Becoming A Human Resources Strategic Partner Business Essay

Published: November 4, 2015 Words: 2629

Going about this essay, one of the best way believed to go around it is thinking about the approach to be used first, it shall be a conceptual clarification and critical evaluation of the subject of discourse;" Becoming an HR Strategic partner: tales of transition".

In the view of this it will enable readers of this piece; to have a better and clearer understanding of what is being discussed.

This report is to cover the gap between the former examination of HRM strategic partners form the role perspective (Truss. el., al 2002; Caldwell. 2003)

To start with we need to understand some basic question by wish the answer to the question will give more understanding to the reader what this piece is all about; at this point we are aware that the issue of discursion is about HRM and the tale of transition, but before then it will be wise to know what is Human Resource Management?

It was first coined during 1960s. The emergence of the function began in business establishments introduction of the concept of welfare management. This two terms gave credence to an elaborate administrative functions, planning a different method / ways in processing the ways in which personnel department can function.

Human Resource Management became a suitable name for this function over time. This happened in the United States in the first instance and later as a multinational cooperation, which reflects the take in of a many quantitative ways as well as strategizing method to labor (work force or the laborer), management, assured by the corporate management and the greater scramble for scarce and high skilled trained labor or work force.

The term human resource management (HRM) used by organisations in describing the work force capacity that were on ground to commit to the benefit in the strategy, have been seen by the concepts of development in the company / establishment psychology and systematic theory. Meanwhile there are two interconnectivities went interpreting. Depend on the concepts. HRM in the meantime has two interconnecting interpretation depending on contexts. The aim usage systems from the economy and economics, where it is otherwise known as labour, one among the factors of production. Nevertheless this perspective has move as a consequence of continuous research into a lot of strategic methodology.

The very first use of the human resources development to the individuals within an business establishment, though the approach can also be applied beyond the level of the organization to that of industry sectors and nation.2 (McLean, 2006).

The initial development of the term Human Resource Management, HRM is a combination of 2 factors; in the late 19th century, organizations like Cadbury at its Bourneville factory realised the importance of taking care of the wellbeing of the work force, and their house hold. The reality of taking on ladies in to the industries United kingdom during the first world war led to the introduction of "welfare officers"2. This is one movement that warranted the early development of this function. Also worthy to note is the movement occasioned in the United States of America where there was the way they have reacted to the focus of Taylorism or scientific management during the 1900s, which have developed in the way of response to the needs for ever more efficient working practices within highly mechanized industries like Ford Motor company. In the 1900s, psychologists and employment experts in the United States began the human relations movement, which viewed workers differently, base on their mental psychology or physical fitness with companies, rather than as just change in work force once they notice that one is got an issue.


It is wise to acknowledge that there is no a right and wrong system or ways to practice HRM or the way it should been or a general acceptable universal definition of HRM, as it is more of a personnel view and the preparative which the head of an organization is looking at the context form. Issue or the political status of the country. As it stand now among the world economics leading nations, giant or economically strength countries, there are also the three economical power one from each continent, and as the case maybe, one of the strongest economical countries in each continent, in the America continent United State of America is selected in the Asian region Japanese is selected and in the European Union Germany is selected. This three so call economical "giant" they all still practices different system and got different views of how they see the context of (SHRM). Americans and the Japanese they both got and practices two opposite form of SHRM, while in the European Union Germany has got a bit different form the above two mention, Germany HRM system is a bit of the American and a bit of the Japanese, and there is no right or wrong answer as to what and how SHRM should be seen or in the way any of the countries practice or operate his or her own systems. Nevertheless they tend to copy positivity's form each other, if at any time a system use is more practicable the other country will try to implement it in his or her own way. Markuus P. (2006 pages 123 -153).

China been another world economical leader which has got a wealthy academic literature in Chinese management, china has also come under a bewildering array of HRM reaches. Makx argue there should be

A separation between true and fact, which to an expend is still a hard topic in the SHRM, because one will want to argue who and what determine the fact and the true, determines the true or the fact, what is the standard were it can be measured. His argument is that empirical analyses were chine can practices. As we will might be of the know that there is no two same person or two same situation, everybody and every situation is unique in his or her own way.


During the middle of the last century,after the second world war, Corporations in the United States, typically larger ones that emerged, recruiting staffs or people that was already working for the US military who were willing to take on a new employment screening selection, training, leadership, and management development techniques, originally developed by the US Armed services man, working with, for instance, a university resident occupational psychologists. Moreover there are some branded names European multinationals, e.g. Shell and Phillips, who there the once that brought the new method to personnel development and took with a similar methodology in existence, which was used in the civil service training. This overtime spread more sophisticated policies and processes that required more central management via a personnel section composed of specialists and generalist teams.

Human Resource Management otherwise known as HRM is the activities existing in an organization (be it business or non-business organisation) geared towards recruitment of persons, management of such persons and provision of direction for such persons working in the particular organisation.

Human Resource Management is also seen as the organisational effort dealing with issues related to people; and this includes, compensation, hiring, performance management, organisational development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration and training.

Its definition and interactions with other aspects of business planning and strategy is not absolute and opinion varies between different writers. According to the CIPD; Strategic HRM: the key to improved business performance, strategic HRM is being regarded as a general approach to the strategic management of human resources in accordance with the goals of the organisation having in mind, future direction it will take. It is also connected with longer-term people issues and macro-concerns that have to do with structure, quality, culture, values, commitment and matching resources to future need. The definition is well articulated further as: All those activities affecting the behaviour of individuals in their efforts to formulate and implement the strategic needs of business. The pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable the forms to achieve its goals.

Strategic human resource management should be proactive in the management of persons / people; it needs thinking ahead and planning ways in which a company can better meet the needs of its employees, likewise the employees meeting the needs of the company.

Companies that work hard to meet the needs of their employees would always create a work atmosphere which is right for productivity. HRM is the most suitable form of achieving this. By planning for the needs of employees by thinking ahead, a company can invariably improve the rate of skilled employees who chose to remain working for the company. Thus improving the retention rate of employee can actually reduce the money a company would spend on finding and training new employees.

Strategic human resource management (SHRM) can encompass a lot of Human Resource (HR) strategies. There may be series of strategies; they may not be Strategic Human Resource Management themselves. Strategic HRM is actually the overall format with which series of strategies can be shaped and delivered.

Another description offered by Boxall and Purcell maintained that; "Strategic HRM is concerned with explaining how HRM influences organizational performance". They argued that strategy is not the same as strategic plans. Strategic planning is the coordinated process or procedure that happens, usually in larger, more structured organizations, defining how things will be done. More so, strategy exists within all organisations even though it may not be written down and articulated. It defines the origination's behaviour and how it attempts to cope with its environment. Strategic HRM is based on HRM principles which incorporate the concept of strategy. In other words, if HRM is a coherent approach to the management of people, strategic HRM thus implies that it is done on a planned way that integrates organizational goals with policies and action sequences.'


This issue of HRM (Human Resources Management) came into land light during the middle 20th century. There were a lot of differences among the academicians who continue the on either 'Soft' or 'Hard' Human Resource. As many as who were of the argument of the so-called 'Soft HR' talked on areas like leadership, cohesion, and loyalty that play pivotal roles in business stablemen success. Meanwhile on the other hand they promote more of the quantitative rigorous management believes in the ways it should be handles

During the ending of the last saga of the century, the title and even with the traditional role of the personnel function was quite progressing and overwhelming with the emergence, (in some know establishment) of the strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) even more sophisticating when it comes to the human resources management department, in this case it was a bit different form just rebranding or naming the function, but perhaps as in any case studies, no one can argue with result, so the result of transformation became distinguished by the human resources management that having a more significant influence on the organizations strategic direction and gaining board-level represent in base on the result.

Business establishment or organization human recourse management should always look at reducing the financial return on her investment with in it human capital and also reduces to the least level his financial investment, of An organization's human resource management strategy should seek to reduce return on its investment in its organisation's human capital and minimize financial risk. Human Resources ways to achieve this is by aligning the supply of well trained and qualified personnel and the capabilities of the current labor force, with the establishment ongoing and future business plans and requirements to reduce income on investment and secure future existence and success. In confirming that such objectives are achieved, the human resource obligation purpose in this context is to implement the organization's human resources demanding effective but also pragmatically, bringing in to account of legal, ethical and as far as is practical in a manner that retains the support and respect of the laborer or the employees / work force.

Becoming an HR practitioner, certain key functions have to be carried out. HR will / will not bring Strategies and improve policies, levels, systems, and method wish carry / bring the strategies within different new ways of areas example; staffs recruitment /taking in process and selection, business establishment design and improvement, Business transformation with new looks, management performance, conduct with behavior management, industrial and employee relations, giving power to the employees, entitlement , rewards and benefits management, training and development.


The implementation of the above rules and regulations, way forward or levels can also be handle form HRM function itself, either it will be indirect handle by managers, or someone else that is very functional or via an agent with a separate organization.

HRM function has been described to cover a wide range of activities which is manifested in a series of organizational arrangements. The means under which practitioners effect variety of roles and , working with line managers, foster performance through effective management of the employment relationship is of paramount interest to both academics and practitioners (in respect of organisation and individuals). In as much there have been many different HRM role classifications, Ulrich and some others tried to define the strategic partner role as having to partner with senior and line managers in strategy execution. It further reflects in his writing, concern with simplistic distinctions between strategic as opposed to transactional HRM activities, It is also opined that the strategic partner is represented as a player whose objective is to add value through acting as a 'coach', architect, builder, facilitator, leader and conscience (Ulrich and Beatty, 2001:294).

An assertion on strategic partner as made by Dr. Katrina Pritchard sees it as "a local, flexible social construction framed by the broader occupational context". Dr. Pritchard went further to examine HRM practitioners, notion of becoming strategic Partners vise visa becoming a partner and remaining a generalist partner.

Becoming an HRM strategic Partner tales of transition entails movement of individuals from a generalist role to strategic partner role. It is the assumption of positions which enables one to add more value to a business organisation. A key aspect of practitioner's transition from the generalist role to a Strategic role is the training programme.


support and respect of the workforce

Work atmosphere

The transmission of HRM is still ongoing because if there is no universal general system or process that is acceptable worldwide then one can argue that whatever process or system that is use is not acceptable or right.

Nevertheless to the best of my knowledge it is of my believe that Strategic Human Resources is all about empowering people, given them the right to act or take decision that is needed for the enhancement of the organization they belong to. And (SHRM) is also a model of increasing an organization productivities.

The (SHRM) is to enhance and support his workforce, empower, respect, bridging the gap between the employee and the employer formulating and implement the strategic needs of business. The pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable the forms to achieve its goals.

Strategic human resource management should be proactive in the management of persons / people; it should always thinking ahead and planning ways in which a company can better meet the needs of its employees, likewise the employees meeting the needs of the company, as the quotation that state " it makes two to tango". If the business establishment takes good care of it work force in the other words it is taking good care of itself.

Finally we should understand at this point that there is no right or wrong ways to SHRM.