Marketing Operations Of Faysal Bank Finance Essay

Published: November 26, 2015 Words: 5064

Owing to the rapid changes and explosion of knowledge we have to combat with the modern era. Research is the basic requirement of this and for the forthcoming challenges of the commercial and materialistic world. So understanding phenomena and making my mind practically explore. I joined FBL Arifwala and collected some data of the bank and compiled this report in such away that a salient feature to be highlighted for the researcher and concerning people of the bank. The division of this report consists of various chapters as in Introduction of Banking system, History of FBL, Marketing & Operations. I discussed about the procedure of getting different type of loans and advances, then I discussed different departments and its function. I discussed the SWOT analysis of FBL. I gave different type of conclusion and

"Faysal Bank started operations in Pakistan in 1987, first as a branch set-up of Faysal Islamic Bank of Bahrain and then in 1995 as a locally incorporated Pakistani bank under the present name of Faysal Bank. On January 1, 2002, Al Faysal Investment Bank Limited, another group entity in Pakistan, merged into Faysal Bank Limited which resulted in a larger, stronger and much more versatile institution.

Faysal Bank Limited is a full service banking institution offering banking facilities to its individual and corporate customers. Our widespread and growing network of branches in the four provinces of the country and Azad Kashmir, together with corporate offices in major cities, provides efficient services in an effective manner. Faysal Bank also operates standalone Islamic banking branches under "Barkat Islamic Banking" brand.

Faysal Bank is a progressive financial institution, forever striving to offer innovative products and quality services in easily accessible ways for greater customer convenience. We offer value added deposit products and customized consumer financing solutions. We also offer a host of corporate, commercial and investment banking services which include funding and trade finance facilities and corporate advisory services, along with a wide array of tools to help customers achieve their business goals. The strength and stability of Faysal Bank Limited is evident through the Credit Rating of "AA" (Double A) for long to medium term and "A-1+" (A One Plus) for short term assigned to it by both JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited and Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA).

The majority share holding of Faysal Bank is held by Ithmaar Bank B.S.C, an investment bank listed in Bahrain with the balance shares in the hands of general public, NIT and other Pakistani institutions".

introduction of fbl arifwala

FBL inaugurated is new branch at Thana Bazar Arifwala in December, 2008. On the very first day Bank gained deposit from different customers almost four lacks. The major competitors of FBL are Habib Bank, Bank Alfalah, The Bank of Punjab and The National Bank earned the huge profits. Therefore, to gain the business FBL launched its Arifwala Branch with bright and clear vision of customer service. In short period of time branch achieved tremendous deposits. Volumes and prove his reorganization in banking industry of Arifwala.

Introduction of FBL

Vision Statement

"Excellence in all that we do".

Mission Statement

"Achieve leadership in providing financial services in chosen markets through innovation."

Core Values

"Our daily code of conduct."

structure of fbl

Organizational Structure (Organizational Chart)

Executive Committee





Executive Incharge

Area Manager

3. business operation

3.1 branch structure



FBL developing & delivering the most innovative products.

The customers are satisfied with the bank services.

Branch Manager and Area Manager having good coordination with staff and make environment friendly.

Customer gives suggestion for the improvement of bank.

Bank is having the security system like /CCC.

Employees should be provided sufficient salary so that he may work whole heartedly and devotedly

Bank provides entertainment facilities to every customer.

Backed by strong Ithmarr Bank B.S.C an Investment Bank.

FBL is pursuing the path of excellence keeping in view the satisfaction lf its Customers. His priority is the best service to his customers.

FBL provides the fiancés assistance to every individual for car, home fiancé, and agriculture which facilitate bank to get market excellence and move towards prosperity and development.


The bank is not educating about his products and services.

The bank generally gives importance to rich and educated people while ignoring the uneducated people.

The bank should help his customer how to fill forms slips and cheque.

The rural customer feel hesitant to enter in executive environment and have problem with language, (Language barrier / Urdu, English conversation.

Less volume as compare to big cities.

Mismanagement of time is another big mistake FBL branches.

The bank is not quick in a Service to the Customers in depositing and withdrawing.


The new government strives to uplift the economy and do reforms in financial sector it will yield positive result in the banking industry of the country.

Steps are taken by the Government regarding the betterment of the economy, small borrowers are attracted to get the financing and start small businesses.

FBL faces hard Competition so he should take aggressive steps to increase its business.

Introduces credit card facility.

Establishing foreign branches

FBL introduced number of financial schemes including Faysal Moavin, Faysal Izafa, Faysal Izafa plus, Term deposits etc. During few years FBL deposits have been increasing .this is very healthy sign.


The Competition has become severe by the entrants of so many banks in the town. Excellent arrangements and good services are to be provided to satisfy its shareholders otherwise they will lose their confidence.

The current economic situation of the country affecting the business activity.

The economic conditions of the country are deteorating day by day and it doesn't make healthy effect on the banking system.


Marketing policies are also one of the most important policies because they are related to the growth of the organization. Marketing for a bank would mean:

Creation of new product and services.

The bank marketing must be consumer oriented.

To provide the maximum awareness of IT (ATM use) to customer.

Provide better services to customer satisfaction.

Avoid racism among customers.

Customize products according to customer need.

Provide good environment to customers so that they can easy feel

FBL Arifwala branch offers a special rate to customer

Advertisement policies of this branch are very attractiveness for customer

These policies can be implemented by providing the facilities and services to the customer at the right place, at the right time, at the right price.

It is necessary for the managers to keep in touch with consumers, observe their needs and develop products, which meets their needs.


Public relation and advertising has assumed a great significance in the modern banking business. The main objectives of the bank are to inform and motivate the existing clients as well as new ones. FBL establishes its purpose through

The existing account holder.

Actuate its own employees.

Integration with business organizations.

Community relations.


Same is the case with the services offered by Bank. Services are the main tool through which the bank acquires new customers and retain them. These services are not merely to earn profit, but to keep pace with the changing needs of the customers and modern day's banking trends. These services include Home Remittances, Hajj Services, Utility Bills, Lockers and Commodity Operations. Along with these core services provided by the bank, online banking and Internet banking serve as supplementary services.

Call Center:

Centralized (24x 7) call center facilitate the customer all around the country. 24/7 call center 0800-111-325

Free service

No charge for customers maintaining monthly average balance of Rs 500,000/- for Faysal Sahulat current accounts on the following services:

Issuance of Pay Orders 120 per year.

1 small locker per customer (subject to the availability)

Duplicate statement of account.

Annual fee of pocket mate visa debit card.

Issuance of check cheque book 100 leaves per year.

Online Facility:

Now the bank gives you the absolute convenience of instant access to a host of banking facilities and personalized services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Online Features:

In online banking Faysal Sahulat is the supreme. The account is specially designed to address the needs of those individual (joint, salaried, retired) and business customers who seek instant access to their funds at any FBL Branch across Pakistan.

Balances can be checked from any Branch.

Facility is available for the transfer of funds.

Know the history of your account.

Take the statement of your account through fax.

Get information about currency exchange rates.

Find out status of your card or loan application

Instructions to stop payment are also available.

Incase cheque book is lost, it can be reported.

Facility to change address and telephone number is available.

Internet Banking:

Internet Banking offers the customers convenience to manage and control his banking and finances when she/he wants, where she/he wants! It's Simple, Convenient, Secure and Faster. So, just by clicking one can enjoy this facility. ATM card facility is also available.


Why visit the bank when you can better use your precious time to meet other commitments? With ONLINE, our special discounted charges also offer you substantial savings.

3.5 Business process analysis


FBL is a progressive bank striving to offer innovative products, easy accessibility, quality service & convenience to our customers. We offer customized financing solutions with flexible criteria and convenient loan tenures. You can avail car, home and personal loans through our various branches. We also offer a host of Corporate & Investment Banking Services to our clients, which include financial and corporate advisory services, along with a wide array of tools to help them achieve their goals.

Deposit Accounts Consumer Loans

Faysal Savings Account Car Finance

Rozana Munafa plus Account House Finance

Basic Banking Account

Faysal Moavin

Faysal Premium

Faysal Izafa

Mahfooz Sarmaya

FCY Saving Plus

Corporate & Investment Banking Services

Corporate Financing Pocket Mate Visa Debit Card

SME Finance

Trade Financing Transfer of Funds

Treasury & Capital Markets Safe Deposit Lockers

Investment Banking Non-stop Banking

Agricultural Financing

Cash Management

Account Opening Activity:

Required docoument:

NIC copy of customer

Introducer ID Copy.

Business Card/ Salary slip.


The person who actually open the account or getting services.


Introducer is a person having the account in same branch and gives guarantee about the customer. If the introducer is not proper than state bank charges RS 5000/- per head from that employee of the bank who has opened the account of the customer on the request of the introducer.

Procedure of Account Opening:

First of all, the customer is required to fill an application form. Then he attaches the photocopy of his identity card and fills the signatory cards. Now he fills the pay-in slip and deposits money on the counter. Bank allotted an account number within one day after confirming from the head office which is at Mall road Lahore. Now he fills the pay-in slip and deposits money on the counter.

Account holder Documents:

Applicant Form.

Signature card

Next of kin

Account Opening Form:

Account opening form consist of

Category of account


Title of account

Account number

Customer information

Initial deposit

Authorized person in case of customer death

Specimen Signature Card:

Specimen signature card is kept to check the correctness of signature. (According to NIC)

Next of Kin:

In the next of kin the customer authorized the bank to pay the proceedings of her/his PLS/Current foreign currency account to the related person by describing the relationship of the person with the customer after the death of the customer.

Letter of Thanks:

After opening an account the bank will issue the letter of thanks to the customer.

Issuance of Cheque Book:

Cheque book is issued to the customer after sending the letter of thanks when the customer comes with the latter of thanks and requests for the issuance of the cheque book. A cheque book (usually having 25 leaves) is issued to the customer.

Closing of Account:

The customer can close the account. The customer is required to submit an application for closing the account. The account is closed out and his balance is paid to him after deducting the closing charges.

There are many reasons for closing of account

Account holder Owen request

Death of account holder

Closing of account due to the bad manners of account holder

Required Procedure for Opening an Account:

First of all, the customer gets an application from the bank, which requires all information necessary for opening account and also the documents required. An account can be opened as:

An individual account

Joint account

Proprietorship account

Limited company account


Information Required by the Bank:



Telephone No.

Currency of Account

Nature of Business

Country of Residency

Special instructions regarding the account


Documentation In case of limited company accounts:

Photocopy of National Identity Card of each director

Application form

Copy of company's memorandum and articles of association

List of directors

Copy of board resolution

Certificate of incorporation

Their signature cards

Certificate to commence business

Documentation In case of Partnership Account:

Application form

A copy of partnership deed

Signature cards of partners

Registration certificate copy

A copy of National Identity Card of each partner


The need of remittance is commonly felt in today's business. A major function of any bank is to "transfer of funds from one place to another". FBL uses the following modes of transfer of funds.

a) Demand draft (DD)

b) Pay order (PO)

c) Call deposit

d) Pay slip

Demand Draft

It is instrument, which is used to transfer amount from one city to another city it can be made on cash as well as on cheque. If it is made through cheque that it is necessary that person must be A/c account holder while in case of cash any person can make. The demand draft is secured mode of payment. It consists of three copies.

1) Original copy, which is given to account holder.

2) DD advice is sent to the central branch.

3) Third copy is for reconciliation. Its photocopy is kept with us (bank)

While original is sent to head office for reconciliation.


The client who wants to transfer his fund from one place to another he is required to fill the bank's slip (DD).

Beneficiary name

Applicant's name


Amount to be sent etc.

Bank deducts some charges against DD.


Cash department of FBL works under the operation department. This department is given the complete responsibility of cash, as result of transaction in touch local and foreign currencies. It is also responsible for the book keeping of these transactions and the safe custody of cash.

This department performs the main function.

a) Cash receipts

b) Cash payments

Cash Receipts

The customer deposit the amount with deposit slip to cash counter. The officer check the amount according to slip and confirm with computerized receipt to the customer.


Mr. Tariq deals with cash payments the process for payment of cheque local and foreign currency is same. First the cheque is presented by the customer or holder to cash payment officer. He confirms that it is drawn on the same branch and the particulars of cheque are properly filled in. Two signature of the holder is taken on the back of the cheque. Cheque is handed over to the officer cash department for scrutiny where officer checks the date, amount in words and amount in figures, payee's name, crossing if any, account number, cheque serial number, any material alterations / endorsements and signature of the customer. Account is debited and then the officer cancels cheque. It is posted in the system and posting stamp and number is affixed on it. Cheque is handed over to the cash payment officer for payment. One more signature on that back of the cheque is taken from the holder to match with the first one, and then cash is paid to the cash detail is written on the Back of the cheque. Cash paid stamp is affixed on the face of the cheque. Entry is passed in the cash payment register and system.

Consumer Loans ACTIVITY

Faysal Car Finance:

Plan your finances in a way that is straightforward, affordable and easy to attain, now it's easy to be in the driver seat!

Faysal Car Finance is available for

Locally manufactured vehicles

Tenure up to 5 years

Variable rate lease (12 month KIBOR + 5% annually)

Minimum customer equity 20%

Eligibility Criteria

Applicant should be between 21 years to 60 years of age.

With 3 years of employment or established business.

Documents Required

For Salaried Individual/Professional Individuals

Attested copy of CNIC (please bring original CNIC for verification)

2 recent passport sized photographs.

Proof of income (Salary Slip/ Salary Certificate)

Proof of profession/business.

Bank statement for past 12 months.

Copy of latest Utility Bill / Bills of Cell phone / Credit Card Bills.

NTN Certificate.

Copy of valid driving License.

Duly filled application form.

Faysal Home Finance

Live a happy and carefree life, away from financial worries, in a way that is straightforward, affordable and easy to attain.

Faysal Home Finance is available for

Buying a new home

Building a new home

Renovation of existing home

For Buying a Home

Maximum financing amount available is 70% of the market value of property

Repayment period is between 3 years to 20 years.

For Building a Home

Maximum financing amount available is 70% of value of land plus construction.

Repayment period is between 1 year to 20 years.

Repayment is monthly installments.

For Renovating Home

Maximum financing amount available is 50% of the market value of property or Rs. 20 million, whichever is lower.

Repayment period is between 3 years to 20 years.

Repayment In monthly installments.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicant to be between 21 years to 60 years of age,

Resident of Pakistan or a non resident Pakistani.

With 2 years of employment of which at least 1 year at present place of employment or 3 years established business.

Applicant is tax payer and holds a valid NTN.

Document Required

Attested copy of CNIC (please bring original CNIC for verification)

2 recent passport sized photographs.

Tex returns for past 3 years.

Bank statement for past 12 months.

Copy of latest Utility Bill / Bills of Cell phone / Credit Card Bills.

NTN Certificate.

Faysal Personal Finance

Get rid of your financial anxieties. Live comfortably in a straight forward, affordable and easy to attain way.

Faysal personal finance for is available for

Up to an amount of Rs. 5,00000/-

Equal monthly installment.

Repayable over three months.

Eligibility criteria

Applicant to be between 21 years to 60 years of age.

Minimum net income 30,000/- per month.

Applicant is tax payer and holds a valid NTN.

Corporate and Investment ACTIVITY

Corporate Financing:

FBL Limited is fully geared to meet the changing economic challenges present in Pakistan. We are ever striving to build meaningful relationships with our customers and become partners in their growth and progress by acting as financial advisors and consultants as well as financiers. Our Corporate Finance Group extends both short and long term financing facilities designed to fulfill the individual need of each corporate customer.

Small and Medium Enterprise Financing:

Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) unit of the Bank is geared towards catering to the banking requirements of small to medium businesses in a timely and therefore cost effective manner. All the branches of FBL are equipped to speedily attend incoming financing requests from SMEs. We help our customers grow from strength to strength by acting as their bankers and financial advisors.

Trade Financing:

FBL has established a strong presence globally in Trade Financing through its network, affiliates and correspondents. The Bank has conveniently maintained relationships with major banks in the international financial market and continues to develop new ones wherever needed. Our Trade Finance services include a full range of import, export and guarantee products, thus offering tailor-made solution to fit the individual need of each customer.

Treasury and Capital Markets:

FBL Treasury is one of the leading market makers in quoting competitive prices in all major currencies and provides dynamic corporate and institutional Marketing teams with up-to-date market information. Our cutting edge is the in-time advice and execution of deals for our customers.

FBL treasury team strives to satisfy the customer's financial needs in a timely and a flawless manner. FBL has earned immaculate reputation in the field of Capital Markets, which is quite evident from our track record and market share in this area.

Investment Banking:

With the ever-changing business environment in Pakistan, companies need expert partners with a keen understanding of business to help achieve profit objectives. At FBL, we offer the leaders of businesses and institutions, corporate advisory services and a wide array of tools to help them accomplish their goals. We advise and facilitate the arrangement of commercial paper, syndications, mergers, acquisitions and underwriting arrangements amongst many others. Whether the customers require financing of a project or managing of investments, we can guide them through the markets and tailor a solution to meet their specific needs.

Agricultural Financing:

FBL offers specialized products for the agricultural sector. The branches located in agricultural areas of Pakistan are all equipped to help the local farmers improve their yield and methods of farming by offering timely and affordable modes of financing to suit their needs. To increase its outreach into agricultural regions of Pakistan, FBL has entered into strategic alliances with other specialized banks through which it will be financing the needs of farmers.

3.6 Analysis:

After working in that environment of FAYSAL Bank of Arifwala I found following point in analyzing Business Process of the Organization.

Well-Defined Tasks and Duties:

The tasks and duties are defined in such a way that it becomes very easier for the employees to perform their assigned tasks. Due to the implementation of modern techniques the efficiency and accuracy of the work force has been greatly increased.

Proper Supervision:

There is a proper supervision system to check and evaluate the performance of each employee. It is the duty of Operations Manager to make sure that every employee is giving the desired performance.

Caring Environment for the customer:

The environment of the bank is caring for the customers and every customer is dealt with proper care and attention. All the employees have very professional attitude and know the worth of the customer for the business.

Cooperative and Supportive Staff:

The behavior of the staff with the customers is very cooperative and every employee is ready to facilitate the customer on his best in order to increase the customer's satisfaction level.

Lack of customer relationship desk:

It was observed that there was no customer relationship officer is the branch to guide the customer to solve their problems and to tell them that what should they do and where should they go for the solution of their problems. As a result the customers keep on disturbing all the employees in order to get their problem solved.

Difficulty in Handling of Illiterate Customers:

As the branch is located in such an area where main business is of spare parts and steel manufacturing, the majority of the customers is illiterate. Thus it is not very easy for the Employees to handle these customers.

Increashed Workload:

Due to the new regulations of the state bank to deduct 0.3% tax on every check amounting to more than 25000, the customers started issuing too many check to avoid this tax. As a result the overall work load on employees has been significantly increased.

Employee's Motivation:

It was observed that at present motivation level of the employees is not very much high because of the currently announced salary increments, which is not up to the employees' expectation level and because of some other reasons such as, increased workload etc.

4. LEARNING as a Student Intern

4.1 Duties

Among different departments are the following.

Fund Mobilization Department & Remittance Department.

Accounts Department

Sorting of cheques and vouchers.

Cutting of day end reports arranged and also put these into files.

Punching of documents to put these into files.

Copies at photocopy machine.

Making of different expense vouchers for Branch.

Making letter for sending to customer in case of dormant account.

Stamps on completed vouchers for keeping of record.

Making entry of completed vouchers into voucher register as well as into computer.


Procedure of customer's Account Opening.

Letter of thanks for sending to the customer against opening of Account.

Entry of these letters into register before posting to customers.

Pasting of Account opening documents into separate register after completion of Account opening procedure.


Stamps at the back of cheques for Token no. and detail of notes.

Entries of these cheques into payment register of cashier as well as into token register.

Filling up of cheques and slips in case of payments and receipts of cash.


By performing above activities every one is able to perform all the activities of account department as well as fund mobilization department.

4.3 New knowledge Acquired

The thing are learnt,

Manage time for reach to the office as well as to finish my official work.

Deal with customer according to their personality.

Open an account with different procedure in case of different situation.

Punch documents for putting these into files

Copy at photocopy machine.

Analyze different day end reports.

Fill a different voucher which is use as daily routine

I learn how analyze statement of affair

I get a knowledge about procedure of issue of loan

Know about agri finance department and about of activity

Learn how mange finance and budget

I learn the techniques, customer's relation and negotiation skills.

Problems Encountered

During the internship, I had a little bit problems. Because the branch was newly established. I have problem to analyze the income statement but the senior officer helps me.

Getting customer views regarding FBL _ Problematic, because customers are dissatisfied.

Branch located is faraway from the business market ( Grain, Fruit, Vegetable) so the clients are reluctant to deposit huge amount of money.

Bank has shown remarkable growth during the last years and earned profits. But in banking environment where other commercial banks are developing their system and providing more attractive packages to the clients.

Agri finance dept offers loans to farmers more then 10 acres of land. FBL setup is new, working is fully computerized but there is no appropriate support i.e. shortage of IT equipment. Moreover ATM facility is not available for accountholders.

4.5 How Internship will Impact My Carrieer

This internship at Faysal Bank will prove very important for me during my professional career. Because it was my first learning experience of working in a organization. It will be very helpful for me to show discipline, hard working and how work is done in any organization. No doubt it will prove a bright sign in my future.

The following experience has gain during working with operational management.

Control of Expenditure

The studied that there should be a control on expenditure, which will help in increasing profitability of organization. In practical the things observed that branches reduce their expenditures and cost of services.

Finalization of accounts

The studied that organizations prepare their profits and loss accounts, balance sheet, cash flow statement and also monthly and annual reports. Practically analyzed that these statements along with customer accounts (transactions) are compiled on the daily basis due to efficient computer software "Bank Smart".

Information Management

The studied that finance department is a decision tools to management, in practice it is analyzed that accounts department, prepared daily reconciliation regarding deposits, reports for management. Decision making


After spending six weeks at different departments of the bank, interacting with the employees, getting their views, observing the organizational structure and design, the following suggestions that can improve a few weaknesses observed in the bank.

Flexible Policies

The bank should be adopting flexible policies, especially in the areas of the recruitment, promotions, evaluation of the employees otherwise the high turnover observed in the bank will continue to create problems for the bank now and in the future.

Job security

Present, employees are not satisfied with the job. Lake of training and seniors Pressure provide dissatisfaction to the employees.

Permanent Hiring

The fresh hiring should be made permanent so that they are secured of their future. Further the allowances and perquisites attached with the permanent jobs will also increase the motivation level of the employees.

Job Training Programs

The bank should place emphasis on the organization of effective training and development programs for its new as well as existing employees so that these are gradually updated regarding the recent developments in the field of banking.

Perquisites and Allowances

The number of allowances and perquisites for the employees should be increased to ensure that they put their body and soul in the jobs assigned to them.

Revival of the Charges

The rates for the various charges provided by the bank should be brought down a bit, as it would result in increase in the number of customers of the bank.

Adoption of Effective technology

The current unibank system used by the bank is very slow in processing so my view is that the bank should try to adopt some other but more effective form of technology in order to provide comfort to the customers as well as the staff.


The higher authorities should form team-based management rather than centralized management. It would result in improvement in uplifting the morale of the employees. They will be more motivated and involved in all their operations resulting in overall effectiveness of the organization.


BM Branch Manager

OM Operation Manager

CSO Customer Service Officer

CRM Customer Relationship Manager

CRO Customer Relationship Officer

AOF Account Opening Form

PKR Pakistani Currency

A/C Account

ATM Automatic Teller Machine

PIN Personal Identification Number

CNIC Computerized National Identity Card Number

NTN National Tax Number

OBC Outward Billing Collection

CBR Cheque Book Request

DD Demand Draft

KYC Know Your Customer