Motivation To Be A Good Student Education Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1893

If your motivation to be a good student you need get use to proper way to mitigate your shortcomings for that you should have good perception of your learning. In this case we are using different kind of tools and technologies to evaluate student's learning. Belbin,SWOT, Skills Audit, Study Skills questionnaire are few examples for learning tools and technologies. In this report I am going to demonstrate my experience with these learning tools and technologies. It will be included my strength, weakness, opportunities I have obtained to increase my studies as well as what are the strategies I am going to use success my learning, what are the interruptions for my development, how can I transfer my skills for future career. On the other hand I am going to find how I can use these experiences with other module.

What are my Strengths?

Being Prepared for Study

Study skills questionnaire show I have good improvements in prepared for study. I have identified my personal resources. I am always gathering idea from tutors and elderly students. I have clearly identified what kind of resources do I need to success my academic studies. Therefore I am reading books and newspapers, I am using internet as well as library for maintains this quality to forward. I have good ideas who are the people and places that I can use for improve my studies. It seems indecent study more helpful to being prepared for study. According Cottrell.S (2008, p12) Independent study is "feature all university programmes. The amount and the kind varies from one programme to another". Study skills questionnaire describe I have good understand about independent study therefore I can archive my own success by managing my studies well.

Information Technology

Study Audit suggests I am good in information technology. When I was following DNIIT (diploma in national institute of information Technology) I have used Microsoft office related assignments as well as I have good experience with other variety of software. Today I am using my previous experience when I am doing my academic learning in Northumbria University. So it helps me to do my assignments and everything much easily.


Study skills questionnaire describe I have good idea when I am doing referencing for my academic writing. That mean I have understood avoiding plagiarism. In this case I am following "Cite them right" written by Richard Pears and Graham. It is positively affecting me to when I am doing my assignment in my program module. I know how to produce list of reference, understanding about reference source. I have got positive feedback from tutor about my referencing for formative assignment in project management module.

Team Worker

Belbin test result shows I am a good team worker when I am working in a group. Generally most schools and universities depend on individuals but recently they more considering improving students skills when they are work as a group. It is call as 'people skills' or 'interpersonal skills'. Cottrell.S (2008, p93). As a team worker I have had good experience in my school life. It could help me to communicate with each other's and take others ideas into my group as well as I can encourage members in my group. I can share my knowledge, ideas among the group members also I can encourage them, I can listen them finally I can manage my group into success.

What are my Weaknesses?

Organization of learning

Kennedy. J (2005, p6) pointed out "planning and organizing your time efficiently enables you to break up long periods of academic study into realistic and achievable objectives". Skill Audit finds I am week with organization of learning. I haven't plan for my studies; I haven't well organized my lecture notes. In some case it badly effective when I am submitting my assignments, when I am going for my lectures and when I am facing to exam.

Time Management

Study skills questionnaire find I have less ability to manage my time. It seems I am away from controlling my own time, much time take to complete tasks, no time to free. I am not using time table for my day to day works that makes me trouble with my assignments deadline. I m not schedule my academic tasks. Study kills questionnaire and SWOT shows I did not understand demand of time management.

Revision and exam techniques

Skills Audit suggests I want get more experience about revision and exam techniques. Revision we need for to retrieve important information, theory and techniques that can use for our studies (University of Worcester, 2007). This happened I have not use any past exam papers. It seems I haven't good strategies for face examination. For an instant I am weak planning time and coping with anxiety in the exam room.


In my applied computing program I have to more opportunity to follow several kind of module it is bringing me more opportunities.

Academic communication

This module is bringing me grade opportunities of improve my academic writing skills. It is giving quit different experience with new written academic tasks. Especially it guides us to how to use English grammar and vocabulary appropriately and avoiding plagiarism. Academic communication module is giving correct guidance for report writing. It makes us much easy when we are doing our studies in other modules.

Project management

Project management is giving experience knowledge to manage individual projects. It is give more opportunities project management techniques and professional issues in industry. Planning, scheduling, estimating, risk managements are most important in this module. Therefore we are using Microsoft Project as a pc based project management tool. It is more useful for my other module for mange the module task by using this module experience.

Object-Oriented Modeling and Design

In this module we are getting more experience about Object-oriented concepts and an object-oriented development process. To do this we are using Unified Modeling Language as a methodology. In this module we are learning to design the structural and dynamic aspects of information systems using UML.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business

These modules helpful to start our own business without any others help. In this module we learn requirements for startup small business. It guides to how to build up compressive business plan to success. We have another opportunity to get business ideas to success from top business men because each and every week different business men conduct our seminars.

My strategies to overcome weakness

I have already identified what are my strengths and what are my weaknesses. If I need a success in my study I have to maintain my strength continuously I should have good plan to from my weaknesses.

• Strategies for organization of learning

I have identified I haven't good strategies to plan my studies. Therefore I need to well plan my studies in each and every module we are getting tutor notes so I need to arrange then in to correct order so it. My next suggestion is I want to give manage my time to do my assignments before to deadline. Some time it will difficult me to get use it because I am always busy with my work.

Strategies for Time Management

In this case I want to be aware of my time in how is wanted to use that in proper way. I suggest I want to make time table for my studies. So that I want to plan and organize my studies for an example I can plan my academic semester or academic year. After that I can check out my plan is working or not properly. It is more important when I am working with deadlines. I think it is help me to submit my assignments on time.

Strategies for Time Revision and exam techniques

To overcome with this weakness I need to read more books and I want more practice to memorize everything I have studied. I suggest I can use my free time to retrieve my studies. I want to take summary and need to carefully go through my lecture note after my finish my lectures to get rid of this weakness. I hope to find out pass exam papers and go through that before I face to exam. Some time it is difficult to me find out exam pass papers related to my module. Otherwise it will easy for me.

Events or people might inhibit your development

My finding shows many events and people inhibit my development. Facebook is world famous social networking website. I think I am spent my valuable time with Facebook. In Facebook I am chatting with my friends, I am watching their updates every time and watching others photos. So it takes more than two hours per day. It is badly affect me to when I am going to my time for studies. Usually it takes two or more hours to prepare our meals that also time wasting and it reduce our study time. In my free time and weekends I am watching sports events or a movie or musical programs on TV. These events also baldly affect to my development.

Transfer skills to for future career aspirations

We have two types of abilities that are learned abilities and natural abilities. Learned abilities are our skills and natural abilities are our talents. Transfer skills are the skills and abilities we have archived during any activity in our life (job, classes, projects, hobbies, sports). These abilities are more important for your future career. Learned abilities are skill you throughout in your life (Leading Org Solutions, 2009) Therefore I am going to find out few skills that I can use for success my future career aspirations. Each and every skills we have that are very important for our future in here I going to discuss few of them.

Organizing work

It is more helpful for your future career. So I can work according to plane. I can use my experience to select suitable tasks. I will be awareness about my work. It will helpful to finish my task without any trouble.

Time Management

Each and every task we need to be a proper time management. In my future career I hope to use my experiences for manage my well. Therefore I will be able to work with deadlines without having any troubles.

Working with others

In this skill it helps me to work as a group. I can share my knowledge with them for archive targets. I can manage group, I can encourage them, I solve problems, I can work with several people from a variety of background.


Each and every student's ambition is to be success in their education. Therefore self evaluation is most important measure student's skills. I think it is useful tools and technology like Belbin, SOWT, Skills Audit, Study Skills questionnaire for measure student's skills. These tools demonstrate you are in positive, what are the weaknesses you should have overcome. On other hand you have to be aware with your studies that will help you to understand what the opportunities you have got. Should have correctly identified who are the people and what are the events inhibit your development. It will help you do your learning without wasting your time. Finally it is really important you must have correct idea about transferring your skills to you future career. If you follow these steps accuracy you will definitely success in your learning.