Robotics In Surgery Engineering Health Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 2230

This paper presents a technological achievement for the medical department. In the medical field of day-to-day life a person's usual need is his health. As the technology improves there are several advancements in the medical field also. Nowadays computer assists the doctors in the medical field. Medical field is improving day-by-day. There are so many organisations to take care of health in this world. There are so many instruments used in assistance to a doctor. In the past, doctors used only the instruments that are manually handled by him. Now the robots came into existence and decreased the work pressure of doctors and to make the surgery very accurate. Doctors can view the patient, ask questions, read patient records, view X-rays, and test results using these robots. It uses various technologies to increase the life span of a person. It is used in healthcare industry and robotic technology. It is also used in WiFi technology to examine and communicate to the patient to anywhere in the world. Robots have become doctor's regular practice in there clinics and hospitals. There are so many advantages in medical technology to improve our health. This report gives the details of the medical technology in healthcare and robotics in surgery.

In this assignment, I have given a report on two videos which gives the information of technology of robotics in medical surgery and engineering in healthcare. Robotics is developed in the 20th century to decrease the man power and make work easy. This development made it to start the robots its career in medical field. The robotic technology is used for minimal surgery with correct and accurate and also to co-operate with the instruments in the brain tumour surgery. In general the medical surgery using robots are well equipped in computer integrated surgery (CIS). They take three dimensional images and based on that the surgeon plans for the surgery. The report of the robotics in surgery with its technology, impact of robotics in surgery on business and society is good explained below.[1]

The Health care technology is defined as prevention and rehabilitation of vaccines, devices for medical and surgical procedures, pharmaceuticals and the systems within which help health is protected and maintenances [2].

Medical health care technologies can form many benefits to patients and clinicians, includes:

The life of patients through more efficient and effective treatments.

By giving advice to patients to remain in their homes rather than be admitted to hospital or care homes;

By making remote diagnosis and treatment possible.

By reducing treatment times.

Enabling clinicians to treat more patients more effectively.

Robotics in Surgery

Robotics is a computerised technology which deals with the engineering science and technology of robots. This technology is a combination powerful control units, a programming terminal, and process-oriented software for various medical applications. The history of robotics has been started some 800 years before Christ. The famous person "Isaac Asimov" coined this word "Robotics" in the year 1941. The robots were established in the 20th century but the commercial robots came only in 1961 and it is named as "Unimate".[3]

The International program in robotics started in 1982, to develop the robots outside the manufacturing sectors. As the technology started improving, the robots for industry also had been developed with six electromechanically driven axes known as "Famulus" in 1973. Therefore within few years later in 1986, the robots are used in Medical surgery. The advantages of medical robots are precision and miniaturization in medical operations. It also has three-dimensional magnification. Today in this Modern technology, more than 400 surgical robots are used.[3]

The Development of robots are involved with more than 100 universities and most of the research is also concentrated into one university. The Robotics system for surgery has two types of surgery. They are computer-integrated surgery (CIS) and medical robots. They are designed to assist the surgery for doing surgical procedure. They use surgery with the combination of robotic assistance and manual controlled tools. Medical robots are of several types by which it has manipulator design, by level of autonomy, by targeted anatomy or technique and operating environment.

Fig No:[1]

The surgical robots are classified into two types of system. Surgical CAD/CAM and Surgical assistants. The surgical CAD/CAM is illustrated using the basic information flow of CIS systems. This information tells us about the combined information of anatomy and variability. This information gets registered to the patient in the operating room using X-ray or ultrasound images. This sensing is used to assist the post surgical follow-up. The surgical CAD/CAM process is the most important one in medical surgery. It has certain advantages by which it depends based on individual application. There are several technical issues which provide advantages of finding ways to reduce the setup overhead and to provide a modular family of low cost robots.[4]

Surgery is an interactive process and the decisions of surgery are mostly done in the operating room. The surgical robots are used to help the surgeon with a new way of treating patients and not to replace them. They are called as surgical assistants as these robots help and assist the surgeons.[4]

MSRS (Master-Slave Robot System)

Master-Slave Robot System is used in research in which the master manipulator is controlled by surgeon and slave manipulator does the performance on patient. The master and slave manipulators are connected using computer, its operation and performance is also viewed using computer.

Fig No: [2]

There are also another techniques in robotic surgery is the imaging techniques which include three dimensional imaging such as computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging and two dimensional x-ray radiography, ultrasonography and fluoroscopy. These are the new technologies of image processing robotic surgery. This diagram tells us about the details of minimally invasive surgery. When the master manipulator is moved by the surgeon, it sends it motions to the robotic instrument that helps for the surgery of human body.[5]

2.1 The Impact of Robotics in surgery on business

Robotics in surgery mainly deals with medical technology techniques. It is the technological development of the surgery by the surgeon using robots. It is mainly used in minimally invasion procedures. These are used in very minute surgery mostly in brain tumour surgery. In the very highly equipped instruments there are only few companies in manufacturing these instruments. That particular instrument is used only in few hospitals and rarely using these instruments, the surgery made is costlier. The main impact is it reduces the man power and creates unemployment. The salary is also reduced and is used only on the maintenance of the robotic instruments. Nowadays in this technology all the disease have its own treatment and the treatment has also become very very easy. As the technology improves, the number of disease increases. The value of robots in surgery also increases. Sterilizing the instruments is always important.

The Impact of Robotics in surgery on society

Robotics is widely used in surgery with a great care for patients. The instruments that are used, has to be sterilized and operated for surgery. The life span of human being is increased and potential of life also has been increased. But the only impact on society and people is the cost of surgery is expensive as the instruments are available only in few hospitals and there are only less manufacturing companies. Thus these are the impacts of robotics in surgery on society.

3. Engineering Our Health Through Advances In Medical Technology

As per the technology in the Medical field for the human health we need of creating alternative person for their work. Health technology shows a wide range of health care products and is used to diagnose, monitor or treat every disease or condition that affects humans in any other circumstances .[6]

Now a day's technology in Computer plays a vital role for the education on the medical health. The Health IT for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act had been started to puts an enormous burden on covered entities in the form of mandatory notification to the patient if PHI is disclosed.[6]

The Medical technology may also explain about the duties performed by the clinical laboratory professionals within the private and public sectors. The work of these professionals combines clinical applications of chemistry, genetics, hematology, microbiology, and miscellaneous body fluid analysis. The engineering professionals may be referred to as Medical Technologists (MT), Medical Laboratory Technicians (MLT) or as Clinical Laboratory Scientists (CLS) and Clinical Laboratory Technicians (CLT) depending on education, certification.[7]

Pharmaceutical Engineering is mainly deals with the branch of biomedical engineering and sometimes a branch of chemical engineering also involves in the technology. It deals with the hybrid sub-discipline (as many BME fields) very deeply. The father of pharmaceutical Engineering is Dr.A.Ape kumar.[7]

In addition to the biomedical engineers developing devices and technologies for "consumer" usage, such as physical therapy devices (which are also "medical" devices), these may also be used in some respects by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

3.1 The Impact of Engineering Our Health Through Advances In Medical Technology on business

Biotechnology shows the major impact in the business by typical denotes of specific product. Any person can become an entrepreneur on their business in the world. So there is many chance of affecting mental health problem. So there formed an awareness with help of World Health Organisation (WHO) to strengthen the Mental health policy. The upcoming problem in the business is mentalhealth.

In UK, the department of health and confederation British Industry had estimated that 15-30% of workers had experience some form of mental health problem. As per this, European mental health agenda calculator as 20% of working population has this kind of problem while they are in communication on work. In USA more than 40 million people has been adopted in this problem.

The main problem araised during the job is mainly of stress. It is harmful, physical and with emotional response occurs when job mismatch to them.

The major impact is based on the business are:

1. Health indication

2. Screening program for the sign of diseases.

3. Protecting Awareness

By the work people are been affected by the ulcer, sleeping disorder, headache, pains on neck and backbone etc. will result in the mental health problem. The main loss of business will raise due to this problem. In UK this problem has been tried to solve from the year of 2000 with the help of WHO(World Health Organisation). UK has been created or constructed NHS(National Health Service) centre on the key area to avoid the mental health problem of the people. With this they have decreased upto 15% in 2000 when compared to 1990, it was 33%. Now it has been decreased in 2008 as 11.5%. This is helpful to the working people in all parts of the world.

In olden days all peoples will do their own job with one concentration and finish it in correct time. But nowadays they work on all kinds of job mainly to earn money. This result in mental health. The loss of hearing can occur in one or both ears may be mild, moderate, severe, or profound. Profound hearing loss is people commonly call as deafness.[8]

3.2 The Impact of Engineering Our Health Through Advances In Medical Technology on society

When compared to the all parts of the world, India and China makes a way to study in medical technology day-by-day. It has been increased because of the treatment and creation of new medicines which helps to solve these problems in the society. About 70% of medical engineers has been educated on these countries because of their high population.

The most populated areas in the world are China and India which stands first and second rank. They do their common work with less effort because they partition their work as they can. But European and USA country peoples try to do their work and they pull others work which does not depends on them.

European and USA countries have more opportunities of medical oriented jobs because of their high democracy. Nowadays these countries depend on the medical fitness for their life. Though engineers study on the medical, is the heart of device to control over the medical health problems.

4. Conclusion

I have given a detailed report on two videos which helped me out to give the technological advancement. In my report, I explained Robotics in surgery and medical in healthcare. Robots are leading this modern world. Robotics is used in surgery to help the surgeon and decrease the work power of people. Using robots the surgery made is accurate and there is no mistakes undergone. It also has the potential to expand surgical treatment beyond the limits of human ability. Although feasibility has largely been shown, more prospective randomized trials evaluating efficiency and also safety must be done. The research should evaluate cost effectiveness or a true beneficial effect over conventional therapy for robotic surgery.

Health care has a social responsibility to identify all kind of diseases affected to the people and they need to block the mobile resources through some certain of ideas given by WHO. Most of the European and American Institute make forward to accept all options response to medical health. But more importantly they are following their ideas to implement on the medical health. By offering ideas from Asian countries, UK and USA are following to control over the Medical Defects in the world.