development within the organization. It has been observed from the last few decades that the organizations are focusing on the training but have neglected the development phase. Every single individual feels the need of the development only if it is moved from business to individual level. But on the other side, if the process moves revert, some of the modern organizations are hiring highly trained professionals and does not require the training and development for their staff. In reality, the strategies should be adopted by the organizations to train their employees to raise the organizational moral and social values. The purpose is not only limited to develop the employees beyond the control of organizations but also to offer further career opportunities and better jobs. This emphasis from the organization to the employees gives ample chances to grow in their career with social mobility (Mann, 2009).
The modern economy has more awareness of knowledge which has created an impact on the organizations to become the learning organizations. Various trends among business world has fuel the organizations to become the leading learning organizations due to the rapid change and development in competencies, technology and leadership styles. The organizations consistent attitude towards learning has expanded the horizon of human resource management, business performance and capital knowledge. Human resource management is considered to be the integral part of the implementation of such strategies, designing and development of organizations. Although various trends are entailed within the current organizations but still some trends are focusing on the importance of training and development of their staff (Swart, 2004).
Due to the increased importance of the training and development, training departments of the human resource have to work closely to the training centres to prepare the employees having high potentials for leadership roles. The significant business challenge is the globalization and competition with other businesses. For training and development, the strategic management approaches to meet these business challenges has brought into attention by the human resource management departments (Monks & McMackin, 2001). The ability of the HR is to identify the capital resources of the organization which would be used to improve the staff skills. The organizational success is paramount through the implementation of strategic training and development. The imperatives of learning strategies are appropriately determined through HR, which also explores the required information.
The organizations regard those employees who have the skills to utilize in the workplace and also have the ability to shine their career with development. On the other side, all employees want to avail the opportunities to grow within the business and dreams, when they leave, they would be equipped with the prestigious and valuable work experience and organizational knowledge which could be utilized in the other workplace to sustain its position for the better future.
Particularly, HP the leading organization has offered the broad range of training and development programmes and benefits to its employees to improve their career and reflect it through the business improvement. The development opportunities at professional level such as courses, seminars, conferences and counselling sessions had been integrated by HP to generate the significant motivation among the employee which would create trust and initiative among them. It has not only helped the employees to sustain their image in the business but also improved the retention of the business, which has created the very positive impact on the organization.
The human resource department of HP has focused on the following few strategies to reap the business, such as appropriate designing the development strategies meeting the staff and organization need, the final goals and objectives to be kept in mind, what benefit the staff would entail when they are under any training and development programme. The programme of training and development by the human resource department in HP entertained many opportunities to its staff members to integrate better and improved relationships within the networks of internal and external levels. These strategies also indicate the involvement of all participants towards the HP goals and objectives.
Among the modern organizations, due to the awareness of multiple rights have evolved the relationship between the employee and the organizations (Brewster, 2000). Modern businesses are putting emphasis on the employees to find the solutions for the businesses. The organizations are not expecting solely from the employees but also wanted contributions from various teams working within the organizations. Organizations and businesses usually consider the employees a consistent learner, who brings his personal attitude and learning style along with the motivational factors, those can influence his working and performance capacity. So the main theme behind all this is to integrate the learning environment within the business so the business could grow and while implementing the experience of various employees.
The senior management of any organization should be committed to integrate the training and development of strategic type within the organization to sustain the business values. Along with that, it is very much important for the human resource management department to recognize the conceptual framework of training and transfer.
Research methodology and tools
The case study is based on the role of human resource management department of Hewlett Packard. To attain the necessary information, research methodology will be used, which would be based on the primary and secondary data collection methods. In the secondary data collection phase, previous literature on the human resource management of HR would be studies, including journals, books and publications. On the other side, the collection of primary data will be done through interviews and survey questionnaires of high officials of HP operating the human resource management department.
Survey Questionnaire
According to the recent surveys, it has been noticed that there is not much literature available on the human resources management operations within the HP. So to collect the data, I will use the survey questionnaire for sampling and analysis. The purpose of the questionnaire would be to meet the objectives of my research.
Ethical Considerations
“Most ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects by researchers within the western cultural tradition require that anonymity and/or confidentiality are guaranteed, consent is informed, dignity is maintained and, on balance, the individual and society receive more benefit than harm.†Couchman & Dawson (1990). To follow the same context, few subjects would be considered before I will conduct the research, they are as:
Confidentiality & Data Protection
The participants information will be kept confidential and will not be obtained from any of them without their prior authorizations. Another important factor is that, it is not related to any one’s personal information, it would be about the internal operation of the human resource management.
Academic Integrity
Under no circumstances, Edge Hill University standards would be neglected and all information will be kept for the academic and research purposes.