The purpose of the program is to make the work space a more inviting and relaxing environment for the staff. A routine medical checkups are designed to make medical treatment and medication for staff members less needed it is developed to nurture wellness in workers , regardless of the work environment it is developed to " Nurture wellness in workers , regardless of the work environment by the basic evaluation we can get into the idea of risk for employees " . The results will help to plan an affective program by treating each employee and their "concerns sensitively and in a timely manner to see the importance of their health issues as well ". Diet and exercise alone can control diabetic and eliminates the need of medication .the programs are most successful when the company and workers are fully engaged in the program with good health of mind. Its main aim is to create a safe and healthy workplace for each employee.
This program offers the employees " the opportunity to prevent and manage long term health risks , an example of this would be weight loss and stress also provide education and support for the weight loss and weight management ". Making healthy food options with proper dietary modification would as be included. A high percentage of diseases are preventable if diet and exercises are tied in with workplace, a majority of disease in that area may be eliminated. Staff members are important for wellness program benefits .There main aim is to make a creative way that can motivate workforce to take control of employee's health, and participate in the program.
The common staff includes the hospital physician, staff nurse and health care advisor/ provider. Staff members should provide program material that acknowledges and encourage the wellness effort like pedometers, exercise guides, diet chats, will increase the participation of the employees. The employees will be getting fit and there will be less sick leaves. Continued support will get more employees focus on fitness and health management. The program is to access healthy life style that reduce sick leaves , lowered the use of healthcare benefits .the employees should empowered to take changes of their personal health by active participation in wellness program. The program should be hosted in the campus facility and should be made aware of program to create a scope and zeal to learn by interaction with staff members.
1 } The challenges and strategies for improving the national health as a whole will be to , increase the quality of individual life by making awareness and motivation to acquire knowledge over health .reduce and eliminate the disparities in the people that includes race , gender , ethnicity ,income and disability. The changes and policy strategies are designed to target whole national's health rather than individuals by modifying physical and organizational structures. Example of such modification includes enhancing opportunities to engage in physical activity by providing onsite facilities for exercises. The educational and informational strategies attempt to build the knowledge to inform the necessity of optimal health practice. Information and learning experiences voluntary adaptations towards conductive behavior of health. This can be done by providing information in internet, posters, pamphlets, health and nutrition software's and providing information regarding healthy diet and exercise.
Behavioral and social strategies will influence the behaviors indirectly by targeting individual's awareness, self - efficacy, perceived support and intentions. This can include social environment to provide support for the people to maintain weight changes. Such interventions can involve group behavioral counseling.
The Vision of healthy people 2020: "A society in which all people live long , Healthy lives ", So the barriers to health service includes lack of availability, Increased cost, lack of insurance. And it includes self-assessed health status and providing health services. The initiative to improve the health of all individuals as a whole. "Healthy People 2020 track healthy life expectancy using 3 measures: Expected years of life in good or better health, Expected years of life free of limitation of activity, Expected years of life free of selected chronic diseases .one of the strongest predictor of health status is socioeconomic status and the gap between socio economic status is widening day by day. The national strategy includes promoting quality of health care that is focused on the needs of the individuals and society. The aim is to design to move the system to work better for all the peoples. Better care is made to improve overall quality of health by reliable, accessible and safe conditions. Improve the health of the population by supportive interventions to make social, behavioral and environmental determinates to improve and achieve the high quality life. The aims can be achieved by the make of safe care by reducing harm caused in delivery of care, ensuring that each individual engage in their care, promoting effective communication and coordination of care, promote effective prevention and treatment to harmful conditions that lead to mortality like stroke and making quality of life through spreading new health care delivery systems/models.
The major changes to be made in the population by maintaining healthy physical appearance by regular participation in physical activities .improve the awareness to people and make them to understand the determinants of health , disease , disability and progress. Try to attain high quality of life free of diseases, disability and premature deaths. Educate the people over dietary modification to reduce the obesity and maintain normal body mass index. Cession towards smoking to prevent risk full disease like stroke, bronchitis etc. Awareness should be made among the individual to use of safe sex methods to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Stress management is one of the crucial things to be prevented to reduce and prevent individual from depression and mental disorder. Promote quality of life, healthy development and healthy behaviors across all the life stages to avoid motor vehicle accident to maintain public safety. Promotion of immunization program to keep children free from harmful diseases that may lead to life time disability or mortality.
2 } Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being (Halbert L.Dunn, M.D.,)" It is the constant, conscious pursuit of living life to its fullest potential ".It is the state that combines health and happiness with those factors that contribute to health. Every individual has to work on determinants to achieve the state of wellness which includes the concepts like destiny, health practices, spirituality, family, environment, work, money, health services and social support. The term wellness is considered care without medication that cannot eliminate the health problems but prevent them. It focus on minimizing the effect of the physical stress which causes nervous system irritation , chemical stress causing body toxicity and mental stress which include hormonal changes. The wellness programs are made to facilitate a healthier population and high quality of life. The term wellness means as " The pursuit of a healthy, balanced lifestyle by people interested in recovering from the ill health or specific health conditions or by those interested in optimizing their already good state of health ". There are many factors that contribute to wellness: living in a clean environment, eating organic food, regularly engaging in physical exercises, balance in career family and relationships. The wellness allows the individual to take responsibility for their health behavior. "Wellness is an active process that we never arrive at a point where there is no possibility of improvement, of becoming aware that we are by our nature continuously seeking more information about how we can improve, of choices that we have considered a variety of potions and have selected those that seems to be in our best interest, and making decision towards a more balanced and fulfilling life ". Wellness combines 7 dimensions of wellbeing to a quality way of living. It gives the ability to live life to the fullest in a variety of ways with responsibilities on the individual. It is a process of continually learning and making choices to improve the state of wellbeing.
Physical wellness : : " A healthy body maintained by good nutrition ,regular exercise , avoiding harmful habits ,making informed and responsible decisions about health, and seeking medical assistance when necessary ". It protects the physical health by taking balanced diet, involving plenty of activity and exercises, maintaining proper weight, having enough sleep, reduced exposure to environmental contaminants and harmful substances.
"Intellectual wellness is a state in which your mind is engaged in lively interaction with the world around you ". It is an ongoing wellness process which implies the things we learned and create an opportunity to learn new thing with interaction to world around you.
"Emotional wellness is the ability to understand own feeling, accept your limitations, achieve emotional stability and become comfortable with your emotions". It implies the ability to express emotions, adjust to changes, and cope with the stress in healthy life.
"Social wellness is the ability to relate well to others, both within and outside the family unit". It involves friendly and affectionate nature toward others and interest in humanity and environmental as a whole.
"Spiritual wellness is the sense that life is meaningful and has a purpose: the ethics, values and morals that guide us and give meaning and direction to life. It implies values, purpose, intuition, vitality and purpose In human existence leading one to strive for the state of harmony with oneself and others while working to balance inner needs with the rest of the world ".
"Occupational wellness is a preparing and making use of your gifts, skills and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness and enrichment in your life". It includes carrier and skills .Environmental wellness is the capability to live in a clean and safe environment that in snot deter mental to health. It includes air, water, food and safety.
These dimensions are often referred as a " life wheel " which includes fitness , nutrition ,purpose in life , financial planning ,social connections and support system ,stress management and continuing learning. Every individual key in life is to keep the "life wheel "in balance.
3} The key element of a wellness program is of achieving good health status of the employees by reducing absenteeism and healthcare cost. The program is organized to encourage all the employees to lead a healthy life style without any health concerns in hospital and at home. Obesity is the most growing problem in any nation that greatly raises one's chances of heart attacks or stroke. Knowing this by early evaluation help's the hospital to come up with a plan on how to fight with this problem is by proper implementation of wellness program.
The main aim of the program is to improve the employee health ,reduce sick leaves ,lower the use of health care benefits .Wellness programs are very crucial to improve the employee health condition as most of the employees spend maximum waking hours at work, making it a primary venue for the program to promote healthful habits. This program is organized to influence the individual behavior to adopt healthy life style. The benefits include weight reduction; improve physical fitness, reduced levels of stress, increase wellbeing, self-image, esteem and stamina. The wellness program not only help the employee but also benefits the hospital by reduced healthcare costs , decreased rate of illness and injuries ,reduce absenteeism, improved employee health , relation and morale. The development and advance modern medicine has greatly improved the quality of life and life expectancy. To achieve the quality of life each individual should practice good eating habits, be active and refrain from tobacco products; reduce stress levels.
Hospital wellness program can help support these healthy behaviors. The productivity and revenue is the important for the hospital but when the individual was unable to follow safe practices and keeping themselves healthy, the results will be eventually loss of income due to sick day's .safety practices are to be improved through ongoing safety training and inputs about the safety principles. Providing a tobacco free environment and participation in physical activities may encourage healthier lifestyle. The health of the employees are very important aspect for the hospitals but often they are neglected until the problem arises .The mission of the wellness program is to be proactive about the health and safety for the employees .The program play a role in lowering absenteeism, improve worker turn over, reduce the cost of healthcare and improve overall health of the employee. In order to maintain the program properly and produce results there should be clear plan and measurable goals which encourage the employees to lead a healthy life style.
Providing health testing and health risk appraisals in the hospital for the employees will help to understand their health status and ways to improve it. Our program helps employers develop a comprehensive approach to health and wellness by an effective health care service, by improving employee attitude towards the healthy lives and reducing health risks. Coordinating the treatment and health plan of the employees with the team of wellness program will provide an efficient experience and results. It provides awareness to health care and tries to adopt healthier life styles to avoid unnecessary health care costs down the road.
"Employers can also benefit from worksite wellness programs. According to recent research, Employers' benefits are: "
Perfect healthy condition Enhanced recruitment and retention of healthy employees
Less health insurance cost Reduced healthcare costs
Reduced illness and thus reducing the chance of injuries
Complete presence of employees rather than of sick leave or absences.
Increased productivity
4} The selection of the strategies and interventions to make up overall program include employee lifestyle, such as health behavior, health risk factors and current health status. The wellness program requires cautious planning and thought to begin .once the program is implemented into place it is very important to reassess and analyze it several times inoder to reach the main goal -healthier employee. The program must be assessed after a determined time frame to help the hospital understand the needs to be changed. "The hospital wellness program follow a health risk assessment tool designed to identify health risks and outlines the information to assist person in making healthful changes that impact their health and prevent chronic diseases " . It follows some standard elements in hospital like evaluating some laboratory data, providing questionnaire to employee regarding their lifestyles and dietary habits, evaluation of data through computerized data, maintain of confidentiality of data or reports, group summary of assessment data.
During the health risk assessment an employee is provided with a lifestyle questionnaire that asks about their dietary habits, physical activities, exercise habits, family health history, past medical history, present medical history, personal stress perception, smoking and drinking history. Including employee health screening such as cholesterol and blood pressure results increase the advantage of health risk appraisal by providing more precious data. Lifestyle option and program choices can be made by this report .The collected data is entered and stored in the computer and generate an individual report on the health risk in addition to information to reduce the risk factors. All the data are maintained confidentially. This report will provide most valuable information for the employee health promotion and make a road map for the interventions. The program will bring awareness to employee's health status ,motivate employees to make healthier lifestyle ,assign a health care advisor for high risk employees , plan for health promotion program based on the identified risk factors , comparing the data frequently to reassess the program effectiveness .The plan of the program is to provide healthy consuming habits , physical exercises , diet preference and offering incentives will promote the wellness program and can take deep for the employee involvement. Rewarding employee's achievement is another way to make them exited over healthy life style.
Making some objectives like walking a certain number of miles, performing activities, and recreation programs during the break hour's .offering incentives like gifts, certificates are the ways to make an effective individual participation. Providing a healthy and diet preferred lunch once in a week for employees will make them to participate in healthy lifestyle and promote them for a healthy consuming of diet. An effective wellness program in the hospital will provide long term benefits to both hospital and employees. The program implement in such a way that it should provide specific material to employee like of pedometer, exercise guide, diet charts will improve the participation of the employees. There is some limitation that should be overcome in the program in exercise perception. When the employee is advised for a 4 weeks exercise program the first 4 weeks are very crucial as employee may stop it because of bored or lack of motivation. This should be modified by providing achievements to their success through incentives which make the employee to make it 4 weeks mark and stick with it as a fitness routine.
Use of the multiple interventions such as combination program for single health issue is more effective " for example encouraging individual smoking cessation clinical referrals and smoke free workplace policies will have a greater impact on tobacco use among the employee than using only one interventions ", The hospital wellness program will help to discover the risk levels and determine interventions and measure results .The program help the hospital to assess the health risk , biometric screening to analyze the employee risk factors. Health coaching and classes will make the employee to change their health behavior for better to improve overall health and wellness. Health care advisor will support health risk reduction through wellness interventions on common unhealthy life style behavior. Examine the risk burden and effectiveness of the hospital and adjust specific elements to provide good health impact to help optimize employee participation and achieve healthy lifestyle free of disease and disability.