Mark Twain

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1721

Mark Twain once stated, “The public is the only critic whose opinion is worth anything at all” (Knowles,1999). Public opinions are the most influential source that spreads rapidly through society. In order to create good publicity and a highly respected company/product, the public relations segment of the company comes into play. Pursuing a career in public relations will require many years of education and experience. The career involves handwork, fresh ideas, and creative abilities. Many people in the field need to be proficient in event coordinating and promoting. Though choosing this career path will be very challenging and competitive, in the long run it will be very rewarding.

Public relations has evolved over the years as social networking and the internet have become more essential to everyday life. According to The American Heritage Dictionary, public relations is the degree of success obtained in achieving a favorable relationship with the public (2006). I thought that public relations was fairly new and recently developing, however, I thought wrong. Public relations started up in the 1900's and there were four stages that contribute to the evolution of public relations (Baran,2009). The first stage is considered early public relations. Helping to establish the colonies, PR aroused in Colonial America (Baran,2009). An example of public relations during the colonial era was the Boston Tea Party (Baran,2009). In order to attract the publics attention, they planned this media event. Baran (2009) also states that, in order to hinder the Stamp Act, Benjamin Franklin organized a public relations campaign. This shows how back then they used communications to build an image and influence public opinions just like today. The second stage of PR was the propaganda-publicity stage. During the 1830's, the ability to communicate with the public, people, and organizations sent out mass circulated newspapers and magazines (Baran,2009). Newspapers and magazines can be the most powerful tool in which to attract the publics attention. This was around the time that the Modern National Campaign was born (Baran,2009). Early two-way communications was known as the third phase of public relations (Baran,2009). There were several different reasons that public relations was needed. One major reason that public relations was needed during this time was in support of the war ( Baran,2009). Public relations then expanded into a two-way communication process (Baran,2009). Agents spoke to the people and public and in return, they listened to them when they spoke back and considered their needs and concerns. The last stage was the climax for public relations when it hit its highest point because of all the technological advancements (Baran,2009). They advanced two-way communications by promoting, advertising, researching, and employing (Baran,2009). Because of all these advancements, public relations has developed over the years, becoming more and more popular everyday. Erica Beardman states that if companies/brands “continue to avoid the glare of social media, altogether might be the most at risk” (Bourne,2011). I believe this is an ideal job for me because its a fast-pace job with a lot of competition and public favor. I carry a lot of certain characteristics which make me a competitive, hard-working, and determined person as well as a well-liked and concerned human being. Another reason I believe public relations is best for me is the type of work environment and the interpersonal relationships that one must acquire.

Public relations can be a challenging career to pursue due to the amount of education and experience needed. One is most likely fitted for a PR job if they have a bachelor's degree or a master's degree in public relations or journalism (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). I also learned that one can obtain a career as a pr specialist without having a degree in public relations or journalism. Certain courses such as advertising, business administration, public affairs, public speaking, political science and writing can also be very helpful (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). Although education is most important because it teaches you the basics and foundation of a public relations, personality and certain attributes can also play a huge role. There are certain ingredients to becoming a strong and powerful PR agent other than education. One must acquire certain attributes such as the ability to communicate thoughts, creativity, having a good sense of judgement and an outgoing personality (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). Another strong factor that will determine one PR agent from the next is self-confidence. Internships are the best way to gain knowledge and experience for any job. To find an entry-level job, internships before hand can be rewarding and helpful in the future (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). Even though this seems like a lot of time and requirements it can be very rewarding in the near future.

When choosing Public Relations as a career there are many things to consider such as promotional strategies, company events, and publicity. PR agents can be responsible for a number of things. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook (2010-11), “Public Relation specialists draft press releases and contact people in the media who might point or broadcast their material” . They also help clients in understanding the media and maintain a good and positive relationship with professionals (Baran,2009). Public Relations is such a broad career and there are many different aspects involved. Certain services include community relations, counseling, development/fund-raising, financial relations, government affairs, industry relations, issues management, media relations, marketing, minority relations, public affairs and special events (Baran,2009).

In the future I would like to build my career in PR by hosting events in order to promote celebrities and famous athletes. When choosing a career, there are many factors to consider. I would one day like to have a family and would want to have time off to spend with them. Also, will the salary that's given to me be enough to support a family and a comfortable way of living? One of the most important things when choosing a career is the hours and working conditions. According to Occupational Outlook Handbook (2010-11), PR agents spend most of their day speaking to clients and coworkers whether its on the telephone, e-mail, or in person. They are always writing whether its campaigns, memo's, or just daily reminders (U.S Department of Labor, 2010-11). The Occupational Outlook Handbook also states that an agent is always working in groups or as a team and must therefore, form an interpersonal relationship with co-workers. Becoming a PR specialist has its pros and cons. Offices are always hectic and busy. Agents work on tight schedules and most of the time they are under pressure because of deadlines (U.S Department of Labor, 2010-11).According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook (2010-11), an average workweek usually contains about 35-40 hours a week. The Occupational Outlook Handbook (2010-11) also states “schedules often have to be re-arranged so workers can meet deadlines, deliver speeches, attend meetings and command activities to travel.” Vacation time is very limited because as a PR specialist you are on-call at all times and you are traveling frequently (U.S Department of Labor, 2010-11). This career seems very time consuming but after doing some research, it seems like a very interesting and exciting career. According to the Washington Business Journal, “A study commissioned by PR week, a trade publication, found the average salary in the Washington area was $82,547, second only to New York, where the average salary is $84,566.” (D.C. Area Top,2011). Living in the big city offers many opportunities and a better salary according to these statistics. Although Washington and New York have the highest average salary, there is a massive range for PR specialists. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook (2010-11), 50 percent of agents earn $38,400 - $71,670 a year while only ten percent can earn up to $97,910 a year. That is definitely a wide range of earnings.

Public Relations is expanding all over the world and is becoming more and more popular every day. According to Ming-Yi Wu (2011), “ During the last two decades, the knowledge and understanding about international public relations has grown. Public relations practices in different parts of the world and have been studied by scholars”. Not only is it growing in the United States, but also in China. In China, “More and more government administrations and companies realized the importance of public relations; they established public relations departments and sections to meet the growing demands of their various publics and benefited from it. The future of public relations in China is very promising. Although it is facing some problems, public relations has a bright future.”( Chunhui & Jing Xie, 2011). The occupational outlook handbook (2010-11) claims “Employment of Public Relations specialists is expected to grow 24 percent from 2008 to 2018.”. They also state that this is much faster than average.

The career path I would like to follow is towards media public relations. Once I establish a good and close relationship with my clients, I would like to eventually own my own firm and service the needs of these clients in the entertainment industry. The top job in the Public Relations field is a manager or an owner of a well-known company or enterprise (U.S Department of labor, 2010-11) In order to get to the top entry-level job, one must work their way up and have much experience in the field (Occupational Outlook handbook, 2010-11). They also must gain close and personal relationships with their clients in order to keep and have a successful career (U.S Department of Labor, 2010-11).

I believe seeking a career in public relations will be challenging but very rewarding in the end. After extensive research, I feel that this career suits me best. I have always been an outgoing person and I enjoy doing things that are hands on. Obtaining a career in public relations allows me to use my personality and creative abilities at work. In order to achieve my hopes in becoming a top entry-level specialist, I must gain experience and establish relationships with people in the field. I feel it is important to stay confident, determined, and motivated to become successful in this career. To have a job that allows you to express your ideas and enjoy your work is something that every person looks for in their career. I hope to achieve a great education in this field in my college years and to enjoy my work in the future.