Optichrome Ltd Cable Network Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 2749

OPTICHROME Ltd. is the recently started company which provides animated effects for the film and television industries. Company is planning to rent the 1 floor out of 3 floor office for its business. The CAT3 twisted pair cable network is used currently in the building in which company wishes to rent. Cable network is mainly used for the telephony services with 10 Mbps speed. Company has got plans in which they could exceed the current limit of 10 Mbps speed. Organization is having 3 divisions; brief description of which is given below.

First is ANIMATION & MODELLING sector which currently contributes the major percentage of employees of 20 people. Each employee has to work with 1 PC. Company thinks that data rates between the computers must be around 50 Mbps when employees from this division want to discuss their projects, tasks in a group.

Company has collected people who particularly could work in RENDERING & PRODUCTION section as well. These people are believed to be in favour of managers!!! They have got 10 employees each using 2 PC�s. During the rendering process, the data transfer rates between the computers is expected to be around 300 Mbps.

The third sector is ADMINISTRATION, SALES & MARKETING. It is also employing 10 people. Here each employee has to be satisfied with single PC again. Data rate must meet at the most 10 Mbps of speed. CEO & 2 DIVISIONAL MANAGERS of the organization have also got 1 PC each and expectations regarding transfer rates are almost identical to that of the MARKETING division.

The OPTICHROME Ltd. has got an address range on the internet around the netID So using correct IP subnets and VLAN�s techniques, the design for the company is provided. The company is planning to expand the business area across the Western Europe so, increase in the current employment is also considered in this design.


The suitable diagram for the design of the network considering most of the components is shown in this unit. There are various network components those could be used but here preferred are VLANs, Switches ( Layer 3), routers, and cabling equipment. The details for all them are given further.




The virtual LAN's (VLAN's) have now days developed into integral feature of the switch solutions. Also the trend of using networking hubs is gone now as its place is taken by the Ethernet LAN switches. VLAN's allow the Ethernet LAN switches to broadcast the traffic. There must be proper communication, co-ordination, task orientation between people in every section employed by the OPTICHROME Ltd So better way to make that possible is to sort out different sections and making the individual groups of them. Computers; "the fundamental pillar of the company" must be therefore found to be connected with each other within the each department. This was the basic idea behind creating VLANs.

Hence, as shown in the above diagram, VLAN1 is created which includes the subnet1 of total 32 IP addresses allocated for ANIMATION & MODELLING section. It comprises of 20 computers. VLAN1 is then connected to router. Here the router forms the main internetworking component that links the different VLAN�s together & hence essentially is a core unit of this design. Also routers could figure out the best possible route for the transmission of data to the required destination by interpreting the IP addresses. Layer 3 switch is used as the inter-connecting equipment between the router and VLAN. Layer 3 switch uses hardware to carry out the basic functions of the router. In fact layer 3 switch is nothing but the layer 2 switch combined with the router. The different VLAN�s are being given the various subnets; so the type of switch that is used supports not only these IP sub-networks but also the routing between IP sub-networks at very high speed. In the above mentioned ANIMATION & MODELLING division, 30 people could be employed possibly by considering 50% expansion. Hence 48 port switch is used.

VLAN2 is then created which includes subnet2 of total 32 IP addresses allocated for RENDERING & PRODUCTION department. It comprises of 20 computers too. VLAN2 is also connected to router via layer 3 switch2. Again for this department, considering the future expansion, number of people could be employed is possibly 30. Hence 48 port switch is used.

VLAN3 is then created which includes the subnet3 of total 32 IP addresses allocated for ADMINISTRATION & MARKETING SALES division. The division comprises of 10 computers. It is also connected to router via layer 3 switch3. Switch of 24 ports is more than sufficient for this section, as it will involve 15 employees if company wishes to recruit more people.

And finally, VLAN4 is then created that includes subnet4 of total 16 IP addresses which are allocated for the group of 2 managers & 1 CEO. It has got 3 computers. VLAN4 is connected to router via layer 3 SWITCH4. Here also to solve out the need, switch of 24 ports is used like that of ADMINISTRATION MARKETING & SALES department.




As shown in the physical diagram for OPTICHROME Ltd., the floor is going to be of length 150m and of breadth 75m, almost rectangular in shape. The whole floor seems to be organized in different sections, if TOP VIEW is been considered.

The left most at top is the RENDERING & PRODUCTION department. And ANIMATION & MODELLING people are sorted in rightmost top corner. Managers are being put in their separate cabins constructed very adjacent to the respective department. People should get to use facilities in the offices as conveniently as possible. This is the reason why SERVICE PROVIDING AREAS viz toilets, wash rooms, power cabinets, service ducts, etc are constructed in such a way that it is right intact with the other departments.

At the bottom, starting from the left to right, stairs are built. Then respectively RECEPTION, SALES & MARKETING department, ADMINISTRATION department and finally the cabin for CEO are constructed. The reason why RECEPTION is designed immediately next to stairs is that, people will find it easy to move up and downstairs just after they enquire about anything at the RECEPTION. The CEO�s cabin is kept adjacent to the fundamental department of the company i.e. ADMINISTRATION & MARKETING, SALES. So that it easy for both of them to see each other quite often. In between the two sections i.e. upper and lower in our top viewed design, the space is kept vacant as the passage. This passage could provide the entry doors for various cabins.


� The building is equipped with CAT3 based twisted pair cable network. These cables are generally used for telephone services and provide data rates up to 10Mbps. However, the network requirements suggest that the data transfer rates ranges from 10Mbps (for ADMINISTRATION, SALES & MARKETING branch) to 300Mbps (for RENDERING & PRODUCTION branch) across various divisions.

� So these specifications which are supposed to be met could only be possible by the use of CAT5 or CAT5e (e stands for enhanced) cables.

� For ANIMATION & MODELLING division; ADMINISTRATION, SALES & MARKETING division; the group of the CEO and 2 divisional managers, CAT5 cables would be used to meet up the requirement of the 100 Mbps. Basically CAT5 is an unshielded twisted pair cable. The main usage is data transmission.

� While for the Rendering and Production division, where the peak transfer rate is 300Mbps, CAT5e cables would be used. CAT5e is little bit of higher standard than that of CAT5.

� Of course, preferred ones are CAT5 and CAT5e. Perhaps, sometimes company could possibly think about the use of CAT6 cable which is very much similar to the CAT5e.


As mentioned above, OPTICHROME Ltd. has got an address range on the internet based around the netID total 256 IP addresses could be allocated.(since 2^(32-24)) To allocate the IP addresses appropriately, subnets are created which are then given to different VLAN�s. In each subnet, the Network ID and Broadcast ID are used to differentiate the given subnet from the others. Subnets are created division wise and then assigned to respective VLAN�s as follows.


As per the given information, there are in all 20 people working in this field with each of them using single computer. So 20 IP addresses are allocated for them. If taken into account the 50% expansion of the employees then, 10 more IP addresses are needed to be allocated. Plus 1 network ID and 1 Broadcast ID is required for each subnet. So subnet1 with total 32 IP addresses is created which is assigned to VLAN 1. And in order to create those 32 IP addresses, 27 as the subnet mask is used. (since 2^(32-27)) Detailed allocation for the subnet1 is-

� is the netID.

� For current 20 employees, IP addresses allocation would be from to

� Though currently 20 people are working, considering future scope for employment, next 10 IP addresses allocated are from to

� And the last IP address is which is Broadcast ID.


This division has got 10 people with each of them using 2 computers. So as it is 20 IP addresses are required for 20 computers. subnet will include netID and broadcast ID�s too. Again if taken into account the 50% expansion of the employees then, 10 more IP addresses(for 10 computers used by 5 more people) are needed to be allocated. So CONTINUING SUBNETTING, the second subnet is created with total 32 IP addresses. Subnet2 is assigned to VLAN2. Like above, again 27 as the subnet mask is used. (since 2^(32-27)) Detailed allocation for the subnet2 is-

� is the netID.

� For current 20 PC�s (used by 10 people) IP address allocation is from to

� Though currently 10 people are working, considering the future scope for employment, next 10 IP addresses allocated are from to

� And the last IP address is which is broadcast ID.


Marketing sales & administration divisions has 10 employees each using 1 computer. So that makes in all 10 IP addresses to be allocated for 10 PC�s. If expansion by 50% is considered then 5 more IP addresses are needed. 1 netID and 1 broadcast ID both are required.

Now 2 possible cases are discussed for selecting the subnet mask-

� IF USED, 28 AS A SUBNET MASK- If 28 is used as a subnet, total number of IP addresses those could be allocated are 16. (since 2^(32-28)) Whilst considering netID and Broadcast ID along with increase in the employment, basic required total IP addresses are 17, which is more than, what 28 as a subnet mask offering (i.e. 16). So this option is eliminated.

� IF USED, 27 AS A SUBNET MASK- If 27 is used as a subnet mask then total number of IP addresses that could be allocated are 32(since 2^(32-27)) which is fulfilling current requirement(17 IP addresses) of this division.( INCLUDING EXPANSION) So 27 finally, is used as subnet mask here.

So CONTINUING SUBNETTING, using 27 as a subnet mask, Subnet3 with 32 IP addresses is created which is assigned to VLAN 3. The detailed IP addresses allocation is-

� which is the netID.

� For current 10 employees IP addresses allocated are from to

� For future employment, IP addresses allocated are from to ( including 50% increment i.e. by 5 people; so conclusion- still 15 IP addresses are kept spare.)

� And finally, which is the broadcast ID.

� 3.4 CEO & MANAGER-

Company has got CEO, and 2 divisional managers. So in all 3 people are there. All of them are using 1 computer each. Hence for them 3 IP addresses are required. Also 1 netID and 1 broadcast ID are required. Just like in MARKETING SALES & ADMINISTRATIONS division, following 2 possible cases for the selection of subnet mask are discussed.

� USING 29 AS A SUBNET MASK- If 29 is used as a subnet mask, then total number of IP addresses to be allocated are 8(since 2^(32-29)), which MAY NOT be sufficient if 50% expansion is considered. So for safer side, the following option is used.

� USING 28 AS A SUBNET MASK- If 28 is used as a subnet mask, then total number of IP addresses that could be allocated are 16(since2^(32-28)), which will be well within the reach even if the employment is increased.

So CONTINUING SUBNETTING using 28 as a subnet mask, finally the subnet4 with total 16 IP addresses is created which is then assigned to VLAN 4. The detailed IP address allocation is-

� which is the netID.

� For current 3 people (i.e. 1 CEO and 2 divisional managers) 3 IP addresses are allocated from to

� For future employment, IP addresses allocated are from to

� And finally, which is broadcast ID.

So to conclude, out of those 256 IP addresses that company can use; yet only 112(i.e. from to IP addresses are used with fulfilment of company�s requirements included. So company with this solution, has got still 144 IP addresses vacant left. It can use them for various purposes viz, computer usage in SERVICE BLOCKS, RECEPTION, POWER CABINETS, etc�


� As the components like router, switch, VLAN are used in the prescribed design for the company, the evaluation is needed by considering both the sides of the coin. This section will focus on the positives and negative roles of each of them.

� The router is basically used to transmit the data from its source to the destination using the IP addresses. In fact, the routing table is created at each and every step to decide what next step is going to be. Using router could prove effective and disadvantageous too till some extent. The data transmission i.e. routing is faster if the router is preferred over any other component provided the router is perfectly configured. But as said in the above sections, being CORE unit of the network, if something goes wrong with the router then obviously whole system crumbles. As a result, there should be back up plan behind the router�s case.

� In contrast, using router may increase the budget expectations of the organization. It could prove costlier.

� If there are multiple routes existing between the two same points, then it gives rise to the concept called data loop. But as shown in the network topological diagram, switches are not interconnected. All the switches are connected to the router. Hence data loops are not created. The reason why data loop is the critical issue that, the data will circulate around the loop forever and will cause congestion and system failure eventually.

� Purpose of using VLAN was very straight forward, to keep every department differential from other. To keep people united & ultimately to interconnect their computers; VLAN is been created including respective number of computers connected together for every single section of the company. Also separate VLAN for 2 managers and 1 CEO is created, to make sure that the communication between the hierarchies is always controlled. Meaning management people could have their independent discussions as well regarding the project of the company.

� Layer 3 switch is being used cause of its convenient compatibility with the VLAN configurations. It employs the use of L3 switches which comes with an option of using 24 ports or 48 ports switches. Thus depending on the requirements, for each department switches with different number of ports can be used.

� Design provides the enough number of IP addresses which would fulfil the organization's requirement with many IP addresses kept spare. The evidence for that is the IP address allocation section in which it is mentioned that total 144 IP addresses are kept spare which OPTICHROME Ltd. could use it for various applications in future.

� So finally to conclude, floor plan is been designed keeping all factors in focus that will constitute a fundamental role in building brilliant success of the organization.