Reviewing The Fire Department Network Topology Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 4120

Fire department covers an area of 70 square kilometers around of head quarters. This fire department needs both cable and wireless network. Ethernet is the most common type of connection computers use in a local area network. Two widely-use form of Ethernet are 10BaseT and 100BaseT. Network topologies define the physical layout of a network environment. Network topology involves cabling, client computers, routers and hubs.

Topology refers the network layout and how different nodes in a network are connected to each other and they communicate is determined by the network's topology. Topologies are base on logical topology and physical topologies

A) Explain how the topologies operate.

We have two options.

1. Cable network. Cable network have four principle topologies.

A) Bus topology: Ethernet system use bus topology. All computer and device connect in a central cable. Bus topology is inexpensive, easily install and maintain for small network. Real life bus topology-

Figure: Bus topology.

Start network: All computers are connecting to center switch and hub. When one computer sends to another computer data or information through central device

Figure: Start topology.

2. Wireless network: Wireless Networks focused on networking and user aspects. Network architecture for personal communications systems, wireless LANs, radio, tactical.

1. Ad.hoc: A wireless computer network, ad-hoc mode is a method for wireless devices to communicate with each other. Ad-hoc mode allows communicating wireless device within a fixed range without central access points.

Figure: Ad.hoc topology.

2. Infrastructure: wireless Infrastructure mode networking bridges a wireless network to a wired Ethernet network. Infrastructure modes have a central device to communication data in a central point. Access point require for infrastructure mode wireless networking.

Figure: Infrastructure topology.

B) Explain the advantage and disadvantage of each medium.

Cable network: Most popular cables are twist pair, fiber optic.

Advantage of Twist pair cable:

1. Usually higher transmission speeds.

2. Longer distance.

3. It is very hard to taps it.

Disadvantage of twist pair cable:

1. Twist pair cable require peer to peer connection.

2. Twist pair cable incompatible if I can talking to more then 1 computer by going thought a switch or hub.

Advantage Fiber optic cable:

1. High bandwidth and long terminal distance.

2. Fiber optic cable is more secure because highly resistant to tapping.

3. Faster data transfer.

Disadvantage fiber optic cable:

1. Fiber optic cable is expensive.

2. High optical power can destroy the cable, known as fiber use.

Advantage of 802.11b:

1. Its frequency is 5.15 GHz to 5.35 GHz

2. Support bandwidth up to 54 Mbps.

3. Occurs less entreasure.

Disadvantage of 802.11b:

1. Doesn't support encryption methods.

2. Setup is most expensive.

3. Simple blocked.

c) Provide a recommendation for which topology and medium to use including reasons for the recommendation.

Infrastructure topology select for this recommendation and 802.11b as a medium. Because Infrastructure network can easily install, enable wireless roaming for office workers, centralize WLAN management. I will use infrastructure mode of Wi-Fi technology because in the scenario there is written that it have to cover 70 square kilometers. The medium of the network 802.11b is more secure data transfer and speed up to 54Mbps.



Fire department covers an area of 70 square kilometers and all branches connect to the head quarter. The fire department has three watches and each on duty on eight hours. This fire department need two ways internet connection if one connect fail then backup line provide internet connection.

a) Describe the internet service that may be required.

Virtual private network (VPN): Newtown fire department covers an area of 70 square. All branches require internet connection but they require high secure and more reliable connect. We can connect all branch by private cable line .Actually it is impossible to manage this network. So I choose virtual private network for connecting main branch to other branch. A virtual private network is public telecommunications networks to conduct private data communications use to public network. Most VPN implementations use the Internet as the public communications.

VPN client and VPN server typically use three reasons:

1. To support remove access to an internet

2. To support connections between multiple intranets within the same organization.

3. To connect networks between two organizations, forming an extranet.

Advantage of virtual private network:

1. VPN is the low cost need to support network technology to access remove computer.

2. VPN establishes long distance and secure internet connection using public network.

3. Reduce long distance telephone charge.

B) Explain the connection speeds that are suitable for these requirements.

According to the scenario of assignment, fire department need to vital communication. Fire department need large bandwidth to communicate one branch to another branch.1MB bandwidth require for VPN internet connection that are suitable for these virtual private network. I choose 1 MB bandwidth because head office connects to other branch office and head office cover an area of 70 square kilometers.

c) Fine examples of internet service provider (ISPs) that can meet these requirements.

Daffodil online

102, Shukrabad, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi

Dhaka - 1207, Bangladesh

Tel: 9143258,9143259,9143260

Fax: 880 2 9124280

Email : [email protected]


About Daffodil Online: Daffodil online is one of the largest company in the Dhaka city. Daffodil Online is the part of the Daffodil network. Daffodil online company provides internet service home and business.


Dedicated Broad width rate

Serial No















Shared Broad width rate

Serial No












Dialup Unlimited















Connection type: Fiber optic, Satellite connectivity, wireless network.

Speed: 256Kbps, 1Mbps, 10Mbps & onwards

Availability: Daffodil online are available Dhanmondi,utara ,Banani ,Kalabagen and most of the the place in Dhaka city.

Agni online

Navana Tower

11th Floor, Suite A

45, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan 1

Dhaka - 1212, Bangladesh


About Agin online :gni system limited started ISP service in 1995.The company public listed firm in 2003 and now trades on Dhaka chittagong stock exchange under the symbol AGNISYSTEM.


Fiber to home



Fiber to the Home (FTTH)

Fiber for Single User

our most popular

FTTH Service

Download is 4 times faster

than upload.


Tk. 1,500/mo/PC

Shared to the Office

Fiber for 1-4 users

popular package for

SOHO with repair

time guarantees.


Tk. 4,500/mo










Any 3 hours(unlimited)


9am- 9pm (unlimited)


9pm-9am (unlimited)


24 Hours(unlimited)

All price include 15%VATConnection type: Fiber optic, DSL, SDSL, ADSL.

Speed: Speeds & Services - Enterprise wireless broadband has symmetrical speeds (same upload as download), asymmetrical speeds (different upload and download) and is available in various speeds (from 64k to 14Mbps) to fit your budget/service needs.

64/64 kbps

64/128 kbps

128/128 kbps

128/256 kbps

256/256 kbps

512/512 kbps

512 kbps/1 Mbps.

1/1 Mbps

1/4 Mbps

Availability: Agni online available Uttara,Banani Gulshan, Shahjadi and most of the the place in Dhaka city.

Firewall: Anti hacker firewall system included.

D) According to the scenario of the assignment the main task of the Internet connection is that when an emergency fire engine required one copy with details will be sends to printer by the control center .I recommendation Agni online is the best for this. Because they prove reliable internet connect and fast solve any technical problem. Choose this ISP following reason.

Agni online certified access frequencies from Bangladesh telecommunication regulatory commission.

Agni online provide full time technical support.

Agni online have anti hacker firewall system.

They have cable network and provide immediately backup wireless network.


Introduction: Fire departments implementation two may voice communication such as full duplex and half duplex. Bangladesh telecommunication regulation commission (BTRL), legal licensing requirements for operating frequencies and cost operating the system including licensing costs, equipment costs in our country.

A) How each method words (frequencies, full/half duplex).

Frequencies: Number of waves that pass a fixed point per unit time and the number of cycles undergone in unit time by a body in periodic motion. Here one label attached to a product to response in a specific frequency that is continued over the transmitter. Then the label answers the signal and checks the criterion of specific frequency.

I can set this number-of-measurement-per-second limitation using a drop-down combo box "Sampling Frequency" (here it shows 11 kHz) Each measurement is converted into an 8- or 16-bit number called a sample.

Full and half duplex: Half duplex is two people communicating on a CB radio use the same frequency; one person can talk at a time.

Example: walkie talkie.

Full duplex means that I use one frequency for talking and, separate frequency for listening. Both people can talk at a time

Example: cell phone.

b) Details of the legal requirements for operating the system in your country (e.g. allocation of frequencies, licensing requirement, etc).

Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulation Commission (BTRC) provides legal requirements for operating the system in our country. These requirement Ares-

1. The Licensee shall establish, operate and maintain the BWA Services as provided in the License.

Two licenses will be award to the potential Applicant(s) to provide nationwide BWA

2. Services in 2.3 GHz and one license will be awarded in 2.5 GHz range bands.

3. The principal legal statutes governing the telecommunication business in Bangladesh:

i) The Bangladesh Telecommunication Act, 2001.

ii) Any Regulation/Directives made or to be made by the Commission.

4. Applicant(s) shall be disqualified from obtaining a License if any provision listed in sub clauses.

Below applies to its owner or to any of its director or partner or to the Applicant Himself.

(i) He is an insane person.

(ii) He has been sentenced by a court under any law, other than this Act, to imprisonment for a term of two years or more, and a period of five years has not elapsed since his release.

(iii) He has been sentenced by a court for committing of any offence under the Act and a period of five years has not elapsed since his release from such custody.

(iv)He has been declared bankrupt by the Court and has not been discharged from the liability of bankruptcy.

6. His license has been cancelled by the Commission at any time during the last 5 (five) years.

7. Range bands 2.3 GHz and 2.5 GHz have been considered for BWA Service License.

Allocation frequencies:

Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has approved IEEE 802.16e Standard Equipment for Internet Service Providers.

This frequencies use organization name:

1. Agni System Ltd.

2. Access Telecom Ltd

C) Costs of setting up and operating the system, including licensing costs, equipment costs, etc.

Licensing costs for operating the telephone service provider:


Application Fee

Taka 50,000.00 (Tk. Fifty thousand) only


License acquisition fee

To be fixed by auction


Annual License Fee

Taka 3 (three) crore [BDT 30 Million] only


. Gross Revenue

Sharing 0% for the 1st year

2% for 2nd year and 4% for each of the subsequent years Page 9 of 57


Annual Spectrum Charge

As per the Spectrum formula


Performance Bank Guarantee

Taka 15 (fifteen) crore [BDT 150 Million]

Equipment cost for operating the cable network:

Installation charge is 19,000.




Modem Charge - Lifetime

(optional) one end

Yearly Rental charge for Modem


64 Kbps & 128 Kbps

Tk. 65,000

Tk. 15,000


192 Kbps to 1024Kbps


Tk. 22;000


Above 1 Mbps

Tk. 120;000

Tk. 35;000

Equipment cost for operating the wireless network:

Installation and Testing Fee: Tk.30; 000.

Annual Charge

(1 year)

Monthly Charge

(1 year)




Tk. 500,000

Tk. 45;000

Tk. 68,00

General users

Tk. 400,000

Tk. 32,167

Tk. 50,800

Internet Service


Tk. 490,000

Tk. 43;000

Tk. 48,000

Call centers, BPO orgs.and Software Exporters.

D) Limitation of each method (interference, range, etc)

Limitation of frequence: Affected by surrounding. E.g: walls (blocking), microwave oven (interference), far distance (attenuation)

Security: Transceivers for wireless networks are use radio frequencies to provide uninterrupted service. Wireless technology provides less security, a hacker can receive these frequencies many ways. Many wireless networks implement encryption technology but not all situation effective

Radio frequencies can be slower: Radio frequencies data transfer slower then cable network.

Wireless router install and configure is difficult.

Wireless network rang of frequency limitation area.

Limitation of haff duplex:

One way communication.

The maximum communication speed is 115.2Kbps.

Limitation of full duplex:

The maximum speed of full duplex is 35mbps and the length is about 12 meters.

Voltage or any purpose can be change receiver transmission.

e) Provide a recommendation for how voice communications is set up and including reasons for this recommendation.

For this fire department, after analyze the total information about the set up new system for the fire department. I think that wireless network is best. I analyze both cable and wireless network. In the cable network total cost operating the system is less then wireless network. To operating the licensing and equipment cost less then wireless network.

Wireless network installing cost, equipment and operating system less then cable network. The cost of call that we will go to use here is full duplex method under wireless network. This method can easily reduce the cost of call. This method is two directions transmitting system. So there is no problem to make call easily and time also will be in perfect use.



A virtual private network is a secure, private communication session between two or more devices across a public network. In this task refer main equipment PBX or PABX that would be need installed with cost of this equipments and operating the systems.

A) The main equipment that would be installed.

The main equipment that would need to install PBX and PABX system

1. PBX or PABX switch board.

2. Acd phone systems

3. Call accounting software for telephone switching systems

3. Business voip phone

4. Base station.

5. SS7CTI Cards.

6. Desk phone

7. System communication.

8. Telephone service

9. Phone recorder

10. Telecommunication voiP

11. Dipole antennas.

12. One telephone set need for each sub liner.

13. Telephone line with unique substation number.

14. Adjunct switch.

15. Gateway interface.

b) The features available with each system.

PBX features: PBX gives all sophisticated telephone features that expected from advance telephone system.

1. Call management.

Automate routing of incoming calls to extensions.

Unlimited unlimber of phone extensions.

Directing call to voice mail.

Call waiting.

Call pick-up.

2. Voice and Fax Mail.

Total features voice and fax mailboxes contains PBX system.

Voice and fax new paging

Delete massage of recovery.

3. Virtual extension.

4. out bounding dialing.

5. Private phone directory for each extension for simple speed dial mention during outbound dialing.

PABX features: PABX stands for private automatic branch exchange and refers to a telephone exchange used for fire departments.

Incoming call control

Internet calls control.

Speed dialing.

Higher all volume

Automated call management.

User friendly.

c) The cost of equipment and installations.

1. PBX switch board price is 180$ and PABX switch board price is 220$.

2. Desk phone 80$.

3. Telephone service 50$.

4. Total installation cost is 150$.

5. Cable buys 60$.

6. Connector RJ11 50 piece price is 40$.

D) The cost of operating the systems.

Private branch exchange (PBX): A PBX system, sometimes known as a phone switch or phone switching devices, is a device that connects office telephones in a business with the public telephone network.

Private branch exchange (PBX) system need an operator to manage the inter call in the company. This operator salary is 200$.

Private automatic branch exchange (PABX): Private automatic branch exchange (PABX) is the automatic telephone switching system within a private company.

Private automatic branch exchange system to call generated automatically destination user. PABX system don't need any operator, so the PABX system cost is 0$ to operating the system.

E) Provide a recommendation for how voice communication should be set up and run including reasons for this recommendation.

Private automatic branch exchange (PABX) system is perfect for the fire department. Because here possible to use extension telephone line. That will reduce the cost of operating the system. But I have some somewhere to stay to use the PABX system that are-

Automatic call diverting to the destination user without operator.

Internal call manages.

Speed dialing feature.

Call waiting service.

Provides a user friendly service.


Introduction: Fire department need to communication in the events of a series attracted by any attracter, war and any way. Any emergency situation need to communicate head branch to other branch. I provide better recommendation to solve this problem. Following below

The fire departments have no electrical power and fixed telephone lines being broken. This problem solve to question answer bellow

1. Newtown fire department and every branch need generator to backup product electrical power.

2. This war speciation, so solar power system is the best system to produce electrical power. Solar system can not product any noise. The new "solar backup generator" is extremely powerful and yet very simple to use. It produces continuous electricity and runs with absolutely no noise whatsoever.

3. TO communicate one branch to another branch use to radio frequency when fixed telephone lines being broken.


Introduction: In this task I have to create a comprehensive and professional report describing network recommendation. This report should include the details of the task one to task five with the details of required have estimates of cost equipment that need to create a network.


Report on: enterprise networking

Recipient: Rabbi

Author: Md.sayful Islam.

Executive summary: summary of the total assignment in which I am preparing the report are given following.

Term of reference:

The report focuses on the communication and computer systems for the fire department.

Producing this report on the 5.11.2010

Describe the task 1 to 5:

Computer networking, topology is the layout of connected devices. Network topologies are divided as a following type.

Bus topology.

Start topology.

Ring topology.

Mesh topology.

Tree topology.

Bus topology: All devices connect to a central cable. Bus network is easily install and inexpensive to manage this network. If this central cable brake down as a result total network fails.

Start topology: All computers are connecting to the central device and this device is hub or switch. Start network requirement more cable but failure one cable in the start topology that cause other computer can access.

Mesh topology: mesh network connect to every device connect to other device. A mesh topology provides redundant communication paths between some or all device

Ring topology: All computers are connecting to the cercal when one computer send data to anther computer destination computer receive it but other computer waiting.

Wireless network: wireless Network contains two topology, such as ad ad.hoc and Infrastructure

Ad.hoc topology: Ad-hoc topology can to communicating wireless device within a fixed range without central access points.

Infrastructure topology: Infrastructure topology to communicating wireless device within a fixed range with central access points.

Ad.hoc and infrastructure topology structure:

Recommendation: Infrastructure topology select for this recommendation because ad.hoc network can easily install, enable wireless roaming for office workers, centralize WLAN management, boost.


Virtual private network (VPN):

I select 1mb bandwidths that are suitable to create virtual private network. Virtual Private Network (VPN) implements private network communications over public infrastructure using public network.

1. VPN is the low cost need to support network technology to access remove computer.

2. VPN establishes long distance and secure internet connection using public network.

3. Reduce long distance telephone charge.

I describe three internet service providers (ISP) company service feature and facility. I recommendation agni online to use the services offered and price charged. Select this reason-

Agni online certified access frequencies from Bangladesh telecommunication regulatory commission.

Agni online provide technical support.

Agni online have anti hacker firewall system.

They have cable network and provide immediately backup wireless network.


Fire department implements two way voice communications. Describe frequencies and full and half duplex methods work and legal requirements for operating these methods.This requirements ares-

1. The Licensee shall establish, operate and maintain the BWA Services as provided in the License.

2. The principal legal statutes governing the telecommunication industry in Bangladesh.

3. His license has been cancelled by the Commission at any time during the last 5 (five) years.

Cost of setting up and operating the system including licensing costs, equipment costs.

Following fees and charges shall be applicable to the Licensees:


Application Fee

Taka 50,000.00 (Tk. Fifty thousand) only


License acquisition fee

To be fixed by auction


Annual License Fee

Taka 3 (three) crore [BDT 30 Million] only


. Gross Revenue

Sharing 0% for the 1st year

2% for 2nd year and 4% for each of the subsequent years Page 9 of 57


Annual Spectrum Charge

As per the Spectrum formula


Performance Bank Guarantee

Taka 15 (fifteen) crore [BDT 150 Million]

Recommendation: For this fire department, after analyze the total information about the set up new system for the fire department. I think that wireless network is best. I analyze both cable and wireless network. In the cable network total cost operating the system is less then wireless network. To operating the licensing and equipment cost less then wireless network.

Wireless network installing cost, equipment and operating system less then cable network. The cost of call that we will go to use here is full duplex method under wireless network. This method can easily reduce the cost of call. This method is two directions transmitting system. So there is no problem to make call easily and time also will be in perfect use.


Telephone systems in my country for single-site organization like the fire department. The main equipment need to setup PBX and PABX system.

PBX and PABX switch board.

Acd phone systems.

Business voip phone.

Business small voip.

Wireless communications networks

Desk phone.

System communication.

Telephone service.

I refer some features available with this system. Such as

Call management.

Voice and fax mail.

Virtual extension.

Cost of equipment and installation total cost is 400000 taka and PBX telephone systems need a operator but PABX telephone system do not need any operator.

Recommendation: Private automatic branch exchange (PABX) system is perfect for the fire department. Because here possible to use extension telephone line. That will reduce the cost of operating the system. But I have some somewhere to stay to use the PABX system that are-

Automatic call diverting to the destination user without operator.

Internal call manages.

Speed dialing feature.

Call waiting service.

Provides a user friendly service.


In this task refer a network problem. The fire department needs to remain operational in the event of a serious incident such as major terrorist attack or war .explain the measures you would allow the fire department to operate in the event of Newtown having no electrical power and fixed telephone lines being broken.

Solution this problem:

1. Newtown fire department and every branch need generator to backup product electrical power.

2. This war speciation, so solar power system is the best system to produce electrical power. Solar system can not product any noise. The new "solar backup generator" is extremely powerful and yet very simple to use. It produces continuous electricity and runs with absolutely no noise whatsoever.

3. TO communicate one branch to another branch use to radio frequency when fixed telephone lines being broken.

Appendix -1


1. ISP -Internet service provider.

2. VPN-Virtual private network.

3. PBX-private branch Exchange.

4. PABX-Private automatic branch exchange.

5. BTRC -Bangladesh telecommunication regulation commission.

6. IP- internet tropical

7. AC-access point.

8. PSTN-public switched telephone network.



Internet service provider is companies that offer to customer's internet connect and web hosting.

Virtual private network: VPN is public switch telephone network.

Private branch exchange: A virtual private network is public telecommunications networks to conduct private data communications use to public network

Internet protocol (IP): Internet protocol is the set of rules to communicate one computer to another computer.

Access point: Access point is a wireless network device that configure node on wireless local area network.


Licensing areas

The licensing area are following-

Following fees shall be applicable to the Licensees:


Application Fee

Taka 50,000.00 (Tk. Fifty thousand) only


License acquisition fee

To be fixed by auction


Annual License Fee

Taka 3 (three) crore [BDT 30 Million] only


. Gross Revenue

Sharing 0% for the 1st year

2% for 2nd year and 4% for each of the subsequent years Page 9 of 57


Annual Spectrum Charge

As per the Spectrum formula


Performance Bank Guarantee

Taka 15 (fifteen) crore [BDT 150 Million]


Diagram of VPN network:

Clients and servers:

Broadband router with VPN server: