In a modern world of communication, English language is an essential requirement because English commonly used language in a study and business. Norman and Academia International said it’s important to master English as it is widely used among business community and it becomes a second language for many individual (Azizah & Mun, 2011) (Acadamia International, 2011)
Malaysia education is heading to international as many private universities and some public universities also start with teaching in English to improve student value in the work market. But student still facing problem in mastering English language. Former Resources Minister Tan Sri Fong Chong Onn mention The Star Online that the quality of English in the country had declined over the last two decades (Azizah & Mun, 2011). Then he warned that the country would lose to its neighbors that did not teach English in school previously (Azizah & Mun, 2011). Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said although the education system in the country is considered good, more still need to be done to bring it at par with other educational system in the world. This show that our English education still lower than others country (Lee, 2013).
Melissa Norman mention in The Star online, Six in ten graduate who attended its interviews could not communicate effectively in English (Azizah & Mun, 2011). Employers Federation (MEF) executive director Shamsudin Bardan said Employer also rather hires workers that are competent in the language so that they do not have to spend additional recourses in training or language class (Lim, Expert: English Is The Key, 2012), as a result Unemployment among fresh graduates persisted (Lim, Expert: English Is The Key, 2012)
Employers Federation (MEF) executive director Shamsudin Bardan said again in The Star Online that the English language was universally used as a language of communication especially in business. This is showing that how important English in a working environment. He also said that the weakness in English was a concern among employers (Lim, 2012).
1.1 Lack Of Motivation
Motivation plays a major role in studying English. Without motivation, any work done are without feel of satisfaction as they have no target set. Student are prone to getting bored due to lack of motivation. Most of English class is done in formal way which is boring and required high focus. This is the lead student to feeling stress and cause them to less interested to study English.
1.2 Student Take Granted In Studying English
Due to lack of motivation, some student takes studying English for granted as there did not aware of its importance. Lack of information exposure what is the requirement in the job market and what is the benefit for them when studying English just making them take English language for granted.
1.3 Encouragement From Parents And Society To Study English As Second Language.
Parents and society playing a major role in encouraging the young ones to studying English language, student or children spend most of their time with family compare to at school which is around six hours. Lack of encouragement from parents lead them to take granted and less motivated in studying English. On the other hand, society and community also lack in English language communication to be a role model for them.
1.4 Lack Of Practice
Even thought with a proper English study at school, lack or practice has been a problem because Malay has been used as our daily communication generals and most of reading are in Malay. With this lack of practice has been among the main problem in mastering English.
2.1 Studying English More Fun And Enjoyable.
When studying English language, most student feeling bored and stress. That is why educator and parents should make study English in the fun and enjoy the environment. One of the fun way to master in English by participating in word games, said by Academia International (Acadamia International, 2011).
Also there is other method to enjoy English language is by label everything at school in English and student to use English outside the classroom by set a certain day as English speaking day said by Welfare, Women and Family Development Minister Datuk Fatimah Abdullah. This is to increase the number of hours student used English language apart from inside the classroom (The Star Online, 2012).
2.2 English Compulsory Pass Subject
English as a compulsory subject to pass in Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) is a good starter in making student take the English subject seriously. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, said that the English language would be a must-pass subject in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination when teachers and students are ready for it (Lee, 2013). When it is a must pass subject student have to take the English subject more seriously as it will affect their certificate value.
When English is a must pass subject, students will not take granted English language and study seriously. However, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin also said to improve quality of English in our country, a lot of preparation is need parents, teachers and student must work together (Lee, 2013).
2.3 Parents And The Society To Encourage English Study
Talent Corporation (M) Bhd. Chief Executive Johan Mahmood Merican also said Malaysia needed to be made aware of the importance of learning the English language (Lim, Expert: English Is The Key, 2012)
He also said the responsibility to educate the young to master the English language contain within the education system. (Lim, Expert: English Is The Key, 2012) However, parents and society still play a large role in ensuring their children have a good grasp of the language. (Lim, Expert:English Is The Key, 2012).
To improve interest in English studying parents and society need to encourage student by acknowledge, rewarding them and show what is the benefit for their future, it will improve the interest among student to participate in the English program conduct at school. However the most important is the support and encouragement from parents give a big impact on their interest.
2.4 Reading, Writing, Listening And Speaking To Improve English
Lack of practice lead to lack of confidence when it is needed to read, write and speak in English, method needed to increase the time for all of us in practicing reading, writing, listening and speaking English.
Reading English magazine, newspaper, lyrics or any English writing will improve our understanding and learn new words. Read aloud in English for 15-20 minutes daily practice for three months develop strong mouth muscles for specking new language (D'Souza, 2005). Another way to have fun while reading English is by reading movie subtitle, English magazine and song lyrics (Josette, 2009) (Case, 2008).
Writing also will improve in mastering English, writing practice such as start an English blog, writing e-mail in English and Write new English words every day (D'Souza, 2005), (Josette, 2009) and (Case, 2008).
Listening play a big role in studying as it is very important to know the pronunciations of each wording. Among the method for learning from listening is listening English music, Watch English movie and to record your own voice then listen back to correct your pronunciation by referring the teacher (Case, 2008), (D'Souza, 2005), (Josette, 2009).
Among the hardest in studying English is how to speak, in Malaysia most of the time we used Malay as a communication language. We need to practice speaking English directly or indirectly in a fun way such as singing English song, speak the language whenever possible, learn new phrases, idioms or proverbs daily. (Josette, 2009)
Mastering English language practice is very important, by frequent practice it will improve your understanding and frankly be our second language naturally.
Responsibility to educate children at school lies on the education system. However, basic of education are still starting from home. Even though some parent takes granted their children English language as they think it is not important, but they forgot that encouragement from parents are very important in their learning.
Among others problem in English studying is the method used in school. At the school which still using an old teaching method which is formally in a classroom environment, this will affect student participation and focus in studying English.
Learning English language are supposed to have fun and entertaining by making them more fun will attract student to more participate in English classes and if the subject is compulsory to pass student surely will more focus in studying the English language.
We also cannot overlook the importance of encouragement from parents and society in studying English. Encouragement is important in this issue. Without a proper encouragement student are easily demoralize them self and student will feel bored and not interested.
However, the most important in studying English language or in any subject is the practice. Some subject is requiring a serious and focus practice, but in English language, study English language is more practical if conducted in casual, fun, entertaining and with self motivated for improvement.
With this it shows that studying English language is not a responsibility of a single person. Cooperation from school to conduct classes with more enjoy, government to improve our education system and encouragement from parents and society will lead them to practice and mastering the English language.