Student attrition has been the concern of higher education notice for over 65 years, especially in the United States. A search of the literature shows that, as far back as 1937. The U.S office of education conducted a study of the factors contributing to college student retention and attrition according to a study conducted by Krause in 2005. And research into issues for first-year students has increased noticeably over the last decade in the U.S., and Australia. This can be an indicative of the growth that has taken place since the beginning of 1990s, especially falsification and difference of higher education. This has provided the developed interest in how first-year students needed to be sponsored and retained. This study also was conducted by Meer in 2009. As for a research study conducted by Nelson, Duncan, and Clarke in 2009 was the behavior connection of student registration in the five firs ??? year that categorized as at risk using the requirement of not delivering their first assignment. According to the three papers, I would like to summarize and raise discussion on points considering the challenging of interaction during the first year, identification and support of first year university student at risk of attrition and serious thought about dropping out in first year, trends, patterns and implications for higher education.
After having finished reading on three main topics for summary, I noticed the key factors on research finding to lead students to face success and attrition such as no thought of enrolment, finances and resources, context of group activities work, benefit and interaction in teaching to maintain retention, moreover, achievement, time management, student satisfaction and implication. Now looking at between success and attrition of students, I want to raise some concern over the three topics to retain student is environment of teaching that can interact students in learning through group activities work. This strategy can lead students have sense of troublesome chance and solving problem creatively that they could learn something new from this. Furthermore, considering on the necessity of active involvement and individual relation in teaching and learning surrounding can equip students' knowledge of interrelation between tutors and other students. First-year students have a need for connection with their peers and or teaching staff in their learning motivation for the first year. According to Krause (year) retention is most convenient brainchild in terms of the actions and responsibilities of institutions.
To research, students who have positive thinking of teaching seem to show intention to continue university. For other affects of students attrition are having no thought seriously of enrolment because of there is not pre-test on assessment studies for academic life that many programs operate without pre-test. Finances and resources can also be the factors to define students' attrition due to students who commit to their studies rely on individual benefit by spending the higher education provided tuition at the start of their first year intent not to be more strongly to stay. Like, those students rely much on family as their main income source at university is deliberate to stay on at university. And sense of purpose can be students' commitment to study, and it is the importance in separating potential and dropouts or persistence. Students who feel that being registered at university is just finding time which they make their mind to future plans and seem to understand dropping out than those who are explicit about causes of enrolment and intentional-enforced at university. Taking less time on campus and in class, and more time in getting paid job intend to be in line with critical thinking about dropping out study. Students who got a location in course of their first preference and who seek themselves learning in a part that persuade them are intentionally-purposed to continue.
Looking at the success and attrition from each paper, I want to summarize some key factors that define the success and attrition of students. Achievement and self-regulation can be the success for students not to drop out because of low attainment and inexplicit imagination in the first year are influential indicators of students who are willing to stop from university. Identical thoughts about dropping out of university are seen as proof among those students who fail to make a smooth judgment to university, have hardness understanding course material, and feel uncontrollable by all they have to do at university.
Time management is a factor in having impact on how students can prepare their time and determination at university which can show remarkable duty in compromising a plain righteousness and affirmative result in the first year.
According to the data from the national study researched by Krause et al in 2005 pointed out that students who determine to higher education average (that is, more than 12.5 hours) employment per week is willing to constantly think about dropping out.
This factor does not conduct in loneliness. However, in the study, earning the well-paid job setting was escorted by students concerning over money and emotion that their job has influence on their academic dramatically at university. Students who work to face social requirement and pay off current debts seem to quit than those who work for other reasons. Contrarily, those severely think of quitting their study are importantly having hardship adaptation to university ways of lecturing.
One more reason for dropping out is student satisfaction that appears as a quitting force of per sisters in the first year. They reply they gain assistance speech in advance before they have association with the institution when they selected subjects to learn, in contrast, university ignore their expectation with satisfaction that then it gives their pleasing concept over quitting. On the other hand, implication is still the major cause for students' attrition because implication has several guidelines in dealing with students on their curriculum and holistic approach to engagement, structural elements of the preparation when they need information and assistance they are in or out of the class. Communication is needed for students to put them in feedback circle. This involved students in three-way relationship between students, academics, and student support staff. Such a relation is beneficially attained when students have connection with institution before registration. It refers to the institution active cooperation with school and communities to get qualified students and raise their realization over what to succeed at university before they get started.
To my own observation on the three paper summary, I feel that the above-mentioned matters are really the exact concerns for students to accept the degree in higher education; otherwise, students interaction with one another outside the classroom in the context of group work, included the finding suggested that tutors effectiveness in facilitating or instilling connection between tutors and students gives individual internal realization enough qualification to students' result. To avoid dropping out and to keep students' retention from attrition, finances and resources are very economically supported students in good performance to commit independently in learning successfully. Sense of purpose also helps students to think largely on going on their study and achieve fruitfully at the end of each term. This idea gives creation whether how they can decide without reluctance or withdrawal because of clearly-determined goal in higher education.
For other concept in achieving study from dropping out is time management, for those who come to study at university purposely may find more time or have free access to academic progress rather than coming to university without having time management or face difficulty in workload writing and submitting test on required deadline. Satisfaction is a character linked between student and community learning, student learn best when they have assistance from academic staff and get specific-regular advice from the subject they chose and they may continue to enjoy study. Implication is the data for closely-related sense of purpose, encouragement and self-regulatory attitude, where this data empower students finding the success and trying not to drop out and intentionally study to reach future career goal.
All in all, according to these three papers concentrate very much on how students achieve their study in higher education and avoid dropping out to what it is the remarkable and concerned research on students attrition for first year at university, so to a paper researched by Nelson, Duncan, and Clarke (2009) raise many relevant points about the factors that can help students learn successfully such as curriculum, responsibility, involvement, and future direction. These connected points can decide clearly whether first year student come to class with well-prepared background or just to spend time by relying on school whole programs to give them success in learning. As for a paper by Krause (2005) discussed about finances and resources, sense of purpose, achievement and self-regulation, time management, and student satisfaction are the most successful scene that determine students in learning and avoid dropping out due to their intentionally-enforced reasons on the above finding. For the last paper by Meer (2009) pointed out only the interaction between students and tutors or academic staff, for this finding students seem not to value education if they notice that they come to school without attention of personal relation between their peer and tutors.
Do not see any comparison of methods used by each of the three studies. Also you focus on results of Krause study but I see very little on results of the other two studies. I have trouble knowing whether you really understood the methods and results of the Nelson et al and Meer articles. Your sentence structure makes it hard to understand the points you want to make. I encourage you to write simple, short sentences since writing in a second language is difficult.
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