This essay's main goal is to review the McDonald's human resource management functions and the different every different function is described below.
Strategies to achieve successful development of the it's organisation such as job analysis for employing new person, recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, training system of McDonalds etc...
This essay may help us to understand structure of the McDonald's and it's all functions of the human resource management.
McDonalds has come long way since Ray Kroc established it in 1954.
The story is that Ray Kroc mortgaged his home and his all life savings to represent and become distributor of a five-Spindled milk shake which is called the multi mixer. The other features of Ray Kroc was this he believed in opening new branches so McDonalds could spread around the U.S.A therefore profit would rise up and this idea did work well and McDonalds is one of the biggest and well known international food company.
In addition, McDonalds serves 47 million customers in 121 countries around the world by more than 30000 its restaurants every day. McDonalds best feature is its experienced management, quality and fresh food ,talented operational systems and considering all global opportunity.
Objective of the McDonalds is phrased by this sentence "To satisfy the internal customers".
1-Train yourself and your team ,which you are responsible of ,to be the best employer for people in every society around the world.
2-Deliver optional exellence to customers in every restaurants around the world to make different compare to other brands.
3-Reach enduring growth which is profitable by spreading branches around the world whit raising well reputation of McDonalds using the power of its system through innovation and technology.
McDonalds is structured in accordance with the functional the chief executive overseas of McDonalds manages five major areas of activity.
1)operations(franchising, equipment)
2)Human Resource
Hierarchy is structured as follows McDonald's in Turkey
• Trainee Manager:
Trainee business manager should have the right skills and
quality, in order to run the McDonald's.
• 2 Assistant:
Second assistant at this level it really begins to develop
management skills and learn how to resolve a work shift.
• 1 Assistant:
The first deputy of operations at this level brings together
management skills and finance, human resources and gets grip
• Restaurant Manager:
Restaurant manager, people, all the responsibility for profitability
Every aspect of work and restrictions.
• Field Supervisor:
by a team of consultants will call the restaurant manager
advice and guidance on everything from employment
local marketing initiatives.
• Operations consultant:
operations manager for an experienced consultant, it will
would include long-term planning for restaurants.
• Operations manager:
Acting as a business consultant, business manager login
About 10 restaurants will play an important role in performance.
McDonalds five worlds which is separated from other areas divided into sub-regions and due to this international organisation all decision are taken so that the centre but somehow has according to the different cultural back grounds of the regions has changed organisation good and intelligence as it is known by employers of McDonalds as well-groomed to support and maintain the best quality at the every level of it.
Therefore Human Resource department is very efficient to make sure it works well.
McDonalds believes in EEO laws and it is a very responsible company. Various equal opportunities committed by employers to workforce. McDonalds is a global business company but it occurs every individual who brings his unique skills and team features and there is no limit about how much here you can go and 8 functions of Human Resource management at McDonalds are listed below
HR activities such as the scope and complexity of tasks, as they grow recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, training, exploring delegates to the HR department has not assigned tasks. But HR experts as well as business managers do not know the details. Information about work and their needs must be collected a process known as job analysis.
Job analysis at McDonalds :To understand the responsibilities, such as business process analysis this type of work and McDonald's are made in different ways:
Employees fill out questionnaires every two months to know
performance of tasks and information about restaurants
responsibility and business activities can be collected.
Observations about a job and a way to gather information that To achieve different levels of satisfaction are determined once the company's personnel needs, takes all kinds
To fill the position so that the existing steps to hire the best employees
an example is written below for job description
Position : Assistant Manager - Marketing
Vacancy Location: Mumbai
Candidate Profile:
MBA / PGDBA with specialization in Marketing must be willing to travel. Must have 2-4 years of experience in the areas mentioned below preferably from the retail industry.
Job description:
Identify priority restaurants, develop sales building plans and evaluate results for priority restaurants, map business opportunities and challenges for restaurant, event marketing, assist with the development of mini-market marketing plans, provide input on marketing needs from customer viewpoint, monitors the proper execution and impact of all marketing activities.
The Hiring Process at McDonalds : Hiring process divided into two levels at McDonalds
At mcdonalds hiring is prosecced at two levels
1-trainee managers
2-crew members
The difference between this two lewels is that trainee managers are demanded to capture and process of the working of the outlet therefore trainee managers are trained aproprietly.
On the other hand crew member should do rest of the jobs such as cleaning, counter service etc...
Hiring process is a significant phenomenon for recruitment as it is process of generate the qualified persons for the job which is needed. Two ways are used for recruiting persons at McDonalds to fill positions.
1-internal sources
2-external sources
Internal sources: To fill positions ,which has been waiting for appropriate applicant, with present staff are usually the ultimate source of applicant. job posting system is usually used to employee candidates.
Job posting systems layers are listed such as qualifications, job timetable, pay rates and this system is published by McDonalds.
External sources: McDonalds uses external sources to find the candidates to fill the open positions and some of the external sources are listed below
Advertisement on web site( Anyone might miss it)
Advertisement on tv
INTERNSHIP: The other side of the McDonalds is students because students might have job while they do work as a trainee at McDonalds and the most significant factor is people at McDonalds.
McDonalds recruits people who can think and feel, presents himself/herself and who can learn fastly and represents his/her team and grow because their growth means McDonalds growth.
Fresh People: McDonalds provides training carefully to new people who is inexperienced. Past experience is usually so important for McDonalds and plus this McDonalds adds its area culture of the that organisation on employees.
Justified Selection:
the selection of the candidates system is based on merit which makes criteria objectively for example there is no gender, religion ,nationality, age and color. This system block out bias situations.
Some steps are followed after receiving applications dorm from candidates and those steps are listed below.
Screening of candidates
Human resource managers on duty at this level because they separate the candidates ,who is appropriate for position, for the company and make a short list.
Written Test
The reason why doing the written test to candidates is to check that the candidates are enough good or experienced to consider the position which is open.
First meeting with candidates
the feature of the this factor is that the candidate and restaurant manager are having meeting face to face after written test.
Ability process
this test is proof of the references which presented by applicant in the application form and this process is done by training managers.
Final Interview
Applicants who has given the best rates of the all tests, which are listed up, are called for the last meeting.
Training and improvement phenomenon are completed by human resource managers by traditionally educating and training candidates also at universities and special trainers. International experience is too important for McDonalds as it is for other companies and development activity.
McDonalds provides training to its employees to achieve top level of service in organisation.
The training time period is different for crew members and for other employees. This period is three months for crew members and for other employees is between 10 and 15 days.
At McDonalds training consist of direct training, training abroad.
Direct Training
At this training level employees are provided with training which is directly and therefore candidates can find out their job which they need to do and its responsibility.
Training Abroad
The main goal of this way of training is to arranging different functions so other qualified employees can train the candidates at different levels so they can learn the different culture of the organisations and different service standarts and abilities.
Different methods are used in training at McDonalds.
This is the way of the direct training which is used for the new employees who has basic information and they are demanded to perform whatever they know.
Handbook for new employees includes information which is listed below
- Working hours
- Performance reviews
- Vacations
- Employee benefits
- Personnel policies
- Safety measures and regulations
The orientation period is run by human resource managers and employees are introduced to their management team. The different way of the orientation are used for every employees.
"We value you, your growth and your contributions."
• getting trained while working
This is called on the job training and main purpose of this process is to train the employee while they do work.
• Classroom Training
This way is improved and run by special experts to prepare fantastic employees.
• Computer-Based Training:
Computer based training system is too important for efficient and interactive experience and this system are used on staff and managers .
Training levels at McDonalds
Two training levels are provided by McDonalds
Staff training
McDonalds training system has been going on and McDonalds does not let it stop. Staff are responsible of food handling and food safety therefore these processes are provided very carefully by McDonalds experienced trainer.
In other word, staff learns things whilst they work.
• Manager's Training: The most important level of McDonalds is manager training and managers at McDonalds approximately spend more than 2000 hours in four years in training.
•Floor Management Course (FMC):
The FMC is geared towards improving the trainee's ability to deliver
Q, S, C & V as a Floor Manager.
•Management Development Program (MDP):
The MDP series is designed to help you become the most effective
manager that you can be.
•Operations Consultant Course (OCC)
•Training Consultant Course (TCC)
This is a significant process of performance which is about consideration of the employee and McDonalds does performance review of semi annually.
Standards are structured compare to employees performance which was showed.
Finally employees performances are criticised for McDonalds real level standarts.
An on jobevaluation is processed to consider the employees. This is necessary to make comment about performance of employee if that person did not perform enough good then management gives him feedback to improve him/her.
There is PA forms, which contains appraisal standards, for every single job they do.
International standards.
Shoving the obvious performance of employee which relative to this standards.
McDonalds has four factors to consider the employees performance
Need development
This grade are given to the employees with feedback about their weakness and strength.
performance based point system is used at McDonalds to expand output,
rewards are given to the employees checking their performance and also this system is used for teams.
Type of rewards
by cash
by none cash
Rewards by cash
HSF(hard soft furnishing) is a type of rewards which provide to furnish its employees house with furniture, carpets..etc and the all expenses are paid off by McDonald.
In some countries McDonalds provides holiday in country for ten days where its company run such as Pakistan.
Rewards by non cash
Staff of the year
Staff of the month
Gift certifications
Free food
Branch of the month
Branch of the year
As soon as an employee start working in management team at McDonalds he/her would start receiving benefits which are listed below.
Benefit Sharing:
it is totally provided by McDonalds and this rewards system is the best way in the quick service restaurants.
holiday time is increased every year for every person.
Leaving the job:
Employees , who is student , might use this opportunity to attend his/her school project up to 2 months.
Car which is provided by company:
Managers at McDonalds are allowed to use company car after filling 3 years in servicing.
Social Activities:
This is the best way of being discharge and employees might organise the activities with his /her work mates such as going to swimming etc...
Uniforms are given to the all employees who work in the offices and on the floor.
Hours diversity:
McDonalds is usually open to its customers around the 18 hours a day therefore everyone might find the hours which is suited and before person , who is charge making schedule, making schedule person who needs to change his time table should let managers know in advance.
There is no doubt McDonalds is the one of the largest company in the world therefore we might think it does not need any improvement but even McDonalds needs some improvements.
Those are listed below.
• McDonald's must start its services for customers as well as product.
• Job enlargement and job enrichment should be applied for retention
of employees.
• There should be more than one feedback session for improvement of
performance of employees.
• Recruitment must be conducted for higher posts also to select more
skilled persons.
• There should be proper and flexible arrangements for training of
managerial level employees.
• Job enlargement and job enrichment should be applied for retention
of employees.
• There should be more than one feedback session for improvement of
performance of employees