Originator Of Vision And Collective Values Management Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 3359

Leadership is the common control process in which a person can obtain the support of a team and also restore its support them in achieving a common task. Leadership is one of the most important aspects of studies on human behaviour in the organization. It is the leader who creates a work environment.

A leader is also responsible for creating more leaders inspire and influence others. Leadership is a personal process between the general aims and objectives of the members of the groups and organizations that are taking place. This is a complex process by which leaders influence others to perform and achieve. Leaders are like captain and first-line leaders must possess values ​​of honesty, take calculated risks and display concern for employees and customers. Do not stand and wait to see things shaping up in despair.

Role of leader

Leader has the power in the people to mobilize strategic influence, inspire and unite them in the pursuit of the common objective in the context of small and medium enterprises. They are called men and women most effective, but can competently organize the cooperation and assistance of others to complete the goals and objectives. Your ability to negotiate, communicate, and to convince others to do things is their qualities needed to be a leader so its different role in the formation stage of an organization is very important, perhaps even critical, to the success of small businesses and midsize companies.

Below are the various functions of a leader that I listed helps leaders to promote ideas and unlock hidden drivers and aspirations in carrying out the trust of others:

1. Originator of vision and collective values

Shared vision not only agrees with a great idea, a given image is reasonable where the organization is headed. The employee must be involved in the process of developing a shared vision and they also have to be challenged and plan to use that vision as a point of reference in making decisions about their work and learn in the process. In a real influence organizational vision, the individual is responsible for his actions, but the common good is at an average of personal ambition.

Relationships between people are described as caring. Care is supported by open communication, made possible by the trust (Fawcett, 1996). It is crucial to understand that the appearance of a strong vision, based shared collective values ​​is the foundation of informed leadership, personal commitment and sustained growth of the organization.

2. Leading Change (transformational leadership)

The use of transformational leadership to facilitate organizational change is explained in its six guiding principles: leading by example, establishing trust, compelling vision, using the positive approach improves the structural organization and new approaches to drive innovation.

3. Leading by example

"Make sure you have your talk-A leader needs action, not words, Mac"

Effective leaders do not they just say "right" you want, but proceed with appropriate action

All persons who are recognized as a leader in general purpose translation feature is a reality and the ability to work on from a commitment to purpose. "Managers do things right leaders to do the right things". (Jaime H. Menor Jr.)

It is best that both manager and a leader, as a leader, inspire and push people around them as part of your job / company turn it into greatness. To do this, the leader must be an example to show for it.

4. Demonstrating confidence

Trust in top leadership is the single most reliable analyst satisfaction of employees in the organization. Being trustworthy and has the ability to communicate the vision of the organization needs to go and helping employees to participate in the overall business strategy of the organization can gain confidence.

The proof of his intelligence as a leader is also a thing must, for being intelligent leader can easily find their way to win their trust subordinated to focus on helping others learn. Help them understand how they contribute to achieving key business objectives gently leading people toward understanding, even when you know that the answer is a key in building confidence in you as a leader.

5. Inspiring and energizing people

Leaders can not inspire and encourage people only with the vision, mission, and analyzing data, charts, goals and objectives, measures, systems, processes or notes. These are important factors to improve performance, but this is called leadership not management. To cope with globalization organizations need people energized and inspired. It is now common knowledge that employees can be energized through empowerment, through the practice of participatory governance, and makes them a self-directed work team. So a more integral part of the job to be inspired and energized by exciting mental images of a desired future, principles or values ​​that surround truth, and be part of a higher cause or purpose that helps them feel they are doing a difference.

In conclusion, the leaders do most things very well to talk with the end in mind to maintain their integrity in his words and actions. Create a compelling vision, focusing on possibilities rather than past or current problems.

6. Training/coaching

A leader who knows the art of open coaching call as mentor, teacher or guru who know how to leverage your knowledge of our team members, resources and creativity to help you be more effective. As a coach, he knows how to help his people grow in strengthening their personal capacities of the individual, since the establishment of their own goals, to communication with the management style to decision making and problem solving. Coaching is often described as the key to the best of its people, vis-à-vis yourself as a mentor. It is based on the concept that people learn in the daily application of skills improvement through practice.

Measuring success

As with many concepts of leadership, long-term success can be interpreted in many different ways. How it is interpreted depends on several factors, including the perspective, the context, the circumstances warrant, and an analysis of alternatives and scenarios. At its most basic level, success can be defined in terms of the attainment and achievement of goals and objectives.

If the difference between managers and leaders exist, then a leader's success should be measured by the ability to discriminate against a leader from a manager, ie their ability to: innovate and employ, manage change in vision quests, challenging the status quo, inspire and motivate, support staff with organizational goals and objectives.

We must take into account the success of a leader in terms of the functions that we have given to them, strategists, motivators, communicators, decision makers, ethical agents, drivers of change.

The challenge is to make precise success criteria, observable, measurable and achievable. They should redirect leader level of knowledge, skills and abilities. And success criteria should be designed to facilitate success, not prevent it.

Measures of success should reflect the knowledge, skills and abilities of the individual. In other words, the development of standards for successful leaders is based on the identification of appropriate skills.

Leadership theories

Leadership theories have been developed in the last century to the point where they begin to form the basis for models that accurately describe the activities of the leaders with good correlation with success in some situations (Antonakis and House, 2002; Yukl , 2006). We have eight of the main theories that are path-goal theory, trait theory, behavioural theory, relationship theory, participatory theory, situational theory, contingency theory and the theory of a great man. The four theories discussed in this paper are the path-goal theory, trait theory, behavioural theory and the theory of the relationship.

Path-Goal Theory

The path-goal theory is a leadership theory developed by Robert House in 1971.Path target theory focuses on what leaders should do to motivate and inspire people for employees to perform well. We suggest (demand) that effective leaders have the ability to improve the motivation of followers by clarifying routes and high performance targets. The core values ​​of the path-goal theory is that people will be more focused and motivated if they believe they are capable of high performance and believe their efforts will translate into favourite results, and believe that their work is valuable.

Trait theory

According to trait theory, few people are born with qualities that are identical to the leadership. People turned into good leaders possess the right combination of leadership qualities. The idea that great leadership is developed from individual type or qualities of a person is known as trait theory. The research identifies six personality traits that are strongly associated with leadership: intelligence, adaptation, extraversion, attention to detail, honesty to new experiences and self-efficacy. According to trait theory, people with these features come as leaders, regardless of the situation.

Behavioural theory

This behavioural theory believes that great leaders are not born but made. The main focus of this theory is in the actions of the leaders. The focus is not on mental qualities or internal states. This theory believes that people can become leaders in the teaching, learning and observation.

Relationship theory

Relationship theory also called transformational theory. This theory focuses on the connections formed between leaders and followers. These leaders inspire and motivate people. They also help group members in case of difficulty. These leaders focus on the performance of the group. These leaders have high moral values.

Improving leadership skills

A good leader is built with the right behaviour and movements of the relationship, and has the skills seconds. They are respected and trusted because of their integrity, positive attitude, wisdom, determination and commitment. While most leaders are born with leadership skills, a good manager can develop their leadership skills to become a better leader with excellent management skills. There are some ways to improve leadership skills which are explained below.


According to Hudson (1999), the title role in training is that of a change agent. Hudson suggests that coaching skills allow leaders to challenge the status quo, approach situations from new perspectives, and allow others to make and learn from mistakes. Furthermore, he believes that leaders who help employees improve their ability to buses renewal and resilience, which has a positive influence on organizational success. Training inspires others to be their best, remain forward-looking and optimistic with caution and seek alliances and networks useful to improve cooperation and results (Hudson, 1999).


Each individual participant group has certain needs and characteristics.

1. A leader must understand their needs and characteristics.

2. A leader must understand the needs and characteristics of each group participant. This helps the leader to treat each person as an individual, to treat that person with respect, and help the person to grow.


To improve skills in obtaining information:

• Pay attention and listen carefully.

• Take notes and sketches.

• Ask questions and repeat your understanding of what was said.

To improve their skills in information:

• Make sure others are listening before speaking.

• Have the audience repeat his understanding of what was said. Promote question.

Traits of leaders

1. Integrity

A good leader has an ideal character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is truthful to lead others. True ability is born from respect for the good reputation and the trust of the person driving.

2. Enthusiasm

A good leader is keen about their work or origin and also about their role as leader. People will react more openly to a person of enthusiasm and commitment.

3. Confidence

A good leader is positive. To lead and guide a leader needs to appear confident in his person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and brings out the best efforts of confidence and the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys self-confidence towards the proposed goal inspires the best effort from team members.

4. Purposeful

A leader also needs paper in an organized and useful in situations of insecurity. People look to the leader during times of improbability and unfamiliarity and find peace and security when the leader demonstrates self-confidence and positively.

5. Goal

The main goal is to keep the attention of the leader is to think methodically. Situation as a whole has seen only a good leader, but closer inspection it can be broken down to sub-parts.

6. Excellence

A good leader is dedicated to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but it is also active in raising the level in order to complete excellence in all areas.

7. High energy

Leaders have high energy with a positive impulse to work hard to achieve goals. Leaders take the initiative to make improvements instead of asking permission, and you do not need to be told what to do.

Organisational value

A value of the organization is "the belief that a specific mode of conduct is preferable

to an opposite mode of conduct or otherwise, "according to Rokeach (1973, The

Nature of human values​​).


Listening and respect each other to work together to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

• When we are not sure that you consult with others about what they meant.

• Everyone has strengths we value and use whenever possible.

• All team meetings will include a progress report on worldwide and calls help when needed.

• Provide mutual support, working cooperatively, respecting other points of view and make our work environment fun and enjoyable.

• Help others achieve their terms, without having to ask.

• All projects have identified points held by the whole team.

• Work with others with enthusiasm and appreciation.

• Work with others without manipulation.

• The conflict is resolved in accordance with guidelines agreed for this team.


Being open and honest in all our dealings and integrity at all times to maintain the highest.

• Offer solutions to all problems constructively with the broadcast.

• Each person is qualified as the others and the right to express their opinions without interruption.


Urgency and commitment and work with individual from the successful Company perspectives.

• Timeframes always mean we have found except in urgent circumstances with all parties to renegotiate a new timeframes.

• 'Clients within the agreed budget requirements are met according to individual wants.


Recognising and rewarding each other's contributions and efforts.

All individual successes are celebrated within the team.

Assistance is thanked every time.

Motivation of team member

The basic values of motivation to its members any organization should be to help them get what they want. Assembly members measure the quality of your organization through the trust, commitment and love for their leaders show towards them. A leader will encourage motivation within an organization, helping his / her group members develop good healthy self-image.

The word motivation comes from the Latin word meaning engines advance the satisfaction of a need. Since each person's motivation comes from within then you really cannot motivate others. However, if we know what needs personal or standardize the flow of inner energy of a person then we can still encourage them to achievement. As a leader, it is important to evaluate and understand their own motivations, as well as members of their group. As a leader, it is important to note that there are four major forces that motivate people:

1. Accomplishment / Achievements

Achievers are people who want an interesting job or the opportunity to achieve something significant. It is important to them that their contributions really make a difference beyond their own immediate personal benefit.

2. Recognition

Some people want to be appreciated for what they really do in an organization and get personal satisfaction that direct participation. Be expecting special benefits and rights as a result of their participation and succeed in the recognition of others, especially the positive appreciation.

3. Power

The organizations also are responsible for other people and want the opportunity to compete for power.

4. Affiliation (Relationship)

People involved in the group need to feel they belong and are accepted by the group members. They like to cooperate and be in things, meeting and / or meet new people, and enjoy the fun. Because members feel welcome then need to be informed at all times. They also care about their feelings and the feelings of others and get satisfaction for a job well done, especially when it comes to serving others.

Team in organisation

In basic terms, a team can be defined as a small number of people, with a set of performance goals, which are dedicated to a common purpose and approach for which they hold themselves equally accountable (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993). This definition suggests that teams should be of a manageable size and that all team members should commit itself to achieving team goals. Team members should be co-responsible for their actions and the results of these actions.

Teams can be vertical (functional), horizontal (cross-functional), or self-directed (self-administered) and can be used to create new products, complete specific projects, quality assurance, or replace operating departments.

Functional team

Functional team perform the specific functions of the organization, and include members of various vertical levels of the order. In other words, a functional team itself owns a manager and their subordinates in a particular functional area. Departments of accounting, personnel and purchasing are examples of functional teams.

Cross-functional team

Cross-functional is composed of experts in various specialties (or functions) that work together on various organizational tasks. Team members come from departments such as research and development, design, engineering, marketing and distribution. These teams often are allowed to make decisions without the approval of management. While functional teams are usually permanent, multi-functional teams are often temporary, lasting only a few months or several years, depending on group tasks are performed.

Self-managed team

Self-managed team managers and function without the complete work process or sections that provide products or services to external or internal customers. Self-directed work teams (SDWTs) are designed to give employees a sense of "ownership" of a joint.

Leaders face problem in organisation

There are four challenges most leaders will face during his tenure as leaders, whether they work for a company or for themselves.

Challenge 1 - Creation and maintenance of a diversified team

All leaders are working with teams. These teams include diverse individuals with different backgrounds, experiences and even ethnicity is. One of the greatest challenges of leadership in modern society is to find ways to create a united front among team members.

Challenge 2 - Inspiring Others to Share the Leader's/Organizational Vision

A leader can take on the challenge of inspiring others clearly communicating how the company's mission and vision will benefit not only the organization but also the people who work for him. In explaining how each office will benefit from this mission, a leader inspires others to share the vision of the company itself.

Challenge 3 - Facilitating Open and Clear Communication among Co-workers

A clear and brief communication is essential for success. A leader has the duty to communicate well with others, but also teach others how to communicate clearly.

Challenge 4 - Empowering Incumbents to Take Action

The micromanagement days are over. Today, employees want to be inspired. The best way to inspire employees is by empowering them to excel and succeed. The role of a leader includes providing employees with the ability to make proactive decisions. That means involving employees in decision-making to be part of the organizing team. A leader can also empower employees, encouraging them to write an action plan for each problem to be solved in the organization. This process should include goal setting and the exact steps needed to take action to resolve the problems.

Leaders contribute to organisational change

Effective leadership in the change management process is particularly important because of all the factors involved in organizational change. According to McShane and VonGlinow (2004), a leader must be able to "influence, motivate and enable others to contribute to the effectiveness and success of the organization." Stabilization of the organization after the change process begins is critical to continued success.

Leaders need to select the appropriate leadership style to influence the effectiveness of the changes is important if important organizational change succeed.