TONGZON (2002) examines port choice determinant in a competitive environment Based on the related literature survey, amongst shippers located at Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. In his examination the following factors, port infrastructure, frequency of ship visits, efficiency, location, port charges, response to port user's needs, and port's reputation for cargo damage are presumed to have a considerable impact on the choice of ports. The author conducted a survey among freight forwarders in Malaysia (Penang), Singapore and Thailand (Bangkok). A sample of 47 major freight forwarders was covered by a questionnaire survey, of which only about 25 % responded to the survey.
The first set of questions concerns price in relation to the quality of service and how it affects the port choice process. The result strongly favored the quality of service over price. About 76 % agreed that they won't compromise a minimum level of service. When asked about lower level of service in return to a lower price 32% agreed. 81% agreed that port with regular delays will not be considered for future contracts. When asked about changing the ports, 80% would see if the current port is performing satisfactorily then there is no need to change ports. The survey showed that preserving the reputation of their company the most important consideration in the choice of ports in addition to the goodwill of their clients.
In making a choice, 68.1% of the shippers relied on personal contacts, experience and knowledge. In the sequencing of choices, 74.5% A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MODELS FOR PORT CHOICE Port choice and freight forwarders